Tuesday, May 22, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
5 16 18


May 17, 2018

Putin Orders Russia To Brink Of World War III Over Fears United States Can’t Survive “Crossfire Hurricane” Coup Against Trump

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

As a confirmation to the vast majority of the Russian peoples fearing that the conflict in Syria will lead to World War III—and whose fears are now supported by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad who’s just warned that the threat of World War III is genuine—a new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has ordered Kalibr missile equipped Russian warships to be permanently placed on combat duty off the coast of Syria in the Mediterranean Sea—and that pushes the world to brink of total war as the Kalibr is one of the most feared weapons in the world able to fire a nuclear payload, and marks the first time in history Russia has placed atomic weapons in the Middle East.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, during yesterday’s Security Council (SC) meeting, a “complex” discussion was initiated by President Putin related to the “Deep State” aligned New York Times publishing an article titled “Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation”—and that coincided with US Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz notifying US lawmakers in a Wednesday letter that the draft report about the crimes committed by the Obama regime to protect Hillary Clinton was complete and being made available to the agencies and individuals examined in the probe.

Not known to the masses of the American people, this report details, are that these two coinciding events occurring yesterday pose one of the gravest threats to the United States it’s ever faced—as the “Crossfire Hurricane” article published by The New York Times confirmed the coup plot launched against President Trump by the “Deep State”—and that is being met by the most feared Inspector General report ever issued in American history.

Important to know about Inspector General Horowitz’s report, this report explains, is that it was the counter-coup operation launched by President Trump against his “Deep State” enemies immediately upon his taking office in January, 2017—but that is powerless to actually indict anyone for the crimes they’ve committed, and, under US federal law, allows any individual, or any US government agency, accused of a crime to read the charges against them and respond in writing to same.

Last month, however, this report says, this equation changed when US Attorney General Jeff Sessions suddenly appointed United States Attorney John Huber to work with Inspector General Horowitz—with Huber, unlike Horowitz, able to criminally charge anyone found violating US federal laws—and whose appointment would not have occurred unless arrests and prosecutions were being planned. 

By The New York Times publishing its “Deep State” article stating for the first time that “Crossfire Hurricane” was the code name used for the coup plot against President Trump, this report explains, it shows that Inspector General Horowitz’s report has begun to land in the hands of those being accused by him of crimes—with the most typical response of those accused being exampled by the still unnamed “law enforcement official” who illegally leaked the private bank records of Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen, and who told New Yorker Magazine reporter Ronan Farrow: “To say that I am terrified right now would be an understatement”.

Previously known as “The Insurance Policy”, this report details, the “Crossfire Hurricane” operation is one of the greatest assaults against democracy in American history ever witnessed—and that involved the Obama regime planting into the Trump presidential campaign a CIA-MI6 operative named Stefan Halper—with the intention of this operation being to stop Trump from winning the presidency, but when that failed, then using it as the basis to launch a coup against him by alleging that Trump colluded with Russia—and that was overseen the FBI’s counter terror chief Peter Strzok.

Of  the many critical failures of the “Crossfire Hurricane” coup plot against President Trump, this report says, was when “Deep State” aligned Special Counsel Robert Mueller moved its main operative FBI counter terror chief Peter Strzok to his political assassination team—but that Inspector General Horowitz quickly discovered leading to Strzok’s ouster—with Horowitz, also, moving against the FBI’s second-in-command Andrew McCabe by recommending that he be arrested for crimes—with top Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr, and his wife Nellie Ohr, being next to be outed by Horowitz for their being the conduits of the “Crossfire Hurricane” plot to Fusion GPS that created the entirely made up “Trump-Russia Dossier” used to attack President Trump. 

With Inspector General Horowitz tearing apart the “Crossfire Hurricane” coup plot faster than Special Counsel Mueller can rebuild it, this report continues, the most critical factor being lost upon nearly everyone in the US is that President Trump is not only at war with the “Deep State”, he is, also, an integral part of it—and whose powerful corporate and moneyed elite faction are in an existential death battle with communist-socialist forces rapidly gaining strength throughout the United States.

So grave, in fact, has the situation in America become for that nation’s capitalists being led, and protected, by President Trump, this report notes, was put on full display this past week when primary elections were held in various US states—and that saw far left Democratic Party communist and socialist candidates sweep away all of that political organizations moderate candidates—and that led even the rabidly anti-Trump newspaper Washington Post to direly proclaim: “the far left is winning the Democratic civil war, and Tuesday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for Democratic moderates”.

Going from the merely grave to the outright dangerous, this report notes, the plotters behind the “Crossfire Hurricane” coup against President Trump are now enlisting America’s teenagers to their communist cause too—with the hugely popular online and print magazine Teen Vogue just publishing an article praising communist founder Karl Marx—but with none of these young people knowing that the true purpose for their recruitment to communism is to provide their “comrade leaders” with mindless masses they will use to launch violent mass protests against all of the United States main institutions leaving them in smoking ruins.

With the communist plague that began in Russia being the greatest catastrophe in human history leaving 100 million people dead in the past 100 years, this report concludes, President Putin has “strategically reasoned” that the Federation now needs to protect itself at all costs—as with the failure of the “Crossfire Hurricane” coup plot against President Trump, these “Deep State” communist forces, and as history has long proven, will not go quietly, but fight to death against everyone they perceive is an enemy—and should they triumph over Trump, will, without a doubt, then turn their bloody “red” eyes on Russia next—and is why, aside from placing nuclear armed missiles off the coast of Syria, President Putin has further ordered the MoD to immediately prepare the feared S-500 missile system for mass production, deliver, by October, upgraded nuclear strategic bombers to the Aerospace Forces, begin launching satellites from nuclear ICBM rockets, and finish development in the next 2 months of the hypersonic nuclear-capable glider warhead that no US system can defeat.

President of the Russian Federation Vladamir Putin

May 17, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

Ramey comments:

In the next 11 days, the Inspector General's report is to be released!!!!  Is that another "Bombshell Title with Firecracker contents"?  It would seem, from the desperation being exhibited by deep state and their mouth --- the fake news media --- that they don't think so. 

Does that mean they are out of options?  Do they have access to nukes?  Have you ever considered that? 

My message to the U.S. and to the world, which began some ten years ago, that America is to be destroyed totally, doesn't sound nearly so laughable now --- huh?

We watched on CNN in February 2011 as Egypt and Libya were robbed by the rogue nation the prophet Habakkuk calls Babylon, (Chaldea), and thus fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel 11:42-43.  The two American traitors who engineered that robbery and massacre are still alive and trying every trick they know to regain power.

Now we are watching as Damascus is in a power outage city wide as I understand.  The final road sign to the destruction of "Israel" and America is when Damascus becomes "...a ruinous heap" and right now that appears imminent.  (Isaiah 17:1-4).  "...prepare to meet thy God, O Israel".  (Amos 4:12).  And His wrath will be smoking!

The work of the "preppers" does not even begin to prepare them for what comes next.  How do you prepare for national captivity and/or the death of 2 of every 3 Americans?  It's time to read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28.  It's time to reconsider the "...lies we inherited from our fathers".  It's time to prepare for the end of the current age and the introduction of the new age.  What does that mean?  That has been the message of these Commentaries for the past ten years. 

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