Saturday, July 27, 2013


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




Now we know, of course, that the fourth of July is not a pagan holiday or is it?  With all the poisons being put into the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink, have we enough brain cells left to even examine this issue objectively? 

Since this celebration is an observance of the "birthday" of America, then it stands to reason that if America is the "Image of the Beast" spoken of in Revelation 13, then this celebration is a ritual involved in the worship of that image. 

Many people have an inordinate fear of the "Mark of the Beast" and yet they haven't a clue as to just who the "beast" is.  Could it be that it is the same beast we worship the image of?  If this seems ironic, then perhaps we should take a look at Revelation 12:9 which speaks of Satan who, "…deceives the whole world."  Is it possible we are part of that deception? 

Is America really the "Image of the 4th beast of Daniel 7"?  Is there a way we can know? 

Perhaps we should look at that book of Daniel where we find in verses 4 and 9 of chapter 12 that it was sealed at the time of writing "…until the time of the end."  At that time it is to be opened to the understanding of a few and you can see who these are in verse 10 of that same chapter.  The book of Daniel has been opened in the past three years and whether or not we realize it, we have witnessed some of the unveiling of it's prophecy on Evening News. 

So if this book that has been sealed for 2,600 years is now opened, what is it telling us?  For openers, it is telling us that, contrary to Darwinian Folly, mankind is not approaching godhood through natural selection.  Instead, mankind and related societies and governments are degrading to the point at the end, of being savages with awesome weaponry.  You can find this in chapter 2.  You can also see in chapter two, when you couple it with history and current events, that the legs of the dream image of Nebuchadnezzar constitute the Christian and Muslim movements today with planetary dominion as the goal.  Judaism is included in this movement but they are hidden in the "Christian leg" of that image through a covenant with the Romans in the time of the Maccabees and you can find the terms of the covenant in I Maccabees, chapter 8.  That covenant is still in effect today by virtue of the Roman Empire bequeathing "…all the power" to the Vatican (Christian leg) and we see this in Revelation 13:12.  The Roman Empire did not fall in 476 AD; that is Vatican myth put out by Edward Gibbon and published in 1776 as a smokescreen to hide the fact that America was a creation of the Vatican as the "Image of the Beast". 

Yes, the whole world is deceived and it appears that the creation of the image of the beast was the first successful endeavor in this world deception.  Some of the world is beginning to wake up to the fact that the U.S. is not the "Shining knight of nationhood" which they try to convey to the world. The revelations of Edward Snowden have served to heighten this awakening.

The purpose of these Commentaries is to inform you that we have progressed through the dream image of Nebuchadnezzar to verse 33 of chapter 2 and we stand at the threshold of the fulfillment of verses 34 and 35. The meaning of this is explained in verse 44.

We see in chapter 5 that the head of the Babylonian Empire was duly notified before his empire was supplanted by the Medo Persians. We see in Amos 3:7 that, "Surely the Lord God does nothing without giving to His servants, the prophets, knowledge of His plans."

This appears to say that the end time Babylon, referred to in Revelation 18 and in Jeremiah, chapters 50 and 51, will also be notified before their total destruction for idolatry.  America, in addition to being the image of the beast, is that empire.



In these Commentaries, I have tried to put world events into a world perspective, to show you what is on the horizon and to show it from a prophetic perspective.  I have shown you that the book of Daniel has been opened in the past three years and how to verify this for yourself.   I have shown you what it is telling us and one of the things it is telling us is that the New World Order envisioned by men simply will not happen!   I have also shown you that the knell of America has been sounded and that we are in our last days as a nation. 

As each day passes now, more and more people are coming to see the reality of this.  We now have economic doomsdayers, religious doomsdayers and political doomsdayers trying to sound the warning. 

This brings us to yet another prophetic reinforcement of this message  and in a book by a minor prophet in the Old Testament, we find a cryptic scripture.  Habakkuk 1:4:  "Behold you among the heathen and take notice and wonder:  For I will work a work in your day which you will not believe though it be told you."  So if the world refuses to believe this minor prophet, then they have become the fulfillment of this prophecy, right?  Wrong.  Scripture is not written to the world, it is written for Israel.  It is written to those of whom it is said in Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

The book of Habakkuk, to me, does not appear dual.  It appears to be an end time scenario from start to finish.  While it was written many years ago, we see the setting for the vision in chapter 2, verse 3.  It is for a "…time appointed".   We see this "time appointed" also mentioned in  Daniel 11:35. There is a pre set date ("time appointed") for the beginning of the destruction of Satan's governments and a set date for the change of command of planet earth.  Matthew 24:22 suggests that this last date is movable.

Habakkuk is complaining to the Creator about a rogue nation identified as Chaldeans, who runs roughshod over the nations of the world, robbing, raping, pillaging and with seeming impunity.  This nation is powerful and there are none that can stand up against it.  This nation evidently was established for correcting other nations (1:12) but has gone far past that stage and is now steeped in idolatry and devoid of justice even for her own people. I submit to you that these Chaldeans are the same Chaldeans spoken of by Jeremiah in chapters 50 & 51 as the "daughter of Babylon. 

At this point, perhaps I should interject a personal story to illustrate the lack of justice in our own country.  Some 23 years ago the diesel engine in my wife's vehicle was destroyed by dirty fuel.  She decided to seek recourse through the courts despite the fact that I told her she was wasting her time.  She still believed, at that time, that the courts represented justice.  (She no longer believes that.)  When she presented her case in small claims court, the judge informed her (in judicial legalese), that the service station that dispensed the fuel was not to blame and that the oil company that provided the fuel could not be sued.  My daughter Misty was about 12 years of age at that time and accompanied her mother to the hearing.  She piped up at that point with, "That's not fair!"  The judge peered over his half glasses and said, "Young lady, we are not talking about what's fair, we are talking about the law."  I really think that says it all about American jurisprudence and will serve as an indictment against them in days to come.  Isaiah 40:23-24 is about to overtake us.

Chapter 2 continues the indictment against this idolatrous nation, listing her sins and detailing the recompense that is certain.  But in chapter 3, we see the tide begins to turn.  In verse 3 we see a reinforcement (and parallel) of Isaiah 63:1-3.  In verse 5, we see what appears to be the 7th trumpet.  And the remainder of this final chapter goes on to detail the destruction of Satan's governments on earth. 

Verse 2 of chapter 3 is a point of special interest.  "I have seen O LORD your work.  In the midst of the years you did make yourself known…"  I'm not sure just what years are being spoken of here, but  since the scenario is centered around the "time of the end", could it be the mid point of the 7 year "end time"? 

We are at the crossroads of time and we are about to see in our sky a celestial visitor that has been perturbing the orbits of planets in our solar system for the past century.   I submit to you this is no mere comet as the media would have us believe.  According to a newscast by Brian Williams in November of 2012, this will be in our solar system in November of 2013 and will occupy as much space in our sky as the moon and be 15 times brighter.  It will cause much soul       searching and consternation.  Could this be the Creator "…making Himself known"?

From the scraps of information leaked by astronomers (some of whom are dead now), my understanding is that this celestial visitor will make two passes through our solar system.  The first one appears to be this November (2013).  If I am connecting the prophetic dots correctly, this pass will take out the strongest government of Satan (as noted by Habakkuk).  It will then make an arc over in the north and return with even more physical alterations of planet earth.  That time appears to be the time of the 5th and final quake of the book of Revelations that will be felt worldwide.  (Rev 16:18).  This quake brings down the "…cities of the nations", (see verse 19) and, coupled with invading forces, (see Isaiah 63:1-4) begins in earnest the destruction of Satan's governments and their support institutions.

The continued preparation to wage war against Syria makes this fall look even more ominous.  There is little question that we are coming up on Isaiah 17:1.  The next few verses tell us what to expect to follow immediately.  Russia has already made it plain that this will not be another Libya.  Isaiah, Jeremiah and Habakkuk have made that plain also.

The very last verse in this book (3:19) is quite interesting.  And it appears the translators all have different "takes" on it.  Could it be they are all off just a bit?  Let's look at it in the Tyndale Living Bible which, in my way of thinking, gets the closest to what is being said.  "The Lord is my Strength, and he will give me the speed of a deer and bring me safely over the mountains."  What if we changed the word "over" to "above"?  Elijah went over (above) the mountains to a different part of the world.  He didn't die at that time nor did he go to the heaven of Yahweh's throne.  The king of Israel got a letter from him some seven years later.  (II Chron 21:12).  We live in exciting t times!



Throughout history the fortunes of individuals and nations have been known to change quickly and with short notice.  Case in point is those hung in their pajamas at Nurenburg; months before they were at the pinnacle of power and authority.

America sits today at the threshold of total destruction and the force that is currently queuing up to bring down America consists of "…an assembly of great nations" , and you can find this in Jeremiah 50, verse 9.  It would seem that Edward Snowden's "leaks" have polarized the world and are accelerating our demise.

It would seem that we have about three months before this message (America's demise) is put out to the world (Nov 2013).  At that time, we will have a new celestial body in our skies that occupies as much space as the moon and be 15 times brighter, according to Brian Williams on Evening News in Nov 2012. 

Is this celestial visitor a messenger?  It appears to be!  And it appears that it's first mission is to introduce two witnesses (Revelation 11) whose first message is the imminent destruction of America, the daughter of Babylon.  You can get details in Jeremiah, chapters 50 and 51.

These witnesses draw their information from the newly opened little book of Daniel which was sealed at the time of writing until "…the time of the end" (see Daniel 12:4 & 9).

So for those of you watching in dismay as America goes down the sewer, be assured that he pigeons are about to come home to roost.

The "Media Whores" of America are beating the drums of war, psyching America up for the intervention in Syria.  This is coming.  And when the city of Damascus becomes a "…ruinous heap" as noted in Isaiah 17:1, by whomever's hands, America's demise will be hard on it's heels.  We will become a nuclear wilderness in a matter of a month.  You can get the gory details in Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51.  You can see our fate by putting the name of America in where it says "…daughter of Babylon".  We will be taken down by an "…assembly of great nations." (Jeremiah 50:9). 

They are already gearing up for that event in the biggest war games on record between Russia and China as America continues to gut the military. 

We find our nation, and our nation's fate, described in considerable detail in the Old Testament in the book of Habakkuk. It is coming and it will be in this generation.  The dominoes are already in place --- we are waiting for the first one to fall.

America's fall will be the first (and strongest) of Satan's governments to fall.  The destruction of the rest will take some three and one half years.  At that time we shall see the change of command ceremony described in Daniel 7 and planet earth will come under a different jurisdiction.  It will not be a bloodless coup as religionists would have us believe.  See Isaiah 63:1-3 and Revelation 9:16.  It will be very messy.  Population of planet earth will be reduced by some 90% and the cities will be reduced to rubble (see Revelation 16:19).  All the support institutions for today's governments will be destroyed.  This amounts to all the colleges and academic educational institutions.

Those politicos granted asylum in the underground cities (called D.U.M.B.s) will be retained in those dungeons until brought out for judgment for crimes against humanity (see Isaiah 24:21-22).  The world is about to witness the biggest change in all of history and it is to be in this generation.  It appears it could begin at the end of 2013!
Are we ready for something this big?



Several years ago, while George Bush was still president, Ken Welch did some super sleuthing and revealed his findings on the net.  One of his communiqués told about Bush being in a state near delirium because he felt he was going to pull the nuclear trigger on America and kill a million people by detonating a nuke on a ship anchored in Galveston Harbor.  He was to accomplish this by simply dialing a number on his cell phone.  The ship was in the harbor, the device was aboard and a very secretive crew had gone aboard and checked it electronically to ensure that all systems were go.  But then Ken Welch blew the whistle a week before the event and it had to be scrubbed.  It would seem that all systems were go to implement the New World Order at that time and yet it didn’t happen.  Why?

Since that time we have seen several dates set to implement the NWO and scrubbed for one reason or another.  It appeared that 11/11/11 was one of these dates.  FEMA Camps had been stocked with supplies and the checkpoints were being set up along major highways in preparation for martial law.  But it didn’t happen.  Why?

Perhaps we can find the answer to these “Whys” in II Thessalonians, chapter 2.  I recommend reading it in some translation other than the King James.  The New English makes it quite plain about a “restraining force” that is holding back what would amount to world news events.  Why?

Before answering this “Why”, perhaps we should look at just where we are today in the prophetic line-up.  The book of Revelation was allegedly written by the apostle John in or about 90 AD, while he was imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos.  He was given several messages to convey to the Ekklesia, (trans-lated as “churches” through Catholic influence) and shown a video, as it were, of the next 3,000 years.  It was “fast forwarded” through much of it but was stopped or slowed down at points John was to take note of and write down for our education today. 

In order to keep this to a reasonable and readable size, let’s cut to chapter 6 and view some seals that were to be stripped off revealing what was happening at that juncture.  We see that the first seal revealed a white horse whose rider carried a bow.  The keys to understanding these seals lie in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 and I shall not use up space describing how to use these scriptures.  The first seal is the white horse of religious deception and it was already running at a full gallop at the time of John’s writing.  You can see in chapter 1, verse 3 that, “…the time is at hand.” In other words these things were already happening.

The next seal that was stripped off revealed a red horse and “…him that sat thereon had power to take peace from the earth.”  Verse 4;  War.  And that also was going on at the time John was writing all this down, and has continued since.  Next comes the black horse of famine and after that the pale green horse of pestilence and this is where things begin to get serious because these are to kill one fourth of the population of the earth!  This is a major event.  Did it happen when the plague was sweeping Europe in the middle ages?  I don’t think so.  No doubt it took out a fourth of the population of some areas but not of the whole earth. 

As I said, this fourth seal is a major event and now perhaps we can better answer the question as to “Why the restraining force?”  Amos 3:7 says, “Surely the LORD GOD will do nothing without first revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.”  When a nation is about to be destroyed for idolatry, a prophet is always sent to warn them.  In the cases of ancient Israel and Judah, several prophets were sent and their fates were not pleasant.  Some, like Jeremiah, lived through the ordeal but even he was thrown into a cesspool. 

Can it be that America is being destroyed for idolatry?  We are a “Christian” nation, aren’t we?  “Christian”?  Yes.  Godly?  No.  You see Christianity is defined for the world by the Vatican, the cesspool of the world.  We lead the world in crime statistics.  We have sacrificed our future armies to the pagan god Molech through abortion and the number had surpassed 50 million ten years ago.  Are we now past the 100 million mark?  I think this might be a significant number because if you read Ezekiel’s prophecy in Ezekiel 5, a third of Israel is to die of the famine and pestilence.  Another is to die by the sword or spilled blood.  I believe the last census numbered us at 308 million.  A third of that would be 103 million.  So if our abortions are to the 103 million mark, it would be the justification for the one third being taken out with the sword.  You see, the Supreme Court admitted in Roe v/s Wade that they could not tell “…when life begins”.  Had they been reading the book all in positions of authority are commanded to read from daily, they could have known this matter they pleaded ignorant on.  Leviticus 17:11 says, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood…”   If it bleeds, it’s a life; is that so difficult?  It’s repeated in verse 14 for those who missed it in verse 11.  Now let’s cut to Numbers 35:33 and see if we can determine why America is being destroyed.  “So you shall not pollute the land wherein you are: for blood defiles the land:  and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.”  It would seem that when the magic number of a third of the population is reached with the number of abortions, (and perhaps the other murders that happen throughout our land), then the land will be cleansed by blood.

I see only two prophets to be active during the end time and they are not the “hat in hand” type of prophet who delivers the message to the king and then meekly submits his head into the guillotine to be sacrificed.  These two will be imbued with powers that will make politicians drool.  You can read about them in Revelation 11.  They have a mission and a time frame, after which, they too will be sacrificed.  Until then they will wield the power delegated – and it appears this will begin with the announcement of America’s demise.

So how will these two get the spotlight?  Are they already preachers with congregations in America?  Will it be the one with the biggest congregation or are these all show?  Will it be perhaps a small congregation that pools their resources to put their pastor on TV for a last ditch message to America?

I really don’t think so.  If you read the account in Rev 11, I think you will discern that one of these will be in the spirit of Moses (water to blood) and the other in the spirit of Elijah (withholding rain).  Since Moses was not a speaker, we can logically assume that the speaker will be “Elijah”.  If you read the accounts in the books of Kings about Elijah, you find that he thought he was the only man alive who feared the Creator.  You will see that he was informed that the Creator had 7,000 in Israel who had not bowed the knee to Baal. Now if these had been tithe paying members of the “Church of Elijah”, surely Elijah would have known of them; but they weren’t and he didn’t.  And I do not expect the “Elijah” of Rev 11 to come out of any American (or other) “Church”.  You see Elijah acted with no political power behind him; only the power of the Creator.  It’s much more impressive that way.  And so will the “Elijah” of Rev 11. 

We have found that the TV moguls can put whomever they want on TV or deprive them of coverage.  Witness Ron Paul.  So just how will this “Elijah” get a forum for his message to America?  Think about it!  Those that are destroying America have been restrained for years now from implementing their NWO.  This is made to order for them!  They will probably give him Brian William’s spot on CNN evening news. This witness may even announce the imposition of martial law in the U.S. for them because no politician wants to make this announcement and put himself in the crosshairs.   Would this be an act of treason on the part of the witness?  Was Daniel a traitor?  He was a counselor to the king of the armies laying waste to his homeland and shedding the blood of his fellow citizens and/or taking them in chains to Babylon. 

Consider carefully verse 4 of Ezekiel 5 and study it in several translations and I think you will see that the fire of destruction for America will be lit by approval of one or more of God’s people.  Could anyone less than a Prophet give an approval for the Creator?  Who are God’s people?  Let’s look at Isaiah 52:6.  “Therefore My people shall know my name.”  You can see in I Kings 8 and II Chronicles 6 just how important He considers His name;  (God is a title), and it isn’t “Jesus”. 

So how will the witnesses establish their authority?  Consider this scenario:
With postal snooping, cell phone and e mail monitoring and hoards of officers that sally forth to “…harass us and eat out our substance”, no one in America is safe from allegations of terrorist connections.  Let’s just suppose this “Elijah”, whomever he may be, comes to the attention of our Chief and he sends out a troop of FEMA officers to bring him to his office for a talk.  The FEMA officer knocks at “Elijah’s” front door and asks, “Are you the man of God?”  How he answers that will define his authority.  For the rest of the story, go to II Kings, chapter 1.

Are we prepared for America to be destroyed for idolatry as were Israel and Judah of old?  Hosea 5 strongly hints that it will take no more than a month. Are the armies already on our shores and positioned?  Is God’s stamp of approval all that is lacking?  Is this “Elijah” alive today?  And when will the "restraining force" be lifted?  Will it be at the "…time appointed"?



The Jews are great for pushing tradition to the exclusion of scripture.  And this didn’t start just last week.  In the book of Jeremiah we see written some 2600 years ago that, “Our fathers have inherited lies…”  Verse 8 of chapter 8 even seems to say that the scribes were falsifying scripture deliberately even at that early date.  Could this be part of the reason Christ called the Pharisees “…sons of the devil”?

The Jews are not the only ones pushing myths, lies and tradition --- it seems to be the hallmark of all religions.  And once you dig into the history of how some of this came to be, it really doesn’t seem all that surprising. 

To the serious Bible student aware that the book of Daniel has been opened, it becomes plain that religion is the inside track to world dominion.  There are three religions actively pursuing world dominion.  The Muslim make no secret of it.  They say the world populace has to be converted to Islam or killed.  The other two are much more discreet yet actively pursuing the same goal.  These are the Jews and Catholics who are also working in concert yet this is unknown to the world at large at this time. 

The covenant which binds them is over 2000 years old and dates back to the time of Maccabees.  Now I am well aware that there was no organization named the “Catholic Church” at that time, however, the covenant was made between the Jews and the Roman Empire.  Many years later the Roman Empire bequeathed “all” it’s power to the Catholic Church (see Rev 13:12) and therefore, the Catholic Church then acted in the official capacity of the Roman Empire.  Hence the covenant which Rome considered “forever” is still in effect today.  You can find this covenant in I Maccabees chapter 8.

We can also see the affinity between these two in the ownership of the world bank, which most think to be the Rothschilds.  In the Encyclopedia Judaica, under article "Rothschilds", we see, "…keepers of the Vatican treasures."  This should amount to a lens correction in our "World Vision".

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


From the desk of
Bill Ramey

The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate.- Dr. Wayne Dyer

Many people in the U.S. are very apprehensive about the prospect of WWIII being touched off over the Syrian/Iranian situation.  Scripture shows us a preview of coming events.  We must, however, keep in mind that scripture is written the way it is to keep Satan's world from understanding.  See Isaiah 28.  It’s written “…precept upon precept … line upon line … here a little and there a little … that they might go and fall backward and be snared and taken.”  We also must understand that the book of Daniel is to be opened in the latter days but only the wise will understand it.  “…None of the wicked will understand…”  See Daniel 12.  Note also that the wise and the wicked are the only two camps mentioned in the last days of this age.

So what have we learned from history and scripture concerning WWIII?  First, perhaps, we should review some background information.  We know from the book of Daniel that there are to be only 4 world ruling empires from Daniel’s day (about 600 BC) until the time when the kingdoms of this world are to be given to the saints of the Most High.  We know from a search of history that these kingdoms (empires) were: #1) Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon, 2) The Medo-Persian Confederacy, 3) Alexander’s Greece which was divided up four ways upon his death and two faded into obscurity while the other two became the king of the south (Egypt/Libya/Ethiopia) and the king of the north (Syria originally which was swallowed up by the Roman Empire) and the Roman Empire became the #4 empire that was to rule the world on to the end of the age.  We know from Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image that the end time world is to be divided --- as depicted by the legs --- but they are still controlled by the same Chaldean head.  Therefore, when we put all the puzzle pieces together we can see that one of these legs today is the king of the south (Muslim) and the other is the Jewish/Roman (“Christian”) Confederacy which has been in effect since the days of the Maccabees. See I Maccabees chapter 8. 

Religion is about world dominion and those who already rule the world are determined to have their dominance recognized by the world.  You see, all governments covet the worship of their constituents and when they achieve the power, they demand it.  That was what the inquisition was about and that is what the New World Order is about.  And once you get past that which is scripted for the public, you begin to see that this in not merely about Vatican worship but rather Devil worship.  The rulers of the world have built a multi-layered conspiracy over the past few centuries to hide the identity of the 4th beast of Daniel 7.  One of the more influential of these conspirators is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  They are Luciferians as are the Masons which are but another part of the One World conspiracy.  If these things are new to you, then you must get your news from CNN, ABC, NBC and FOX --- the governmentally managed news. If Goebbels had had the news network America has today, we would all be speaking German. 

Now many will say that the prophecy of Daniel has failed because, where is the Roman Empire today?  We don’t see it in the world of politics today --- or do we?  Maybe we haven’t been looking.  Or perhaps we can’t see the forest for the trees.  A man who is called a “great historian” by Roman censored American printed encyclopedias, wrote a book, published in 1776, entitled “The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire”.  The author was Edward Gibbons.  So it somehow got published in our school texts that the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD.  THIS IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE as you can see for yourself by going to the article "Byzantine Empire" in virtually any encyclopedia.  Rome did fall to the Israelite invaders (called barbarians in Roman censored histories) in 476, but Rome was not the Roman Empire nor was it the Capitol of the Roman Empire at that time.  The Capitol had been moved to Byzantium more than a hundred years previously by Constantine! 

The purpose of the book was to provide a smokescreen for the greatest deception the world had experienced up to that time and that was the Vatican persuading the world to assist in the creation of the “Image of the Beast” referred to in Revelation 13.  You see, the inquisition had failed to eradicate all the non-Catholics in the world and England had become a haven for dissidents.  So in 1588, the Vatican sent the Vatican Navy (Spanish Armada) to teach one of her puppet regimes a lesson.  Weather and English Sea Dogs  wiped out all but a few of the nearly 300 ships armed for war.  So the inquisition had to be put on hold for a time in order to build a nation in which could be built a navy capable of countering England on the high seas.  This nation would require a piece of real estate with considerable room and resources.  The fact that the real estate they chose was already inhabited was a mere trifle.  This could be reduced drastically with smallpox (the WMD of the middle ages) and fomenting war between the tribes.  The new nation must be an image of the Roman Empire.  It would have to have a Caesar (although he could be called something else --- like president); it would have to have senate which is a carbon copy of the Roman Senate and it would have to keep the pagan Roman holidays such a Christmas, Halloween, St Valentine’s Day, the Harvest Festival, etc. and a host of days honoring counterfeit saints.   Its Capitols would be dome topped after the Roman Capitolian and must be dedicated to the pagan god Jupiter in order to qualify as a capitol.  After defeating England, its military would be reinforced to police the world.  Do we have such a world power today and is it moving --- albeit clandestinely --- to conquer the world and bring it under a New World Order as fashioned by the co-conspirators? 

Now, let’s shift our focus and take a look at the first of the four empires that are the topic of our discussion.  That was Babylon and while Nebuchadnezzar is no longer the king, it is no less a world power.  It would seem that no army in the world is able to stand up to those of Babylon.  And here begins a series of falls of militarily superior nations to lesser nations.  It seems the Medo-Persian Army achieved a coup in one night over Babylon and you can find a synopsis of the event in Daniel 5.  Belshazzar, the Babylonian king, was killed that same night and this is the chapter of history that gave us the phrase “Handwriting on the Wall”.

So now the number 1 of 4 empires has been toppled and #2 is reigning.  At this point, we need to go to the 7th chapter of Daniel and view these empires as the Creator views them.  This will give us a much better understanding of their character.  Beginning in Daniel 7:2:  “I saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.” 
3  “And four great beasts came up from the sea different one from another.”
4  “The first was like a lion, and had eagles wings…”
5  “A second beast like a bear …”
6  “Another like a leopard …”
7  “A fourth beast dreadful and terrible … and it had ten horns.”

We see here the main attributes of the four beasts or empires.  The first was like a lion.  The lion is called the king of beasts and doesn’t give ground to any of the other beasts.  The second is like a bear and this well depicts the Medo-Persian Army because they were a marching army.  A bear’s strength is in his legs.  The third was depicting Alexander’s Greece and could any animal better depict the Grecian army.  They conquered the Medo-Persian Army essentially at the battle of Issus because they covered a distance the Medo-Persians knew (or thought they knew) couldn’t be covered in the length of time the Greeks covered it in.  Leopards are fast. 

Now let’s turn our attention to the beast the apostle John saw and recorded for us in the book of Revelation.  Notice in chapter 13, verse 1.  “I saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns…”
2  “And the beast I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth was as the mouth of a lion…

We need to keep in mind here the time frame.  This is about 90 AD and the first three of the four beasts have been consigned to the pages of history. John is bearing witness to the #4 beast (empire) which is the Roman Empire.

But we see that this beast (empire) has a leopard shape, bear’s feet and the mouth of a lion.  We see that this fourth beast has the dominant attributes of all the beasts that have gone before.  In other words, as each succeeding empire conquered the one before it, they kept the stronger governmental attributes. 

We can see in Revelation 13:2 that the authority of this beast came from the dragon.  You can see who the dragon is in Rev 12:9.  We also see in verse 11 of chapter 13 that “another beast” rose from the earth and inherited “…all the power of the first beast.”  This was the Vatican as most of the older Bible Commentaries will show.  Continuing in chapter 13, we see that it is the Vatican that induces the world to help in the construction of the “Image of the Beast”.  This is America and you can get the details of this project in a book entitled “Rulers of Evil” by the late F Tupper Saussy.  

With this as a backdrop, let’s see if we can now get a feel for the outcome of WWIII.  We know that Babylon fell in or about 538 BC and yet there is a “Babylon” spoken of in Revelation 18 that is to fall in the last days of this present age.  Have we a “daughter of Babylon”?  The context would lead one to believe that it is one of, if not “the”, trading centers of the world.  Where would we look today to find this “Babylon”?  Is it significant that New Yorkers affectionately call their city “Babylon on the Hudson”?  Is it significant that we have an Empire State Building?  Is it significant that our national Capitol was named Rome for over 100 years before the name change to District of Columbia?  (another Roman god.)  Is it significant that we have a military second to none in the world today?  Is it significant that the prophet Jeremiah said that the military force that took out old Babylon will take out the new Babylon?  You doubt that?  Let’s look.

For the setting of the prophecy let’s turn to Jeremiah 49:39.  “But it shall come to pass in the latter days …  This is the setting for the next two chapters and it won’t take many quotes from them to convince you that we are in the bull’s eye come WWIII!  Verse 9 says, “For lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country:”  Have you looked at a world globe to see who is north of us across the pole?  Russia, China, Iran, Egypt, etc.  Verse 41 goes on, “A people shall come from the north and a great nation and many kings…”

42 continues:  “They are cruel and will not show mercy: their voice shall roar like the sea and they shall ride upon horses every one put in array like a man to the battle against you O daughter of Babylon.”

Pay particular notice to the 1st verse of chapter 51:  “Thus says the LORD, ‘Behold, I will raise up against Babylon and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, a destroying wind…”  Katrina?  Tornadoes like Joplin? 

Also take particular note of verse 42 of chapter 51 because old Babylon was more than 100 miles from the sea.  “The sea is come upon Babylon:  she is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof…”

And now for the clincher please look at verse 28 of chapter 51:  “Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes, the captains thereof and all the land of his dominion.”  When you do your own research, you will find that it was Medes and Persians (Iran)that took out Old Babylon. Are the Medes today a part of Russia?  Josephus says the Medes are the descendents of Madai who migrated into the area of the north we call Russia today.  Do we see an affinity between Russia and Iran today?

Finally, look at what the prophet Isaiah has to say about the coming battle.  Isaiah 17:1.  “The burden of Damascus.  Behold Damascus is taken away from being a city and it shall be a ruinous heap.”  Has this ever happened in all of history?   Continuing in verse 3.  “The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim and the kingdom from Damascus and the remnant of Syria and they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel says the LORD.” 

If you don’t know who Ephraim is in the world today then you have home-work to do.  But you will find in Hosea 5:5 that Ephraim and Judah are to fall at the same time.  Notice also that Israel and Judah (Jews) are mentioned separately.  We stand at the crossroads of a new and exciting age.  The stage set for this age will be preceded by the destruction of Satan’s governments.  See Luke 4 for which governments these are. 


Are you firstfruits material?  Have you seriously asked yourself this question?  Have you considered the ramifications of the answer?  Do you understand the first priority of the firstfruits?  It may come as a surprise, especially if you are indoctrinated into the various Catholic/Protestants precepts of religiosity. 

First off we need to realize that Satan has deceived the whole world, and yes, that includes you and me. (See Revelation 12:9) We only emerge from this deception one precious truth at a time.  The apostle Paul commended the Bereans because they “…received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether these things were so.”   When we hear some strange new doctrine, do we receive it “…with all readiness of mind”?  Or do we reject it and cling to that “Old Time Religion”?  The wisest man who ever lived said, “He who answers a matter before hearing it, to him it is shame and folly.”

If you even understand who the “firstfruits” are, then you have come beyond the “Old Time Religion”.  When we come to understand it, the old time religion has been handed down to us by the Vatican and teaches myths like Santa (ever notice that it has the same letters as Satan?), the easter bunny, the law is done away and many other myths.  To illustrate this, I simply ask you to look at all the Catholic baggage the protestants carry.  First is the counterfeit sabbath and all the pagan holidays.  And if we do our homework, we will find that the Catholic Church is the mother church to the protestants.

This calls to mind a scripture in the book of Revelation, chapter 17, verse 5, about the “…MOTHER OF HARLOTS…”  Do we have any clues as to who this “MOTHER” is and who her harlot daughters are?

But let’s move on to the firstfruits and their first priority.  If you have ever wondered how many of these there will be, you can find the answer in Rev-elation 14:1- 4.  We have been taught the myth that when Christ returns that the touchdown will be on the Mount of Olives just east of the Dome of the Rock.  I submit to you that is not true but that the touchdown point will be at Mount Sinai.  Not the tourist trap Mount Sinai but the real Mount Sinai which is in Saudi Arabia some 75 miles from tourist trap Mount Sinai and is named Jabal Al Lawz (mount of the law) by the Arabs.  They never lost sight of the fact that this is Mount Sinai; it is the “Christian world” that has been deceived on this issue.  So just what do I base this perspective on and how do I know that the “Christian world” is in error as to the place of descent?  If you read the 28th chapter of Isaiah, you find these words in verse 9:  “Whom shall He teach knowledge and whom shall He make to under-stand doctrine?”  If you read on, you find that “…precept must be upon precept … line upon line … here a little and there a little.”  This is how we learn new truth. 

Now let’s see if we can apply this and learn something new although it isn’t new at all but has been in your Bible for centuries, even millennia.  We know that the prophets of old were sent to the nations of Israel and Judah with messages from the Creator.  Those messages were of impending doom for those nations if they continued their idolatry.  Did it happen?  And yet those prophecies carry a message for us today and many of them state quite clearly that it is for the “…last days”.  With this in mind, let’s turn to Isaiah 63 and see if we can get a handle on what is just ahead for us as a nation and as a world.

Isaiah 63:1  “Who is this that comes from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah?  This that is glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength?  I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.”

This can be none other than the returning Christ as we shall see.

63:2  “Why are you red in your apparel and your garments like him that treads in the winefat?”
63:3  “I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me:  for I will tread them in my anger and trample them in my fury;  and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments and I will stain all my raiment.”
63:4  “For the day of vengeance is in my heart and the year of my redeemed is come.”

We see here a spirit being the world likes to picture as a sickly looking hippie type with long hair and his hand raised in a papal blessing type gesture.  Verse 6 goes on to say: “I will tread down the people in my anger and make them drunk in my fury…”  So we can also see that this spirit being is furious and is going on a killing spree on the earth.  Can this be the same “God” we picture as the epitome of love, mercy, tolerance and understanding? 

Keying off the word winepress and maintaining our quest of “…line upon line … precept upon precept … here a little and there a little”, let’s turn to Revelation 14:20 and see if we can find out more about this battle and just how big it will be.  (We know from Zechariah 14:2 that all nations will be gathered around Jerusalem at that time.)  Rev 14:20  “And the winepress was trodden outside the city and blood came out of the winepress even unto the horses bridles by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.”  (177 miles!) 

We learned in the first 4 verses of Isaiah 63 that this God Warrior will be advancing toward Jerusalem from the direction of Bozrah, so if we find Bozrah on a Bible map and lay a straightedge across it from Jerusalem and project out 177 miles, it takes us right to Jabal Al Lawz or Mount Sinai.

We also learned that “…of the people, there was none with me…” therefore, this must be before the resurrection of the firstfruits.  After the resurrection, the firstfruits will form the army at Christ’s back as we shall soon see.

How many people does it take to make a river of blood 177 miles long?  Let’s turn to Revelation 9:16 (“…here a little … there a little.”).
“And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand…”   That’s 200 million!  And they will be marching on Jerusalem in the not too distant future. 

We can learn what the top two items on Christ’s agenda are by turning to Revelation 11:18.  “And the nations were angry and your wrath is come and the time of the dead that they should be judged and that you should (#1) give reward unto your servants the prophets and saints… and (#2) destroy them which destroy the earth.”

So you see Christ has two priorities when He returns:  Rewarding the prophets and saints and destroying those who destroy the earth.  Now we said that the firstfruits will become His army after the resurrection.

In Revelation 19, we find the marriage of the Lamb and in verse 8, we see that “…fine linen is the righteousness of saints.”   Verse 11 says:  “I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True and in righteousness He does judge and make war.”

We see in verse 14 that:  “The armies which were in heaven (earth’s atmosphere) followed Him upon white horses clothed in fine linen…”

Verse 15   “And out of His mouth goes a sharp sword that with it He should  smite the nations…”  Ever wonder about a sword coming out of his mouth?
He is commander of the army behind Him as we saw in the previous paragraph.  He gives the commands with His mouth and the army carries out His orders.  Verse 19 makes it plain that this is the army that takes on the armies of the beast who is in charge of planet earth at that time --- the army of first-fruits at Christ’s back will evidently be doing the work of transforming the beast’s armies into vulture food. 

I know there are those who will elevate their noses in their full complement of self righteousness and say, “The Bible says, ‘Thou shalt not kill’”.  It does say that.  However, if we do our homework, we find that the better rendering of this verse could be “Commit no murder.”  Did Abraham kill anyone when he rescued his nephew lot?  Was it murder?   Did Samuel commit murder when he hewed Agag in pieces?  I Samuel 15:33.  Did David commit murder when he killed Goliath?  Will the two witnesses of Revelation 11 commit murder when fire comes out of their mouths and kills those who would do them harm?  We need to come to understand that just as the entire congregation took part in the putting to death the heathens in Jericho, the firstfruits are going to be required to destroy those who destroy the earth.  In the new government established on planet earth, each community will be responsible for dispatching those who incur the death penalty.  There will be no FBI, CIA, Federal Marshals, city police, highway patrol, etc.  These are all contributing factors to how we got to be in the mess we are in today. 

Now the question which heads up this article:  ARE YOU FIRSTFRUITS MATERIAL?  Are you fed up enough with this world’s hypocrisy, idolatry, murder, rape, pillage, pornography, abortions, prisons, schools, universities, entertainment, politics, religion, etc, to take part in the head chopping that is going to take place beginning at Christ's return?  Please understand, this is not about a personal vendetta for wrongs you have suffered under this world’s governments but rather is an understanding that transcends vendettas --- an understanding that today’s governments with their methods and their people are simply not compatible with peace on earth and a workable government.  

Some will admit that they could not take part in this slaughter, even if it was led by Yahshua Himself.  Does this mean they will not be in the first resurrection?  I believe it does.  However, don't misunderstand.  The 144,000 in the first resurrection is not all of Yahweh's people.  I know that some teach that if you are once enlightened and not in the first resurrection, you are lost forever.  Let's put this under the microscope of logic and examine it closely.  The plan of salvation is built around the harvest cycle.  There is first the early harvest which is small compared to the fall harvest which is consider-ably larger.  Try to imagine a farmer bringing in the early crop but as the fall crop ripens, instead of harvesting it, he burns it.  Is this what those teachers are saying Yahshua is going to do?  The first resurrection is the harvest of firstfruits.  It is comprised of 144,000 saints (Rev 14:1-3) that have been battle tested in Satan's governments on earth.  This will be the spiritual cadre that will form the initial governments of the nations under the leadership of Yahshua Himself. 

Perhaps you were planning on sitting on a cloud, plucking a harp and beholding the beatific vision.  If so, go back to sleep --- for a thousand years.
Perhaps we will see you in the second resurrection --- See Revelation 20.


Is America a “Christian” nation?  Or is America a part of the world deception referred to in Revelation 12:9?  The answer to that question is more complicated than what one might suppose. For starters, we must understand that “Christianity” is defined for the world by the Vatican.  In Catholic countries like Ireland, “Christianity” equals Catholicism.  What’s wrong with this picture?  For those ignorant of history, nothing.  For those considered the wise of Daniel 12:10, everything! 

If you are one of today’s world’s ministers and therefore protected by a variety of hierarchies that reposition ministers for a variety of indiscretions, do you feel that you are prepared for your appearance before the judgment seat of the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe?  You realize, of course, that you will have no legal counsel.  The Catholic Church or the Organization of Southern Baptists will not be your backup at that time.  You will stand or fall based on what you yourself have done and are doing in this life right up to the time it ends.  Hopefully, this communiqué will help to clarify your position.

The book of Daniel is a “little book” written some six centuries BC.  It was sealed at the time of writing until “…the time of the end.”  (Daniel 12:4).  But it has been opened today and passed on (opened) to the two witnesses of Revelation 11.  If this comes as a surprise to you, then you have homework to do.  When we read Daniel 12:10, it becomes evident that the “end time world” is divided into only two camps by the angel who communicated with Daniel.  Those two camps are the “wicked and the wise.”  The same verse tells us how to differentiate between the two camps. 

Are we living in the days labeled the “end times”?   Need we list the things which say we are?  I recommend the reading of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21.  But an even stronger recommendation is that you read and begin to understand the book of Daniel.  Remember chapter 12, verse 10, that it is the wise who will understand it (the book of Daniel) in the last days.  What is it that we are to understand?  First and foremost, we are to understand that there were to be four world ruling kingdoms or empires (Daniel 2:38-39) from Daniel’s day to the close of the age when the saints would be given the kingdoms of this world.  That they were world ruling is corroborated in Ezra 1:2.  You also have homework to do if you have accepted the “Heaven Myth”.   Next, perhaps, we should understand that the 11th chapter lays out, in 45 verses, a very brief overview of those empires and their reigns.  Chapter 12 covers the close out of this present age and the ushering in of the Kingdom of God under the administration of His Son Yahshua.

We need to understand the message from the prophet Isaiah in chapter 52, verse 6, where he says, (quoting Yahshua), “Therefore, my people shall know my name.”  It wasn’t Jesus.  We can see in I Kings 8 and in II Chron 6 just how important He considers His name. 

Are today’s ministers aware that the priesthood was stolen by the Jews?  It was conferred upon the sons of Aaron “forever”.  (See Exodus 40:15).  Can we “choose” the ministry today because it appears to be a noble profession where we can wear a coat and tie and stay away from physical labor?  Perhaps we should look at some of the prophets of old and how they came to be prophets.  Moses did not volunteer for the task he was given.  In fact, he asked God to send someone else.  (See Exodus, chapters 3 and 4).  Did Jeremiah volunteer to be a prophet??  No!  He was chosen before he was born.  (See Jeremiah 1;5)  From these, and other examples from the scriptures, we can see that God’s ministers do not volunteer for service.  They are drafted! 

Do we then have messages from our Creator to today’s ministers?  I ask you to consider Malachi 2 beginning in verse 1.
“And now, O you priests, this commandment is for you.”
2  “If you will not hear and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you and I will curse your blessings; yea, I have cursed them already, because you do not lay it to heart.”
3  “Behold, I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it.”
4  “And you shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you that my covenant might be with Levi, saith the LORD of hosts.”

If this does not put fear into you then perhaps we should read a message from the prophet Isaiah about today’s ministers.  Isaiah 56:10-11.
“His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.”
11  “Yea they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand; they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.” 

This is God’s message to you ministers, not Bill Ramey’s.  But it doesn’t stop there. 

Let’s look at Jeremiah 23 and begin in verse 1:  “Woe unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture, saith the LORD.”
2  “Therefore thus saith the LORD GOD of Israel against the pastors that feed my people;  You have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not visited them:  behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD.” 

Dropping down to verse 11, we see:  “For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, saith the LORD.”

Now, lest the shepherds (ministers) still feel justified in their positions, let’s continue in Ezekiel 34, verse 1.  “And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying: ‘Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy and say unto them, Thus says the LORD GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves!  Should not the shepherds feed the flocks?’”
2  “’You eat the fat and ye clothe you with the wool, you kill them that are fed; but you feed not the flock.’”
10  “Thus saith the LORD GOD, ‘Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand and cause them to cease from feeding the flock;  neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more;  for I will deliver my flock from their mouth that they may not be meat for them.’”
16  “’…but I will destroy the fat and the strong;  I will feed them with judgment.’”

If you are an “ordained minister” in today’s world, I would advise you to find out what that means.  Where do today’s ordinations come from?  You can find the answer in any encyclopedia.  I am well aware there were ordinations in the days of the apostles but were they the same as today’s ordinations?  You really need to know --- especially if your life depends on it.  “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”.  Hosea 4:6.  We stand today at the threshold of unprecedented destruction.  For a preview of those about to die, see Ezekiel 18.

To those shepherds who cannot see where Israel is today (it isn't the little nation the world calls "Israel"), I would say you have homework to do.  To those who haven't a clue as to whom the "daughter of Babylon" is, mention-ed in Jeremiah 50 and 51, I would say you have homework to do.  Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…"  Who are these people?  If we don't know, then we must be a part of them.  If you don't understand that America is the "Image of the Beast" spoken of in Revelation 13, then you are a part of these people.