Sunday, January 17, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




Does this have a familiar ring to it?  Are the charlatans' sales pitches reaching a fever pitch much as the car salesmens' spiels?  I have been showing you in the pages of these Commentaries, for the past 6-7 years what is coming and I started by saying our present oval office occupant was put in that position to destroy America totally for idolatry.  It seems that this has become more obvious each year since.

I have neither asked for nor received donations; I have no emergency supplies for sale and I endorse no religion.  In fact, I contend that religion is a tool created by Satan for deception of "...the whole world".  I also contend that the "Mother of harlots" of Revelation 17 is the Catholic church and that Protestants are her daughters as noted in Revelation 17:5.  Christ was not the founder of Christianity as due diligence will show you. 

The "prophets for hire" (which make up much of the alternative news, defend Christianity and fit the scriptural description of the end time "Watchmen" to a "T" --- see Isaiah 56:10-12), ignored my contention that America is the end time Babylon, described by the prophet Habakkuk, until it became so painfully obvious it could no longer be denied.  Then they adopted it as their own "revelation".  What's wrong with this picture?  It's simply a part of the political, religious, diabolical hypocrisy that is now becoming so obvious in America.  We are living in the time alluded to by the prophet Amos in chapter 5, verse 13.  "Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time for it is an evil time."  Incidentally, I have never been accused of being prudent. 

Now the "prophets for hire" are starting to say, "America cannot be saved".  They are correct even though they may not know why.  We find the reason in Isaiah 24:5-6.  The Christian myth has it that a mythical Jesus is going to return, wave a magic wand and the whole world will fall in step behind him singing "Jesus loves me". 

And even though those "prophets" have begun to see that America cannot be saved, they still cannot bring themselves to say (as I have and do) that America is to be destroyed totally and become a nuclear wilderness, uninhabited and uninhabitable.  The MSM will not tell you this but radiation measurements across America reveal that we are rapidly approaching that nuclear wilderness.

Look at what is happening around you.  Not only is a civil war looming but also WW III. How better to ensure the total destruction of America than to ignite a civil war along with a world war? 

Here is an article written by one of the "moneychangers". Incidentally, I do not deny that this military base exists beneath Antarctica.  I do wonder if it will alter significantly what I have shown you is about to take place. 

Bombshell! Hidden Underground is Hitlers Nazi Empire in

Antarctica! (Video) Steve Quayle

Sunday, January 3, 2016 9:52

3 JAN 16
No denying this hidden history! This information will blow your MIND!

The truth about history has been hidden…In Empire Beneath the Ice, author Stephen Quayle reveals why most of what you learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is wrong. The truth about history has been hidden…

You’ll discover:

Why the suppressed evidence proves Adolf Hitler didn’t die before Germany surrendered during WWII, and how he eluded capture.

How Nazi SS members, scientists, and soldiers escaped with Hitler to create colonies in other parts of the world to continue their monstrous research.

Why in 1947 Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned that the US should adopt measures to protect against an invasion by hi-tech aircraft coming from the polar regions, adding, “The time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.” How, using advanced technology, Nazi saucers defeated the US military — long after WWII was supposedly over.

Why the US space program was mostly a sham, and why the “UFOs” that started appearing around the world in the late 1940s were (and still are) most likely flown by Nazi pilots. How key government, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, financial leaders, and institutions helped Hitler come into power, and facilitated the preservation of Nazi wealth and power after WWII.

Why today’s world is secretly controlled by a malevolent shadow government and entire populations are being surreptitiously brainwashed. How ancient stargates have been duplicated to open portals into spiritual and demonic universes.

Why those controlling our planet have laid the groundwork for a takeover by a dictator who could best be described as the Antichrist of the Bible.

Empire Beneath the Ice carefully documents these and many more astounding facts, divulging the truth about what is happening today. It gives you the insights to help prevent this diabolical takeover or, if it occurs, reveals the details and essential actions you and your loved ones must take. Empire Beneath the Ice exposes the dangers our world faces, and will arm you with the tools you need to counter these unspeakable, secret evils.

Ramey comments:

I have tried to show those "...with eyes to see and ears to hear" that church membership, lodge connections, offshore accounts, political orientation and sub-surface hidey-holes are not going to save anyone from the wrath of the Creator when the "...appointed time" comes.  These are all a part of the end time Babylon that has been "...weighed in the balances and found wanting". 

Other than the messages of the prophets, we have no reference points for the things that are already beginning to happen on planet earth. 

Will the earth survive?  Yes, it will.  But it will be with a greatly reduced population, comparable even to that which the NWO visionaries are promoting.  They will be included in the population reduction. 

I have shown that the coming months in the middle east are going to be devastating.  Some nations are going to cease to exist. 

New concepts are being introduced by the CERN research and while I do not see the need for us to become experts in the field, I do think we need to have some knowledge of what is going on there and what effect it is going to have on our planet.  Are we seeing these things?  Are we comprehending what we see?  Are we learning to do our own thinking and have we received a " of truth"?  If this seems to be a trivial question, perhaps we need to read II Thes 2:10 again. 

January 4, 2016

US-British Troops Begin Libyan Invasion As More Nazi “Alien” Artifacts Discovered

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that over 6,000 Western nation troops led by the US, Britain, France and Italy have begun an invasion of Libya after Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terrorist fighters attacked the key oil port of Es Sider thus threatening to plunge that North African nations entire oil structure, currently supported by the West, into these barbarians control.

According to this report, Libya was deliberately destroyed under orders given by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2011, and who in acting on behalf of powerful and elite US-European oil interests was determined to evict China from Libya because they had secured massive new contracts to develop Libya’s vast untapped oil wealth potential—and which after “Hillary’s War” was started, were forced to evacuate its over 30,000 oil field workers. 

Even worse about Secretary Clinton in destroying Syria for her Western oil company backers, this report continues, was that she not only ordered US weapons shipments to Libyan terrorists in violation of international law, once Libya was destroyed she further ordered Libyan weapons to be shipped to Syria in order to destroy that nation too.

With this acknowledged “career criminal” Hillary Clinton having then destroyed both Libya and Syria, this report says, her “master scheme” then became fully realized when while using her powers as US Secretary of State, she approved weapons shipments to other Islamic nation fearful of the growing chaos around them, that she herself had created, in exchange for hundreds of millions of dollars of “donations to her Clinton Foundation private wealth fund.

As to President Obama’s support of Clinton’s “master scheme”, this report warns, there appears to be “no doubt” as new revelations have recently been made proving that America’s top general became so alarmed at what they were doing he initiated a secret Pentagon plot to support Syria’s leader Assad and assisted Russian into entering this conflict before the world was engulfed in total war. 

Though the American mainstream media has remained virtually silent about the Pentagon’s mutiny against President Obama and Secretary Clinton, this report continues, the actions of these two “madmen” have, nevertheless, brought our world to brink as the extremely dangerous developments currently unfolding throughout the Middle East cannot be overstated.

And fueling this crisis even more, this report continues warning, was President Obama’s and Secretary Clinton’s main ally Saudi Arabia beheading one of the most peaceful and revered Shiite clerics in the Middle East two days ago.

Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr, this report states, was ordered beheaded by the Saudi regime due to a sermon he gave in 2009 protesting Saudi Arabia’s brutal treatment of women and homosexuals and wherein he stated:  Our dignity has been pawned away, and if it is not ... restored, we will call for secession. Our dignity is more precious than the unity of this land.”

The shock and horror of the entire Shiite world of Saudi Arabia’s beheading of this beloved and revered cleric, this report continues, has reverberated throughout across the globe causing even Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to ask the West to explain what the difference is between Saudi Arabia and Islamic State terrorists as no one even knows anymore.

“Black Daesh (Islamic State), white Daesh (Saudi Arabia). The former slits throats, kills, stones, cuts off hands, destroys humanity’s common heritage and despises archaeology, women and non-Muslims. The latter is better dressed and neater but does the same things.” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Even though President Putin has invited the representatives of both Iran and Saudi Arabia to Moscow in order to keep this crisis from erupting to total war, this report says, the damage done by the Obama regime backed Saudi Arabia may already be to “deep to repair”—and as evidenced by Saudi Arabia breaking diplomatic relations with Iran today as well as Saudi allies Bahrain, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates.

And with the Islamic State now reported to be planning to massacre thousands of civilians in public places around the world in 2016 as it desperately seeks to draw the west into a titanic “final battle”, this report warns, the Obama regime is continuing its massacre of fighting against this threat—and as evidenced by their trumpeting last week of its capture of an Islamic State “terrorist” who, in fact, turned out to be a mentally ill homeless man who was coached into buying a knife by FBI agents he had neither the money to buy himself, and wasn’t exactly sure what was even going on.

Countering this “evil” Obama regime propaganda, though, spreading throughout America, this report says, is US Presidential hopeful Donald Trump, who this week began openly telling his supporters the truth that the Islamic State was a creation of both President Obama and Secretary Clinton. 

The “critical-historic” importance of Donald Trump telling the American people this truth about President Obama and Secretary Clinton, MoD experts in this report state, is due to its being an apparent “resurgence” into American political life of the secretive order known as the Knights Templar of which his Scottish family has long been associated with.

Though little known among the American people, this report explains, Trump’s mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was born on the Island of Lewis, in Scotland, where she and her Gaelic speaking ancestors were the “caretaker/guardians” of the Callanish Stones many believe to have been erected as geographic “markers” mapping the Knights Templar’s voyages from Europe to America—and whom, in 2010, the military intelligence directorate (GRU) reported that Lord James of Blackheath of the United Kingdom had made an astounding offer on behalf of them to save the global economy with their vast gold reserves said to be “more than has been mined in all of the World’s history”. 
With Trump now being the first “visible” member of the Knights Templar to reappear upon the American political landscape since President Gerald Ford who “rescued” the US from the horrors of the Vietnam War and Watergate (and includes a Presidential lineage going back to George Washington), this report continues, the “master plan” of this secretive organization may very well be to protect this nation from Nazism.

As both President Obama and Secretary Clinton destroyed the nation of Ukraine to install a pro-Nazi regime, this report further warns, their main Middle Eastern ally, Turkey, has, likewise, now professed their “love of Hitler” too with their President this past week vowing to reestablish his government as a mirror image of Nazi Germany proving how, indeed, these “madmen” are enthralled to power of Nazism.   

And to the full danger Nazism not only holds to America, but the entire world too, this report notes, was recently revealed, once again, in the mountains of the Caucasus region of Adygeya where a briefcase belonging to Hitler’s most secretive organization Ahnenerbe was discovered along side the “interdimensional-aliens this regime had aligned itself with—and whose “skulls of the gods” provide a chilling reminder of what this present global crisis is really all about. 

With the Ahnenerbe being Hitler’s “runic language” institute in Nazi Germany to research the archaeological and cultural history of the Aryan race, and founded on 1 July 1935, by Heinrich Himmler, Herman Wirth, and Richard Walther Darré, this report continues, their truest “goal/aim” was to establish “contact with the gods”—and which they succeeded in doing in 1944 when the “aircraft” of these “interdimensional aliens” (called by Allied pilots as “Foo Fighters”) began to be reported in the skies over both Europe and Asia. 

And even though the might of Russia crushed these Nazis at the cost of over 20 million Russian lives, this report concludes, the “secrets of the gods” discovered by the Nazis were then transported to the West by the United States secretive Operation Paperclip, which not only spared the lives of some of the most sadistic and cruel human beings to have ever existed, but, also, allowed them to perfect their “interdimensional” communication device they now call the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)—and whose real purpose was exposed in 2009 when their top scientist, Sergio Bertolucci, boldly proclaimed: “Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it.”

January 4, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


We hear rhetoric about cutting off the head of the snake while we play out the NWO scripted battlefield scene.  Are air attacks on ISIS bases cutting off the head of the snake?  Where is the head of the snake?  Mecca/Medina, Riyadh, DC, Geneva, the Vatican, Istanbul, NYC, London? 

The real issues are so thickly covered with a multi layered conspiracy that even heads of state don't understand the hidden agenda.  Heads of state are installed in office as puppets with puppeteers backstage pulling their strings.  Most Americans think America is different with leaders "duly elected by the will of the people".  But then, most Americans also believe in santa, the easter bunny and Columbus discovered America. 

The three world wars scenario was laid out by a Satan worshipper named Albert Pike long before WW I was fought.  Secret societies have worked feverishly to bring about this vision since.  And now we are coming up on the final world war, which according to Pike, is to give the world to Satan worshippers as the other religions are destroyed.  The creation of ISIS is part of this vision.  It is a design by NWO (Satan) worshippers, to pit Islam and Christianity against each other for their mutual destruction. 

Few Christians have a clue as to what is going on and seem to feel that if they continue to be nice to Muslim they will eventually be won over by these acts of kindness.  Vladimir Putin seems to have the more sensible strategy concerning ISIS --- "Take no prisoners". 

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