Monday, August 8, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




It does, however, contain much knowledge we can find nowhere else.  Much of it is encrypted so that we need the key to unlock what it is saying.  This key is found in Isaiah 28:9-13. 

We find a series of these encryptions in the book of Daniel and as we get into some of those in chapter 12, I would like to set the stage for this revelation (if that be what it is), by calling your attention to chapter 5 in which a massive government sponsored party is going on as ancient Babylon falls.

For this article, I wish to focus on verses 11-12 of chapter 12 which gives us some very specific time lapses to what we are led to believe are notable events.  What are the events?  We aren't told --- at least not here. 

But, as I said, the number of days is quite specific and we are dealing with two counts --- one is 1290 and the other 1335.  The thing which jumps out at us is the difference between the numbers.  This is 45 days.  We also see that the countdown is going to start on a specific day.  This is the day the daily sacrifice is taken away and the "...abomination that makes desolate" set up in Jerusalem.  The daily sacrifices have not yet started and we don't know for sure what the "abomination" is.

If we have done our due diligence, as noted in Isaiah 28, we have learned that many major events happen on "God's feast days" as noted in Leviticus 23.  Many today think these are "Jewish Holy Days" but the first two verses in Leviticus 23 dispel this notion.  One of these feast days is the last day of Unleavened Bread and we find in the book of Genesis that Sodom a Gomorrah were destroyed on that day.  In the book of Joshua, we find that the walls of Jericho also fell on the last day of unleavened bread.  Is this significant?  Perhaps. 

I sometimes compare the fitting of prophetic puzzle pieces together to working a jigsaw puzzle.  You look at the overall picture, compare colors, and look at corresponding shapes. 

So now, let's look at the 45 days difference between the specific numbers we are given and the inference that each falls on a major prophetic event.  This seems to say those events will be 45 days apart. 

Those observing "God's Feast Days" of Lev 23 and adhering to the "...precept upon precept ... line upon line" learning method of Isaiah 28, should have no trouble deter-mining that there is only one 45 day time lapse between feast days.  That time lapse is between the last day of Unleavened Bread and Shavout which Christians call Pentecost.  Are we fencing in the place this puzzle piece, (or cluster of puzzle pieces), fits into the prophetic puzzle?  Could it just be that the 1290 day count from the time the daily sacrifice is taken away takes us to the last day of Unleavened Bread and the 1335 count takes us to Shavout (Pentecost)?

Many prophetic signs and current world events lead us to believe that this very year could begin this count.  If that be so, when might that count start?  If our deductive reasoning is on target, we are hypothesizing that the 1335 count ends on Shavout/ Pentecost of 2020 and the 1290 count ends on the last day of Unleavened Bread that year.  Is it possible to reverse engineer this and get perhaps another perspective on the times we live in. 

Since I do not have a Hebrew calendar giving me the date of "God's Feast Days" for 2020, let's just take their dates for this year to get a date to count from.  Not scientifically accurate, mind you, but call this a "conspiracy theory" if you like.  The results might just be surprising. 

April 29 this year (2016) was the last day of Unleavened Bread and Shavout was June 12.  Counting backwards three years from April 29 of 2020 equals 1096 days --- (Feb 2020 is 29 days), and this brings us to Apr 29 of 2017.  1290 - 1096 = 194 more days we must back up to get our projected date for the daily sacrifice to be taken away and the abomination set up. 

So we subtract 29 days in April, 31 for Mar, 28 for Feb, 31 for Jan, 31 for Dec, 30 days for Nov and we still have 14 days to back up into Oct which brings us to Oct 18.  Does that date set off alarms in anyone's head?  According to Jewish reckoning, the Feast of Tabernacles begins Oct 17! 

Now perhaps this is all circumstantial, coincidental or whatever you prefer to call it, but interesting co-incidences nevertheless. 

And, of course, we started our backward count with an assumed date which could be several days off. 

Is there any kind of gov't sponsored bash scheduled for the above date?  Not that I'm aware of.  When I began this article I wasn't sure where it was going but I thought the end of the backward count was going to be about the election date in Nov.  And that's why I threw that in about the big party at the time of the fall of ancient Babylon. 

So if we count forward 45 days from the end of the 1290 count (Apr 29, 2020), that takes us to the end of the 1335 count on June 13.  Shavout/Pentecost --- the harvest of the firstfruits.  Would that count as a major prophetic event?  Some of us would call that the first resurrection. (Rev 14:1-3)

If that be so, then what would be the major event on the last day of Unleavened Bread?

Historically, that day marks destruction as in Jericho and Sodom/Gomorrah.  Could that be the day of the destruction of the armies marching against Jerusalem?  (See Isaiah 63:1-4).

Will daily sacrifices begin in Jerusalem on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles this year and be cut off by gov't mandate the same day?  If so, it would certainly lend credibility to this theory --- huh? BTW That's only 69 days from today. 

Could the gov't sponsored party be going on in the heavenly realm and be the rescue party, (for those to be exited from Babylon, see Isaiah 52:10-12), observing the Feast of Tabernacles which is to be observed yearly forever. 

Would this mean that Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur are to be pregnant with meaning this year?  Will this truly be the ten days of awe?   And what about Shemeni Atzeret?  A NEW BEGINNING!  WOW!

In this scenario, it would seem the Kislev 24 prophecy of Haggai has to do, not so much with the destruction of Babylon, as with the clearing of the road for the rebuild of Jerusalem after it's destruction.  I find it interesting that this date is exactly two months after the new beginning. 



Now we see the Pacific Ocean virtually devoid of sea life?  We see Americans being poisoned en masse by a conspiracy between FDA and Monsanto.  We see wild fires ravaging America and weather like we have never seen before.  We see an America corrupt beyond redemption and the "devil incarnate" reaching for the reins of power.  We see a failed coup in Turkey capable of lighting the world up with nuclear war.  We see the 'elites' panicking at the very thought of Trump winning the election in America and we see plans for total war if that happens.  Am I overstating the status quo?  Are we asleep at the switch --- and have we been asleep since the days of Woodrow Wilson when America was stolen by the bankers?

Is there a way to wake America?  There is and it's called "captivity".  And if you read  the book of Judges, you will see we are in the idolatry phase of the cycle Israel has been through many times.  The next phase is captivity. 

America will not wilt and die over a period of a couple of generations.  Hosea 5 seems to say we will go from prosperity/idolatry to slavery in a one month period of time. 

We live in the space age when things travel at warp speed.  The fact that Babylon falls in one hour, as we see in Rev 18, attests to that.  The world is in, what pilots call a "graveyard spiral" and is just before making contact with reality. 

There is no longer any place to hide --- unless, of course, you have a cubicle reserved in one of the underground bunkers which politicos have built for themselves. That is not going to end the way they envision it.  Some of them are beginning to realize this and it adds to the "panic factor" of the 'elite'. 

Commentary & Opinion was started for the express purpose of showing those with a love of truth where we are in the stream of time.  The love of truth has no place with those politically or religiously oriented. Can we comprehend Isaiah 28:9?  Can we rise above our education into the satanic creation called religion to begin to see reality and get our bearings on where we are today?  Hopefully we can because we are watching it happen in real time whether we realize it or not.

Once we lay bare the deception of religion, some cold hard facts come into stark relief:

Christianity and Islam are the two legs of the Roman Empire and we can see this in  Daniel 2.  Your church is not preparing you a place of safety.  See II Thessalonians 2:10 for the key to the escape hatch.  Is the world really good for another 10, 20, 50 or more years?  Or are we in the final seven years as Daniel 12 would seem to say? 

Is Daniel 11:36-45 describing our current oval office occupant?  If so, is he about to meet his end in Israel?  Have we the intestinal fortitude to ask and find answers to questions such as these?  May your future be commensurate with your love of truth. 

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