Sunday, January 17, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Real Photos of Unannounced Silent NWO Anti-Gravity Warships Already in Our Skies

Friday, January 8, 2016 19:13

Real Photos below taken by Michael Weise of Albany NY (youtube: RadioEast1) on October/November/December (2015)/January(2016).  The public is very dense to the realization of New Reality such as this, since dozens of these crafts have been launched nightly from the Albany NY airport for over 90 days.  Please check it out, and this “real” news should really go viral to everyone around the world.

Folks all over – hopefully you were recommended to this page from a friend, a BIN subscriber,

Here is one good starter video recommendation of these amazing crafts. All the photo shown here in this article (there are many more in the ebook) were screenshots of videos – therefore if you don’t believe the screenshots, see the videos ( Micahel doesn’t have a LucasArts Industrial Light & Magic studio and hundreds of 3D graphic animators working for him – each and all of these videos are enitrely “real” ):

Michael’s (permanent) Youtube channel is:

His whole subdivision of Clifton Park New York and thousands of others already around Albany NY are talking about this.  As creepy as it looks, it has been going on for over 3 months already!

The truth of the reality of this incredible technological development is the best (and free – and unlimited) peaceful tool we have.  Even Paul Revere would say that musket balls will just bounce off these low flying invasive anti-gravity crafts.

This is most incredible though, if one actually takes a look at the hundred photos of these crafts filmed by Michael Weise of Albany New York recently on his “RadioEast1” youtube channel.  (Michael’s location: 88 Old Coach Road, Clifton Park, NY, 12065 ph 518-383-6933)

We are now under a literal ultra-high technology space age imperial “Darth Vaderish” invasion.  Real, not Star Wars fiction, a real imperial invasion – by other Humans piloting these crafts; quite possibly giving the elties joyrides around in them.

Anyways, here is the “Top Public – War Stars” ebook.  I don’t know why these links sometimes don’t click in the article text:  ( but I’ll post it in the comment where the links to always work).

This “TOP PUBLIC” freely distributable copyright-free ebook is an incredible expose of the NWO and their ultra-technology.  There is no other ebook as current and amazing and full of images and video links as this one.

I hope everyone just loves this free emergency ebook and it goes viral, but literally we are soooooo screwed if most of us don’t care at all that this is currently being done to all of us, unannounced (as usual), globally perhaps already.

Literally, should this be a top story in the alternative media all around the world? After you see the ebook, just think about that.  Please do your share in helping blow the lid off this mega-story.

There is no other real physical story going on that is more startling and important than these “Blade-runnerish” “spinner” crafts being deployed over all our heads, unnanounced.

This is real physical – obvious – proof of the “Novos Ordo Sucklorum”.  Please download and share copies of this most vital ebook via email and postings and links, cellphones, memory cards, torrents, etc.

Will the future be more like the Death Star takover or much happier like the Jetsons?  You can help decided that right now 4REAL!

Literally, if we will tolerate being abused and enslaved like this, then humankind will tolerate anything and everyone will then be totally enslaved from birth until death ever more.

This year is clearly the tipping point – and this is the TOP HEADLINE TOPIC we should all be talking/buzzing about.  Really, it is just logical.

Please help be a Paul Revere “The NWO is here. The Anti-gravity Crafts are coming!”

Michael loves to hear from various folks in general public.  Free free to give him a call to ask him “What’s up?” He gave out his cell phone because the system knows everything about him already, as he is an innocent test survellance subject citizen.  Dozens of people, or more,  have called him already over the past 3 months. 518-383-6933

It is doubtful they will send an anti-gravity vehicle over your neighborhood from simply giving him a call. (Unless you are from the Albany NY or Denver CO area.)  Who knows, maybe these crafts can fly at mach speeds?  They have only been noticed gliding between -80 to Zero mph to  +80 mph (the crafts fly sideways and backwards too – tail first sometimes).  Thousands of people in the Albany, probably 10′s of thousands of people there have seen these large crafts gliding slowly and silently around at less than 1000 feet above the ground.  It’s all right in the public’s full view in Albany NY so far!  Michael is just one person who has been noticing. and filming, these ultra-tech vehicles.

Ramey comments:

These pictures do not show a lot of detail although it doesn't blow my mind to think they exist.  It would be a logical assumption to think they were built in liaison with the NASA/NATO/NAZI group made possible through "Operation Paperclip" and American funding.

It is evident the secret wrappings are coming off now otherwise why fly them with bright lights blazing?

Will their billionaires club, advanced technology and universal deception really give them dominion of planet earth?

The book of Daniel is now opened to the understanding of a few on planet earth.  The prophet Daniel was given a series of visions some 2600 years ago which he reduced to writing for us today.  He was shown, not only the time of the end but events leading up to it and his prophecies have been so accurate that scholars have even teamed up to discredit his work.  He showed that there would be four world ruling empires from his day until the end of the age which religionists portray as the end of the world.  These were to be 1) the Babylonian Empire which was ruling the world at the time, 2) the Medo-Persian Empire that would conquer Babylon (and did), 3) the Greek Empire under Alexander and 4) the Roman Empire which is still ruling the earth.  See Daniel chapters 2 and 7 for details.

The final world ruling empire was to be divided as depicted by the two legs of the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon whose dream was interpreted by Daniel as we can read in chapter 2.  This empire was to exist (divided) until the various kingdoms in this empire are given to the saints of the Most High as we can see in chapter 7.

"Historians" have tried to discredit this prophecy by saying that the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD and they allude to a book published in 1776 entitled "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" written by Edward Gibbon, which was myth clean and simple and a smoke screen to cover the Vatican involvement in the creation of America as the Image of the (Roman) beast of Daniel 7. (See Revelation 13). The Vatican was acting with the authority of the Roman Empire at that time bequeathed to them as indicated in verse 12 of that chapter.

However, chapter 2 of the book of Daniel clearly shows this empire still ruling the world at the time these kingdoms are yielded up to the agents of a true New World Order whose command center is located at Jerusalem and will be established there by invaders from space.  The stage is currently being set for this reconstruction as the Khazarian pirates are driven out of Israel or destroyed and their destroyers will also be destroyed as we can see in Isaiah 29.

When will it happen?  Upon the completion of the making of Damascus into a "...ruinous heap" as we can see in Isaiah 17:1-4.  The middle east is about to change drastically.

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