Thursday, July 12, 2018


From the desk of
Bill Ramey
7 11 18


July 10, 2018

Putin Grants Free Russian Land To 15,000 Christians Facing “White Genocide” In South Africa As West Turns Its Back On God Once Again

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A truly heart breaking new Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that President Putin has personally authorized the granting of free farm land in Russia to up to 15, 000 Christian men, women and children preparing to flee from South Africa as “a matter of life and death—whose farms there, their ancestors have worked since the 18th Century, have all now been seized from them without payment, and whose “white genocide” extermination of the “Hitler of South Africa” now warns is near—but whom have all, also, been “rejected from protection” by the West who have, once again, turned their backs on God—with Canada outright rejecting their refugee status, the United States ignoring a petition signed by thousands to aid these Christian refugees, and the European Union not even able to be considered as it has been completely taken over by “degenerate liberalism.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

 Drexel University Professor George Ciccariello-Maher agrees with South African communists--says: “All I want for Christmas is white genocide in America

Due to the overwhelming global success of this free Russian land offer, this report continues, President Putin, this past fortnight, extended it to the Vologda Region—where will be given out 468,000 hectares of vacant agricultural land in 14 remote areas of the region—with these lands to be used for farming and raising livestock.

Vologda Region (highlighted in red) is split between the basins of the White Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the Caspian Sea—and where Lake Onega, one of the biggest freshwater lakes in Europe, is located

These South African farmers, and their families, this report explains, are known in their own country as “Boers”—that is the Dutch and Afrikaans noun for “farmer” in South African contexts, and denotes the descendants of the then Dutch-speaking settlers of the eastern Cape Frontier of Southern Africa during the 18th and much of the 19th Century—all of whom are white Christians adhering to the Christian tenants and beliefs of the Dutch Reformed Church.

Known more particularly as Boer Calvinists, this report notes, their counterpart in the Motherland are the Union of Evangelical Reformed Churches in Russia—whose Christian biblical doctrine is most commonly referred to as Calvinism that grows out of a deep conviction that God’s glory is the “goal of all things”—and is the largest Christian evangelical movement that’s swept the world in the 21st Century—and is called “The Great Calvinist Reawakening”—that swept through Russia in 2013, the United States in 2014—and, by 2016, was rapidly spreading throughout all of China. 

Central tenant of Calvinism as put forth by modern day founder of the global Calvinist movement, American-Christian evangelical theologian R.C. Sproul (1939-2017)

To the fears of their being massacred in a “white genocide”, this report grimly warns, the present plight of these Christian South African farmers, and their families, is, indeed, dire—with threats being first made against them in November-2016 by the powerful South African Member of Parliament, and radical communist politician, Julius Malema—who made it clear that whites were not entitled to own any land in South Africa, but that for now he was not calling for their slaughter.

By February-2018, this report continues, Julius Malema and his followers in the South African Parliament declared that “the time for reconciliation is over” and passed a law to confiscate white-owned land without compensation—and a month later, in March-2018, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa stating his vow to begin the confiscation of all white owned land—and who was followed a few weeks later, in June-2018, by Julius Malema (now known as the “Hitler of South Africa”) terrifyingly gave his final warning: “We have not called for the killing of white people.  At least for now.  I can’t guarantee the future”.

 Julius Malema (above) gives white South African farm families their “final warning

With President Putin having firmly established what is being called the world over as “The Truimph Of Christianity In Russia”, and where it is mandatory for religion to be taught in schools, this report concludes, it was no surprise that he quickly approved these Christian South African farmers, and their families, being allowed to flee into the Motherland before they are all genocidaly massacred—and that, much too ironically, came during the same week that the powerful Netflix network in the United States (that used to proclaim its Christian values) satanically aired its “Salute To Abortion”—thus providing yet another shocking example of how far towards the moral abyss this once great nation has truly fallen.

July 10, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

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