Thursday, July 12, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
7 9 18


July 6, 2018

Creepy Porn Lawyer Returns From Emerald City To Save America As It Sets Sail On Sea Of Liberal Lunacy

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A highly disturbing, but greatly amusing, new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing noteworthy events occurring in America this past week states that the United States has finally become unmoored from reality and set sail upon the “Sea of Liberal Lunacy”—as evidenced by Democratic Party leftists there celebrating their nations 4th of July national Independence Day holiday by denouncing the First Amendment of their Constitution, one of their main publications publishing an article saying that the American Revolution was a mistake, one of their top 2020 presidential candidates but cheering US history by comically claiming that “eight immigrants” signed the Declaration of Independence, and Facebook actually removing the Declaration of Independence from its site after they flagged it as “hate speech—and whose “Captain of Communism” set to lead them on this journey is a man known as “Creepy Porn Lawyer” who has, obviously, just returned from the Land of Oz capitol of Emerald City with his afterwards declaring, on 4 July, that he now has the “brains, heart and courage” to be president—but with suspicions being raised that he, in fact, received them from the Wizard of Oz who had previously given a Scarecrow a “brain”, a Tin Man a “heart” and a Cowardly Lioncourage”, too.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

 Heroic American “witch killer” Dorothy leads Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion to Land of Oz capitol Emerald City to meet “all powerful” Wizard of Oz 

According to this report, Foreign Ministry analysts have given the title of “Captain of Communism” to American attorney Michael Avenatti due to his failing last month to pay a roughly $452,000 US federal government tax payment—as all socialist-communists believe “normal” laws don’t apply to them—and whose failure to abide by American law caused Assistant US Attorney Najah Shariff to write in a US Federal Court motion: “The Debtor and its principle Michael Avenatti made misrepresentations to the United States that it’s claim would be fully paid...the misconduct of the Debtor and its responsible office Michael Avenatti should not be condoned by this Court”.

To anyone mocking the idea of “Creepy Porn Lawyer” as being “the savior of the Republic”, however, this report continues, they should have paid attention to the Democratic Party aligned liberal-leftist rabidly anti-Trump propaganda cable television news channels CNN and MSNBC who have given him nearly unlimited air time—and whose weeks of sitting next to CNN host Anderson Cooper gave him the “experience” to begin his presidential quest—with CNN Editor-at-large Chris Cillizza even going so far to state: “the idea of Avenatti even being taken seriously as a candidate is decidedly far-fetched...but, but, but, but: I said I would never say never”—and its worth noting, too, that Avenatti’s 4 July declaration of his having the “brains, heart and courage” to run for the US presidency coming on the heels of the death of the last known Munchkin from the Land of Oz, and whose secrets of the Wizard of Oz he has, undoubtedly, taken with him to the grave.   

Jerry Maren (center) last known Munchkin of the Lollypop Guild suddenly dies after “Creepy Porn Lawyer” returns from Land of Oz—may soon be added to infamous Clinton Death List

To whom “Creepy Porn Lawyer” will have to defeat before he takes on President Trump, though, this report details, will be his main Democratic Party rival US Senator Kamala Harris—whom the liberal-leftist British establishment press has already declared as “young, black, female – and the Democrats’ best bet for 2020”—which is confusing as Senator Harris has just displayed a shocking lack of US-British historical knowledge with her claiming that “eight immigrants” had signed the Declaration of Independence—and was in reference to the 2 men born in England, the 2 men born in Ireland, the 2 men in Scotland, the 1 man born in Wales and the 1 man born in Northern Ireland who signed this document along with the 48 men who were born in the colonies—all of whom were British citizens living in their own country as the United States did not yet exist. 

This blatant revisionism of US-British history, however, this report continues, doesn’t belong to Senator Harris alone—as the, likewise, rabidly anti-Trump leftist-liberal publication Voxcelebrated” the 4th of July be publishing an article titled “3 Reasons The American Revolution Was A Mistake”—and wherein they stated: “This July 4, let's not mince words: American independence in 1776 was a monumental mistake.  We should be mourning the fact that we left the United Kingdom, not cheering it. we'd still likely be a monarchy, under the rule of Elizabeth II, and constitutional monarchy is the best system of government known to man”.

US Senator Kamala Harris leaves English Castle of Queen Elizabeth II to begin British plot to retake control of America

Like the “flying monkeys” unleashed on the peaceful peoples of the Land of Oz by the Wicked Witch of the West, this report says, so too today are liberal-leftist forces being thrown against the America people—and whose 4th of July outrages include the Statue of Liberty having to be closed down because of communist protests, the Republican Party headquarters in Nebraska being attacked and having its windows broken, and a young 16-year-old boy child having his Make America Great Again hat viciously ripped from his head and his soda being thrown in his face by leftist-lunatic—with the last of these atrocities being condoned by a CNN commentator who wrote “wish I could take the high road…but your MAGA hat reads like a swastika to me…so ummm … hmmm, yeah…maybe I’m no longer a decent person”.

Joining this “no longer decent personCNN commentator showing his “bigotry of low expectations” of the American people who support President Trump, no matter what their race or heritage is, this report further says, is a liberal-leftist Huffington Post reporter who shockingly wrote “out on the road the other day I saw an affluent black man driving a BMW with two bumper-stickers…one was pro-NRA and the other was a Tea Party sticker that read “Don’t tread on me”…this left me very confused”—and whose confusion, without a doubt, is due to her failing to understand why America hasn’t already erupted into full scale civil war due to the over 91 documented examples of media-approved violence and harassment of Trump supporters—but that are being ignored by the black peoples in the US whose approval numbers for Trump are “rising into the danger zone for Democrats”—and that is being matched by the Hispanic peoples in the US whose approval for Trump shot up 10% in the past few weeks alone—and when combined with the growing Asian peoples support of Trump, shows clearly he will be reelected in 2020.

 Hillary Clinton plots her next move as President Trump keeps winning bigly

No doubt contributing to President Trump’s unstoppable rise in popularity among his nations peoples of colour, this report continues, are his American First polices exposing the lies of the Democratic Party—whose Democratic controlled for decades cities are the top ten of places these people are fleeing from in drovesmost particularly San Francisco that has turned into a “literal shithole” that last week alone had over 16,000 complaints of human feces covering their cities roads, walls and sidewalks—but whose exposure for their misdeeds and crimes hasn’t stopped these Democrats from warning of what they plan next while they gaze into their crystal balls, and that includes:

Taking advantage of legal and constitutional silences to transform American politics in a lasting progressive direction. 

Grant statehood to Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, and break California in seven, with the goal of adding 16 new Democrats to the Senate.

Expand the Supreme Court and the federal courts, packing them with liberal judges.

Move to multi-member House districts to roll back the effects of partisan gerrymandering.

Pass a new Voting Rights Act, including nationwide automatic voter registration, felon enfranchisement and an end to voter ID laws.

Grant citizenship to millions of undocumented immigrants, creating a host of new Democratic-leaning voters—Republicans have always feared that immigration would change the character of American society…Democrats should reward them with their very worst nightmare.

 American “witch killer” heroine Dorothy contemplates in fear what Hillary Clinton plans to do to United States and its people next

With President Trump knowing that the answer to saving America from this Democratic Party evil lies as close as the very heels on every one of his citizen’s shoes, this report concludes, his efforts to have them all “click together” as one united people should save the day—and upon whose final liberation, no doubt, will be met warmly by the peoples of the Land of Oz who had to, also, destroy a few “witches” before they regained their freedom. 

Peoples of the Land of Oz celebrate their freedom—as the American people might soon do too

July 6, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

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