Monday, December 18, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Obama will be back!  This will sound ridiculous to those immersed in politics because he has already served his two terms and protocol dictates that his reign is finished.  But we are about to see something that hasn't been done before in U.S. politics. 

These Commentaries have gone out to America for nine years and to the world for the past seven years.  The readership is wider than indicated as evidenced by the quotes I see from the Commentaries, even in publications by gov't moles pretending to be alternative news. 

And, while the readership may be wider than what is acknowledged, few are listening --- otherwise the christmas shoppers would be a small minority and the bell ringers would be out of business. 

We are a nation so steeped in idolatry that there can be no reversal short of complete and total destruction. 

The little counterfeit nation of "Israel" will be destroyed at approximately the same time.  The difference is that "Israel" will be resettled --- America will not. 

The change to planet earth is to be so cataclysmic as to be mind boggling. Civilization (aka idolatry), is coming down.  You don't need to be a prophecy buff --- just look around you.  A civil war is raging in America between the Trump regime and the deep state.  The Pacific Ocean is a dead pond.  The nuclear powers of the world are on high alert for WW III.  The world economy, (a ponzi scheme) is on the rocks and will collapse when the banks are given the word to "pull the plug". 

The American government is rotten to the core and is worse, by far, that Sodom and Gomorrah.  The prophet Habakkuk has made the irrefutable case for America being the end time Babylon --- there is no close second. 

Do we see a rosy future for America or the world that we have known?  As I have told you in past Commentaries, once mankind has demonstrated conclusively that he is totally incapable of self rule, there will be an intervention on this planet by the Elohim and justice will be brought to this planet for the first time in recorded history.  That event is on the threshold today. 

We see today, the deep state desperately looking for a way to touch off WW III.  This is in hopes of escaping the coming war crimes trials that are going to make Nurenburg look like a picnic. 

Those trials are going to be "justice based" and nothing like the political trial of Nurenburg.  The death penalty will be the norm and not the exception.  However, some will face a future much worse than the death penalty as we can see in Revelation 18.  They are to be "...poured a double portion", of the misery they have inflicted on mankind. 

We can see Obama's entry into hell in Isaiah 14.  I think we can rest assured that he will be one of those ". . . poured a double portion".  If we are to believe the prophets, he, and his ilk, will be erased from history forever. 

And then the world will begin to heal.  The new and greater Israel will be established as a refuge for those coming out of the tribulation and who are willing to commit to living according to the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Creator.  This new nation of Israel will then introduce the God of Israel to the gentile world as the nation of Israel was commissioned to do in the time of Moses.  They refused to honor their commission but the new Israel will not have that option. 

The new Israel will be the land promised to Abraham some 4000 years ago and the borders will be from the Euphrates to the Nile.  If this sounds wild, perhaps you should hide (if you can) and watch.   The real estate in the middle east is about to change hands so fast it will be unbelieveable.  Israel will be destroyed.  It appears that the same fate may await Saudi Arabia and perhaps Turkey. 

We live on the verge of cataclysms unlimited.  If you haven't noticed the ramp up in earthquake and volcanic activity, then you have been asleep.  This was one of the signs given by Christ of the end of the age and the change of the guard.  Next comes the reduction of earth population drastically and we have already seen that the World Health Organization is planting the reinvented bubonic plague virus in Madagascar in preparation for introducing it in Africa.  This is to complete the project they started there in the late 1960s with the AIDS virus.

In America the medical profession is in league with big pharma to carry out the decree of the Vatican in 2000 to reduce the population of planet earth by 90%.  As it turns out, it appears this figure is in line with the population reduction given us by the prophets. 

We are at a crossroads.  We have not been here before.  The coming holocaust will be historic.  And if you still have two brain cells connected and can think, you should be able to see that this is really the only way to rescue the planet.  We are not going to vote in better politicians --- forget it. 

We are not getting better as a planet yearly.  We just aren't.  We are polluting ourselves off the face of the earth and the death of the Pacific Ocean is but one of the positive evidences that is plainly visible. 

The coming collapse of the world economy is another and the imminent onset of WW III is but another.  The criminal cabal that has commandeered the government of America is desperate and has no other way out.  If they cannot precipitate WW III, they are about to be tried for war crimes and they very well know this. 

Satan also knows that he has but a short time as we see evidenced in the mass murders in the news today.  It isn't merely ISIS in a far off country --- look at what the FBI and CIA did in Las Vegas.  Look at the pedophilia going on in high government offices the world over.  Look at the problems of mankind today with absolutely no political solutions.  Nuclear proliferation is perhaps the most obvious and the most pressing.  Do you see a light at the end of the tunnel --- other than the intervention of, as the U.S. News and World Report put it some 30 years ago, "A strong hand from someplace"?

That "Strong hand from someplace" is the message these Commentaries have been promoting for the past nine years.

Prophecy buffs have long pondered how the greatest nation the world has ever known, (as evidenced by the prophecy of Habakkuk), could be destroyed " one hour".  This has never been done before and seems a stretch even for nuclear war. Is there a power on earth capable of achieving this?  There is --- and if you aren't watching what is going on in Yellowstone, then you are being blindsided.  Despite the efforts of NASA scientists and drill teams, provided security by DHS, in Yellowstone, desperately trying to vent the growing pressure of the lava caldera below, the area shifted gears at 3:45 PM on December third.  At that time the seismographs in the area switched from blue lines, indicating the ground vibrations, to red lines, (also indicating ground vibrations but of a great-er magnitude).    On Dec fourth, those red lines began spiking.  And yet we hear not a peep from the fake news media. 

According to seismologists, the last time this caldera blew was some 630,000 years ago, and it left ash deposits over 12 feet deep in the state of Kansas that are still being mined. 

The interesting thing about this rapidly growing situation is that it fits all the end of the age prophecies.  It would provide the largest earthquake to ever be felt on earth by shaking loose the San Andreas, the Cascadia Subduction Zone and the New Madrid faults.  This would "...tear asunder the nation" as noted in Habakkuk 3.  It would provide the darkness of Amos 5, the killer tsunami of Jeremiah 51 and necessitate the speedy evacuation of survivors that is mentioned in Hosea 5.  It would also provide the stage setting for Ezekiel 5.  Is all this purely co-incidental? 

Is all this being brought to us by a celestial visitor the ancients called Nibiru?  At this point in time the fake news media is not even allowed to utter that name on their broadcasts.  It would seem this visitor is the impetus for the chem trails and other apparitions planted in the skies to obscure this incoming visitor. 

But it would seem that politicos in high positions have known about this incoming visitor since the late 1940s when the frenzy started to build the deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.s).  There are no less than 130 of these hidey holes for the "elite" constructed, staffed and provisioned for 30 years.  They are even interconnected with high speed rail transportation.  Does this give us a clue as to where the $2.3 trillion went that the Pentagon is missing? 

Anyway you slice it, America is toast because of idolatry.  The killing of Naturopathic doctors determined to expose the mass murders of the cancer society, big pharma and the medical profession is now vying with the Clintons in terms of body counts. 

Our government at all levels is so rife with corruption, there is no salvaging it.  The same goes for our banking, our educational institutions, our charities and our religions.  What, pray tell, is worth saving?

And yet there are those who still protest, "But we are a Christian nation!"  And my answer is: "So what --- Christianity is only one of the myriad of sects espousing idolatry".  It is so marked by the forests of steeples atop places of worship.  Those identify a house of Baal.   "Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel".   Amos 4:12.


Shall we analyze just one example?  First some preliminary information.  The man who allegedly held more patents than any other American was dismissed from school as a child as unteachable.  I think this speaks volumes about our educational system.  Granted this only involved one "teacher" but it is also typical.  American schools have no curriculum nor tolerance for independent thinkers.  At some point, independent thinkers will come wide awake and see that all the legal school holidays are heathen customs as is so eloquently stated in the 10th chapter of the book of Jeremiah.  This then would lead to the wake up call that the pledge of allegiance is but a pagan ritual in the worship of the image of the beast. 

This, of course, cannot be tolerated in a nation such as America that has worshiped Satan from inception.  Those have to be quarantined in our society for fear that the "independent thinking condition" might be contagious. 

This has now been rectified with lobotomizing Americans with vaccinations and remedial education. 

Incidentally the American who allegedly held more patents and was dismissed as unteachable was none other than Thomas Alva Edison. 

The onset of America's destruction is the earthquake of Revelation 6:12 which is also the 6th seal and the biggest quake ever recorded on earth.  We see in the next few verses that it is also the day of the Lord which confuses Christians because they have bought into the myth that the day of the Lord is a joyous day with their idol floating down from the clouds onto the Mt of Olives with his right hand raised in a papal blessing and saying "Peace be unto you".  Is this really the message handed down to us by the prophets?  Of course not but is the fairy tale version of religion. 

So we see it is the day of the Lord and the beginning of the destruction of America (Babylon) and Rev 18 tells us it will only take one hour. 

Now if we want a short preview of what is to follow, we can go to Isaiah 13 and we can see that is the same event because it identifies it as the day of the Lord. 

Now, getting on to the verse 5 of Isaiah 13 which I suspect we have all read over without seeing who is included in this follow-up invasion, (after the cataclysmic event that destroys America), and where they come from.  "They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord and the weapons of His indignation, to destroy the whole land!" 

Did you get that?  And had you ever seen it before?  How many other nuggets of gold have we overlooked? 

The book of Daniel is not to be unsealed until the "...time of the end" as we see in chapter 12 of that book.  It will be seven years in February since that book was opened.  And yet it is not opened to the whole world but only those who can handle the truth.  This, of course, is but a tiny minority as we can see from Christ's message in Matthew 24.  " it was in the days of Noah..."

The world today is locked in on entertainment, fairy tales, sports, money, religion and idolatry --- not necessarily in that order. 

This, of course, is why that day will come as a total surprise to the whole world.  The vast majority of Americans look to the fake news media as their "watchmen", seemingly oblivious to the lies they peddle on a daily basis.  Are they telling us about the 12,000 plus Russian military on American soil and being housed on military bases?

Are they warning us of the cells already planted on U.S. soil by North Korea and waiting for the word to open up chaos?

Are they showing us that Muslim mosques are weapons storage and distribution centers? 

The media is in bed with America's enemies that are working in concert to destroy America for their global bosses.  They will be held accountable. 

What these pawns don't seem to realize is the they are to be included in the 90% depopulation of the world.  Albert Pike laid this out quite succinctly in a letter to a friend named Mazzini some over 100 years ago.  He said Christianity and Islam would both be destroyed at the same time.  Isn't that exactly what is going on today with ISIS? 

Will Russia awake to the fact that Christianity is idolatry and dump it before they are destroyed?  We shall see.  First they would have to do their homework and find out who initiated Christianity and when --- it wasn't Christ and was not initiated until some 3 centuries after His death.  We find in the book of Acts that the apostles were first called "Christians" in Antioch --- but it was not a complimentary term and was flung at them like a mudball by the Hellenistic Jews.  This, of course, is not mention-ed in the gospels sanitized by the Vatican and also canonized by them before releasing to the masses. 

But the light is about to go on in the whole world although it may take some years yet.  

The change of the guard will not be the wand wave event painted by the Vatican, (Christianity).  For a serious look at the transition, as opposed to the rosy picture painted by religion, we should take a look at Isaiah 63, Rev 19 and Zechariah 14.  You see, those in positions of power, (currently all bequeathed by Satan --- see Luke 4), do not relinquish those positions willingly.  But we can see what happens to those nations who contest the new ruler of planet earth, in Zechariah 14. 

We can see in Isaiah 63 that a river of blood is spilled between Jabal Al Lawz, (the real Mt Sinai) and Jerusalem.  Where does all this blood come from?  From a 200 million strong army marching on Jerusalem --- (see Rev 9).  "...precept upon precept --- line upon line --- here a little and there a little."  All a part of the 90% depopulation reduction. 

And then the earth will begin to heal.  After all the alphabet agencies are exterminated along with those supporting them, agriculture will be re-invented.  Animal husbandry will be re-established.  GMOs and their creators will be exterminated.  Politicians and lawyers will be phased out and the new and greater Israel will be established for a refuge for those of Israelite heritage coming out of the tribulation.  It will exist without taxation and immediately become prosperous beyond imagination.  This does not sit well with today's moguls who rule the planet --- they want this prosperity for themselves.  It is for this greed that the destruction of these vermin will the the #2 item on the agenda of the new ruler of planet earth (see Rev 11:18). 

The nations will begin to send ambassadors to learn this new form of government and the world will then be reeducated into true values and not the fairy tale agenda of the world today. 

After 1000 years of peace, during which Satan is restrained (see Rev 20), but not yet destroyed, he must be turned loose again to gather an army of those who opt to go back to the "Good ole days".  They have had their chance.  They saw a world of peace, and have, of their own volition joined Satan's army to get back to the world of plunder.  They will be destroyed as they advance on Jerusalem and it will be forever.

If this sounds like Ramey imagination --- you had better hope it isn't because the only other option is the complete and total destruction of planet earth.  Look at how far we have come in that direction just in the last few decades.  Vote in better politicians????  Yeah --- right. 

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