Wednesday, August 17, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.

Jesuit-trained Tim Kaine Selected To Succeed Hillary When She….

Why was Jesuit-educated Tim Kaine chosen and who does he really serve?

Senator Tim Kaine with Jesuit Ismael Moreno Coto

 “The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…” — Napoleon I (aka Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; Emperor of the France)

Very few people really understand the hidden world power structure.

Many will tell you that the Jews run the world or that the Zionists control the planet. Others will say it Jewish Freemasons or Kabbalists who dictate from Tel Aviv.

As the Chosen People, there’s no question that the Jews were ‘chosen’ to run Hollywood (they’re great comedians), the banking and investment industry (they were the first to charge interest), the medical and legal professions (they have golden hands and silver tongues), as well as a number of other important spheres of life.

However, the leaders in each of these major arenas, which are used to control Western societies everywhere, suffer from extremely high visibility.  Exposure is the first thing that real power-brokers and controller types avoid like the plague.  Those who really control the earthly realm operate in utter secrecy.  They always have and they always will since it is secrecy that is the very basis of their power and influence.

No one knows this fact of life on Earth better than the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits and ‘Soldiers of God’.  This Roman Catholic denomination was founded as a military organization and built around a classic pyramid of power hierarchy.  The Jesuit General who resides at the very peak of the pinnacle of this pyramid enjoys absolute authority.  However, he, too, is completely controlled by those who occupy a level of authority much higher than the lowly Jesuits.

How can that be so?

Law #1:
“True worldly power never, ever reveals itself. It always stays hidden from view. If you think you see it, hear it, feel it, then it is not real power. This abiding modus operandi is what allows true worldly power to stay in the ascendant position, as well as to continue to accrue even more power unto itself.  In fact it always acts in utter secrecy.”  (Source: Who really runs the world?)

Since everyone knows exactly who the Jesuit General is at any given point in time, he is totally out there and completely exposed; hence, he is just another pawn on the massive global geopolitical chessboard.  Yes, he does exercise great power in the administration of the World Shadow Government, but, at the end of the day, every military arm is just that, a disposable arm that does a lot of dirty work.


“Religious authority always trumps financial and economic prowess, which in turn always trumps political power; political power always trumps military force.”  (Source: Anglo-American Axis Wages Financial/Economic War Against Russia)

Just as the United States is the military arm of the New World Order (NWO) headquartered in Washington, D.C. and the United Kingdom is the financial arm of the NWO based in the Financial District in the City of London, the Black Nobility of Jesuit Freemasonry controls the Vatican which has forever functioned as the religious arm. Only with this correct knowledge can the many levels of power and layers of influence which exist above these three power centers be properly understood.

Special Note:

Within the firmament of Roman Catholicism, Jesuitism is occupies it very own universe.  As a matter of fact, there is no other denomination that is as ultra-liberal, intellectually oriented and transparently militant as the Jesuits.  By all outward appearances the SOJ does nit even resemble a holy order much less a religious organization.  That’s because they aren’t.  This begs the questions: Who are these men in black business suits?  Are they the original Men in Black?

The aforementioned Black Nobility of Venice, Genoa and Milan were not Roman Catholic per se.  They were cryto-Jews who were the richest bankers and merchants of Northern Italy who made their fortunes in the wake of Marco Polo’s ventures to the Orient.  They acquired their fortunes from what is know as the greatest transfer of wealth from East to West in human history.  With the acquisition of such great wealth came the accumulation of great power.  Much of that power was eventually lorded over the Roman Catholic Church which was easily compromised during that era.  And, of course, absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Much of that power was eventually lorded over the Roman Catholic Church, which was easily compromised during that era of rampant religious materialism.

Where does Tim Kaine fit in?

Tim Kaine operates on the very same level as the Jesuit-controlled Joe Biden.  Biden family is a Georgetown-educated one.  Georgetown University is the premier Jesuit training ground that Bill Clinton attended and is used to groom all of America’s diplomats and statesmen at their highly regarded School of International Affairs.  Whoever goes there, and then enters public life at a high level, is most assuredly a Jesuit operative for the rest of their political career.

Biden, unknown to but a few, is Obama’s real handler.  Yes, Valerie Jarrett functions as his brain, but Biden has his soul.  Many of the VPs throughout recent U.S. history have been chosen as point-men in the White House who really work for the NWO ruling elites.  These globalists-at-heart have only one mission in mind.  This is why Biden was chosen to act as the cheerleader in charge of taking away America’s guns.  While he often appears to be a total buffoon, this is but an act to deflect any serious inquiry about the actual power that he wields in the Oval Office.

Another VPOTUS who was relentlessly ridiculed was Dan Quayle.  The following video of a recent Quayle interview reveals him to be one of the smartest guys in the room, in addition to being very articulate.  In fact, he was much more than a pretty boy in the administration of George H.W. Bush.  His true duties and responsibilities were far more than anyone ever imagined, and he still has not been found out.

Back to Kaine.  He was quite purposefully chosen because of his strong Jesuit education and pedigree.  A Jesuit-trained Irish Catholic of his stature is just what is needed by the NWO cabal should a President Hillary Clinton become a reality.  Were she to become POTUS, she would either be impeached (resulting in Kaine becoming POTUS), incapacitated by her many physical and mental deficits (resulting in Kaine becoming POTUS) or die by Jesuit intrigue or natural death (resulting in Kaine becoming POTUS). Even if she finishes out her term, he still holds sway as Jesuits always do.

There is much more to the part that Tim Kaine will play in a Clinton Administration which is quite similar to Joe Biden.  Both of these men were chosen because of their allegiance to the agenda of gross liberalization of America.  It was Biden who has kept the Manchurian Candidate Obama on track with this nefarious scheme to irreparably tear the social fabric of the American Republic.  While Obama was indoctrinated to perform this role, it is Biden who keeps the frequent golfer in line as the nation crashes and burns.

Kaine is enthusiastically for total gun control, unlimited illegal immigration, open borders, gay marriage, unobstructed abortion, LGBT normalization, among many other unlawful and immoral positions.  He will also then be used to advance this same ultra-liberal agenda that Obama began almost 8 disastrous years ago.  About this there can be no doubt which is why ‘good’ Catholics are chosen in the first place.  Their images are utilized to confer the veneer of respectability on what is truly a warped agenda and demonic enterprise.  That overarching and global enterprise is known as the New World Order.

Just who are the Jesuits?

Again, any military arm of any power structure or clandestine conspiracy is really just the muscle.  However, in the case of the Jesuits they are also the intellectual and diplomatic muscle.  Many call them “soldiers with a brief case” and they do not carry dirty bombs. Yes, they are they smart … very smart!  They are specifically chosen to master their various fields of study and disciplines so much so that they rise to the very top of their fields—worldwide.

It is in this way that the Jesuits have been relied upon for advice and counsel by kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers throughout the past 450 years.  They quite stealthily finesse their way into the confidence of world leaders wherever they are needed to start wars, trigger global depressions, instigate revolutions, and incite diplomatic conflicts of every sort and kind.  In a word, the Jesuits are history’s greatest troublemakers, which is precisely why they have been kicked out of so many countries down through the centuries.

Ramey comments:

In the above article, the author left out some very key information concerning the Vatican and the jesuits.  I shall state them very briefly here because I have covered them in detail in past Commentaries.

1.   It isn't the Rothschilds that own the World Bank (now a conglomerate of banks), but rather the Vatican.  (See the Judaica Encyclopedia --- article, Rothschilds).

2.  The Jews and Catholics are a confederacy and have been for over 2 millennia. (The original covenant was with the Roman Empire and can be found in I Maccabees 8 ---- the Vatican inherited this covenant when they were bequeathed "... all the power of the beast" --- Rev 13:12 for the execution of the inquisition.  You can see in above referenced covenant that the Romans added a condition to the original proposal --- it was to be forever).

3.  Jesuits were the real power behind the founding of America as the "Image of the Roman beast".  (See Revelation 13 and the book "Rulers of Evil" by the late F Tupper Saussy).

4.  The U.N. is also a creation of the jesuits.  It was created under the protective umbrella of the Treaty of Rome --- 1957.

You need these facts if you expect to connect the dots of world events to the writings of the prophets for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

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