Wednesday, June 4, 2014


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



I do not wish to be an alarmist but neither do I want us to be caught unawares. 

Published on May 31, 2014

The Turkish government recently cut off the flow of the Euphrates River, threatening primarily Syria but also Iraq with a major water crisis. Al-Akhbar found out that the water level in Lake Assad has dropped by about six meters, leaving millions of Syrians without drinking water.

Two weeks ago, the Turkish government once again intervened in the Syrian crisis. This time was different from anything it had attempted before and the repercussions of which may bring unprecedented catastrophes onto both Iraq and Syria.

Violating international norms, the Turkish government recently cut off the water supply of the Euphrates River completely. In fact, Ankara began to gradually reduce pumping Euphrates water about a month and half ago, then cut if off completely two weeks ago, according to information received by Al-Akhbar.

Ramey comments:

This should ring a gong in our heads and prompt us to review chapter 9 and chapter 16 of the book of Revelation.  We have been aware for some time that the book of Revelation is allegedly the writings of the apostle John but edited and modified for some 400 years by the Mother of Harlots before being inserted (canonized) into the New Testament replacing the book of Enoch. 

Events listed there are not necessarily in the right sequence.  There is overlap and there is repetition.  For instance, If you compare the 7 vials of wrath with the 7 trumpets side by side, you come away with the feeling these are describing the same events.  And especially evident when you get to # 6 and 7. 

We have also learned that the return of the Messiah is not at the end of the end times but rather mid-point of the end times and this is made quite clear in Isaiah 13 and Habakkuk 3:2.  With this as a backdrop, and after reviewing Revelation 9 and 16, it begins to look as if the "…battle of that great day of God Almighty" is going to be the destruction of the modern Babylon (Israel & America). 

I am fully aware that the #4 seal of Revelation 6 has not run it's course although it appears quite possible it has been opened as we see the CDC gearing up for a worldwide pandemic.  What I am now wondering is if there is overlap in these cataclysmic events of the book of Revelation and does the pandemic have to run it's course or will it possibly blend in with seal #6.    I don't have answers to these questions at this time but am simply sounding a warning for us to stay awake and watch world events.  Things are ramping up quite fast as we can see with both the Russian and U.S. leaders in Europe this week for meetings.  Those may prove interesting especially since both leaders are scheduled to have dinner with the French leader tomorrow night and the American presidential advisors say it will not be a threesome. 

We have Shavout in just days and Av 9 coming up in two months.  So watch closely as the world situation ramps up to the biggest event in all of world history. 

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