Thursday, November 17, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


NESARA – What is it? And WHY has this not been publicly enacted?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016 0:35

NESARA ANNOUNCEMENTS EXPECTED IN 2016 Why hasn’t the NESARA announcement yet been made in the united States?  Who is holding back the announcement?  And WHY? This law, in effect in the year 2000, is a blessing for all people – WHO IS HOLDING BACK OUR BLESSINGS?  Sunday, November 06, 2016


NESARA is the covert National Economic Security and Reformation Act (March/October 2000). Notice that the S stands for Security; not for Stability. (S for Stability is a Bait-and-Switch mirror fraud; so is GESARA. More background here). NESARA is an American legal initiative with radical and benevolent global consequences.

The NESARA global prosperity programmes are on the cusp of being announced and activated. One of the protected funds involved is called The Saint Germain World Trust. This fund contains deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars. The word quattuordecillion is sometimes spelled quatrodecillion. It means ten thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, million dollars. Or $1 with forty noughts after it, i.e.

Amongst other projects, this money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks and pharmaceutical cartels. And it will zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide. More about universal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee can be found here. The Saint Germain World Trust resources are additional to, and separate from The World Global Settlement Funds.

The NESARA money was originally scheduled to be released in the year 2000, but the Bush White House and its banking and legal conspirators worldwide prevented the disbursement. And through corporate pan-global control of mainstream media outlets, nearly all knowledge of NESARA’s existence was suppressed. This is now changing.

When the NESARA global prosperity programmes are openly and publicly announced, perhaps ???  during November or December 2016, they will permanently change human civilization in every money-related way.

( ► Note to readers: Future history is developing fast, now. Most of this development is not being explicitly reported with appropriate emphasis in the Western mainstream media. We are maintaining a dated compilation of links to geopolitically significant commentary at the foot of our Future Historians’ List page here.)

The whole human population will benefit from NESARA. Earth is a most abundant planet. There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth for each and every human being to be a GBP millionaire without debts of any kind. GBP = Great Britain Pound.

NESARA is about sharing the resources of the planet around fairly. And NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems in place worldwide to deliver this monetary fairness. No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA wealth redistribution programmes. And no individual or organization anywhere on Earth will be able to stop it. (BUT it HAS been consistently stopped – by WHO? And WHY? Because we are to remain the slaves of the self- proclaimed ‘elitist’ slave masters??)

NESARA will cancel all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide. Income tax will be abolished. A new 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the revenue stream for national governments. There will be increased benefits for senior citizens. In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system.

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and the constitutionally illegal cabal which pulls their strings will be removed from office with immediate effect, and before the end of their present term. So will all members of Congress and their Khazar Zionist bosses. They will be replaced with constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates, possibly including people such as Joseph Francis Dunford, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Timothy J. Holton, Paul Craig Roberts, or a retired Pentagon White Hat such as Michael T. Flynn or Carter F. Ham. Donald Trump may be allowed a temporary rôle in publicly exposing the machinations of the Clinton Foundation. There will be new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of NESARA’s announcement. These elections will be carefully monitored to prevent vote theft and other illegal election activities by special interest groups or covert syndicates. The TONA LAW will be followed – no lawyers/attorneys to be in ANY Republic government office.

A new USA Treasury rainbow currency will come into being, backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals. A new USA Treasury Bank System will be initiated in alignment with Constitutional Law. The Federal Reserve Board System will be abolished. Personal financial privacy will be restored. All judges and attorneys will be retrained in Constitutional Law. All aggressive USA government military actions worldwide will cease and global peace will be established. Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 11 years, but the Farmers’ claims will be paid first. Here, the settlements will include debt forgiveness of $300,000 (including mortgages, credit cards and loans) for each farming family. Similar reforms will take place in every country in the world. Enormous sums of money will be made available for humanitarian purposes. New hitherto suppressed technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup equipment and sonic healing machines will be released for the use of all.

By the first half of 2016, it was apparent that the precise term “NESARA” might not be used, initially at least, to publicly describe the global package of prosperity, humanitarian, infrastructure and currency refinancing which had become necessary. With over a decade and a half having passed since the year 2000, and with the corrupt deterioration of most aspects of life in the Western world having reached such visible degradation, the “NESARA” aspects of the necessary reforms would need to be folded into (i.e. added to) a number of other financial and organizational rescue initiatives, in which Asia and the BRICS would take the lead.

Further background details and links about the NESARA global prosperity programmes and their history can be found further down this present blog page, and from James Rink here, from Patrick Bellringer here and from Mark Clarke here. In response to a critical interlocutor, Patrick Bellringer explains the legal history of the NESARA funding processes here (16/17.06.08). There is a useful compilation of NESARA links and material at here. And a recent clone-related NESARA article can be found here.

Some historical information about US White House corruption which intersects with America’s blocking of the global NESARA reforms can be found on other pages of this blog here (Citibank scandal), here (Bush White House begins to disintegrate) and here (The crucifixion of Chief Justice John Glover Roberts).
NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News

Ramey comments:

Now we can begin to see the scope of the political piracy, the media complicity and the lawyers' and judges' skimming.  If these folks are allowed to live, they will be back with even more devious methods.  It they are hung, it will be a deterrent for generations to come. 

Few Americans know the history of the U.S. Marine Corps established to combat the Muslim piracy especially in the Mediterranean area.  The Marine Hymn describes the area as, "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli..."  The action those Marines took lasted for centuries because of the way they handled it. 

They were put on merchant ships because of the rampant piracy and as they captured Muslim pirates, they determined where they lived.  Then they wiped out the whole village.  Does this sound barbarian?  How about the Muslim beheading of Christians? Is that more acceptable?  It appears to be to our oval office occupant --- but his reign of terror is drawing to a close.  Putin is now pounding the Muslim terrorists in Syria with the full approval of the president elect. Any Muslim who survive will be fired with the opinion that the world must be converted to Islam or killed.  This is their teaching and our oval office occupant says that "If the political winds shift in an ugly direction --- I will stand with the Muslim".

This is the person the NWO has installed in the oval office for the express purpose of destroying America so the NWO can be implemented.  He has two months left to complete his mission.

Russia Begins Smashing ISIS With Trump’s Approval

This morning, while most of us were comfortable sleeping, a huge attack against ISIS in Syria began.

During the Full Moon Phase of the Scorpio Super Moon Russia and Syria have launched a massive attack against the US Supported Syrian Rebels.

Over the last two weeks the US Supported Terrorists have been under attack in Mosul, Iraq. The US forces opened up a way for them to fell the area via a road leading directly West from Mosul as most of them fled towards Syria through Tal Affar, through Al Hacek and into the region near Al Raqqa to attack the city.

Watching these movements, and being very patient, the Russian Air Force  has waited until their Carrier was stationed in Syrian Waters and then this morning, after most of the Terrorists arrived near Raqqa,  they began pounding these terrorists.

Russian warplanes from the Russian Carrier Kuznetsov had begun launching attacks against the Rebels in the Homs and Idiib Provinces.

These US Backed Terrorists were also hit by Cruise Missiles from the Cruiser Admiral Grigorovich.

Please keep in mind a almost identical story appeared 14 months ago as Russia began pounding the US Backed Terrorist in September of 2015.

This time, however, the political landscape in DC has changed significantly as this attack followed a telephone conversation President Elect Trump apparently had with Putin where he was again congratulated on his win. They also both agreed to get rid of ISIS and all of the rest of the US Backed Terrorists in the Middle East.

Both Putin and Trump agreed to put an end to these Modern Day Barbarians forever.

Further – once American Oil hit the market form North Dakota it will undersell their oil by half. As the money dries in the Middle East these Middle Eastern Leaders thirst for weapons will come to an end and their funding of wars will also end.

In addition – as President Trump takes office he plans to immediately defund ISIS and all United States Corporate and United Nations  Corporate Support for these Terrorist Organizations.

In the mean time George Soros and his SATANIC FASCISTS are meeting in Washington DC in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel to plan the retaking of America by forces loyal to Obama. This meeting was sponsored by YOU, the American Tax Payer thanks to House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senator Elizabeth Warren. These Democrats have been sponsoring these riots now for over a year and they plan to step up US Funding for these riots during the coming year.

What is odd is that the DC Police, US Marshals and the FBI are not arresting these people who are openly sponsoring these riots nation wide.

To this end – of course – a New United Nations Building has been built in Astana, Kazahkstan in anticipation of the United Nations Move to this region of the world.

So hang on folks – it could get a little rough.

Dr William B. Mount'

Ramey comments: 

It should be obvious to thinking Americans now, that, if it is determined that the BLM movement is designed to initiate race war in America, (as it appears to be), then we should follow Russia's lead in Syria with ISIS and take no prisoners. 

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