Wednesday, January 18, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


January 14, 2017

Obama Begins Releasing Trump Phone Calls After Trump’s Allies Move To Takeover CNN

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Barak Obama signed an order this past week instructing the National Security Agency (NSA) to turn over to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) secretly recorded private telephonic conversations and text messages of President-elect Donald Trump and his Transition Team (GreatAgain)—and who then, in turn, began illegally releasing them to the US mainstream “fake news” propaganda media in order to destroy this new leaders ability to lead his nation to peace and prosperity. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] 

According to this report, on 12 January, President Obama, for the first time in US history, quietly ordered [because the US mainstream media didn’t tell the American about this] the NSA to begin turning over its raw wiretapping surveillance date to the CIA and other anti-Trump intelligence agencies—and within 4 hours, The Washington Post wrote an article based on “anonymous high-level US government sources” that President-elect Trump’s National Security Advisor designate, General Michael Flynn, had exchanged text messages and telephone calls with the Federations Ambassador to America Sergey Kislyak.

With the globally respected Electronic Frontier Foundation (EEF) having previously warned that the NSA, in collusion with America’s private telecommunication companies, “has engaged in massive, illegal dragnet surveillance of the domestic communications and communications records of millions of ordinary Americans since at least 2001”, this report continues, in 2008, the true and horrifying scope of what this massive US spy agency was doing was revealed during a television interview with the American movie actor Shia LaBeouf inadvertently revealed that when he was working with an FBI advisor on his film “Eagle Eye”, he had played back to him NSA recordings of phone calls he had made in 2006.

Prior to President Obama signing this 12 January order, this report notes, the CIA could only get data on President-elect Trump and his Transition Team after the NSA filtered it to remove irrelevant names and personal information—but as the CIA’s “Deep State” war against their new leader intensifies, and their now having full access to all of Trump’s phone and text records, a new “level of hostility” has been reached in the US bringing closer to reality the warning issued by former German defense spokesman Willy Wimmer to President Putin, and who said: “there is a network of resistance against the President (Trump) who will be in office on the 20th of January...and what’s going on in Washington sounds like the beginning of a civil war”.

And to how close “civil war” may actually be between President-elect Trump and his CIA-led “Deep State” adversaries, MoFA analysts in this report say, was displayed yesterday when America’s new leader ordered the US Army military commander overseeing his security during the 20 January inauguration to resign exactly 60 seconds after he takes the oath to office—after which, and as we’ve previously reported, then President Trump will surround himself and his family with some of the most feared private mercenaries in the world.

President Obama as the now de facto leader of the leftist communistic forces in the US, this report further details, escalated this CIA-led “Deep State” war against President-elect Trump after receiving intelligence that the CNN television news network is going to be sold in order for the AT&T-Time Warner deal to be approved by the new Trump Administration—and whose buyer is suspected to be a consortium of “private investors” led by Jewish-American multi-billionaire Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who has already given Trump over $100 million to defeat the elite demonic globalists attempting to destroy America, Russia and Israel too.  

The CNN television network that President Obama and his CIA-led “Deep State” forces rely on to spread their vile and corrupt propaganda, this report explains, is widely known in the US as the “Clinton News Network” for its colluding with Hillary Clinton, and one of whose reporters, this past week, Jim Acosta, was publically forced into silence by President-elect Trump at a news conference—and who rightly called this news network “fake news” for its incitement of Obama-Clinton leftist communist supporters. 

With President Obama, also, yesterday extending the illegal sanctions against Russia for another year, this report concludes, President-elect Trump is showing no signs at all of surrendering to these CIA-led “Deep State” coup plotters—and who just in the past 12 hours stated  If you get along and if Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?”, and even more fearful to these elite demonic globalists, warned that America’s “One China Policy” may be at an end stating “everything is under negotiation”.

January 14, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

 [Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]


It can now be demonstrated that religion is among the biggest SCAMs going on planet earth.  It ranks right up there with AMA, American Cancer Society, United Way, Monsanto, Federal Reserve, IRS and "federal" gov't.  I have been pulling the curtain back and exposing these SCAMs for the past 8 years and now we are seeing all their fruits ripening at the same time which will result in the complete and total destruction of America.  And the majority do not see it coming. 

Only a very few see it coming.  The very time we are living in was described some 2000 years ago by the Messiah as, "... as it was in the days of Noah..."  I dare say that even those who superstitiously believe the King James edition of the Christian Bible to be "God breathed", have not pondered the gravity of that quote about Noah. 

Think about it,  " it was in the days of Noah."  If we are to believe the account in the 6th and 7th chapters of Genesis, then there were only 8 souls spared the deluge that came upon the earth at that time.  Is it possible that there are only 8 people today with the vision to see what is coming in our day? 

So what is coming down in our day?  "A time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation, no nor ever shall be again".  This is mentioned by the prophet Daniel in chapter 12, verse 1.  But if you do your homework and study chapter 11, you will see it is a 45 verse synopsis of history laid out chronologically, (before it happened), and has already happened right on down to verse 44.  Verses 42-43 played out in the year 2011.   Verses 44-45 appear to be a 1 or 2 day event and that brings us face to face with Daniel 12:1 and the beginning of the tribulation or "Time of Jacob's trouble". 

Revelation 18 shows us there is to be an end time "Babylon" that is to be destroyed " one hour".  You don't need a Thd in theology in order to see in the book of Habakkuk that this is America and to see the thumbnail sketch of this destruction in the 13th chapter of the book of Isaiah.

Nor do you need a Thd in theology in order to see that a select few are going to be rescued from this Babylon before it is destroyed, with survivors sold as slaves to the whole world.  We can even see in Ezekiel 5 the approximate number of those to die and those to be sold into the tribulation.  "...Precept upon precept ... line upon line ... here a little and there a little..."

The account of this exodus is in Isaiah 52:10-12.  It also doesn't take a Thd in theology to verify that it has not  happened --- yet.

Most of us do not have the scriptural or the historical knowledge to so align the two in a fashion that makes sense because religion, education and the media have conspired to keep us ignorant on these matters.  It is for this reason that I try to keep articles in these Commentaries simple and easy to understand and/or verify.

In the book of Jeremiah, the prophet says, "Our fathers have inherited lies..." and so they have --- santa claus, the easter bunny, "the law is done away", the counterfeit sabbath and now even a counterfeit Israel.
How many do you know that understand that those ruling "Israel" and the vast majority of the populace are not Jews at all but rather, "...those who say they are Jews and are not but do lie"?  (Rev 2:9 and 3:9).

But this world is passing away, and we may very well see the process greatly accelerated this week.   When Damascus becomes a "...ruinous heap", (as it soon will), "Israel" will be destroyed within hours.  America will follow quickly if not simultaneously.  And then, if my understanding is correct, we will begin the clock ticking on the 1335 day countdown until the new king of planet earth is crowned in Jerusalem and we can see the account in Daniel 7:13-14. 

This will also end the tribulation and the doors of the new and greater Israel will be opened to those of Israelite heritage who choose to immigrate to this new kingdom.  
The wealth accumulated by the Khazarians who now occupy Israel will not be looted by the Syrians and Iranians who destroy Israel nor will NATO be permitted to sack the destroyed Israel.  That wealth will be preserved for those who come out of the tribulation and choose the new and greater Israel as their home.  They will be granted a parcel of the land promised Abraham and his offspring and it will be tax-free forever.
There are conditions attached to choosing to live in Israel.  It will be governed by the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments given Moses some 3500 years ago which the Israelites at that time chose to turn their backs on and adopt the ways of the gentiles.  (Idolatry).  The entire world has embraced idolatry since that time. 

There will be 144,000 of the tribes of Israel sealed for their protection as they endure the tribulation (Revelation 7).  These did not have the knowledge required to save them from the tribulation, (see II Thess 2:10), but enough that, coupled with divine intervention, will see them through it.  These are different from the 144,000 of Rev 14.  Spirit beings need on physical protect-ion.

I foster no illusions that these Commentaries can offset all the mountains of error promoted by Satan's religious world but hopefully they can lay some groundwork for when you see all this coming down. 

The final destruction of Jerusalem will occur shortly and it will be rebuilt for the last time under a "canopy of fire" that will make the iron dome look archaic.  The nations will look on with awe but will not abandon the dream of destroying this up-start nation that dares to exist without taxation and from all appearances, without armies.  They will see what they will interpret as their opportunity at the end of the three and one half year period of tribulation and make their play.  At that time they will begin to understand the power of the Universal Sovereign.  

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