Saturday, June 16, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
6 13 18




If you are a regular reader of these Commentaries, then you know very well that I do not support this theory.  My position is that Christianity is merely one more layer of the mega conspiracy that engulfs this world.  I have tried to show, in terms a fifth grader can understand, that religion is the forum created by Lucifer, (Satan), for the deception of the "...whole world".  Christianity is but one of the thousand or so religions of Lucifer on this earth promoting that deception.  Any who are seriously searching for the truth can simply go to the origins of this religion to see how phony it is.  It is a creation of the Vatican which is simply the Babylonian Mystery Religion with a new name.  This is the mother of all churches and the foundation of religion on planet earth. 

Christianity, (defined by the Vatican), is an organization where the leaders are Lucifer worshipers while trying to maintain the illusion for their parishioners that they worship the Supreme Sovereign of the universe.  This begins to be apparent when you look seriously into pedophilia and child sacrifices. 

We have two women walking free in America today while a video is being circulated of them torturing and murdering an eight year old girl.  This video was shown to the NYPD and many veteran officers were crying before it was over.  Who were the two women doing the torture and murder?  Hillary Clinton and Huma Abdin.  Does anyone really believe that America is going to walk free from this level of idolatry? 

Civilization is on it's last legs and justice is perched like vultures waiting to pick our bones. 

Planet earth is at a crossroads where we haven't been before.  The nearest thing to what we are facing today was the flood of Noah's day. 

The One whom Christians claim to worship said that when He returns, it will be " it was in the days of Noah".  It wasn't raining when Noah and his sons built the ark. 

If you are a regular reader of the Commentaries, then you have seen a number of the religious myths exploded.  You know there is not to be a "rapture".  You know that humans are not going to heaven to continue our pollution of land, sea, air and minds there.  Christ said the meek shall inherit the earth.  Can we settle for that or are we going to join Satan and hold out for heaven?  We had best get it straight now because when it all hits the fan it will be a bit late for in-depth research and philosophizing. 

Can we see where today's politics, economics and religions are taking us?  Straight into the gates of hell. 

It took me the better part of 70 years and the grace of a merciful God to break thru the cloud of deception thrown up by Satan and called religion.  I have been sharing that "light at the end of the tunnel" for the past ten years with a few who have been given and received a " of truth".  Now we see the world coming down to the wire in these last days of this age. 

Is Armageddon the end of the world?  No, my friends, but it is the end of America and "Israel".  And regardless of the mess we make of planet earth, we (survivors), have to clean it up and live here. 

It is being systematically destroyed today and this is the dream of Satan which has been passed on down to his minions.  We see in Isaiah 24:5-6 how we got this way and that the population of earth is to be drastically reduced. 

There is simply no way to re-educate hopeless reprobates.  So the population will be reduced to a "re-educable" few and the process will be re-started in the right way. 

It will be re-started with a new God of planet earth replacing Satan and headquartered in Jerusalem.  The gentile nations will begin sending ambassadors to Jerusalem to keep the Feast of Tabernacles as we see in Zechariah 14, and to learn the ways of this new nation that is prosperous beyond belief. 

Although America will be a nuclear wilderness forever as we can see in Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51, the world will begin to heal. 

The little counterfeit nation of "Israel" will be destroyed at about the same time as America but it will be resettled and become the capitol of the world.  World government will be achieved but not in the manner envisioned by the globalists today.

The new and greater Israel will be the first nation on earth to live according to the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Creator which guarantee peace in the land, rain in due season, bountiful crops and prosperity.  Isn't that what we all want?  So why have we chosen the path of war?  Deception.  Could it be that we have followed the wrong leaders for millennia?

Or could it be, as Sir Winston Churchill alluded to, that we are a part of a grand design?

It would seem the answer to this question lies in the fulfillment of prophecies written some 3000 years ago.  Is the foreknowledge of what is going on today that old? 

Today's politicians would answer "Impossible".  But if that is true, how does one account for the unerring accuracy of the prophecy of Daniel?  How does one account for the line-up of nations today as shown in Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51?  Was this simply good guesses by both those prophets?  Many kingdoms have risen and fallen in the past 3 millennia.  What are the chances that a mere human could have peered down through the corridor of time for 3000 years and guessed that the Medes (Russia), Persians (Iran), and Syria (Aram), would be allies?   

King Solomon said, "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'".  Is this an accurate description of today's politicians and educators?

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