Saturday, January 21, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Greetings from America:

You sir, are a man of destiny as is also our current oval office occupant whose term of office officially ends today.  His mission in life is, and has been, to prepare America for destruction because of idolatry, and he has done that; yours is to act as the instrument of that destruction.  

It is a long and sordid story and I have been printing it in segments weekly in the pages of these Commentaries for the past 8 years.

America, as well as Russia, is mentioned in the pages of scripture whether we realize it or not.  Much of this has been papered over by politicians and religionists.  We have to know the ancient names of our nations because the current names had not been invented when the scriptures were written. America is identified in scripture as the end time Babylon (Chaldea) and we can see this in the little 3 chapter book written by the prophet Habakkuk.  There is no other nation that even comes a close second to America as the nation identified and indicted by the Creator in this scripture.   It describes a rogue nation that has raped and robbed the world --- and He also passes judgment on that nation. 

And just as the Medes (Russia) and Persians (Iran) were the whip in the hands of the Eternal for the take down of ancient Babylon, they are again to be the whip of the Eternal for the total destruction of the end time Babylon and the enslavement of one third of it's inhabitants.  We find this in Isaiah 13 and again in the chapters 50-51 of the prophecy of Jeremiah.  The number of its inhabitants enslaved is found in Ezekiel 5. 

Russia is noted in scripture as the "Medes" and we may have to go to the book "The Wars of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus, to verify this.  Medes are the progeny of Madai son of Gomer, son of Japheth.  They (you) are to be the leaders in the destruction of Babylon although " assembly of great nations" will participate in the dismantling and parting out of our nation. 

This nation has already been judged by the Creator and sentence passed and this is obvious in all the above quoted scriptures.

In case you are not aware of it, Obama is specifically mentioned in the 11th chapter of Daniel, verses 36-45.  You can see his campaigns in Egypt and Libya in verses 42-43.  There is no mistaking this event as it is a once in all of recorded history event. 

I do hope you know that you are the only one left to stop the NWO and that you know what you have to do.  The Vatican will have to go as we can see in Revelation 17.  It is the hub connecting all worldwide conspiracies aimed toward world dominion.  Their own prophet, (Malachy), in the 12th century, predicted that the current Pope would be the final one and then "...the Catholic church would cease to desist".

Also I assume you are aware that it is up to you to prosecute the war criminals of America in a continuation of the Nuremberg trials.  You are not to let them go to their graves in peace.  You know the scope of their crimes and the world must come to see that such action is not without consequences.

In the 29th chapter of the book of Isaiah, we see that your arch enemies (and near kinsmen), the Khazarians, must also be purged.  They were driven out of southern Russia in the 8th century as I recall.  They survived the holocaust and with the help of America, have become a thorn in the flesh of the rest of the world and are seriously pursuing planetary dominion.  These are those who, "...say they are Jews and are not but do lie".  (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9).

In the 17th chapter of the book of Revelation, (Apocalypse), the apostle John says those pushing the Babylonian Mystery Religion are worthy of "...a double portion" of the misery they have been spooning out to the rest of the world in their quest for world dominion.

The Creator is, and will be. backing you in your venture and therefore it will succeed.  It will be ugly and brutal but the fruits of idolatry always are.  Witness Jericho, Sodom and Gomorrah and Noah's flood.

I do believe your cue will be when the earthquake of Revelation 6:12 strikes and is centered in America in the near future. 

Warmest Regards,

Bill Ramey

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