Thursday, July 12, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
7 3 18



We could take a lesson from the history of ancient Israel.  The first king of Israel was the most humble man that could be found in the entire nation.  His name was Saul and he was anointed king by the prophet Samuel.  Once he assumed power over the nation, his attitude changed and his humility evaporated. 

He was shown what he should do to the enemies of Israel and he refused to do what was required of him by the Eternal. 

When he refused to kill the kings of the nations challenging Israel and warring against them --- the prophet Samuel took the initiative and killed those kings and was instructed to anoint a new candidate for king of Israel because Saul was to be dethroned. 

Is this a lesson for Trump today?  If he refuses to pursue the death penalty for the enemies of America, is he then to become the seventh king of Revelation 17:10-11 that is to "...continue a short space"?  Are his religious advisors telling him this or are they working for deep state? 

I'm only asking the question and I don't pretend to have the answer.  In fact, to me it appears that Trump has inherited a lose lose situation where America has already been judged and sentence passed.  It would seem that Trump is merely to preside until the eighth king, (known as the beast), is prepared to resume the destruction of America.  Yes, he goes into perdition but he doesn't know that.  His days of resumption of power will be few and he will die in yet another land he despises. 

At the culmination of the "...short space" of the seventh king of Rev 17, events will shift into "fast forward" and the end of America and "Israel" will be imminent.   This will be announced by the destruction of Damascus.

There will be much going on at this time and, no doubt, Americans will be blindsided by the fake news media that so many continue to worship.  

Is the Trump draining the swamp or is the swamp draining Trump?  It would seem he hasn't the intestinal fortitude for destroying the traitors that are destroying America.  Yes, he is making some headway and doing some things that have needed done for years --- but there are overriding needs that are being neglected and this includes the destruction of those destroying America before they consolidate their forces and destroy Trump.  Leaving known murderers walking the streets is a recipe for disaster!

They have already demonstrated and announced that they will stop at nothing in order to destroy Trump.  Do we need a court of law to establish intent when they have declared their intent?  Trump needs to unleash the military on these vermin without mercy. 

Where to start?  My perspective is sorely limited but I would start with the Vatican, Mecca, Medina and the banking mile in London.  Then I would open the sealed indictments, arrest the traitors and ship them off to Gitmo.  If rioting began in America, I would first caution the rioters to stay home and then dispatch the national guard with live ammo.  Tough love?  You betcha.  It's either this or kiss America goodbye. 

Americans cannot even imagine a world without America --- but it's coming --- and sooner that any of us can imagine.  This world is simply not sustainable and when we couple that with the forces of Satan actively working in concert to destroy our planet --- the future of our world isn't rosy. 

Now it isn't going to go out in a nuclear fireball and we have the written guarantee of that in the writings of the prophets.  But the destruction will be so great that many will consider it the end of the world. 

Not the end of the world but the end of civilization as we know it.  Civilization is a hodgepodge of confused and corrupted values that include pedophilia, robbery of the masses, child trafficking, political chicanery and whatever the imaginations of Satan's minions can dream up. 

It's coming to a close.  It won't need to be voted in --- justice is coming from an outside source as it did some 3500 years ago when Egypt was destroyed. 

The masses cannot accept this nor can those who call themselves the "elite".  But do they ever stop to consider why they built the underground bunkers for the "Day of wrath"?  Do they really feel they are going to ride this thing out and rule planet earth like a plantation?  "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'".  

Satan has delivered up the kingdoms of this world to those who do his bidding as we can see in Luke 4.  What those who have received those kingdoms have failed to factor into their planning for the future is that Satan's reign on earth has a termination date that is on the threshold and we can see the coronation of his successor in Daniel 7:13-14.  We can see Satan's fate and the fate of his followers in Rev 20 and also in the book of Malachi. 

He will be restrained for 1000 years and then will be released again to recruit a following and foment his last war on planet earth.  Those who follow him in that rebellion will share in his ultimate fate. 

I'm well aware of those who say, "Spirit life is eternal and indestructible."  But those folks are listening to their religious gurus rather than the prophets. 

This world is about to be re-established and the blueprint has already been drawn up millennia ago.  I have shown some of the intermediate steps in the pages of these Commentaries.  It will not be voted on and it will not be the result of the pipe dreams of those who call themselves "elite".   It will be a justice system introduced to earth based on real laws by the Eternal and not the fake laws agreed upon by a group that call themselves "lawmakers".  The death penalty will be restored with a scope that will stagger the imaginations of earth survivors.  Yes, the 90% population reduction is a reasonable number but survivors will not be selected by the "elite".  They will be included in the 90%. 

If you think this is an empty dream, perhaps you should look at where the "elite" have taken us as a planet.  The Pacific Ocean is essentially a giant bowl of nuclear soup.  America is already a nuclear wilderness and radiation is killing Americans by the hundreds of thousands if not millions.  Our world is built on fraud, myths and idolatry.  Eternal war is the name of the game and "common sense" departed the planet years ago.  Can we trust our future to these perverts who call them-selves "elite"?

They must be exterminated and they will be.  But we, like those Israelites in Egypt some 3500 years ago, are incapable of freeing ourselves from this tyranny and that is where the intervention by an outside force comes into play.  They know it's coming and are preparing to do battle in "star wars fashion".  Isn't that exactly what the prophets tell us?  The entire world will fight against this intervention and the death toll will be mind boggling.  Look at Isaiah 63, the first few verses and also Rev 19.  These militaries will be crushed. 

What I'm showing you and have been for the past ten years is not speculation --- it is as certain as sunrise tomorrow morning.  

Deal with it.

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