Sunday, August 7, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


August 1, 2016

Russia Moves To Full War Economy, But Offers NATO “Last Chance” Peace

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) is reporting today that it has been directed by the Security Council (SC) to move the Federation onto a “full war economy” foothold as the West continues to embark on the largest movement of foreign allied troops in Poland since World War II, and for the first time since 1939, German tanks have crossed the Polish border. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, spurring the Security Council’s extraordinary order has been information obtained from the thousands of documents recovered from last week’s raid on the American based global financial services giant PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) Moscow office proving the international criminality of US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her association with a high-level cabal called the “Breedlove Network” that has laid the groundwork for a total war against Russia by the West. [See our previous reports for greater context and documentation: Moscow Raid Proves Hillary Clinton Plot To Destroy Boeing, Ship 80,000 US Jobs Overseas and Hillary Clinton Gains Millions From Plot Linked To Top US General Fueling War With Russia]

To the first actual “war economy” measures being implemented by the MoF, this report continues, is the divesting (selling) of all Western-based stocks and bonds from the National Wealth Fund (NFW)—a move that was interestingly echoed by the powerful American financier Jeffrey Gundlach, the founder and chief executive of DoubleLine Capital, who has, likewise, warned all of his clients to “sell everything”. 

Like Gundlach has advised all of his clients to do too, this report notes, the MoF will convert all of these Western assests into gold—and that this past year Russia became the top global buyer of having amassed a staggering $386.9 billion worth of stored at the highly secretive Yamantau Mountain Complex.

MoF experts contributing to this report further state that the Federation is able to pay its total national debt of $148 billion from this massive gold wealth (not to mention the billions the NFW is worth), while the United States debts of over $19 trillion have now become virtually un-payable.

With Russia, also, being the world’s richest country when it comes to natural resources valued at over $75 trillion, this report continues, it is, also, positioned to be able to rebuild faster than either the US or EU after this war—but which, strangely, the United States will not be able to do as of its $45 trillion in natural resources value, fully $30 trillion of it is in America’s coal worth which the Obama-Clinton regime have destroyed. 

To the current state of the Federation going into a “war economy”, this report explains, the efforts of the US led plot to place sanctions on Russia have largely failed with the economy now growing again and set to greatly rebound in 2017—but with First Deputy Finance Minister Tatyana Nesterenko warning that the economy “is in the eye of the storm”, and though the worst is over, “strong headwinds have not yet subsided”.

Coinciding with the Security Council’s order to establish a “full war economy”, this report concludes, they further authorized Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov to make a “last chance” peace overture to the West by inviting to Moscow NATO leaders and his stating: “Russia is ready for cooperation to avoid incidents at sea and in the air, based on bilateral agreements and consultations with the defense ministries of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Sweden and Finland to address mutual concerns over military activities in the border areas.”

To how the Obama-Clinton regime will respond this report doesn’t speculate on—but based on their past actions in invading every country they can get away with doing, it doesn’t take a genius to figure the answer out.

August 1, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Ramey comments:

If you wonder why I use a news source that leads one to believe it comes out of Russia, (but that Benjamin Fulford says is printed by the U.S. Navy intelligence dept), it is because I have monitored it for over a decade and have found their honesty integrity and accuracy far above that of any of the American media,   And it is obvious that they have reliable sources, in Russia as well as the rest of the world.


It would seem that when the deception of the santa and easter bunny myths are  revealed to us, that this would make us very skeptical of religion --- but it doesn't.  

It just seems to prepare us for the next round of myths --- the Jesus myth, the heaven and hell myth, the "Peter was the first Pope" myth and all the other religious mythology that keeps the "...whole world" deceived.  (See Rev 12:9).

If you are among the "enlightened", then you get into more refined mythology such as "God is one".  The studies that reach these conclusions are about as objective as network news discussing Donald Trump.  But no one seems to notice and the churches get more lavish and their parking lots bigger.  Something I have observed in my 80+ years is that when the war drums are loudest, the church parking lots are fullest. 

Everyone is looking for a "magic bullet" and most church goers have heard at least something about a "place of safety".  They are then led to assume that their church is preparing this place for them.  That is a dangerous assumption.  Perhaps I can show you why. 

Is Armageddon the destruction of Jerusalem described in Isaiah 29?  No it isn't --- if we look closely at the destruction of Jerusalem described in Isaiah 29, we can see it is a destruction by the Elohim.  If we look at the only mention of Armageddon in Revelation 16, we see that it is the kings of the earth and their armies gathered to do battle against the Elohim.

When does this happen?  Obviously it is after Jerusalem is rebuilt from the destruction of Isaiah 29.  This is what I have been showing you in past Commentaries.  Jerusalem (and the counterfeit Israel) is to be destroyed purging it of the Khazarian pirates.  It will be immediately "repeopled" by those of the exodus of Isaiah 52:10-12 and those of understanding who ran for the hills around Judea when they saw the abomination of desolation. 

Jerusalem will be rebuilt by those who have been given a sanctuary there and the rulers of the world will be convinced by their religionists that this is the work of the antichrist.  This is how the kingdoms of the world will be brought to make war against Jerusalem.  When does this occur?  At the end of the tribulation.  Three and one half years after the "Day of the Lord".  (See Isaiah 13 and Rev 6).  The "Day of the Lord" is when America and Israel are destroyed.

So if you still think your church is preparing you a place of safety, perhaps you should read II Thessalonians 2:10.  This covers the ones protected when the "sky falls" in America.   It appears their rescue will be somewhat like that of Elijah and they will be relocated in Jerusalem to assist with the rebuild there.  But we must also factor into this equation what Christ said in Matt 24 about the time of the end.  He said it would be " it was in the days of Noah..."  If we are to believe the account in the book of Genesis, only eight people in the whole world were spared from the deluge.  Is the world really to be that corrupt again?  Are we there yet?

The real estate for the New Israel will be cleared of gentiles in the days of the tribulation and prepared for the influx of Israelite captives that come to claim a parcel of the land promised Abraham.  That will be the first government on earth to begin living by the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Creator and will become a witness to the gentile nations of the earth that this law works. 

When the gentile nations send their armies against this upstart nation that dares live without lawyers, politicians, preachers and the swarms of officers that "...harass us and eat out our substance", it is at that time that the Eternal will show that he has the power to protect that nation.  You can see the results of that battle in Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19.  That is Armageddon.

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