Thursday, December 14, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Shall we look at what was going on in Judah at the time?  We can pick up the narrative in Jeremiah 11:9.   "And the LORD said to me, 'A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem'".

10. "They have turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers,  which refused to hear my words;  and they went after other gods to serve them:  the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken the covenant I made with their fathers."

11.  "Therefore, thus saith the LORD, 'I will bring evil upon them which they shall not be able to escape, and though they cry unto me, I shall not hearken unto them.'"

Is there a difference between the nation of Judah then and the nation of America today concerning corruption level?  When the Creator turns His back on you --- you are in deep yogurt! 

Now let's drop down to verse 14 for God's instruction to Jeremiah.  "Therefore, pray you not for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them for I will not hear them in the time they cry to me for their trouble?"

This was told Jeremiah three times in the first 15 chapters of the book of Jeremiah.

Let that sink in for a few minutes and then ask yourself, in all seriousness, "Was Judah, in those days, worse than America today?"  

Now, this, of course, was around 600 BC, but the prophet shifts gears later on in the book and we see chapters 50-51 dealing with a rogue nation called Babylon at the end of the age because the name America had not yet been invented. 

Those chapters deal in considerable detail on the destruction of this rogue by an alliance of two nations called the Medes and Persians.  If we do our homework in the book of the "Wars of the Jews" by Josephus, and with the help of a Strong's concordance, we can see that those two nations today are Russia and Iran.  They were the two nations that brought down the original "Babylon" about 538 BC/ Is history about to repeat itself?

I'm sure you didn't hear it on the fake news media, but Iran just delivered an ultimatum to America --- "Get your troops out of Syria or face the gates of hell!"

That's some pretty strong wording. 

If you blend in Revelation 6 and Isaiah 13 with these two chapters in Jeremiah ("...precept upon precept --- line upon line --- here a little and there a little..."), you should be able to see the Supreme Sovereign of the universe is going to be on the side of those destroying America. 

When you add yet more puzzle pieces by considering the writings of other prophets,

it gets even scarier.  You find that America, (Babylon), is to be left a wilderness without an inhabitant --- forever!  

This does not mean that everyone dies for the 5th chapter of the book by the prophet Ezekiel indicates that only two thirds of the nation die in this holocaust and one third are sold as slaves in what Christians call the tribulation.    This lasts for three and one half years and then there is some good news.  A new rulers of planet earth is inducted into office (Daniel 7:13-14), replacing Satan and the earth begins to heal. 

Those of Israelite heritage will be given the option of moving to the new and greater Israel whose borders will be expanded to those given Abraham some 4000 years ago.

The wealth of the little counterfeit nation called "Israel" today will be reserved for those emigrating to the new and greater Israel and they will be given a parcel of the land promised to Abraham, tax-free forever.

Are your gurus telling you any of this?  Could it be they are a part of Satan's forum called religion, for  the purpose of deceiving "...the whole world".  (Rev 12:9).

Religionists are mental cripples, lobotomized by the very ignorance and deceit they are locked into worshiping.  And yet they feel compelled to lock up knowledge in places like the Vatican library and guard it jealously from the masses.

Only one constructive thinker that I know of has gained access to this library on be-half of mankind and that was Nikolai Tesla. 

His dream was to elevate mankind to a new plane of fantastic achievements but he underestimated the deviousness of politicians and corporation moguls whose focus is turning the achievements of others into wealth for themselves. 

Tesla had a dream of providing free electricity to Americans without power lines.  He was working for/with Westinghouse.  But GE was working the other side of the street and saw this kind of independence for man-kind as highly dangerous to the cushy positions of the "elite". 

All of Tesla's files were confiscated by the FBI and what has been used for the benefit of mankind?  Nothing.  In fact, some of the weaponry of today is how Tesla's knowledge has been, and is being used. 

We are demonstrating on a yearly basis, (daily now), what the prophets tried to tell the world millennia ago --- that mankind is totally incapable of self rule. 

Their messages to us today are that when mankind has proven that fact to themselves conclusively and bring the world to the edge of the abyss, that the Elohim will then intervene in world affairs.  True justice will be brought to planet earth for the first time in all of recorded history and the trials for war crimes will begin.  Incidentally, pedophilia is among those war crimes since it is a war against our youth. 

Those whose names are not found written in the book of life will be cast into a lake of fire and perish forever. 

Again, are your religious gurus telling you these things?  Or are they a part of the deception of "... the whole world"?

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