Tuesday, February 21, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



It would seem that the latest phrase coined by the media to lampoon those who speak the truth ("fake news") has been shoved so far up their noses they are having trouble breathing.  Seems the CEO of NBC took a hastily arranged transfer to Europe.  Seems the anti-Trump rhetoric has been softened considerably just over the weekend.  Even Kelly O'Donnell is using a tone that is almost civil. 

So are we on the road to recovery?    Keep in mind, "...it isn't over until the fat lady sings".  Trump spoke the truth when he said, "I inherited a mess".  Not only that, but unless he has him "droned", his predecessor is positioning himself to try to block every move the president makes. 

This is something that has never before been seen in American politics.  And we have been conditioned by the media and educational institutes to consider it normal.  The globalists are using this lull in anti-Trump rhetoric to push their new world religion.  I recently wrote my sister that, "I seriously question the judgment of anyone who identifies with a religion or with a political party".  Both are deception based. 

The DNC may go underground but they won't go away until exterminated.  The sooner Trump activates the American militia, the better his chances for survival.

Where is all this going?  For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, this should be a "no brainer".  Babylon has not changed her ways --- only gotten more devious.  She is still destined for destruction.  King # 7 of Rev 17:10 has a "short space" and then back to "business as usual". 

My article about "...spilling much blood" was really not a "hate article" but was about reality.  American politics is divisive by design.  This isn't necessarily the design of politicians but rather by the Creator in order to keep the world divided until the end of the age. 

Is the swamp being drained or is the septic tank being pumped?  How much more of Trump's purges can the establishment take and still maintain control?  Is Trump being protected for a purpose and will it continue?  Will he save America from the destruction we see foretold in Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51?  Have we really found the "silver bullet" to prevent this prophecy from happening or are we in the "short space" of Rev 17:10-11? 

One has to wonder if our president really realizes just how corrupt our government is --- and it runs from the "Pedogaters" who delight in torturing and killing children, (at taxpayer expense), right on down to the local deputies who delight in torturing those they arrest --- with handcuffs.  In II Kings 10, Jehu had a novel way of dealing with such riff-raff.  He called for a sacrifice to their god --- and what a sacrifice it was.  It solved a multitude of problems.  We can see in verse 30 that the Creator was well pleased with the way Jehu handled the situation.  Blood was spilled.

Can we identify the worship centers for the pagan god Baal in our society today?  It's really quite simple because they are adorned with steeples and crosses.  This statement will draw fire from Christians all over, however, if they do their homework, they will find, as I did, that Christianity is idolatry --- as is Islam. 

Religion is the forum created by Satan for the deception of the "...whole world".  The "Jewish"/Palestinian problem is very near a solution and we can get a preview in Isaiah 29.  Some nations in the middle east are about to cease to be.  The borders of the new and greater Israel will be redrawn and will be those given Abraham.  The land will lie fallow, for the most part, while the Israelite survivors are in captivity.  Then there will be an influx of the released captives and they will be granted a parcel of the land promised to Abraham and his descendants --- tax free forever. 

The nations will watch in great expectation for the collapse of this new upstart nation, because no nation can exist without taxation --- or can they?  When it doesn't collapse and instead, becomes prosperous beyond belief, the nations will conspire to bring about its destruction.  It will become a living witness against the rest of the world with all it's political corruption. 

Since they won't have a standing army and no navy, marines or air force (per se), it will appear to be a simple military operation to bring about their destruction.  This is when the nations learn that those promises in Leviticus 26 are real.  This is when Rev 19 and Zech 14 come into play.  This is when the gentile nations are introduced to Israel's God. 

If this perspective doesn't match what you have been taught by fairy tale religion, I make no apology for that.  Over the past 8 years, I have shown, with ample documentation, that religion is Satan's forum for the deception of the whole world and have neither solicited nor received even one contribution from readers.  I prefer it this way.

I have shown you the quote, allegedly from the Messiah, in Matthew 24, saying that when He returns, it will be, "...as it was in the Days of Noah".  So how was it in the "...days of Noah"?  If we can believe the account in Genesis 6 and 7, there were only 8 people in the whole earth spared the deluge.  When we view the media conspiracy against all truth today, one has to conclude that we are nearing that time. 

I have shown you that there will be an exodus from Babylon and I have shown you irrefutably where Babylon is today.  We find this exodus in Isaiah 52:10-12 and it doesn't take an Einstein to determine that it has not happened. 

Is this the rapture?  Not exactly.  The "rapture" is more religious mythology. 

Who then will be included in this exodus?  Will it include all Christians of all different sects?  Do we have a way of knowing?  Yes we do and it's found in II Thessalonians 2:10.  It is those who have been given and who HAVE RECEIVED the truth. 

The truth is a scarce item in the world we live in.  How many do you see dispensing it without a religious spin, without trying to sell you something and without trying to persuade you to donate to their very desperate needs? 

You have seen none of that and no advertising in the Commentaries and on the Unalienable Prophets blog.  I realize full well that some of what has been revealed to me is difficult, if not impossible, to accept by those who have accepted that bunny rabbits lay colored eggs, a fat man in a red suit comes down the chimney once a year and Columbus discovered America. 

My contention is that it is through these very myths, (and others), that Satan, using the forum of religion, has deceived the "...whole world".  Can you stand the truth?  If it doesn't change your life, you have only been given it --- you haven't received it?

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