Wednesday, June 1, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




Think about it --- Revelation 12:9 says Satan has "...deceived the whole world".  What forum does he use?  What forum is available that crosses all cultural lines?  Religion.  Whether it be Voodoo, Hindu, Shintoism, Christianity or Islam --- religion reaches into every culture on earth and is considered sacred by the members of that culture.  They may shrink heads, boil missionaries, sacrifice children and eat their flesh or any number of various rituals but if it's done in the name of their religion, it's considered sacred and not to be questioned.  Christians pray to a counterfeit god they call Jesus and Muslim pray to the same god while beheading Christians.  They call him Allah.

Christ called the religious leaders of His day "sons of the devil".  He also said, "If you would enter into life, keep the commandments".  Few Americans today would be able to find the ten commandments in the Bible even if they owned a Bible and could locate it. 

When a group of men band together to devise ways to protect fools from themselves, we end up with corruptional think tanks like the U. S. congress and the federal government with all their appurtenances.  The churches are some of those appurtenances and all ordained ministers were transformed into federal agents by executive order of G W Bush. 

Christ did not come to bring a new religion to planet earth and He was not the founder of Christianity.  He did not pick His apostles from those educated into the deception of religion.  Saul, whose name was changed to Paul, was an exception, however, in order to get his attention, he had to be slapped off his ass and blinded for three days.  (See the book of Acts).

Forty years after the national mistake of Judah of putting to death the Messiah, the nation of Judah was destroyed totally with survivors scattered across the face of the earth.  Now we have a counterfeit "Judah" that has occupied the land of Israel and it also is to be destroyed.

America is to be destroyed along with it and then the land of Israel will be cleared and expanded to the dimensions given Abraham, for the New Israel.

Congress is not going to save America and that should be obvious to all by now.  Nor is a new president.  I questioned, in the pages of a recent Commentary, whether Trump is one of the "Khazarian pirates".  I believe his meeting with Kissinger answered that question.

Unless you understand who the Khazarians are, there is no way you can understand the depth of Satan's deception of the " ... whole world".

Christ spoke of them as "... those who say they are Jews and are not but do lie".  (Rev 2:9 & 3:9).

The religious world is dominated by myths and the closer you look into this, the more obvious it becomes.  The most recent of these is the "rapture myth", created by religious opportunists as an escape hatch for those who see it as the only hope in a world gone mad. 

Please don't misunderstand --- I am not saying there will not be intervention into the affairs of men, because the prophets have assured us there will be --- but it will not be by way of the rapture. 

If you are a regular reader of these Commentaries, then you know the path this intervention will take and a general outline of the events that are soon to take place --- and in fact, are already taking place.  You know that the "gospel" that is to be preached to all the world before the end is the gospel of the kingdom that is to be established on planet earth in this generation!

Can we begin to see the close of the age moving in?  Anyone watching what is happening on earth should be able to see we are not living in "normal" times.  The Pacific Ocean is essentially a gigantic bowl of nuclear soup.  The world economy is teetering on the very edge of collapse.  Nibiru is in our solar system and we are seeing the results.  The moral fiber which is the glue that holds societies together is gone.  Have we the vision to see this?  This world is on a collision course with disaster called "...the appointed time".  I do hope we can understand. 

Our churches are not going to save us from this cataclysm.  Our church pastors are busy ensuring their own "place of safety" as we can see in Isaiah 56:10-12.

This world of Satan and it's systems is on it's last legs.  The transition will not be instantaneous as religionists would have us believe.  The process of education takes time.  We can see in Zechariah 14 that there will be an element of time required to educate the world and bring them into subjection to the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Eternal. 

This world is about to change big time.  Despite the efforts of our federal government to present a facade of "business as usual", we are moving into a time of transition that is unprecedented.  The fall of ancient Babylon was unprecedented but that was merely a prototype of what is about to happen in this world. 

If we are watching, we can see the destroying winds of Jeremiah 51:1 in the tornadoes and hurricanes that have hit America in the past few years.  If we are watching, we can see that the 11th chapter of Daniel is drawing to a close.  If we are watching, we can see that the end time prophecies are being fulfilled at an alarming rate.  This is not coincidental and is a harbinger of what is directly ahead of us. 

Many religionists are starting to wake up to the world situation and, as agents of the federal government, are trying to help maintain control of the status quo and are still parroting the myths we have heard all our lives.  A few are even mentioning our incoming celestial visitor and yet it appears their vision is too clouded with religion to understand what it means.

But how many have shown you, irrefutably, that America is the end time Babylon that is to be destroyed in one hour according to Rev 18?  Have they shown you that America is also the "Image of the (Roman) beast" of Rev 13?  Have they shown you that Israel is a creation of the Vatican, (as is America), and is occupied largely by counterfeit "Jews"?  Have they shown you that Israel is to be destroyed at approximately the same time as the U.S.?  Have they shown you that there is to be an exodus from this Babylon we call America before it ripped apart and destroyed totally, never again to be inhabited? 

Are you hearing any of them promoting the message Christ promoted, which is the Kingdom to be established shortly on earth? Or are all these "ministers" serving themselves as we see in Isaiah 56:10-12? 

Each day that passes now, it becomes more glaringly obvious that this world with all it's Satanic systems is unsustainable.  Thinking people saw America as unsustainable over 100 years ago.  

Now, even those who call themselves the "elite" are starting to hear thundering hoofbeats.   They are now wondering about the bunkers they have built at taxpayer expense and if they are really as safe as what the contractors who built them claimed.  Perhaps some of them even read these Commentaries and learned that those are called dungeons, by the prophet Isaiah, where they will be incarcerated until brought out to face a tribunal for crimes against humanity. 

You know that the book of Daniel was unsealed in 2011 and according to chapter 12, that puts us in the "time of the end".  You know that the 11th chapter of that book describes our current czar and closes with what appears to be his death and the start of WW III and the tribulation.  You know that one of the final road signs of prophecy will be when Damascus is turned into a "...ruinous heap". (Isaiah 17:1-3).
Have you seen recent pictures of Damascus?

Perhaps the final road sign for Americans will be the exodus of a few people which will be "taken" and evidently with little or no advance warning other than what has been provided in these Commentaries.

We know the time is at hand.  Are we ready?

Are You Ready for the Global Fake Alien Invasion?

Sunday, May 29, 2016 11:33


Published on May 28, 2016

Are you ready for the potential of a global fake alien attack, brought to you by Russia/America and the UN? It’s a potential playing card for the elite, and has been hinted at since at least Ronald Reagan.

The “economic stimulus” which could appear where there an extra-terrestrial threat, and the potential to “bring everyone together under a global government” are very appealing to both economists and the members of the United Nations.

Ignoring all of the recent media clips talking about aliens as if they are a real threat to the people of the Earth would be foolish. The controlled media never talks about a subject as often and in depth as they have recently talking about the “alien threat” with no proof of actual alien threat. This of course also indicates that we are dealing with a global program, as channels such as Russia Today are also talking about it.

Will they use this potential trump card to round up/galvanize/and direct the people of the Earth’s focus against an existential outside threat that is completely fake, or could this hoax be a hoax in its own right? I am not sure at this point in time.

I do find it rather unlikely that they would try this method of deception, when there are plenty of other methods such as man-made weather modification to make climate change look like more of a problem. The alien card would be very hard to pull off (if it were done, it would be in coordination with a lot of EMP attacks) but if it were to come in, could be devastating for the people of America and the rest of the world.

In my humble opinion, the fake alien invasion attack would be a last-ditch desperation play by the elite, and most likely will not happen, but even so, it’s important that people are aware they are being primed to get ready for one. Is this simply another layer of “trauma based mind control”.. I am not sure, but it is an interesting  subject worthy of further examination.

Ramey comments:

Are we really looking at a "Fake Alien Attack" or are we looking at intervention by the Elohim? 

I have shown you that the rebuild of Jerusalem, (after it is destroyed), is going to be seen by the world as the work of the antichrist.  There is much deception in the world and if this coming invasion is being depicted by the media, (both mainstream and alternative), as a "Fake Alien Invasion", consider carefully the agenda.  

"Anonymous" Hacks Federal Reserve; Grabs Stock Ownership files!

Post by Newsroom

- May 28, 2016 -

The hacker group known as "Anonymous" has announced it successfully penetrated multiple systems within the federal reserve bank, and successfully downloaded two crucial files: One showing an account number and the stocks owned by that account number, the other showing an account number and the name of the owner of that account. Without having BOTH files, no one could ever tell who owned what.  Anonymous claims they stole BOTH files!  

Anonymous says the federal reserve bank owns more than fifty percent of the stock in quite a few major US Corporations!  If the fed had not purchased these vast quantities of stocks (Think Dow Jones Industrials (DJIA) and the S&P 500) both markets would have crashed long ago!

Even worse, the group claims that the US federal reserve also purchased stocks in foreign companies and foreign banks in such vast quantities as to prop-up European and Asian markets!!!!

The hacker group says they are planning to release the two files via WikiLeaks or to the Internet through a third-party anonymous site (like pastebin) in the near future, to show all the details.

If this turns out to be true, and the US Federal Reserve has been manufacturing cash out of thin air to buy stocks and prop-up the markets, someone will have an awful lot of explaining to do; like who authorized this and where did the money come from to do it?

The effect this revelation may have on the stock market would be catastrophic. If it turns out that the DJIA and S&P500 are fraudulent -- totally propped-up by fed money -- then stockholders will realize their stocks in those companies/markets are actually worthless and dump them before the fed does!   Instant market crash!

More information as it becomes available!
Last modified on Saturday, 28 May 2016 20:17

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