Tuesday, December 15, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




Some time ago I said, "Our concept of hell needs redefined in accord with Isaiah 14".  Have we done that?  Are we willing to do that?  How do we account for all these "dead kings" arising to meet the man of sin at his arrival?  Have we determined that this is the man of sin?  To me this appears to be made clear in verses 20-22. 

Now there are some verses in this chapter evidently speaking of Satan --- but we have to ask ourselves as we read them, "Does he need a grave?"  Is his a "...carcass trodden under feet" (v-19)?

The religious world uses scripture as a cudgel with which to keep the masses in tow, paying and praying.  Nowhere is this more evident than in the Catholic/Protestant interpretation of hell as a place of ever burning torment for those who don't adhere to the line of teaching espoused by their leaders. 

The Worldwide Church of God went to the other end of the extreme and contended that hell (sheol) is merely a hole in the ground.  If you do your own due diligence, I think you will see that the Hebrew definition of sheol (Strong's # 7585) is much broader than a hole in the ground but it does not support the Catholic/Protestant myth of a place of eternal torment either.

So then who are these kings that are hosting a welcome party for their latest arrival?  In answer to that question, I think we need to turn to Luke 4 where Christ was confronted by Satan and shown "...all the kingdoms of the world".  He went on to say, "These are mine and I give them to whomsoever I choose."  There have been rare occasions when Satan's choice has been overridden by the Creator such as the king of ancient Medo-Persia who was Cyrus.  He was chosen for the job some 200 years before he was born. 

Now, are you ready for a stretch of the muscles of your imagination?

Are we capable of entertaining a new thought and running it through our thought processes to consider it's many ramifications?  Can we "...receive with all readiness of mind" as the Bereans did? 

There is a difference between angelic beings and human beings.  That may sound pretty basic but it's a starting point.  Even though some Christians deny this vigorously, it appears in Genesis and the book of Enoch that angels have mated with women and produced men of renown (kings?).  We see in Jude 6 that some angels ".kept not their first estate..."  What was their first estate? 

Is it just possible that most of the kings of the earth for the past several millennia have been hybrids?  If so, these kings do not have the "spirit of man" with which the "spirit of God" unites to begin the gestation period forming a new spirit being.  The spirit in these kings is already formed and is of Satan. 

We see in Rev 6:9 that the spirit of those belonging to the Elohim are gathered together and kept under the altar at the Throne, after their physical death. These could be likened to kernels of wheat gathered into a silo to await planting to form a new stalk of wheat. 

So what happens to the spirit of Satan when the physical bodies of these kings die?  Does that spirit die?  Or does it go to a place of restraint?  They have no hope of a resurrection because they have already been condemned for rebellion millennia ago.  Now that rebellion has reared it's ugly head again and their army consists of all the religions of this world. 

Our oval office occupant is preparing to rub the noses of Christians in the proof of extra-terrestrials.  Some are wildly anticipating this as our moment of truth that will deliver us from the shackles of idolatry but sadly, this will be some truth laced with much sophisticated deception.  It will be accompanied by the best Hollyweird illusions your tax money can buy.

Israel is about to be expunged of Khazarian pirates and the Jerusalem area will become the base of operations for the Elohim and the gathering point for Their people.  You can see who these are in Isaiah 52:6 and II Thessalonians 2:10. 

The world religions will view this group as the antichrist and will begin to assemble their 200 million army to destroy it.  Keep in mind that this will be at the end of WW III so much (most?) of the world's weaponry will have been expended or buried in the cataclysms that will accompany WW III. 

The end of WW III begins the tribulation or "Time of Jacob's Trouble". Evidently it is at the end of this three and one half year period when the Rev 19 battle occurs and the saints of the first resurrection will be the army behind the Messiah.  Are you prepared for head chopping?

Do you find that repulsive?  Read the account of the sacking of Jericho.  The entire nation of Israel participated. 

The "New World Coming" is not one where you "...let the guv'mint do it".  It's one where each shoulders his/her weight of responsibility in the community.  This will include executions because there will be no FBI, CIA, DHS, NIS, and no federal, state or county government.  There will be no constitutions inspired and/or written by Jesuits to become idols and ensure a continued flow of money into Vatican coffers. There will be no Vatican and no Jesuits. 

This all sounds pretty drastic --- and it is.  But is it more drastic than the plan the "elite"  have of reducing world population by 90%?  They are only now beginning to realize that they can be included in that 90% and their moves are showing desperation.  They have worked for centuries for the showdown of the coming weeks and now it's here.  So it's all or nothing.  Fortunately, we have seen a preview of how it all ends. 

Can we begin to catch the vision?  Can we begin to understand? Can we begin to cultivate a love of truth which will be our protection when it all hits the fan?  (II Thes 2;10).

Putin Orders “Doomsday” Plane Into Air After Military Warns US-Turkey Plot Is “Beyond Staggering”

Thursday, December 3, 2015 4:47

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that President Putin has ordered the Federation’s Ilyushin-80 giant command and control aircraft designated for use during nuclear war (otherwise known as the “Doomsday plane”) to prepare for worldwide war operations within a fortnight after military intelligence analysts discovered a “beyond staggering” plot by United States and a plot by the CIA to overthrow the current government of Turkey was first started in 2008 by the US military-intelligence establishment supported think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) whose board members are a “who's who” of American military connected individuals, including former US Vice President Richard Cheney, and whose research papers advocated the United States creating what they call a “moderate Muslim” majority in the Middle East to battle Islamic extremists and whose target nation for this action was Turkey.

Aiding this CIA in this effort, this report continues, is the Turkish imam Fethullah Gulen who came to the United States in 1999 due to “health problems” and has stayed there since after gaining his visa with help from former CIA officials.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), however, this report notes, resisted granting permanent residency status to Gulen and, according to secret US leaked cables [Warning: It is illegal under US law for US federal employees or military personal to click on these red links],  parts of the American government have long believed that Gülen “is a ‘radical Islamist’ whose moderate message cloaks a more sinister and radical agenda.”

Shortly after the CIA got Gulen into the United States, this report further explains, President Erdogan established in Turkey the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2001 as the “moderate Muslim” platform desired by the AEI to effectuate change throughout the entire Middle East using part of Gulen’s massive wealth estimated to be between $22-50 billion.

In 2013 though, this report continues, then Prime Minister Erdogan discovered the CIA-Gulen plot against himself and Turkey which he publically labeled as an “international conspiracy” vowing revenge on Gulen and threatening Francis Ricciardone, the US ambassador to Turkey, with expulsion.

Fearing their “moderate Muslim” project would be destroyed, this report grimly states, the CIA then transferred out of Turkey “selected” military and intelligence officers, before Erdogan could arrest them, to Iraq—and where on 8 April 2013 they declared themselves to be the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/Islamic State).

With Gulen being described as nothing more than the projection of an idea from Langley Virginia CIA headquarters, an idea from essentially stupid people there who believed they could use him and they could abuse religion as a cover to advance their design for global control, this report continues, a duel arrangement was then brokered by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton between the Erdogan and Gulen factions in Turkey to split the illegal oil wealth captured by Islamic State terrorists in Iraq and Syria—and which Hillary Clinton has been paid by Gulen, to both her families foundation and presidential campaign, an estimated $1 million.

As the MoD began just hours ago publishing the details “of Turkey robbing its neighbors”, this report notes, the continued mounting evidence of this massive CIA plot is now being openly supported by the Obama regime who announced yesterday they were sending more American troops to Iraq to protect their Islamic State allies—and which Iraq’s Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, said were not welcome and whose powerful Shiite militia leaders vowed to kill the moment they set foot on Iraqi soil.

Also, this report notes, as National Defense Management Center Lieutenant-General Mikhail Mizintsev today stated that the size of the illegal Erdogan-CIA-Gulen oil trade is impressive, and more information will be presented about it next week, Russian airstrikes have nevertheless destroyed32 Islamic State oil production facilities, 11 refineries, and thousands of fuel trucks leaving MoD experts to wonder about whom the exactly the Obama and regime and its allies are going to attack and questioning their true motives.

This is critical point to note, this report says, especially when viewed in the light of international law where Russia is the only military force currently allowed to be operating in Syria, and which US Defense Secretary Ash Carter admitted to yesterday before the US Congress when he acknowledge that the claim of legal authority to make such a deployment under the terms of the 2001 legislation that authorized the use of military force (AUMF) in Afghanistan and Iraq (the only such congressional authorization on the books) did not exist to send American military forces into this war zone.

With the Iraqi government already knowing that the Obama regime is supporting the Islamic State, and having videos showing US military forces dropping weapons and supplies to these terrorists, this report continues, the “true agenda” of the CIA’s plan to install Gulen in power is there for anyone to see if they so wished.

But to what the Obama regimes “true agenda” actually is, this report claims, may to be to actually ignite World War III—particularly when seen by the evidence that the over 14,000 Islamic refugees reported completely vanished by Sweden have, in fact, been transported to the United States—most specially to the more than 100 radical Islamic charter schools owned and operated by “King of Madrasas” Gulen in the United States set up by a maze of dubious NGO’s - including George Soros’ Center for American Progress NGO which joined with Gulen, and which after this “beyond staggering” plot was discovered this past week caused Russia to label George Soros as threat to national security.

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