Saturday, June 25, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



This is bombshell announcement! Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) just shared damning news for Hillary Clinton on The Steve Malzberg Show just now:
The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn’t followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency’s investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV.

“I have friends that are in the FBI and they tell me they’re ready to indict,” DeLay said Monday on “The Steve Malzberg Show.”

“They’re ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they’re going public.”

Clinton is under FBI investigation for her use of a private server to conduct confidential government business while she was secretary of state. But some Republicans fear any FBI recommendation that hurts Clinton will be squashed by the Obama administration.

DeLay, a Texas Republican and Washington Times radio host, said:

“One way or another either she’s going to be indicted and that process begins, or we try her in the public eye with her campaign. One way or another she’s going to have to face these charges.”

Team Hillary is already admitting this will likely happen. Amazingly, the Clinton campaign has been busy accusing Obama’s intelligence Inspector General, Charles McCullough, of coordinating releases of information to help Republicans. (!) McCullough’s investigations found Clinton was sharing documents which were “beyond top secret”… a crime that should not only disqualify Hillary Clinton from the White House, but should carry a lengthy prison sentence!
Here is Tom DeLay sharing the major news:

Ramey comments:

It appears that the FBI collectively has concluded that if Hillary becomes prez, they will become her bus boys as were the members of the Arkansas Highway Patrol when Bill was governor of Arkansas. 

It would seem their anti Hillary campaign may have help from several directions.  It appears the "elite" decided to dump her a month ago.


Could it be that this is taught them by their religions?  Have you read the list of promises of good thing promised (in writing), to the nation that does live by this law?  (Leviticus 26:1-14). And yet no nation, at any time, has laid claim to those promises.  I have been showing you, in the pages of these Commentaries, "... precept upon precept ... line upon line ... here a little and there a little..." that that is about to change.  In this article, I shall show you that, not only is this "impossible dream" possible, but how it is to be accomplished.

God is not a genie in a bottle and one thing He cannot create is perfect character.  It must be grown over a period of time while being given a series of choices. 

After the deluge in the days of Noah, God chose a man of Noah's lineage through whom He determined to introduce Himself to the gentile world.  This man was Abraham and Abraham was coached by Noah and his son Shem.  Abraham was 50 years old when Noah died and had spenta considerable amount of time living with Noah and Shem according to the book of Jasher.

The Creator, whose name has been all but obliterated from history, (God is a title and not a name --- and is sometimes applied to men), searched through Abraham's progeny and found a grandson whom He felt he could work through.  His name was Jacob but was changed to Israel by the Creator.  The story is in the book of Genesis.

When Jacob's offspring numbered some 70 souls, they were moved to Egypt and given incredible affluence because one of their won was there and was the second in charge of the greatest nation on earth at that time.  As it turned out, this affluence proved a curse rather than a blessing and they fell into idolatry in Egypt.  In the course of events that followed, their brother Joseph died and succeeding Pharaohs began to look at this rapidly growing group of sheepherders as a menace to Egypt and began looking for ways to deal with it accordingly. 

So this group of Israelite farmers and sheepherders were saddled into slavery in Egypt and this lasted for many years.  The Creator knew He couldn't re-educate them in Egypt and felt that surely if He delivered them from this increasingly oppressive slavery, they would be appreciative enough to live according to the laws He had already set in motion to govern man's relationship toward his God and toward his fellow man. 

Somehow that plan didn't work out as it should have.  They had become so steeped in idolatry in Egypt that they brought their idols out with them and continued their idol worship.  Even 40 years camping in the wilderness didn't shake them loose from their idolatry and rebellion. The result of that attitude is war --- so they learned the art of war. 

The " of milk and honey" they were promised had become infested with Canaanites because Canaan refused to go to the land of Africa assigned to his grand-father Ham by Noah.  The middle east portion of the earth had been assigned to Shem but since is wasn't overcrowded at that time, Canaan decided to stay in Shem's land. 

The Creator told the Israelites (now a nation of some six million), that if they would live according to his laws, which He revealed to them through Moses, that He would drive the Canaanites out with hornets.  But since they chose otherwise, they had to learn war --- and have been at war since.  Now our history is made up of a corollary of seemingly unrelated wars.  Why?  Because of a refusal to live by the code of laws given that guarantees (in writing), peace in the land. 

Israel is not off the hook just because they abdicated their responsibility of introducing the Creator to the gentile world in the days of Moses.  That is still going to take place and preparations are now being made for the New Israel that is to perform that task. 

The Creator knows very well that you can't sweeten a barrel of rotten apples by throwing in a good one now and then.  This is why He took Israel out of Egypt, destroying Egypt in the process.  He even lived in their camp for a short while after leading them into the wilderness but left their camp because of their idolatry.  He came back as a human some millennia and a half later to demonstrate to mankind that it was possible to live by the tenor of the laws that had been re-established through Moses.  The religionists saw that if this way of life was allowed to grow, it would put an end to their gravy train --- so they killed Him.  What they did not understand was that this act had been anticipated and factored into the plan to rescue mankind and planet earth. 

So it becomes obvious that in order to set up a nation that lives by this code of laws, a cadre of people have to be segregated under a righteous king in order to prove that the Creator can deliver on the promises made in Leviticus 26.  This king will be crowned in Jerusalem by the Ancient of Days and we can see the account in Daniel 7:13-14.  And He will be a Warrior King as we can see in Isaiah 63:1-4.  A righteous king, especially while establishing himself in this world of Satan, will have to shed much blood.  You see, freedom is not free --- ask any disabled veteran.  Freedom carries with it obligations.  It is said that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.  Somewhere, it seems, we dropped the ball. 

Those dreaming of carving out a cushy position for themselves in the NWO created by men will have to be disposed of and that operation has already begun in the civil war raging now in the upper echelons.  The Khazarian pirates who have taken over the land of Israel will soon be driven out and/or destroyed thus preparing the way for the re-establishing of Jerusalem first under the laws of the Creator and a righteous king. 
That king will be none other than the One who gave the law to Moses in the wilderness. 

Jerusalem will be provided with a protective canopy and streams of fresh water will break forth there to provide for the re-invention of agriculture and animal husbandry.  You can get an overview in Isaiah chapters 30-34. 

This will all be happening after Israel (not the little counterfeit nation of Israel), goes into captivity in what religionists call the tribulation. 

That captivity will last three and one half years and then survivors of that captivity will be released to make their way to the middle east to claim a parcel of the land promised to Abraham.  There will be conditions.  That nation will be under the laws of the Creator at that time and the land grant will require a commitment to live according to those laws. 

The introduction of the Creator to the gentile world will come as the nations that have survived the wars send ambassadors to the fall festival in Jerusalem to learn the ways of this new and thriving nation.  (See Zechariah 14). 

For those religionists expecting heaven, you have homework to do.  You could start with the sermon on the Mt where Christ said, "The meek shall inherit the earth".

 (Before It's News)
Orlando Shooting was CIA Operation!  New Evidence!

UPDATE: Even some mainstream fake news outlets are admitting Omar Mateen was communicating with co-conspirators! 

“Here is the latest bombshell coming out of the Orlando jihad attack. Catherine Herridge of Fox News is reporting that victims inside the club say that Omar Mateen was talking on the phone to a co-conspirator. They recorded it on their phones. This latest revelation is coming from the victims.
Reports law enforcement recovered phones from The Pulse w recordings of killer talking to outside person re tactics.

It’s also become known that the relationship between Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen and an American suicide bomber in Syria was much “deeper” than previously understood by federal investigators, according to a government source.


Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb had a blowout show on the Orlando Shooting on Tuesday!  The big news was about more evidence coming out linking the CIA with both the Orlando Shooting and the planned attack on the West Coast gay parade!  They now have the proof!  Omar Mateen had airline tickets to fly to San Francisco immediately after the shooting in Orlando!  He thought he was going to get away and join James Westley Howell as was reported in my article.

Report Saying CIA Did Orlando Shooting Going Viral!

Tom and Stew show why they have a huge following now in alternative media.  They hold nothing back!  No topic is taboo as is observed in the controlled opposition censoring the very biggest stories!  Tom and Stew go over all the latest Intel from US and French Intelligence concerning the Orlando Shooting, Trump Assassination Bounties, suitcase nukes and of course the very latest on the most corrupt politician to every run for President – aka HildaBeast!  Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show! You won’t hear this stuff anywhere else!  

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