Tuesday, June 21, 2016

COMMENTARY & OPINION - “False Flag Event”

From the desk of
Bill Ramey



June 14, 2016

Putin Orders Military Alert: Warns Orlando Massacre Is “False Flag Event”

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A grave Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin’s order this morning to begin a massive snap inspection of the Russian Armed Forces in order to assess combat and mobilization readiness was based on an emergency Security Council (SC) briefing wherein the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) warned that the Orlando Massacre false flag event orchestrated by Hillary Clinton and her allies was unraveling so fast the Obama regime will soon have no choice but to launch a major war in order to distract the American peoples attention away from what is turning out to be one of the largest state crimes ever perpetrated in the United States. 

May in Heaven they find the peace this world denied them.” 

Sorcha Faal on the victims of Orlando False Flag Massacre

According to this MoD report, and as we had previously reported on in our report Hillary Clinton Linked To Orlando Pop Singer Murder And Massacre Of 50 Gay Pride Celebrants, this false flag event was being “managed/orchestrated” by the world’s largest private security company named G4S—but whose “master plan” was thwarted when two off duty Orlando officers, Scott Smith and Jeffrey Backhaus, arrived at the massacre site and began firing at the G4S “hit team/squad” being led by Omar Siddiqui Mateen.

Unlike the Obama regimes massive propaganda effort to hide the truth of this false flag massacre by telling the American people it began shortly after 0200 (2:00 AM) on 12 June, this report continues, SVR intelligence analysts noted through their electronic intercepts that it had actually begun over 2 hours earlier shortly before midnight on 11 June—and as verified by the many Twitter accounts from the victims posted just prior to and after midnight.

Even worse than the exposing that the timeline of this false flag massacre was a lie, the SVR says, was the fact that Orlando off duty policemen Backhaus and Smith had actually begun their firefight with lookout members of this G4S “hit team/squad” a little over a block away from the Pulse Night Club—and that the US media shockingly portrayed as victims being carried to safety, when, in fact, they were wounded G4S operatives (including a sniper) being carried back to the Pulse Night Club to be placed under custody.

This report further notes that many survivors have reported seeing numerous G4S operatives participating in this false flag massacre using fully automatic weapons—which the US media is blacking out, but you can see them for yourself here as we’ve posted below:

This report concludes with the MoD noting that the SVR is reporting that the Obama regime is furiously attempting to change the narrative of this false flag massacre by portraying the G4S “hit team/squad” leader Omar Mateen as being a homosexual in order to change this attack from being one of Islamic terror to a hate crime—but which SVR analysts say will fail because the American peoples cognitive dissonance relating to this massacre is leading them to discover the shocking truth of this event faster than they are believing the official lies.  

June 14, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Ramey comments:

I refer to the "Columbus discovered America" myth often in order to rub American noses in their mythological "history".  Will this massacre go down in American history as another "Columbus discovered America" type myth? 

I'm being somewhat facetious because I firmly believe that we are living the last chapter of American history.  The folly of those promoting the NWO envisioned by men will soon be revealed for all to see and the crimes against humanity committed in that endeavour will be duly compensated.  You can read about that compensation in Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19. 

We are witnessing the dying wiggle of a nation that has been raped and robbed by it's own in the ruling positions and are now trying desperately to cover their tracks as they see their fate approaching. 

America has no other option than war.  It is what their nation and it's economy are built on.  It is the nation described in the book of Habakkuk and is in it's last days. 

It would seem that "Cool hand Luke" in Russia is still trying to deal logically with a psychopathic West and is finding at every turn that it is an exercise in futility. 

My readers have been kept apprised of the precarious situations at Yellowstone, San Andreas and New Madrid.  It appears that the Eternal will use a combination of these to pull the trigger on America.  (See Rev 6:12).


I used to work in scouting with a Mormon Bishop who took it upon himself to convert me to the Mormon religion.  The fact that I put away a fair amount of beer was an obstacle but not a deterrent.  He even sent a team of visiting Mormon missionaries to my house to give me a pep talk.  I met them at the door and they introduced themselves and told me the bishop had asked them to stop by.  I said, "You're here to dis-cuss religion and that would be a waste of your time and mine."  They wished me a good day and left. 

On another occasion, I was home alone, the children were grown and moved out and the wife was in Missouri, I had stopped at the VFW for a beer. (They called me "onebeer Ramey").  A man stopped in to inquire the way to the nearest motel.  I told him that it was a mile and a half away ant that I would be going right by it on my way home as soon as I finished my beer and that he could follow me and I would show him where it was.  He did and I stopped at the motel while he went in to inquire about a room.  As it turned out, they had no vacancies.  He seemed a decent sort and the next motel was 25 miles away, so I said, "I have a four bedroom house a few blocks from here and there's no one there but me so you are welcome to a bedroom for the night." 

He felt this was downright decent of me and we found we had some things in common.  He was an ex motorcyclist and so was I.  He was also a Mormon bishop and had come to our little town to attend (and perhaps officiate) at the funeral of a fellow Mormon.  

He volunteered to buy dinner that evening and we struck up an interesting conversation that continued on into the late hours.

Many of his contributions to the discussion were preceded by: "I'm not supposed to be telling you this, but ..."  It was a very interesting evening. 

I could share similar experiences concerning the Masonic Order but it would make this article longer than what I have space for. 

But getting back to the local Mormon bishop, and his crusade to convert me to Mormonism --- he and his wife gave me a copy of "The Pearl of Great Price" and the "Book of Mormon".  They even loaned me a copy of "World's in Collision" by Immanuel Velivkovsky.  I even re-read the Book of Mormon because it had been over 39 years since I had read it while in the U.S. Navy. 

It tells the story of Joseph Smith being shown, by angels, the location of some golden tablets and as I recall, it was in the Manhattan area of NYC.  On the last visit of the bishop and his wife, I asked the bishop if he was familiar with the scripture of I John 4 that cautioned to: "...believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of God..."?  They was not familiar with the scripture so I read it to them. 

The Book of Mormon gives the signature endorsement of 12 people (as I recall) who co-signed, as it were, for Joseph Smith saying he was an honorable man.  I asked the bishop if he knew of any evidence that Joseph Smith had "tried" (tested) the spirits whether they were of God.  He knew of no such evidence.  I stood up and said, "I believe our discussion is finished".  They left and I haven't seen them since.  That was in or about the year 2003. 

Perhaps it should be noted here that because of intentional Vatican obfuscation in the K/J edition of the Christian Bible, Christians are unable to "...test the spirits".

The reason for this is because the phrase "...is come in the flesh" makes no sense and is interpreted (by design, I might add), as "...has come in the flesh".  This is deliberately misleading and could be better rendered as "...continues to come in the flesh".  We need to understand the distinction in order to "...test the spirits".  THIS IS IMPORTANT.

So I am not a Mormon today, nor any other religion.  I am convinced that religion is the forum created by Satan and used for the deception of the "...whole world" as it says in Revelation 12:9.  Some of Revelation is on target --- some of it is Vatican spin doctored.  It would seem that the world is on the verge of a knowledge breakthrough that will blow the lid off history as we were taught throughout our educational experience.  It has already been shown that there was a nuclear explosion in India some 6000 years ago.  How does this square with history as we learned it?

Now it is being alleged that the Sphinx is some 800,000 years old!  If this is proven, what does it do to the religious world?  We are on the verge of a knowledge breakthrough that will boggle men's minds.  Much history has been hidden from the masses and the lid is coming off this conspiracy. 

The voices of the media folks who overuse the term "conspiracy theorists" is growing more frantic by the week now.  Their cover is being blown and their foolishness being shown.  The world is on the threshold of the biggest event in recorded history and we have the privilege of being, not only spectators, but participants.

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