Friday, April 28, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey





Americans have been conditioned since pre-school to endorse the lies embodied in the pledge of allegiance and trust your gov't.  A few Americans are now waking to the fact that our gov't was created as the image of the (Roman) beast and has been lying to us since inception.  A few are waking to the fact that our foods are being laced with more poisons each and every year and it is approved by our gov't agency called the Food and Drug Administration or FDA. 

Only now are we waking up to the extent of the sellout to the muslim by our last oval office occupant.  Only now are some waking up to the treason in our congress. Only now are a few waking to the fact that America could cease to exist within the coming weeks and/or months. 

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom and we have been asleep at the switch.  We have allowed the checks and balances to be done away in our government and it has become a terminal cancer. 

Our fiat money system has been screaming at us for years that it is not sustainable and yet we have turned a deaf ear.  Now it appears that Russia and China have decided not to play the game any more and let our money system collapse under it's own weight of debt and it is doubtful it can survive the present year. 

Do we consider these things or have we been so busy keeping up with the Jonese in this materialistic stampede that we haven't seen the approaching cliff?  Our bloated gov't is pulling all stops to try to get a war started to get attention directed away from these facts.  Through that war they hope to rob more nations in order to kick the can a little farther down the road. 

The prophets spoke of the times we are living in and in considerable detail.  But do we really want to know what they have to say?  Prophets don't mince words even if it means their death --- and it did in all too many instances. 

Shooting the messenger has been the practice of kings since time immemorial.  If we have eyes to see, we would see that some 60 doctors have suffered that fate just in the past few years when they tried to warn the world of the dangers of vaccinations. 

Many journalists have met their end also by trying to apprise the world of the true situation which the fake news media is not telling us about.  In all cases the media has glossed these incidents over as victims of accidents or terrorism or other co-incidences. 

For 8 + years now, I have been pointing out these things to a few people around the world but the truth is far from popular in the world today.  We are in the time when the prophet Amos said, "...truth is trampled in the streets". 

We are living in the time the prophets called "...the time of the end", and this, of course, is the end of the age and not the end of the world as religious myth would have us believe.  This timing is verified in the 12th chapter of the book of Daniel by the angel telling Daniel to "...seal up the visions until the time of the end..." when it would then be opened to the understanding of a few.  Verse 10 of that chapter says "... none of the wicked will understand". 

Much scripture has been opened to the understanding of a few in the past two decades.  The "little book" of Habakkuk is now opened and shows quite graphically that America is the end time Babylon (Chaldea), that is to be destroyed in one hour per Revelation 18. 

The prophet Isaiah shows us this destruction also in chapter 13 of that book.  He also shows the demise of the counterfeit nation of Israel in chapter 29. 

Jeremiah gives us the gory details of the destruction of America and even identifies the nations that will lead that invasion and sacking of the nation.  Chapters 50-51. 

We find in Revelation 5 that the "rapture" (if you choose to call it that) has already occurred and it only included 24 prophets and apostles. 

We find in Isaiah 52 that there is to be yet another exodus and this one is to include only a few from the end time Babylon.  It is my firm conviction that this event is imminent.  We can see that it will make world news, (witnessed by "the nations"). 

So much has been revealed and yet the religionists are still spouting the same old lies and still deceiving the "...whole world".
This was the purpose for which Satan created religion. 

Obviously our gov't, the media, the medical profession and pharmaceuticals follow his agenda. 


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


April 26, 2017

Pentagon Completes Takeover Of US Government, Begins Next Stage Of “Deep State” War

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A very interesting, though somewhat chilling, new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the US Department of Defense (DoD/Pentagon) has secured its takeover of the American government and is now in “full battle mode” for its next assault against its “Deep State” enemies currently waging war against President Donald Trump—but that Federation experts warn could lead to nuclear war.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, the American “Deep State” is a confederation of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives who have permeated every branch of the US government since the early 1950’s,  and who, in 2016, were exposed by Udo Ulfkotte (the assistant editor for the German mainstream media newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) as being in control of the entire Western mainstream media—and for his exposing them, was assassinated just prior to his meeting with then President-elect Trump.

With this “Deep Statetranscending all US laws and having sold-out the Pentagon’s counter-terror efforts in order to keep itself in business, this report continues, then candidate Trump aligned himself with the American military establishment to gain the presidency—and who after taking power, has appointed to his Cabinet more generals than any other US leader since World War II

The most important “observable” military leaders appointed by President Trump to fight the “Deep State”, this report details, are General James Mattis, who now heads the Pentagon, General John Kelly, who now heads the Department of Homeland Security, former US Navy SEAL Ryan Zinke, who now leads the Department of Interior, and former US Army officer Mike Pompeo, who now heads the CIA.

Likewise, this report notes, the most important “non-observable” military leaders appointed by President Trump are Jeff Sessions, who now heads the Department of Justice, Rex Tillerson, who heads the Department of State, and Rick Perry, who heads to the Department of Energy—which is the ministry in charge of America’s nuclear arsenal currently under civilian, not military, control.

Critical to note about Trump’s “non-observable” military leaders Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson and Rick Perry, this report says, is that all of them are Vietnam War-era Eagle Scouts who were deferred from fighting in this conflict by the Pentagon in order for them to become established political and business leaders put into positions of power to further the goals and aims of the US military against their “Deep State” CIA adversaries.

An Eagle Scout, this report explains, is the highest rank that can be achieved in the American paramilitary youth organization called the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) that by US law [10 U.S. Code § 2554 and 32 CFR 621.4] is supported by the Pentagon—and whose members fill the US military officer ranks (especially in intelligence operations), have been trained since 2009 in fighting terrorism, all US military personal are able to receive a medal for their support of, and whose current leader is the former Defense Secretary Robert Gates

Boy Scouts of America doing weapons training

Completing the US military takeover of the American government, this report continues, was President Trump, yesterday, appointing former US Marine General Randolph Alles to head the Secret Service (SS) that protects his, and his families, lives—and that was critical to achieve as the last president to fight against the CIA’s “Deep State (President John F. Kennedy) was allowed to be assassinated when his Secret Service protectors abandoned him in Dallas, Texas, when they were called off from their positions at the back of his limousine thus allowing assassins to blow his head off minutes later.

With some American experts questioning if President Trump has lost control over the Pentagon, this report says, Security Council analysts, instead, state that the new powers he’s given to these generals is but another crucial step the US military has taken against the CIA’s “Deep State”—but whose unintended consequences could very well lead to nuclear war.

To understand the Federations nuclear war fears, this report explains, is due to the US militaries current doctrine of “Deterrence=Capability x National Interest x Signaling”—which is an aggressive formula at odds from the deterrence-chaos theory that guided both the US and USSR through the Cold War and kept World War III from destroying the entire world.

Most worrisome about this doctrine, this report states, is the “Signaling” component of this equation that calls for “Maximum Pressure”—that is now being seen as the Americans and their NATO allies continue their “forceful advance” against Russia, and even more dangerously, installing their feared THAAD missile defense system in South Korea.  

With Security Council spokesman Nikolai Patrushev stating just hours ago that “we should not underestimate the North Korean issue as external provocations have put parties to the conflict on the brink of war”, this report concludes, most feared by the Federation is that President Trump and his Pentagon backers will fail to stop a CIA “Deep State” escalation of this conflict—called a “false flag event”—to which a response would most likely be a nuclear missile launch, i.e. World War III.

April 26, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

Ramey comments:

This article explains much about the situation in America today.  I could have much more confidence in a positive outcome if I were not witnessing:  1) The last 4 oval office occupants selling America out and enthusiastically working toward her destruction.  2)  The wholesale robbery of America by Khazarian pirates, bankers and politicians.  3)  Going into the 7th year since the opening of the book of Daniel and 4) A "...ruinous heap" where once stood the city of Damascus. 

These 4 items paint a sordid picture which could be entitled, "GOODBYE AMERICA".

Are we witnessing America's becoming great again or are we witnessing America's sunset?  You can believe whomever you choose --- and it is a choice. 

103,000 Entitled Muslims in Michigan Just Woke up to Nasty Surprise From Pissed Off Citizens

Tuesday, April 25, 2017 16:26

by Amanda Shea

Michigan has become a hotbed of hate as Muslims have been allowed to take over much of the state and impose their “religious rights” on everyone who was there before them. After years of this infiltration, fueled in large part by Barack Obama’s refugee program and the town of Dearborn becoming the Middle East of Michigan, citizens have had enough. The entitled ride of thinking they can take over has just come to an abrupt end with the rude awakening they just faced by one brave individual leading the charge of making the state American again.

The nature of the Islamic religion does not allow Muslims to assimilate into Western culture — they want to dominate it since everything America stands for is counter to their beliefs. Michigan has systematically been forced to bow down to Islam under the pressure of our previous president who herded thousands of refugees into their state and allowed one town, in particular, to become unrecognizable as an American city — Dearborn — which looks more like the Middle East with its predominately Muslim population of approximately 103,000, according to WXYZ.

Muslims’ plan is for world domination, as that is what their holy book preached for them to achieve. Key to that plan is the implementation of Sharia Law, which they try to slowly establish under the radar here in America, without anyone realizing it before it’s too late. Wise to their disguise is Michigan Representative Michele Hoitenga who isn’t taking a backseat to political correctness and just got proactive about stopping Muslims in their tracks with a nasty surprise she just slapped them with.

With a new president in charge, states are starting to feel empowered to take assertive action against Islam in America, as was seen this week by what Hoitenga who just proposed a bill to ban Sharia Law.

Michigan Representative Michele Hoitenga

MLive reports:

“Michigan residents would be banned from using other countries’ laws in court under a bill proposed by Rep. Michele Hoitenga, R-Manton, according to an email obtained by MLive.

In an email sent to state lawmakers seeking co-sponsors on Monday, Hoitenga said her bill doesn’t specifically mention Sharia Law, but wrote that it would include the religious law association with Islam.

“If you have not heard by now, a doctor in Detroit is being charged with operating an underground clinic that actively engaged in genital mutilation on young girls, essentially practicing a fundamentalist version of Sharia Law,” Hoitenga wrote in the email.”

Hoitega’s timing couldn’t have been more important as she saw first-hand the horrific results of Islam and Sharia Law in her own state last week when a female doctor was arrested for what she had been doing to Michigan girls who were not Muslim. Federal prosecutors accused 44-year-old Muslim Dr. Jumana Nagarwala of performing female genital mutilation on unsuspecting little girls in her Detroit-area E.R.

As expected, Hoitega faces an uphill battle with this bill in getting it past state Democrats who must not see a problem in disturbing crimes like Dr. Nagarwala’s who was forcing the sickest part of her religion on little girls. Hoitega wants to prevent more of this from being acceptable by law, which shouldn’t be up for debate since it’s completely contradictory to the U.S. Constitution, which liberals love to ignore.

Had this been a measure to prevent any other religion from gaining dominance over people, Democrats would be demanding that it pass and wreaking havoc on city streets if they were denied.

Ramey comments:

Has the 'demoncratic' party sold out America?  Are we nearing the time to hold "open season" on them?


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



April 24, 2017

UN And Western Spy Chiefs In Panic After Russia Launches “First Strike” Against US Dollar

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In what is looking more by the hour to be a Russian “first strike” against the United States during this current “cold phase” of World War III, the Security Council (SC) is reporting today that President Putin has ordered the immediate implementation of the “Golden Tsar” attack plan against the US dollar—and that has so terrified the West, its top spy masters (the “Five Eyes Alliance”), have rushed to New Zealand for a secret meet and the UN Security Council is now rushing to the White House—but whose efforts to counter the Federation will fail; and as stated by top Kremlin advisor Sergey Glazyev who warned these Western elites: “The more aggressive the Americans are the sooner they will see the final collapse of the dollar as the only way for the victims of American aggression to stop this aggression is to get rid of the dollar…[and] as soon as we and China are through with the dollar, it will be the end of the United States military might”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, after the collapse of the Bretton Woods gold standard in the early 1970s, the US struck a deal with Saudi Arabia to standardize oil prices in dollar terms—and through this deal, the “petrodollar system” was born, along with a paradigm shift away from pegged exchanged rates and gold-backed currencies to non-backed, floating rate regimes.

To the catastrophic effect on the entire world of the United States creating its petrodollar system, this report explains, is shown by President John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960’s, attempting to break his nations military-industrial-complex’s “state of perpetual war”—and that allowed him to drastically reduce his nations national debt rise to only $23 billion bringing its total to $312 billion—but that he wasn’t able to continue due his public assassination in 1963.

Under Kennedy’s sudcessor, President Lyndon Johnson, this report continues, the illegal Vietnam War was ramped up costing the American people, by 1969, $42 billion and bringing its national debt total to $354 billion.

Assuming power from President Johnson in 1969, this report further details, President Richard Nixon added another $121 billion to his nation’s debt for the illegal Vietnam War brining his nation’s national debt total to $475 billion—an amount so staggering for its time it caused what is now called the “Nixon Shock” when, on Friday, 13 August 1971, Nixon ordered the unilateral cancellation of the direct international convertibility of the US dollar to gold.

With Nixon having un-pegged the US dollar from gold in 1971, thus creating the petrodollar system to replace it, this report explains, the United States was given a literal license to print money—but that instead of using this money to improve the lives of the peoples of their country, instead, they have spent the past 4 decades rampaging across the world with their military might to create for themselves an empire—at a staggering cost, to date, of nearly $20 Trillion in national debt, with another nearly $106 Trillion in unfunded liabilities it owes to citizens. 

In order to manage its vast, and global, money printing scheme once the US dollar was no longer backed by gold, this report says, the United States and its allies in Western Europe established, in 1973, what is now called the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)—that is messaging system connected to every bank in the world and transfers trillions of dollars every day.

As all global currencies are part of the petrodollar system, and whose currency values, also, are pegged to the US dollar, this report states, the SWIFT messaging system has been vital to health of the entire global economy—but that in 2012, for the first time in history, was used as a “weapon of war” against the Republic of Iran when the Obama regime ordered its disconnecting and that plunged this Persian nation into economic chaos.

With it being clear in 2012 that the United States was now using the SWIFT system as a “weapon of war”, this report explains, President Putin ordered that an alternative global banking be built—that is called the Financial Information Transmission Service (SPFS)—and that on 23 March, Central Bank of Russia (CBR) Governor Elvira Nabiullina reported: “There were threats that we can be disconnected from SWIFT. We have finished working on our own payment system, and if something happens, all operations in SWIFT format will work inside the country. We have created an alternative.”

The week prior to Governor Nabiullina announcing that the SPFS system was now operating as an alternative to SWIFT, this report says it’s important to note, the Central Bank of Russia, also, opened its first in history foreign branch in China—and whose combined goal with the Chinese is to now bypass the US dollar in the global monetary system.

Nearly immediately after the Central Bank of Russia announced that the SPFS was now operating, SC intelligence analysts in this report state, explosive reports began to emerge from leaked NSA documents showing that the United States was using the SWIFT system as a spying tool on both its allies and adversaries alike—and that prompted President Putin’s order today to begin implementing the “Golden Tsar” attack plan against the Americans.

The “Golden Tsar” attack plan against the US dollar, this report explains, is why President Putin has sold off nearly all of the US Treasury Bonds held by the Federation and replaced them with one of the largest hordes of gold ever accumulated by a nation—and that with China, likewise, accumulating massive amounts of gold, now prepares both nations to reinstitute trade in gold—instead of “candy wrapper” petrodollars.

To the greatest fears of the Western elites over the Russia-China plan to reestablish a global gold standard and un-peg their currencies from the failing US petrodollar via Russia’s new SPFS banking messaging system, this report notes, is that the largest global corporations will, no doubt, switch from the SWIFT system to SPFS too—and as one economist recently noted by stating: “If the US succeeds in bending SWIFT to their will, they'll have to deal with the sharply negative attitudes of European business community, since businessmen never like politicians barging into their affairs in so unceremonious a fashion. Every major corporation would start wondering—‘are we next?  What if Washington forces me to sacrifice my interests and my reputation?’”

As to the viability of President Putin’s “Golden Tsar” attack plan with the Chinese against the US petrodollar, this report concludes, one of the top economists with the Bitcoin News Service has noted the profound effects it will have on the whole world by stating:  If both countries could bypass the US Dollar altogether, their national currencies will remain stable or gain in value.  Both nations have plenty of gold reserves, whereas the United States has slowly liquidated some of its gold assets. The world of finance will never be the same if these plans come to fruition; that much is certain.”

April 24, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

Ramey comments:

Anyone with two brain cells still connected had to know it would come down to this.  This is not the first experiment in fiat money --- merely the final one. 

Civilization is going back to square one and be rebuilt under sane and stable leadership. With all the emergency top level meetings now going on worldwide, it would seem this message is starting to trickle through. 

Is there a solution to the "worldwide piracy through banking" problem?  Yes there is!  And it is total destruction.  The NWO could be more accurately termed the NWC or New World Chaos which is exactly what it is about to become. 

If you think the globalists have been acting in desperation for the past year, then watch closely for the next few weeks.