Friday, January 22, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Jim Willie and “Financial Apocalypse Accelerates As Middle East Stocks Crash to Start Week”

Sunday, January 17, 2016 21:27

In the interview below with Dr. Jim Willie, the interviewer begins by asking, “How do you see things unfolding when the veil gets lifted, and Americans see just how bad things are? How do you see them responding when they finally realize the truth?”

Dr. Willie responds by saying that total chaos will come by way of a two-pronged financial attack: There will be plenty to worry about here at home as markets implode, and in addition he says, we should expect to see trouble coming from our soon to be former allies in Europe.

As an example, Dr. Willie says the first painfully noticeable shot at the U.S. from an ally will come from Germany. For a leader who is required to swear allegiance to the United States as part of her oath for taking office (a condition left over from World War II), Merkel has been a TERRIBLE ally lately. In addition to helping Russia (a non-NATO ally) fight ISIS, what Germany has done on the financial front is far more telling of Germany’s true intentions moving forward.

At the present time, there are supposed to be harsh economic sanctions on Russia from the U.S. and all of Western Europe. Germany is taking that SO seriously, that they’ve just completed the Nord Stream LMG Facility combined with an oil pipeline that runs under the Bering Sea, under the North Sea, and under Russia and Germany. Not only is Germany not imposing sanctions, but instead German is throwing Russia a lifeline. Dr. Willie says he fully expects an announcement sometime soon that Germany is going to leave its Western allies, and partner up with Russia and China. 

In what should probably be viewed as a warning to Western lawmakers letting them know that there’s a big shakeup coming, last month Germany and Russia announced a massive deal for a brand new high speed rail between the two nations. So much for sanctions. 

After that the interview takes a turn south, and the two begin talking about World War III. Already in the fight are Ukraine, Syria, Turkey, and Yemen, with Saudi Arabia soon to follow Jim predicts. When asked about halfway thought the interview, “What is it going to take to wake the American people up?” Is there ANYTHING that can wake these people up?

The answer is no. Sadly, the American people are a LOST cause. They continue to allow the mainstream media to hypnotize them into states of delusional denial, always waiting for “someone else” to fix the problems. Take January 13th for example.  The RNC voted on whether or not to take up Articles of Impeachment against Obama, and they voted it down. On social media everyone is quick to shout, “Impeach Him,” or “Throw Obama in Jail,” but then you ask them to make a phone call to their representative…. and…


We get the government we deserve, and it it’s only going to get worse, much worse. To confirm that events are going to get much worse, Dr. Willie mentions a plan set in motion in 1890 by the Illuminati. Actually, Jim says, it was a plan set in motion by several secret societies of the time, one of which was the Freemasons. The plan itself was written in 1871 by Albert Pike, who was a Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite‘s Masonic Lounge. The plan itself called for there to be three World Wars, the final one involving Islam and Christendom. Liberty for Life writes:

Albert Pike’s 1871 Plan For The Three World Wars

In 1871 Albert Pike envisioned three World Wars to be followed by an unparalleled economic disaster.   Pike’s plans have come to fruition, shockingly ‘on target’.  Who is Pike and perhaps more importantly who backed Pike?

Albert Pike’s letter to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871:

“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”

“The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Ramey comments:

I include this piece by Jim Willie as a person of acute insight into world affairs and how it relates to history.  I also wonder how many of us are aware of this letter from Albert Pike to someone named Mazzini way back in 1871.  I published the letter in it's entirety in the pages of a Commentary some years ago.  We should realize that his "clairvoyance" was supplied by the god he worshipped. 

January 17, 2016

Obama “Destroyed” After US Navy Boats Transporting Top ISIS Terror Leader Captured By Iran

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that the Obama regimes “master plan” for dealing with the Islamic Republic of Iran has been “completely destroyed” after special naval forces belonging to the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (Sepāh) during the past fortnight captured two “highly armed and sophisticated” United States Navy Riverine Command Boats (RCB) under the command of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) operating from the US Fifth Fleet in Bahrain who were transporting to Kuwait for transfer to Syria of a “top level” Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terror commander.

[Critical Note: All of the events described in this report occurred on 29 December, NOT 12 January. The Pentagons information release of the capture of these vessels was done without President Obama’s permission and was done so by US military leaders intending to embarrass President Obama on the day of his addressing his nation because he had refused permission for US Navy forces to strike the Iranian forces while they were capturing these boats, but who were, likewise, unaware of Obama’s secret ongoing negotiations with Iran.]

According to this report, Iranian special forces naval troops utilizing intelligence gathered by the Joint Information Center (JIC) in Baghdad “discovered/unveiled” the Obama regimes “plot/plan” to secret into Syria from Saudi Arabia a “top level” Islamic State commander to replace the once feared Syrian terror leader Zahran Alloush who was killed on 25 December by an Aerospace Forces airstrike.

Once this Islamic State terror leader was in route to Kuwait aboard one of the US Navy’s RCB’s, this report continues, an “overwhelming” force of Iranian Sepāh naval troops captured both this terrorist, the US Navy boats (including the American sailors aboard them) transporting him and nearly ignited an all out war when Iranian forces were forced to fire “warning missiles” against the US Navy’s aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman attempting to intervene. 

Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy overseeing this operation, this report notes, stated about this operation to capture this terror leader that the aircraft carrier USS Truman displayed “unprofessional moves” thus causing him to put Iranian naval forces on high alert and warning: “We prepared our coast-to-sea missiles, missile-launching speedboats and our numerous capabilities, to strike if they made a hostile move”.

Upon the US Navy “backing down”, this report says, the captured Islamic State terror leader and the American sailors accompanying him were brought to Farsi Island whereupon Admiral Fadavi immediately contacted Deputy Foreign Minister for European and American Affairs Majid Takht Ravanchi.

The importance of Admiral Fadavi contacting Minister Ravanchi, this report explains, was due to his, Ravanchi’s, months long ongoing secret negotiations with Obama regime representative Wendy Sherman—who, shockingly, the Obama regime put in charge of these negotiations as her prior experience in international diplomacy was her being a social worker and the former director of State of Maryland's office of child welfare. 

President Obama’s secret Iran negotiator Wendy Sherman (social worker)

Once Wendy Sherman was advised by Minister Ravanchi of Sepāh’s capture of this Islamic State terror leader and American sailors, this report continues, the Obama regime immediately “caved/relented” to all of Iran’s demands relating to “prisoner/detainee” swaps thus securing for the Iranians everything they had asked for, including the immediate release of seven Iranian nationals languishing in US jails and an agreement that the US would no longer pursue extradition of 14 Iranians for their alleged involvement in purchasing arms from the US to Iran.

Iran on its side, this report says, agreed to release the four dual nationality Iranian-American prisoners it held—the two most important being Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) spies Nosratollah Khosravi  Matt Trevithick—the most important of them being Khosravi whom the Obama regime requested of Iran, and was granted, that his release be treated separately from the other three.

Released to United States

As an added “bonus/incentive” for Iran keeping “confidential/secret” the US Navy’s transporting of this Islamic State terror leader, this report further notes, President Barack Obama, also, lifted the American’s decades-old ban on selling aircraft and repair parts to Iran's aviation on Friday (15 January) a full day ahead of the United Nations lifting of sanctions under the  Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—and which Iran put into immediate effect by ordering billions-of-dollars worth of European Union made Airbus aircraft instead of US made ones.

To how the American mainstream propaganda media has covered up this entire sordid affair including changing its date from 29 December to 12 January proving, once again, the Obama regimes direct complicity in directing the Islamic State terrorists in Syrian and Iraq, this report concludes, borders on the “absolute comical” as the many versions of what exactly they keep saying  happened has kept changing by the hour/day/week  (US Navy boats broke down/US Navy boats had navigational errors) and they have “deliberately decoupled” the capture of these US Navy boats with the firing upon the USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier by Iranian naval forces—but which Admiral Fadavi bluntly stated about:  “The incident [Iran firing missiles against the USS Harry Truman] occurred during Iran’s seizure Tuesday[29 December] of two US naval boats.”

January 17, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


The Pacific Ocean has never been poisoned before to the point of killing off the marine life.  The Atlantic has never before in recorded history been cleared of shipping vessels.  Never before have we had biological agents capable of clearing the earth of humanity. 

If we have eyes to see and ears to hear, we should know by now that the four horsemen of the apocalypse of Rev 6 (first four of seven seals) are out of their chutes and riding at a full gallop.  Also if we have eyes to see, we should be able to connect ISIS to the fifth seal which brings us to the threshold of seal # 6 and when this one is opened, we won't need eyes to see --- the whole earth will feel it. 

And the book of Daniel tells us in chapter 12 that this book was sealed at the time of writing but would be opened to the understanding of the wise at "...the time of the end". That book has been opened now for several years. 

There are a number of theories as to what it says put forth by those who believe in santa, the easter bunny and Columbus discovered America.  Some of them even contain a smattering of truth. 

It seems that no one has picked up on the fact that the last king of Babylon is covered in chapter 11, verses 36-45!  Now, if you haven't read this recently --- I suggest you do so and see if you can connect these dots to any leader today.  We can argue about all these points until we get down to verses 42-43 and this is where the rubber meets the road.  This is a once in history event and we watched it play out in February of 2011!  Prophetic events don't get any more obvious and explicit than this.  And where does this leave us?  Knocking on the door of verse 44 --- 45 follows immediately and this begins the time of Jacob's Trouble which some call the tribulation.  (Chapter 12, verse 1).

And if you read that verse carefully, I think you will see that the precepts of Christianity, concerning timing, need some adjustments. 

Also, if you read the last few verses of Revelation 6 and compare with Isaiah 13, it becomes quite obvious these are describing the same event.  It is the "Day of the LORD" and introduces the destruction of the end time Babylon, which, as I have shown in prior Commentaries, is America.  If you doubt this, I suggest you read the little 3 chapter book of Habakkuk and ask yourself, "How many nations in all of history could match up to this description?"

There is much deception in history, but if we can connect the dots of the second chapter of the book of Daniel to history as it really happened, hopefully we can see that the two legs of the dream image of Nebuchadnezzar, (interpreted by Daniel), are the two biggest religions in the world --- Islam and Christianity --- also referred to in the book of Daniel as the "...king of the south" and "...the king of the north".  The nation that has promoted Christianity throughout the world is America.  We are also the image of the (Roman) beast of Daniel 7.  (Rome defines Christianity for the world and is the mother of the other religions --- "Mystery Babylon").  And despite the disclaimer that came out recently, the Vatican is the Creator of Islam just as it is/was the creator of America as the image of the beast (see Revelation 13  and "Rulers of Evil" by the late F Tupper Saussy).

It is refreshing to see that Vladimir Putin now realizes that he must complete the battle begun between Russia and Khazaria some 1300 years ago.  You see the Russians and Khazarians are near kinsmen. They all come from the family of Gog, Magog, Madai (Medes) and Gomer.  (See Genesis 10).  The Khazarians are the descendents of Ashkenaz and Togormah (sons of Gomer) and they created a nation for themselves in an area north of the Black and Caspian Seas.  Since rivers from Russia run into those seas and carried much commerce in the 7th and 8th centuries, they found they could extort vast wealth from Russia by calling it taxation for crossing their nation on these rivers.  When it reached the point of ridiculous, Russia put together an army and declared war on the Khazarians and drove them out of the area and into the Balkans.  These became the European "Jews" because they had converted to Judaism as a nation years before.  The true Jews are the Sepharadic Jews (Sepharad was the Hebrew name for Spain).  Ashkenazi "Jews" comprise about 92% of Jewry and the true Jews (descendents of Judah) comprise only 8% (see "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler).  Koestler himself was a Khazarian.  So was Benjamin Friedman, who was an advisor to several American presidents, the original owner of Wood-bury Soap and he spent his millions trying to wake America up as to the danger posed to America by Khazarians.

So Russia had won this round but it was only a battle and not the end of the war.  These people who called themselves "Jews" had found a way to gain wealth without working for it and carried this "talent" on into Europe And later to America.  These are those referred to by Christ in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 as "...those who say they are Jews and are not but do lie." 

They took a setback in Germany in WW II because Hitler knew they had undermined Germany in WW I causing them to lose the war.  So he dealt with them up front in WW II.  What he did not count on was their being able to pull America into the conflict. 

But I get ahead of myself.  Backing up to WW I, we find it was the Khazarians that were the instigators and initiators of the "Russian Revolution" which was not a Russian Revolution at all but an infiltration and invasion by Khazarians trained in NYC for the event, who murdered the Czar and his entire family and looted Russia killing over a million of her citizens.  The Khazarians won this battle --- and yet --- the war still isn't over. 

Now the Khazarians, through piracy and phony money management, are making their bid to take control of planet earth and America is prepared to sacrifice her entire citizenry in order for a few in ruling positions to have a shot at being a part of the ruling clique.  Russia is the only power in the world with the resources and resolve to stop this madness. 

And if we can believe the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, they will stop it!  The Medes (Russians) and Persians (Iran) are yet to play a major part in world affairs and the fall of the end time Babylon.  (See Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51). 


Is it a last ditch effort to save the Babylonian system the world has become accustomed to?  Will they object to a community that prospers without public schools, prisons and lawyers?  Will they have problems getting acclimated to a system without chem trails, water supplies poisoned with fluoride, politicians, sports statiums, AMA, FDA, CIA, FBI, DHS, FEMA, NSI, Democrats and Republicans? 

If you are watching what is going on in the world, then you know that system is currently crashing.  Much of it --- but not all of it --- will go when America and "Israel" are destroyed, which we can read about in Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51. 

Now we see a world on the ropes economically and ditching the dollar as quickly and discreetly as possible, while our oval office occupant tells us we are well on the road to recovery.  Hyper inflation is already hitting Canada big time and moving our way like an oncoming freight train.  The Baltic Dry Index has reached an unheard of low and ocean shipping is at a standstill.  What this means, in terms we can understand without a Wall Street spin, is that store shelves will be going empty and prices sky-rocketing within weeks if not days. 

Our "recovery" will be quite transparent to all very shortly.  We have run out of nations that are easily robbed so the next war will be the granddaddy of wars and the dream of those hoping and planning for chaos so they can build their brave new world plantation.  Even a few of the "elite" are beginning to see that dream is coming apart at the seams. 

And it had to be this way.  Survivors have to see that men, regardless of the titles they wear, are simply not capable of self rule and left to their own devices would destroy this planet.  As a witness, I offer the killing of the Pacific Ocean which the media will not even mention in passing.  I offer the Texas size "trash island" in the Pacific.  I offer the fact that America is already a nuclear wilderness because of nuclear waste dumps and Fukushima.  Radiation levels across the nation run as high as 1900 times safe levels. 

And finally, I offer the criminal cabal that has taken over the greatest nation that has ever existed and now is bidding for the world.  It won't happen but that is their dream.  According to the book of Daniel, the final world ruling empire will still be divided as indicated by the two legs and feet of the dream image of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar as interpreted by Daniel.  (See Daniel 2). 

The beginning of the end of this empire will be announced by an earthquake evidently felt worldwide and described in Revelation 6:12.

If we continue reading on to the end of that chapter, we should be able to see that this is the same event described by the prophet Isaiah in chapter 13.  This is the destruction of the end time Babylon which the prophet Habakkuk shows us is America. 

And, as noted above, that is only the beginning of the destruction of this Babylonish system.  The rest of it will take another three and one half years and will be accomplished from the Command Center that will be located in Jerusalem.  The final battle will be closed near this Command Center as the nations mount an offensive that is meant to destroy this government that dares prosper without all the above mentioned "governmental assets".  You can read the outcome of this battle in Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19. 

The new ruler of planet earth will be crowned in the Jerusalem area as well and we can get a preview of the ceremony in Daniel 7:13-14.  

In Revelation 11:18, we can get a preview of the first two items on the agenda of the new ruler. 

The temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem but not by the Khazarians.  We can see in Zechariah 6 who it is that will  rebuild it. 

Then the world will begin to heal.  And yes, there will be a world government administered from Jerusalem.  Israelites (not just Jews), that have been in captivity around the world will be returning to the New Israel to claim a parcel of the land promised to Abraham.  We can get a glimpse of this in Isaiah 14 and 35.   The new world will be rebuilt around agriculture and animal husbandry.  Nuclear power will be put on hold until such a time that mankind has acquired enough knowledge and wisdom to handle it properly. 

The free energy, now beginning to be disseminated in India (and proposed for the U.S. by Tesla years ago), will be made available to the world and knowledge will no longer be bottled up by politicians. 

Democracy will only found in the history books which will be re-written along truthful lines to replace the historical myths we learned in school such as "Columbus discovered America".  Historians will no longer be licensed by politicians.  In fact, licensing is another part of our Babylonish system which will not survive. 

Those systems and those people who cannot stand the searing light of truth will not survive.  It is written.

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