Tuesday, May 29, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
5 25 18





Are they really anti NWO or are they a part of the NWO?  If they are anti NWO, then why did Putin deliver a super weapon, unearthed in an excavation for a building project at Mecca, to Antarctica under heavy military security?  If Trump is anti NWO, then why is he playing along with the NWO agenda in the middle east? 

Are we merely talking anti NWO because that is what we think our constituency wants to hear --- while at the same time supporting their agenda in the shadows? 

It would be naive at best to think Trump was put into the oval office by an election fluke.   There has not been a presidential election in the past century that has not been "establishment engineered".  Are we to believe this one is different?  I can see clearly that this is the picture the fake news media is trying to get across but is this simply more "fake news"? 

Keep in mind that the establishment has all our tax dollars in their financial coffers to deceive us with.  And they have been doing it for centuries. 

The initial deception of Americans was the creation of the nation of America as if it was a spontaneous movement when it was a Vatican engineered project from the git-go.  A deception which antedated that is the Vatican ownership of the world bank and I have shown the proof of that in the pages of these Commentaries.  Then came the deception of the little counterfeit nation given the name of "Israel" to further the deception. If we are taken in by these deceptions, it is because we are lacking the "love of truth". 

The "Hitler Maxim" still works --- "Tell a lie big enough and repeat it often enough and they will believe it"--- that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President Kennedy, that those nasty Arabs pulled off 911, that Santa comes down the chimney and Columbus discovered America. 

Are we this dumb?  If so, how did we get this way?  Was it through parents, churches, educational institutions and gov't?  Were we led off into idolatry one myth at a time? 

It's extremely difficult to cut through all the mythology, (even in scripture) and get to the rock bottom truth of how we got this way from the beginning.  But if you still have two brain cells connected, (after the fluoride in our water, chem trails in our skies, round-up in our gardens, poisons in our foodstuffs and vaccinations, and if you can get past the ridicule, censorship and lies of the masters of deception, (who call themselves teachers, pastors, judges, etc), the truth is out there.  But it's like working a jigsaw puzzle to put it together to form the mosaic of truth. 

You may have to go back and pick up some literature the masters of deceit threw on the trash heap decades or centuries ago.  

One of the purveyors of truth was Immanual Velikovsky but he was ridiculed and shouted out of American universities by the "American Hitler youth" of the 1930a, 

The form of idolatry we call Darwinian was sweeping America at that time and cannot co-exist with truth. 

Then came Zecharia Sitchin corroborating Velikovsky truths and adding more of his own gleaned from the Sumerian records. 

He also is ridiculed by those who consider themselves "the enlightened ones" --- and "enlightened" they are because they follow the pied piper known as the "light bringer".

If you can do enough of your own thinking to get this far, then I think you should begin to see that this truth you have located really doesn't contradict the scriptural account if we can get a clear picture of the scriptural account what with the mythology blended in by the Jews, (see Jeremiah 8:8), and expanded on by other religions. 

This world is a confusing place because we have been lied to all our lives and now we see the fake news media scrambling frantically to get to the top of "Liar's Mountain".

Before it was named earth, this world was twice the size it is now and was given to Lucifer and his band of angels to dress and keep.  It was called Tiamat at that time as interpreted from the Sumerian records by Sitchin. 

Lucifer and his band of angels rebelled against the God who created them and their world was destroyed by being struck by one of the moons of Nibiru, splitting it in half and scattering half of it across the heavens in our solar system as what we now call the asteroid belt.  The half that was left intact reformed as a globe according to the laws of physics and became the planet earth.  Bit it was still the home of Lucifer and his band of angels (now called demons), and Lucifer was still in charge. 

Adam was created and given the opportunity to replace Lucifer as the god of this world but Adam blew it big time and was disqualified.  This begs the question that I have asked a number of times: "Is mankind utterly incapable of self rule?"

Before you try to answer that question, perhaps a review of Gen Douglas MacArthur's final address to the assembled congress would be in order.

To expand on his perspective on war, you might also want to try to get a feel for how many generations have been on earth since Adam and think about the number of wars that have been fought in this time and estimate the number of people who died in them. 

To add to this kaleidoscope of perspectives,  try to factor in the 90% population reduction recommended by the Vatican, (NWO), and with the deep state as one of the means for bringing that about --- after (or during) which, the deep state must be exterminated. 

And now go back to the original question of:  "Is mankind utterly incapable of self rule?"

If your answer is, "Yes, we are incapable", then I have another question:  "Is there really a God, (a Creator if you will) or are we a product of evolution as espoused by Charles Darwin?" 

The man who holds the title of "The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived", was Solomon and he said in one of the books of the Bible written by him, "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'". 

If we can somehow "gerrymander" our way around that and cling to the theory expounded by Darwin, and conceded by religion, education fake news and gov't, then we would have to admit that MacArthur was right and our Armageddon is at our doorstep.  His view of Armageddon (obviously), was "end of the world". 

Some 35 years ago, "U.S. News and World Report", did an article in which they said, in effect, "This world is doomed unless there is a strong hand from someplace...".

That "...strong hand from someplace..." is the message of these Commentaries. 

Lucifer blew it big time and Tiamat was destroyed with part of it left to reform into planet earth --- still the home of Lucifer and his minions. 

Adam was offered his position and Adam blew it big time thus incurring a flood a millennia and a half later.  Abraham was called a "...friend of God" and told that his posterity would effect the needed change on earth to prevent another worldwide destruction.  His progeny became slaves in Egypt which was the greatest nation in re-corded history at that time.  It appeared the promise made to Abraham had failed.

But then along came Moses who was a general in the Egyptian army credited with conquering Ethiopia, and he was also of the progeny of Abraham.  He brought the Israelites out of Egypt with miracles a batch and it appeared that the promise to Abraham was in the process of being fulfilled. 

If we can believe the Torah with all it's tamperings by the Jews, then this band of Israelites some 3 million strong, saw the God of Israel and heard him speak.  That God made a covenant with this new nation of sand dwellers at Mt Horeb where He promised to furnish protection, rain in due season, bountiful crops, etc if Israel would but live according to the laws given Moses on the mountain. 

This they promised to do.

But they didn't do it! 

So they were cursed with a three and one half year famine during which many emigrated to Carthage. Those who stayed were invaded and put into captivity and scattered among all nations and lost their identity.  One tribe, (actually parts of three tribes), called Jews as citizens of the nation of Judah,  kept up a pretense of living by the laws given Moses for another 120 years before they too were invaded because of idolatry and survivors taken to Babylon as slaves. 

So what is my point?  Just this:  "Mankind is utterly incapable of self rule" and has proven this irrefutably over six millennia.

But Israel is not off the hook.  The promise to Abraham is still going to be fulfilled by Israel.  And by Israel, I do not mean the little counterfeit nation named "Israel" today.  I mean all 13 tribes of Israel now residing in America, the UK, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Netherlands, Switzerland, etc. 

They were to introduce the God of Abraham to the gentile world but those slaves delivered from Egypt just couldn't handle freedom.  So plan "B" had to be put into motion.  Obviously, the "god of this world" had to be replaced.   But the Supreme Sovereign of the universe does things decently and in order.  First that replacement had to qualify and it had been demonstrated that humans had a missing dimension. 

So that replacement did qualify some 2000 years ago and this is the rest of the story of the gospel messages.  The "...times of the gentiles" are very near fulfilled and the coronation of this "King of kings" is about to take place as it says in Daniel 7:13-14.  A small cadre of people ("...as it was in the days of Noah..."), have already caught onto this vision and are instrumental in preparing the way for the "King".  It appears there will be another exodus where those few are removed from Babylon (America), before the hammer falls on this nation.  (See Isaiah 52:10-12).

The present counterfeit nation of "Israel" is about to be destroyed as we can see in Isaiah 22 and 29.  The war in the mid east will pave the way for the borders of the new and greater Israel to be restored to those given Abraham some 4000 years ago.

It will be a haven for the refugees from the tribulation --- those that can commit to living by the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments handed down to Moses.  It will be a new nation existing without human armies, alphabet agencies, preachers, lawyers bankers or politicians.  Once these parasites are taken out of the public trough, you can imagine the prosperity of the new and greater Israel. 

Land grants to those who emigrate will be without taxation forever.  Communities will be responsible for their own enforcement including the death penalty. 

There will be no wand wave that corrects all the problems of this world so however big a mess we make of this earth --- we have to clean it up.  And it will take many years.  But it will be done, for it is written.

It will enjoy peace for 1000 years before Lucifer (Satan) is loosed again, (see Rev 20).

Can we handle freedom and the individual responsibility that accompanies it?  Uh --- what is this "individual responsibility"? 

It means rooting out crime in it's infancy so we never again grow monstrosities like the deep state or federal gov't. 

It means that if you have a child you can't control, you bring that child before the community, place your hands on his/her head and declare this to the community. At that point, the entire community stones this child to death.  This is how it's handled when responsibility is pushed out to the families where it rightly belongs.  Witness Jericho.

When individual responsibility is expected and required, it forestalls the building of a judicial empire with attendant law enforcement where they work as a team to recycle repeat offenders keeping yet another empire of prisons employed and in power. Do your own research on prison expenditures if you want to see the size of this waste.   This also keeps from evolving another Chicago where more people have died this year than in the war zone of Israel. 

So who is it that leads the charge against capital punishment?  The judges.  Do you suppose they have a motive we are not privy to?

So again I ask, "Can we handle freedom?"

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