Tuesday, October 11, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




Is this the best they can come up with?  I fully believe that this will backfire on "Hillary".  Not only is it hypocritical but it is digging for dirt some 12 years ago. 

Rest assured that I am not a Trump fan but neither do I endorse a candidate who has been a party to a trail of bodies in the hundreds.  Even though Trump appears to be a member of the Khazarian mafia, I see no such body count in his past.  Besides, as I showed you a few days ago, Hillary is legally disqualified from holding any public office.  Are we going to ignore this and put her into office anyway --- like we did Obama? 

Are we thinking about what we are doing? Are we even capable of thinking? 

The second debate is now over and was so obviously "Hillary directed" that it looked more like a political speech on her part when she was answering questions.  It was quite obvious she was privy to the questions beforehand and had polished her answers through several rehearsals. 

At one point, Hillary said something to the effect of, "Can you imagine this man in the white house?"  To which Trump quickly interjected, "You'd be in jail."  It wasn't missed by the audience because there was a rousing approval. 

It remains to be seen if Americans are sharp enough to pick up on the gross hypocrisy of a Clinton making accusations of sexual misconduct. If they are, then this whole episode could backfire big time.  But for the democratic party to prop up Clintons in accusations of sexual misconduct against ANYBODY shows hypocrisy  and desperation on the part of every registered democrat. 

October 6, 2016

Putin Authorizes Sinking Of NATO Ships As Russian Troops Prepare For Syria Deployment

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Another grim report from the Ministry of Defense (MoD) circulating in the Kremlin today says that President Putin has authorized “local control” to naval commanders operating in the Levant War Zone to fire upon and sink all NATO warships upon the outbreak of hostilities with the West, and has further ordered tens-of-thousands of Federation troops to prepare for an immediate deployment to Syria—both war moves being in response to US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley threatening war against Russia yesterday and stating “We will beat you harder than you have ever been beaten before” (General Milley may want to know that during World War II, Russia lost an estimated 26 million people, but was never defeated) .  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

President Putin in Ministry of Defense War Room 6 October 2016

 With General Milley actually stating the full intentions of the Americans, and their NATO allies, to destroy the Federation, this report says, reports from the US are, also, showing that the Obama regime is nearing a decision on striking the government forces of Syria—and which just this past week the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford had warned “for us to control all of the airspace in Syria would require us to go to war against Syria and Russia”.

Chillingly as the Obama regime keeps advocating for World War III, this report continues, the American people are being kept from knowing how close their nuclear destruction is by their propaganda media—but cannot be said about the Russian peoples as their media, on a daily basis, is warning of this “direct military confrontation” that is on par with the Cuban missile crisis that, likewise, threatened to destroy the world.

To how the American people are being kept in the dark by their government about the greatest threat to them in all of their history, MoD analysts in this report write, is due to billions-of-dollars of propaganda being spent to keep them clueless by the Obama regime—and that newly released documents in Britain show that government is now doing against their people too.

Shamefully, these MoD analysts in this report note, the American propaganda mainstream media is now pushing for World War III too by their abject failure to tell these people the truth—and was, perhaps, best articulated this past week by Stephen Kinzer, a senior fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University, who warned that the US mainstream media’s coverage of the conflict in Syria “will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press.”

Particularly to be noted about Kinzer’s warning, this report continues, is his honest reporting of the Islamic terrorists the Obama regime is supporting in Aleppo, Syria, by his stating that this conflict began when Obama and Hillary Clinton’s “violent militants” overran Aleppo three years ago and began “a wave of repression” by posting notices warning residents: “Don’t send your children to school. If you do, we will get the backpack and you will get the coffin”.

After Obama and Hillary Clinton’s Islamic terrorists took over half of Aleppo, Kinzer points out, “then they destroyed factories, hoping that unemployed workers would have no recourse other than to become fighters and then looted all of the cities machinery, trucked it to Turkey, and then sold it.”

Perversely, this report says, the Obama regime, with the aid of the US propaganda mainstream media, have convinced the American people that these vile Islamic terrorists are some kind of “freedom fighters”—but which Syrian army troops, who just this morning took back half of eastern Aleppo, strongly disagree with having witnessed first hand their savagery against ordinary people, including the beheading of children.

Being kept from the American too about this looming global war, this report continues, are the warnings given to them by some of their own top military experts—including NATO’s deputy supreme commander of Europe General Sir Richard Shirreff who a few weeks ago said “I’m worried, very worried, that we’re sleepwalking into something absolutely catastrophic”, and US Major General William Hix who in describing how horrifying this conflict will be warned it is “almost guaranteed”, and that the “violence of it will be on the scale that the US Army has not seen since Korea” and will be “extremely lethal and fast”.

And to how “extremely lethal and fast” this war will actually be, is evidenced by this reports noting the Federation warships President Putin is rushing to the conflict zone inculde the missile cruisers Serpukhov and Zelyony Dol and the Mirazh small missile-carrying ship—all of which are equipped with the anti-ship missile Brahmos that is the fastest low-altitude missile in the world, and one of the 5 deadliest in the world.

Most grimly, however, is this report noting that both the Serpukhov and Zelyony Dol are, also, equipped with the feared Kalibr cruise missile system—and that with President Putin authorizing their “local control” use most assuredly means that they are nuclear armed.

Equally as foreboding is this MoD report stating that President Putin has authorized the sending of tens-of-thousands of Federation ground troops to Syria to directly confront both the US and NATO—and that was confirmed by Jordon’s  Al Ra'I News Services chief international correspondent Elijah J. Magnier who just hours ago sent out this message: “@EjmAlrai# Damascus agreed & #Russia is ready to send several thousands of special forces & other various units officers this month to #Syria”.

To why the Obama regime and Hillary Clinton are risking World War III to save their Islamic terrorists who behead children, throw homosexuals off of buildings, drown people in cages, wrap people in explosives and blow them up, and who have established “rape camps” for captured Christian 8-year-old girl children, is beyond all normal human understanding—unless, of course, one actually believes that Obama and Clinton really want to destroy to America for some other purpose. 

October 6, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

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