Sunday, September 4, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



It may yet be referred to in some court cases in order to keep Americans deceived into believing we are still living under the Constitution.  But it is gone much as the Magna Carta is gone.  It is as we say --- "History".

When I enlisted in the U.S. Navy, in January of '57, I had been raised in the Ozarks as a product of the culture and educational system of America.  When the "Star Spangled Banner" played I got a lump in my throat and gave full respect to the flag of the U.S.  

It was in the navy that I learned what reading is all about and found that it opened a brand new dimension.  I think I read every book in the crew's lounge aboard the USS Duncan.  I even read the book of Mormon. 

But it was after I spent my four year enlistment in the navy and was accepted as a student at the College of the Ozarks in Branson, Mo, that it began to occur to me that our culture, our educational systems, our politics and government are more than a little hypocritical and liars. 

I began to wonder just how in the hell such a ridiculous myth as "Columbus discovered America" could have gotten started and Why?   Many years of observation revealed also that Catholic supported institutions such as the Smithsonian get very upset when that myth is challenged.  They spend vast sums of money to shout down or sweep under the carpet any archaeological finds in America that would tend to discredit this myth.  Cases in point are the Los Lunas Stone and America's Stonehenge.  Lots of years and much research revealed the "Why?" of the "Columbus myth".  It is one of the pillars in America's mythologized history and if it is compromised, it brings down the entire history. 

What is America's mythologized history?  It started in 1776 with the publication of Edward Gibbon's mythological work of the "Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" which never happened.  That book (hailed as a great historical work by the Vatican) was a smokescreen to hide the part the Vatican played in the creation of the new nation named after the jesuit point man Americ.  (See "Rulers of Evil" by F Tupper Saussy).

So just what part did the Vatican play?  It was their "Magnum Opus" and their deception of the "...whole world", (see Rev 12:9).
The story is given prophetically in Rev 13 where we see in verse 12 that the Vatican was granted "...all the power" of the fourth beast of Daniel 7 (Roman Empire), evidently for the administration of the inquisition which was to bring the whole world to worship the Roman "beast". 

Their vision was dashed in 1588 when their navy (Armada) was destroyed by weather and English Sea Dogs.  This gave rise to plan "B" which was the creation of the image of the beast (See Rev 13) and gave cover for the jesuits who had to find a hidey-hole because of world backlash to the atrocities of the inquisition.  

The project was to build, under Vatican control, a nation capable of building a navy that could police the world and replace the destroyed Armada.  The short term project was to wrest control of the seas from the English. 

America is that nation.  It was built with Vatican money.  Where did they get all that money?  By looting treasuries around the world for the past 2000 years.  As owners of the world banking cabal (See Encyclopedia Judaica --- article Rothschilds), they are continuing that looting even today. 

For those with "...eyes to see and ears to hear", we can see in the 2nd chapter of the book of Daniel (coupled with some historical research), that Christianity and Islam comprise the legs of the fourth beast of Daniel 7 (the Roman Empire).  

That empire did not fall in 476 as mythologized history would have us believe.  You can prove this to yourself by a brief look into "Byzantine Empire" in any good encyclopedia.  Try to do some independent thinking and ask yourself this question:  "If the Roman Empire fell in 476, why did it take 1300 years for the "history" (Edward Gibbon myth), to be written"?

Rev 12:9 says Satan has "...deceived the whole world."  The first deception of the "...whole world" was when America was created as a " nation".  What a farce! We have been a puppet to the Vatican since inception.  But the illusion has been maintained by the jesuits in control in our government and collusion of Catholics whose number one agenda item is "back-scratching". 

Are you teaching your children (or allowing them to be taught), the pledge of allegiance?  Are you teaching them a ritual in the worship of the image of the beast? 

Are you saluting the flag of the U.S.  Are you worshipping the image of the beast. 

Allegiance is word whose meaning has been morphed to meet the politics of the times in which we livel  It might just be that we should look into the meaning at the time when the "pledge" was concocted. 

The media liars will be held accountable.  Those who presume to lead in America will be held accountable.  Police officers and judges abetting in the robbery of America will be held accountable and the day of judgment is very near. 

When you see the preemption of Nightly News on TV showing the exodus from America, know then that America's judgment is imminent.  When you see darkness descend upon America, then know that it is here. 

The day of the Lord has been grossly misunderstood by religionists.  It is not the day of Christ's return for the world to see but is the day of the destruction of America and Israel.  It is the introduction of the time of "Jacob's Trouble" or the tribulation.  It is the beginning of the 1290 day countdown of Daniel 12.  It is a precursor to the end of the age.  It is a time when two prophets will be speaking to the world and the world will be learning to hate them. 

In Revelation 11 we see that these are God's prophets but we see also that the world hates them and will kill them in Jerusalem.  Why?  Because they can't stand the message they bring. 

Those who instigated the killing of Christ realized that the message He brought spelled the end of their cushy life of deception.    Can we see that we have come to another crossroads?   Can we see the age we live in is drawing to a close?   Can we see that the messages of the prophets concerning the last days is here and now?  This age is winding down.  The world we have known is almost over.  The playing field between the one percent and the 99 percent is about to be levelled.  The true new world order is about to be established on planet earth and the one per cent is about to be destroyed --- forever.  So it is written --- so let it be done. 


It would seem the days of the Commentary & Opinion are near an end.  Yesterday when I tried to copy and paste an article showing how close we are to war, the result was two pages of senseless gobbledy-gook.  This interference has been going on for some time and up to now I have been able to shut down and restart the e-mail and sometimes get around the problem. 

Anti-Hillary articles have thrown up full page, unsolicited articles with no way to X them out other than backing out of the web.  Now, however, those articles lock up the library computer that I use. 

With all the rumors about Hillary's health, have you ever wondered what happens if she dies before election?  Or will there be an election? 

So what does it mean if we are locked out of the worldwide web?  We have published to the world the truth about the Kingdom to be established shortly in Jerusalem.  It has been read in countries around the world and the words of Moses come to mind in Deut 39:19 --- "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you....."  We did this knowing full well the words of Yahshua in Matt 24 --- "As it was in the days of Noah..."

If we are locked out of the internet, does that mean our work is finished?  Well, not quite --- but it may be finished in the U.S. 

I assume you know what comes next.

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