Tuesday, June 11, 2013


From the desk of

Bill Ramey




In the last commentary I discussed the deception of the entire world in an article entitled "Deception".  I would like to continue that line of thought briefly in order to expand on the scope of that deception.  I said in that commentary that "religion is the tool used by Satan to promote the deception of the world", and as evidence, I call your attention to some of those religions. 

The Catholic Church claims their authority comes from Christ.  This comes to us as a series of myths that have been matured over the past two millennia.  The "Peter was the first Pope" myth dates only back to the 7th or 8th century.  Their priestly dress, their rituals, the days they observe as holy and Revelation 17 all identify them with the Babylonian Mystery Religion.  But they succeeded in deceiving "…the whole world", (Revelation 12:9) with their lead role in the creation of the "Image of the Beast" (Revelation 13:14). 

In Revelation 17, she is called the "Mother of harlots".  If this be true, then she has daughters.  Did they come out in protest and is that why they are called protestants?  Do they carry the baggage of their mother such as the rituals, the pagan holidays, the counterfeit sabbath?  Even such American religious notables as Dwight Moody and Henry Halley were taken in by the deception and evidently believed that Christ left His unfinished work to the Catholic Church.  You can see this quite clearly in the "History of the Church" in Halley's Handbook. 

So you can see that this deception is not something that was started last year or last century but has proceeded in lock step with the deterioration of the governments and societies as they degenerated from the head of gold in Daniel's day to the iron/clay toes where we find ourselves today --- savages with nukes. 

It is not my purpose to point out all the intermediate steps in this degradation.  My purpose is to point out that this (the iron/clay toes) is where we find ourselves today whether the general public recognizes it or not.

When you look back at history of the empires that have fallen, how many recognized their dilemma and determined to steer a different course around the destruction?  The "head of gold" was an affluent society, no doubt, comparable to America.  It fell without a battle while the top politicos were partying.  The second empire (dating from Daniel's day) was the Medo-Persians and they fell in a series of battles to the Grecian Empire of Alexander.  It appears likely that Alexander and his son were murdered in a conspiracy concocted by his top generals who then divided his world ruling empire among themselves.  The division began with four but was quickly reduced to two and these are known in scripture as the kingdoms of the south (Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia) and the kingdom of the north which was Syria at first but it was absorbed into the Roman Empire which then became the northern empire and it has been ever since. 

We hear a lot of talk today about the New World Order that is very close to a reality and is the dream of Luciferians totally disconnected from reality.  And Luciferians worldwide are salivating over the idea that they are about to attain their dream.  But is it to be?  If the dream shown Nebuchadnezzar, representing the scroll of time from his day to the end of the age, is accurate, (and up to now the accuracy is awesome), then I should think that dream image would have had only one leg or that the feet would have been joined together.  But a careful reading will show the reader that the two legs ran right into two feet and then divided into ten toes representing the final days of the age --- not the end of the world as Catholic mythology/Luciferian doctrine would have us believe. 

No doubt you will find this a new concept because I have never heard this expounded by any religionist at any time.  But when you take a serious look at the concept being put across in the book of Daniel, and when you take into consideration that the book was to be sealed at the time of writing until the "end time", (Daniel 12:4 & 9), then it doesn't seem so strange that this has been hidden from the masses for lo these many centuries. 

So we live in a world divided but still controlled by the Babylonian (Chaldean) head.  Some have traced the power transfers all the way back to Nimrod and to me this sounds logical.  The Chaldean head is still connected to the legs through the Medo-Persian Militaries (torso) and the Grecian educational systems (belly and thighs) we call academic. 

When the division came among the Grecian generals, evidently it was agreeable to all but, wars ensued and have continued on down through the ages.  Why?  Because an emperor never gets enough power to satisfy. Wars are, and have been, about planetary dominion. They are really about planetary destruction, but this information is withheld from those waging these wars.  Those who study in war colleges know well that information during war is on a need to know basis. 

In the dream image of Nebuchadnezzar, we can see that the legs are considered as one empire (the fourth) by the corroboration in chapter 7 where the four empires are shown as four beasts.  If you study this chapter, I think you will see that the beast representing each empire was quite apropos.

So now we find ourselves in the days of the toes of iron/clay or the time that governments/societies/mankind have deteriorated to and unstable mix and we see this quite clearly in the world today.  The legs originally were a nationalistic division but evidently began their ideological division about the time of Christ.  We can see the seeds of this in Luke 12:51 where Christ is quoted as saying:  "Suppose you that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you 'Nay, but rather division'." 

So today we see the teachings of Christ counterfeited in two different directions which we call religions. Both failed to understand that Christ wasn't teaching a religion but rather a "way of life".  This "way of life" was simply to live by the laws put forth for the benefit of mankind and to point him toward replacing Satan as the ruler of planet earth.  Mankind has failed miserably in that commission.  So a race was born of one man (Abraham) and commissioned to introduce the Creator to mankind.  They were tested in the furnace of Egypt before being delivered from that slavery, nourished for 40 years in the wilderness and given a piece of choice real estate to grow in peace as a nation and demonstrate to the world a better "way of life" than the idolatry the world had chosen.  Did it happen?  No, it did not.  They wanted to have a king rule over them like the nations around them and it was given them.  He did exactly as they were told beforehand that he would do and soon they were as steeped in idolatry as the nations around them.  So they were scattered throughout the world as slaves and have been living in darkness since.  (See Rev 12:9).

But Israel is not off the hook and that commission is still in effect and they are still going to be required to introduce the Creator to the rest of the world after they come to know Him and see what can be done in the world by a nation living under His laws, statutes, precepts and judgments.  Ezekiel chapters 40-48 give an outline of what is to be accomplished and how. 

I suppose one could draw a parallel between the birth of a child and the rebirth of Israel with the coming time of Jacob's Trouble being the passage through the birth canal.  Make no mistake about it, troubled waters lie ahead, but when the challenges are the greatest, so are the rewards.  We have assurances in such scriptures as Isaiah 46:4 plus Ps 37 and 91.  In the accompanying article entitled "New", I shall try to show something I daresay few have considered, that hopefully will help us to prepare mentally for the coming crisis.  The things we are learning today (that the various churches neglected to teach us), may seem inconsequential and yet if you know what to expect, it can reduce the fear factor to a level below paralyzing. 

Knowledge dispels fear.  Have you, as a child, heard the Baptist preachers light up the fires of hell so vividly you could feel the heat on your seat?  They were instilling fear and that is what religions are about.  Fear inspires people to divert 10 - 30% of their income to self appointed ministers and/or ministries.  Somewhere I have an article by Dick Sutfen(?) entitled "The Battle for Your Mind" that shows the psychology employed by religion to keep adherents in tow.  Even the music is engineered to put the congregation in a receptive state of mind.  It's quite devious. If I can locate the article, I shall try to include it in a future commentary.  



I have shared with you that I feel that the book of Daniel is now opened and what keyed me to this was chapter 11:42-43 in the news for quite a spell over a year ago. Since that chapter is laid out chronologically, it stands to reason that verse 44 is the next domino in line.

I believe verse 44 to be the initiation of WWIII and the opening of the fourth seal in the sixth chapter of Revelation. 

When you couple this with the situation in the world today with Iran within a year of being able to produce a nuke and both Iran and Korean leaders insulting our President and with Korea threatening war against the U.S.,(probably scripted), I think we are getting close to verse 44 becoming reality. 

Couple this with the incoming celestial visitor this November and we definitely seem to be coming to a crossroads.  Need we mention the facts that several nations have already abandoned the dollar and it also appears that our government is determined to "…kill the dollar"?

Some realize that the inquisition did not stop at the time the Vatican lost their navy (the Spanish Armada) in 1588 but merely went underground.  When you read the oath taken by Jesuits, it appears that the state shootings taking place in America would fit their venue nicely. 

What I want you to think about is whether or not the time of Jacob's Trouble and the push of the final inquisition are one and the same? 
We see in Revelation 6, verse 8, what I consider to be the initiation of WWIII and now the Jesuits are in control of nukes so the extermination of non Catholics can be done on a grand scale.  Entire cities can be taken out.  And just as England was declared anathema by the Pope when he "blessed" the mission of the Armada and sent them off to murder, rape and pillage in England, it appears that America will also be excommunicated as a nation before the destruction begins. 

So what prompted my thinking in this direction?  Verse 8 of chapter 6 is the opening of the fourth seal and if we look at verse 9 it goes right into the opening of the fifth seal.  The spirits of martyrs under the altar were crying for their blood to be avenged.  What were they told?  It's in verse 11.  How long does all this take?  How much time are we talking about in getting from seal 4 to seal 6?  The very next verse (12) is the opening of the sixth seal and brings a monstrous earthquake coupled with all sorts of cataclysms that appear to be announcing the initiation of phase 2 of the inquisition.  But we saw in Jeremiah 50-51 that there are going to be some people that exodus Babylon somewhere in that time frame.  We also saw it in Isaiah 52.  Haven't we seen in Psalms 114 that the mountains skipped like rams as the children of Israel left Egypt?  Could it be that we are looking at yet another parallel to the exodus from Egypt?

This is the first of the five quakes mentioned in Revelations and they appear to be felt worldwide.  Is this going to be the cover needed to "get the hell out of Dodge"?  It is difficult to envision an earthquake lasting for days and yet was this not the situation as the Israelites left Egypt?    Could this be what sends the HSI/FEMA rats scurrying for hidey-holes as Yahweh's people make their exit?  I present this for your consideration and meditation.  Then if it turns out this way, you will have been given a "heads up".

It appears this quake and accompanying cataclysms will occur on the heels of the destruction of Babylon and possibly during or before the evacuation.  I expect it to be on the first pass of our incoming celestial visitor. 

The fact that this occurs at the beginning of the tribulation is underscored by Revelations 7 which begins with "After this …" and then continues with the sealing of the 144,000 of the various tribes of Israel for their protection through the tribulation or "Time of Jacob's Trouble.

I have also raised a red flag over the book of Revelation because there seems to be something about it that is not right.  I pointed out to you the passage showing the 'innumerable multitude' coming out of the tribulation before the account of the tribulation.  Is this significant?  I am not ready to attempt to answer that at this time. 

I would appreciate your thoughts on these things.


Perhaps it is time to begin seriously considering an exodus from Babylon.  In doing this perhaps we should review Genesis 19 and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  There was, you recall, one family taken out of the area before the destruction came.  We know the story but perhaps we need to view it from a different perspective.  Lot was visited by a couple of angels and told to get what he could carry, round up his family and "get out of Dodge" because it was going to be destroyed totally.  Sodom was not only Lot's home, it was his livelihood as well, so his hesitance was understandable.  Finally the angel took him by the hand and led him out of the city and said "Run for your life for I can do nothing until you escape."

That is one perspective on people under Yahweh's protection living in a place about to be destroyed.  Now let's take a look at another perspective and that is Jericho.  One family there also was to be spared, presumably because of the knowledge and initiative of Rahab.  See Joshua 2.

And then there was Egypt where evidently some 3 million Israelites were removed from the land as it was being destroyed with a series of plagues. 

I bring these to your attention to illustrate that the Creator can quietly bring his people out before destruction as in the case of Lot or He can put a safety net around them during the destruction as in the case of Rahab and her family.  And finally He can even extract millions while the destruction is in progress as in the case of the Israelites in Egypt.

So what is required of those being extracted?  Can they just sit and wait patiently for the magic carpet to come and fly them to a place of safety?  Can they vote on who leads them?  We can take a lead from all the examples mentioned above.  First there is faith and knowledge required as we saw in the case of Lot.  If you notice in Genesis 19, he was observing the days of unleavened bread (statutes listed in Leviticus 23) at the time the angels visited him.  Had he not been, they might not have been there.  But because of his faith and knowledge he recognized the angels as from the Creator and gave heed to what they said.

What about Rahab?  Was she observing the days of unleavened bread?  I think it is logical to assume that she wasn't but she was acting in faith with the knowledge she had acquired through the eyes of the caravan merchants.  Note that she did not demand a meeting with Joshua but presented her petition to his representatives and followed their instructions.  Do you suppose that, during the days of unleavened bread, while the Israelites were marching around the city of Jericho, she was dutifully saluting the Jericho flag and pledging her allegiance? 

And what about some 3 million headstrong, impudent and rebellious Israelites in Egypt who evidently had been slaves for more than one generation?  Were they ready to unite as a nation under the laws of the Creator and carry out the commission of introducing Him to the gentile world?  They were shown miracles that should have gotten their undivided attention and yet, read the book of Exodus about the carping, moaning and complaining about how mistreated they were.

One of them even told Moses that he took too much on himself.  His argument was that the whole congregation was holy and therefore they should have more say in the conduct of affairs in the wilderness.  He really wasn't thinking about the holiness of the congregation but he himself, as the wealthiest of all the congregation, (Josephus says Korah was the treasurer of Egypt and brought out all their gold), should be leading instead of Moses.  We see in the book of Numbers that was a gross tactical error. 

But it didn't stop there.  Some brought their idols with them out of Egypt and soon large numbers of them lapsed into idolatry even after seeing the miracles that extracted them from a life of slavery.  They died by the tens of thousands of plague or the swords of the Levites.

The 40 years in the wilderness was because of rebellion.  Yahshua had even offered to drive the Canaanites out of the promised land with hornets if they simply lived by laws of Yahweh.  But it would seem that they were so accustomed to living under harsh authority that they just couldn't handle freedom.  Freedom requires thinking for one's self rather than leaving it to someone in "authority".  Freedom is not license to flout the law.  Freedom is everyone living by the same laws and with corrections being applied from the top down.  Freedom is without dissimulation which is evidently what got Aaron's two sons killed.  Freedom is where everyone benefiting from the community carries their weight of responsibility including taking part in administering the death penalty.  When matters of criminality are handled at the community level, there is no need for police, sheriffs, FBI, BATF, NIS, HSI, etc. 

We must keep in mind that, while faith and knowledge are very important, they must be accompanied by action.  In the book of James, it says, "You believe in one God, you do well, but the demons believe also and tremble."  Belief (faith) and knowledge are prerequisites but must be accompanied by action.  And the action must be unified. The parting of the Red Sea was probably planned at least a thousand years in advance including the very day it was to happen.  What if the Israelites had been there a day late?  "Que, sara, sara.  I wouldn't be writing you this today. 

We are to do our own thinking but there is also a time for unquestioning obedience to one in charge of a movement like the Exodus from Egypt.  There is no way that Yahshua can work through 3 million individuals.  There just isn't!  So He selects one to take charge and then works through that one leader.  Moses was that leader and it had been amply demonstrated to those who were brought out of the life of slavery they had become accustomed to.  But once free, they had time to think and begin to question as to whether they were being treated with the respect they should be.  In other words, human nature was coming into play and they wanted to be heard.  They were heard --- and a whole bunch of them died because of their attitude.  We need to be aware of these things because there are reasons to believe that the next exodus will contain many parallels to the first.

Moses had been given a "heads up" as to where they were going and it was given him while he was in the land of Midian.  Yahshua told him, "You shall come and worship on this mountain".  "This mountain" was the real Mt Sinai which is known today as Jabal Al Lawz or the Mountain of the Law.  The Arabs never lost site of the real Mt Sinai. 

But did the congregation know where they were going?  Perhaps not. Perhaps they needed to get their act in order before being told where they were going.  Had they had their act together, there would have been no need for the 40 year trek in the wilderness.  They could have gone directly into the promised land but for a lack of faith in the One who brought them out of Egypt.  The way of war was a training mission because of rebellion.  As previously noted, Yahshua promised to drive the Canaanites with hornets if they would simply live by the laws laid down for their own benefit.  In the years, decades and centuries to follow, they made a number of wrong turns.  We have that history for our edification today.  Will we be more receptive than they were?  We shall see.

Moses was not a perfect leader.  He made mistakes just as all other men do.  But he was kept in the leadership role until the day of his death.  Evidently Yahshua saw no reason to replace him before that.  And if we wait for the perfect leader to lead the next exodus, I fear we shall still be here when the nation is destroyed totally --- or shall be among those sold into slavery throughout the world. 

As we come down to the wire on this momentous event there are a number of questions we don't have answers to.  #1.  Where are we going?  #2.  Whom do we follow?  #3.  How are we to get there?  #4. How will we know when? 

We need to be seeking answers to these and other questions lest we fall into the trap of the Jim Jones followers.  We also need to be aware of the group in Oregon some 25-30 years ago that liquidated their assets and met a space craft at a location known only to them and their abductors.  According to testimonials left to friends and relatives, they were to be, "…taken to the next level".   To my knowledge, they have not been heard from since.  Do we know how to "test the spirits whether they be of Yahweh"? (I John 4).  If there is interest, I will do an article on that.  Chuck Baldwin has done some research in this area.  Some is well done and some is still locked in protestant shackles.  Hopefully we have the wisdom to tell the difference.

Please do not misunderstand.  I do not rule out spacecraft.  Enoch took a ride in quite a sophisticated spacecraft and evidently one that connected to a space platform orbiting around planet earth.  Elijah took a ride in a spacecraft and was moved to another part of the world because Jezebel wanted his head on a platter.  The king of Israel received a letter from him some ten years later.   

Many reject these things without checking them out and this is a serious error.  The scriptures and histories we have today have been handed down to us through rulers and religionists and have been tampered with by masters of deceit.  They have been "word smithed" over many centuries and we can see this when we begin to think for ourselves rather than let those wearing 501-C3 muzzles do our thinking for us.  Religion is the tool used by Satan to deceive the whole world.

Will the exodus from Babylon be less spectacular than the one from Egypt?   The nation of Egypt was being destroyed with plagues even before the Israelites began their trek out at the beginning of the days of unleavened bread.  Since the losing of their labor force was the equivalent of losing their last asset, evidently Pharaoh felt he had nothing more to lose by amassing the last of Egyptian might and going after these wretches for the purpose of mingling their blood with the desert sand.  Some records give the number of his army that perished in the Red Sea as six hundred thousand.  They died with few witnesses other than the Israelites and yet the story spread to the whole world.  Rahab knew the story.

Now I call your attention to Isaiah 52:10.  Read the verses leading up to verse 10 in order to get a feel for the context.  (From the New English version) "The LORD has bared his holy arm in the sight of all nations and the whole world, from end to end, shall see the deliverance of our God away from Babylon."

Who are these people?  We get a hint in verse 6 of Isaiah 52. "Therefore, my people shall know my name…"  It isn't Allah and it isn't Jesus.

I believe we can trash any past visions we have had of slipping out quietly, "under the radar".