Wednesday, June 4, 2014


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


Greetings friends around the world:

I continue to share Dave Hodges' newsletters because, as I have stated before, Dave is an astute and well informed political observer.

I consider his prophetic vision less astute, although, in fairness to him, I must acknowledge that he has come to the realization, in the past year, that America cannot be reclaimed.  We have been "…weighed in the balances and found wanting…" The indictment against America has been issued by the Creator (Habakkuk 2) and our time as a nation is nearing an end.  If you are a regular reader of the Commentaries, then you know that the reason for this is idolatry and you know, from Jeremiah 50-51, who will lead the "…assembly of great nations…" that destroy America. 

I include this article because it is well founded, well thought out and fits hand in glove with what the prophets have said.  We are proceeding into uncharted waters and our compass is the writings of the prophets.  Hopefully, this will help to keep you informed as to what is happening in this world of growing chaos. 

My thanx to Charles R for submitting this article.


The Window for World War III Is Between May 25 and June 8, 2014 -
Dave Hodges

A SNAP exercise is when a country pretends to engage in military manoeuvres and/or war games and the event is used to deceptively attack an adversary who is presumably caught off guard. We are now seeing evidence that the United States and Russia are both engaged in potential SNAP exercises which could turn catastrophic at a moment’s notice.

Russian SNAP Exercises

Russian military activity near the Ukrainian border continues unabated.  Also, Russian fifth column provocateurs, inside of Eastern Ukraine, continue to provoke an all-out civil war which would give Putin the pretext he needs to invade and protect “innocent” Russians living in the region.

On March 28, 2014, I wrote an article in which I predicted that World War II would begin with an American attack upon Syria. In another article I wrote on April 3, 2014 and in another article on April 21, 2014,  I reiterated the fact that the unfolding evidence suggested  that the United States would invade Syria if Russia’s attempts to invade Ukraine appeared as if they would be successful and this is exactly what we are seeing, the United States is preparing for war, as two “war games” are commencing in Jordan and Israel this coming Sunday, May 25th.

Many ask, why would the U.S. attack Syria? If Russia takes over Ukraine, he will control much of the gas going into Europe and he can refuse to accept the Petrodollar. At the present moment, there is not much the Americans can do about Ukraine. However, an American invasion of Syria is a prelude to the American invasion of Iran who is selling oil for gold and this is putting stress on the Petrodollar. A Syrian invasion, and ultimately an Iranian invasion, will relieve some of the stress on the Petrodollar which forms the only backing for the dollar.

An United States attack upon Syria is going to happen, the only question is whether, or not, the attack will be precipitated by a false flag attack perpetrated by the Obama administration in which Syria will be falsely blamed and the event will serve as the pretext for an American invasion.

If I were Putin, and I witnessed a fake terrorist attack upon the United States, I would immediately invade Ukraine because it is much better to strike first.

US SNAP Exercises In Eastern Europe

NATO is putting boots on the ground in Moldova this summer and we are now only three weeks away from the total NATO militarization of Moldova. The Moldova connection is highly significant since this is the sight of a planned “war game” this summer in which NATO is practicing for a Russian invasion of the region.

According to Yahoo News, the U.S. and Ukrainian troops will take part in military drills with soldiers from 10 other countries at a shooting range in central Bulgaria, as reported by the Defense Ministry. Clearly, our military leadership is preparing for war and is busily engaged in forming alliances as a preparation for war.

Operation Rapid Trident (2014) is a very large, USAREUR-led multinational military exercise scheduled for this July and according to my military sources is still very much alive. The Trident exercise is to be headquartered in Lviv, Ukraine, near the Polish border. The exercise is a cooperative endeavor between Ukraine and other NATO nations. No doubt that the mere existence of this military exercise pushed Putin to act when he did when his forces moved into Crimea to protect the Black Fleet.

In the months of June and July, NATO is building a combat ready military response to the Russian soldiers amassed on Ukraine’s border. Ask yourself this important question, if you were Putin, would you allow NATO to consolidate its military position before attacking? Putin would be a fool to allow NATO to “dig in”. And through this entire event, Putin has proven to be anything but a fool.


These developments set the stage for what is coming next.

US War SNAP Operations In the Middle East

Ten thousand U.S. troops have been deployed to Jordan and Israel, for what we can call for the time being, “military exercises”. The first exercise is to take place in conjunction with Israeli forces in Operation Juniper Cobra. Simultaneously, U.S. forces are jointly training with Jordanian forces in Operation Eager Lion.

Stunningly, both operations commence this Sunday, May 25, 2014 and will continue until June 8th. Not so coincidentally, the exercises will cease around the time that NATO war games commence in Moldova, Bulgaria and Ukraine. If Russia wants to meet minimal resistance when they invade Ukraine, they must invade before the coming increase in NATO military presence in mid-June. I say “stunningly” because the combining of two different war games has never happened in U.S. military history. This could mean that World War III is imminent.

Actually, the joint U.S. and Israeli (IDF) military exercise got a head start with the importation of another  6,000 man contingent drawn from combat personnel stationed in the United States European Command with regard to this coming “war game” in Israel . Additionally, one thousand airmen have been deployed to operate missile defense systems during the exercise.

The IDF and the Jordanian war games are being coordinated by various US command centers. Many analysts, including myself are highly concerned that this war game truly represents a SNAP exercise, which will go hot and result in a direct attack upon Syria.

Pre-Emptive US Military Strategy

If Russia invades Ukraine before mid-June, the United States will open a second front in Syria and threaten Russian interests in the area. No doubt, Russia will respond by attacking into Eastern Ukraine and the world will find itself immediately plunged into a two front war in both Ukraine and Syria.

It would be foolish to think that Putin will stop at occupying Ukraine.  He will likely attack Eastern Europe as he attempts to rebuild the old Soviet empire. Have you stored your food, water and ammunition?

Ramey comments:

As noted in the preface to this article, if you are watching world events, then you know Dave's article is drawing on a knowledge of world events, past and present.  The events he is not aware of include the exodus from America as noted in Isaiah 52:10-12.  They also include the invasion from space as noted in Isaiah 13.  In that same chapter (verses 4-5), we see who is commanding the armies that take down America. 

This is not common knowledge!  We see in the book of Daniel 12, verse 10, that the world we live in is divided into only two camps.  These are the wise and the wicked.  The same verse tells us how to discern between the two. 

We live in momentous times and it appears this summer could be critical in the progression of end time events.  End time events, of course, are not end of the world events.  This is "Christian mythology" and is employed by religionists to keep the masses in tow.  The world is going to go on but we need to understand that there are cataclysm-mic changes that will be taking place.  World population is going to be reduced and by as much as 90%!   WW III is going to be an event to be remembered for millennia.  The devastation will be mind boggling.

I have mentioned to readers that there is reason to believe that the 4th seal of Revelation 6 is now opened and beginning to run it's course.   The following article should shed some light on that.


Govt Preps For ‘Zero Day’….CDC Threatens Pilots To Report Sick Passengers
Tuesday, May 27, 2014 15:12

The United States government is preparing for a ‘devastating zero day pandemic’ and is now threatening US airline pilots to report sick passengers on international and interstate flights according to the newly released video report below from Portrblog. You can see the actual CDC reporting tool for pilots below the video.

The Centers For Disease Control has released a flyer which threatens Airline pilots with legal action if they do not report ill travelers. The document specifies that both International and Interstate passengers must be reported if they are ill.  Obviously this action is an indication that either a pandemic is underway or one is expected, and that air travel will be how the pandemic spreads. (STAY OUT OF AIRCRAFT RESTROOMS)

As we have previously reported, The US government is showing major concern for a devastating ‘zero day’ pandemic exploit and is significantly increasing Federal Quarantine Station capacity/ capability. The CDC has also ordered its employees to prepare for a National / International disaster.

The obvious candidates for CDC’s actions are MERS, EBOLA, H7N9 Bird Flu and H1N1 Swine Flu. Of these only EBOLA seems to be of any immediate (albeit fleeting) threat, and as such the Department of Defense has deployed EBOLA detection kits to National Guard units in all 50 states and to military units in South Korea.

End of article

The following article is to keep us abreast of what sanctions are doing for us (or to us).

Until now Russian retaliation against Western sanctions has been largely symbolic, culminating with this week's Holy Grail gas deal with China, 10 years in the making, which would not have happened on such a truncated timeframe had it not been for western prodding.

However, now Russia may be getting ready for actionable retaliation against the west. RIA reports that Russia has prepared a "confidential document" with measures in response to Western sanctions, citing Kremlin advisor Andrew Belousov.

"I can say that, while it is not a strategy, we do have a tactic. It is in the form of a document which for understandable reasons is confidential. But it clearly lists the Russian sanctions: focusing on individuals, companies, sectors, whether they are comprehensive and systemic, and if they impact the banking system", Belousov was cited as telling TV channel Rossia 24.

According to him, there is a prescribed action at each of the listed levels. "So if any further action is taken against Russia, I can say that we know precisely how to react."

And while it is unclear if the US will dare to issue any more sanctions against Russia, considering the Russian stock market is now back to pre-sanctions levels, thus proving their complete futility (and if anything will simply serve to bring Russia and China even closer), one development that would certainly infuriate Putin is the news that Ukraine may hold a NATO accession referendum as soon as June 15.

Itar-Tass reports that Ukrainian presidential nominee Yulia Tymoshenko has suggested to hold an all-Ukrainian referendum on the country’s accession to NATO to coincide with possible second round of presidential elections. The politician said this in a statement on Friday.

Tymoshenko said: “We need to make a strategic decision. This decision is the accession of Ukraine to the system of collective security and defense of NATO”.

The presidential nominee believes “NATO is security and peace” and “all member states of this alliance are secured from aggression”.

“However, no politician has the right to make such a strategic decision without people’s will. Therefore, I suggest to hold the historic, fateful referendum on Ukraine’s accession to NATO on June 15, simultaneously with the second round of presidential elections,” Tymoshenko suggested.

Whether this is simply a publicity stunt by the former presidential frontrunner whose winning chances have slipped dramatically in recent weeks leading to the very distinct possibility of a second round runoff election without a clear winner this weekend, remains unknown. However, one thing Putin made explicitly clear earlier today is that he sees NATO expansion as the single biggest threat to Russia, especially considering the implicit understanding between James Baker and Gorbachev from 1990 that Nato would not expand east. Well, NATO may not only be expanding east but it may soon be knocking on Russia's doorstep.
And that would certainly provoke the Russian bear like nothing yet seen.


It becomes more evident by the day that the world we live in and it's present status is in a state of flux.  The glitz we see on the strip in Vegas is not reality.  The smiling faces we see on TV are not reality.  We live in a psychotic world (or is it just our nation?).  And before you challenge that statement, please consider the dictionary definition of "psychosis":  "Any severe mental disorder, with or without organic damage, characterized by deterioration of normal intellectual and social functioning and by partial or complete withdrawal from reality."   Let's be honest with ourselves --- does this describe America today?

Americans today are the "Great Pretenders".  We pretend that we are a free nation as we totally ignore the preponderance of evidence that we have become a police state with government surveillance even into our living rooms through the TV.  We are licensed for our every movement and taxed accordingly. 

We pretend we are a nation which champions justice while our court systems make Ali Baba and his 40 thieves look like saints by comparison.  The Constitution, written by our founding fathers, has been totally circumvented and we have been looted by international bankers in bed with our politicians. 

We pretend there are no chem trails in our skies (even though we can see them) and that this is an invention of "conspiracy theorists" (a term coined by our media). 

We pretend that we are not being systematically poisoned through our foodstuff with full approval of the FDA.  (Read the labels!)

We pretend that the American economy is stable despite the fact that the money moguls of the world have converted their wealth into funds other than dollars.  We wave off the fact that our economy is being shored up artificially by the printing of more dollars which has the same effect on the economy as counterfeit money. 

We pretend that 911 was an Arab conspiracy, despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary amassed by experts in many fields including architects, engineers and explosives experts.  Italy has even produced a documentary exposing this "Media Myth" and is showing it to groups of leaders in various governments.  Realignments of nations have reached an all time high.

We pretend that JFK was murdered by a lone gunman and dismiss the growing mountain of evidence to the contrary.

We pretend that the men, women and children massacred in Waco got what they deserved. 

We pretend that Ruby Ridge never happened and that, even in our corrupt courts, Randy Weaver never won a $180 million lawsuit for the unwarranted attack (in which his wife was assassinated) sanctioned by our federal government.  

We pretend that the Fukushima incident is over and that radiation in America, from that incident, is not spiking cancer cases on our west coast.  We pretend that it was caused by a naturally occurring earth-quake beneath the Sea of Japan.  (We were told this by the media). 

We pretend that the writings of the prophets some 2-3 millennia ago have no relevance in our world today.  We avoid the book of Revelation like the plague because it's just too scary.  

The gullibility of Americans is beyond belief.

Most of the rest of the world has been aroused from a deep sleep by the revelations of Edward Snowden and they are reforming alliances to become the "…assembly of great nations", mentioned in Jeremiah 50:9, that destroy America. 

If you are a regular reader of the Commentaries, then you have known for months the approximate line-up of events for the next few weeks and months.  You know that the "end time world" was divided into only two camps by the angel who spoke to Daniel (Daniel 12:10).  You know that America is the Image of the Beast spoken of in Revelation 13 and the daughter of Babylon of Jeremiah 50-51.  You know from those same scriptures that the commandant of the forces coming against America is the Creator (see Jeremiah 50:9 and Isaiah 13).

You know our days as a nation are numbered and, it would seem, that number could now be less than three digits. 

The bottom line is that the world we know is not going to continue indefinitely.  It has a termination date and, while we are not given that date, the signs are all in place that say it has to be soon. 

We know how the end begins from Isaiah 13 and Isaiah 17;1-4.  We know the outcome from Revelation 18, Jeremiah 50-51 and Habakkuk 3. 

This is not knowledge that the populace wants to hear.  Perhaps we should take heed to II Thessalonians 2, beginning in verse 10.  "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."

11  And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusions, that they should believe a lie."

We are in those days.  The man of sin has been identified (same chapter).  The robbery of Egypt and Libya has already occurred and has opened the book of Daniel (see Daniel 11:42-43).  It would seem that the 4th Seal of Revelation 6 has been opened and we are waiting for the pandemic to run its course before the opening of Seal #5 and Seal #6.  It appears that #6 is when the earth is bumped into a new orbit that touches off the first of five earthquakes mentioned in the book of Revelation and evidently felt worldwide.  Evidently, it touches off WW III as well.

We need to understand that we are living in the "time of the end."  We are already almost halfway through that seven year span of time and the mid-point touches off the time of Jacob's Trouble.  That begins with the destruction of Israel and America and, the captivity that ensues, lasts for three and one half years.  At that time, surviving Israelites will be returned to the Jerusalem area by their captors (see Isaish 14) and begin a new age with the rebuilding of planet earth under a new jurisdiction without bankers and lawyers.  If this simply sounds too good to be true, then consider the alternative which is the inhabitants of earth being poisoned in various ways, the northern hemisphere being saturated with radiation from Fukushima and nuclear waste dumps rendering the earth uninhabitable.  Add to this a looming WW III and an array of elitists that will stop at nothing to achieve an aristocracy with themselves as the beneficiaries.  The world they envision only looks rosy to those of their group --- not the masses.  Can we even begin to see the big picture? 

We have arrived at the point Christ spoke of to his apostles in Matthew 24:22.  "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved:" The good news is in the next line.  "But for the elect's sake, those days shall be shortened."  You can begin to see how in Isaiah chapter 13 and Jeremiah 50 and 51. 

It would seem that those dreaming of diplomatic solutions to the situation facing us today are either historical illiterates or fools.  There is no bloodless solution.  World leaders know this and yet keep the masses placated through religion which has been properly described as "… the opiate of the people".  Perhaps a more precise description would be, "A tool of Satan for the deception of the whole world."

There is an invasion from outer space enroute to planet earth and WW III will hold off until it arrives because the Commander of this invasion is also the Commander of the "…assembly of great nations" that destroy the modern Babylon.  (See Jeremiah 50:9). 


I think we need to have another look at something we have looked at many times.  Daniel 12:5-9, Tyndale's Living Bible, 7th printing, 1972. 

"Then I, Daniel, looked and saw two men on each bank of a river.

6  "And one of them asked the man in linen robes who was standing now above the river, 'How long will it be until all these terrors end?'

7 "He replied, with both hands lifted to heaven, taking oath by Him who lives forever and ever, that they will not end until three and one half years after the power of God's people has been crushed.

8  "I heard what he said but I didn't understand what He meant so I said, 'Sir, how will all this come out?'

9  "But He said, 'Go now Daniel, for what I have said is not to be understood until the time of the end.'"

So instead of asking, "Can this go on another year?"  Perhaps we should be asking, "Has the power of God's people been crushed?"  And if the answer is "Yes", then we need to ask, "When?"

I do believe the answer is within our reach because I firmly believe we are in the time of the end and that it began no later than February 2011.  It seems logical that the power of His people would have been crushed at approximately the same time.  Can we identify an event?   

I realize full well there is another perspective on this and that is that the years spoken of are "prophetic years" with a year for a day.  So if we subtract 1260 years from 2014, we come up with the year 754 which is about the time the papacy began their reign over kings and began to acquire territories. I think this is significant but I also have to wonder if there is a "1260 literal days" period that we are missing --- and if so, when did it start and what was the event that marked its beginning?

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