Monday, May 30, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



May 24, 2016

Trump “Shock Announcement” Warned Will Destroy Hillary Clinton Forever

By: Sorcha Faal

An intriguing report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) for the Security Council (SC) regarding the United States presidential election is stating that Republican Party candidate Donald Trump is preparing to unleash a “shock announcement” of historic proportions against his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton that should it be successful would destroy her forever. [Note: Some words appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] 

According to this report, Trump’s “master plan” to destroy Clinton involves his planning to unveil to the American public that upon his taking office (if elected) one of his first acts will be his introducing legislation to the US Congress that will allow all holders of student loans to declare bankruptcy on their debts for the first time since 1998.

In 1998, this report explains, President William Clinton signed into law the 1998 Amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965 that had slipped into it (without anyone ever admitted who did so) a first in American history provision forbidding anyone from every being able to declare bankruptcy on their student loans.

Combined with President Clinton’s 1999 repeal of the Glass Steagall Act that had protected America’s banks since the Crash of 1929, this report continues, Hillary Clinton and her husband were able to amass a staggering fortune of over $153 million since then given to them by the thankful oligarchs of Wall Street who, likewise, amassed huge fortunes, while at the same sending tens-of-millions of American students into a life time of debt servitude to their new banking masters.
Important to note about the practice of bankruptcy in the United States, this report notes, is that this nations Founding Fathers deemed it so critical that when they wrote the US Constitution, they provided for a system of bankruptcy relief before they addressed even freedom of religion or freedom of speech basing it upon a Bible command from the Book of Deuteronomy [Chapter 15 Verses 1-2] that says “At the end of every seven years you shall grant a remission of debts.  This is the manner of remission: every creditor shall release what he has loaned to his neighbor; he shall not exact it of his neighbor and his brother, because the LORD'S remission has been proclaimed.”

Unlike the debt enslaved students of America who were put under a lifetime yoke of economic oppression by the Clinton’s, however, this report continues, Trump has been able to use the US bankruptcy laws to save four of his companies and employees jobs.

Though Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy, this report notes, his four business bankruptcies centered on casinos he used to own in Atlantic City, and which were all Chapter 11 restructurings that allows a company stay in business while shedding debt.
During the first Republican Party debate on 6 August 2015, in fact, this report says, Trump stated “I have used the laws of this country ... the [bankruptcy] chapter laws, to do a great job for my company, for myself, for my employees, for my family”, and further expressed his disdain for the Wall Street oligarchs supporting Hillary Clinton by stating: “These lenders aren't babies. These are total killers. These are not the nice, sweet little people.”

With new polls showing that American students (called Millennials) are now surging to Trump in massive numbers, this report concludes, his plan to allow them to free themselves from the unprecedented $1.3 trillion of debt (that goes up by $2,726 every second) put on them by the Clinton’s will destroy Hillary forever.

May 24, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


YOU'RE 3 and please note the part I highlighted below.  You hear of it every day on the news.


When we get 100,000,000, that's one  hundred million willing Christians to BOND together, voice their concerns and vote, we can take  back America with God's help.  Become one of the One hundred million... Then let's get 200 million.  It can be done just by sending this email to your  friends. Do the math. It only takes a single willing  heart and a fed up SOUL. God  Bless America and Shine your light  on Her!

Now President Obama is encouraging schools to teach the Quran for extra credit, while at the same time, they cannot even talk about the Bible, God, pray, or salute the American Flag.

The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart  of  every Christian, especially knowing that the Muslim religion  believes that if Christians cannot be converted, they should be annihilated.

Send this to three people, or even one hundred ! And,send it the person who Sent it to you!. To let them know that indeed, it was sent out to many more


 Ramey comments:

Please forgive my lack of enthusiasm for this article.  But if Americans were going to try to recover America, it should have started about the time of the Woodrow Wilson presidency.  The sinking of the Titanic was the "shot across the bow".

If you are one of those anxiously awaiting the rapture, you have all my sympathy, because you have fallen victim to one of the many religious deception of Satan.

If Obama has truly been replaced by Joseph Dunford, as alternative news would have us believe, it would seem he is doing nothing to reverse the destruction of America which Obama has set in motion.

Now we see the DC morons discussing a preemtive strike on Russia/China.  This is a last ditch suicidal mission as they see their gravy train being derailed.  Crimes against humanity have been exposed and the consequences are staring American leaders in the face.  What have they to lose by taking the nation down with them?

To those watching prophecy, this became evident at the time Obama took office and I have been sounding this trumpet for the last 8 years in the pages of these Commentaries.

America is gone.  It isn't coming back and the alleged new super weapon is not going to save our bacon --- it just isn't.  Our military has been gutted, our economy has been destroyed, our moral fiber eroded and our national resolve is non existent.  We are about to join the list of "Nations that once were".

The fall of nations has always been a matter of much destruction, death and grief immeasurable.  Our fall from nation status will be the greatest military reversal in all of recorded history.  It is now on our doorstep and it is certain and if we have the intestinal fortitude to put the puzzle pieces into place, we can see it happening exactly as foretold.  Can we begin to see just how serious this is?

I take no pleasure in bringing news as bad as this but it would seem that those charged with the responsibility of "watchmen" are asleep at the switch and we can see this in Isaiah 56:10-12.  Note also that these are "His watchmen".

Never forget that we are to be watching as individuals.

Friday, May 27, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey





Past statements by Obama seem to indicate that he knows his end comes in the opening shots of WW III.  Daniel 11 seems to agree.

May 23, 2016

NATO Plan For “August War” Against Russia Warned Will Go Nuclear “In Minutes”

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A truly grim Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today is warning that NATO’s plan for an “August War” against the Federation will go nuclear “in minutes” as the Obama regime continues its biggest atomic bomb buildup since the Cold War and Russia is now faced with more hostile military troops on its borders than at any time since 1941, and that occurred just prior to Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union. [Note: Some words appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, some of the first information released about the Obama regimes plans for launching a first-strike nuclear attack against Russia came from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the former United States Assistant Secretary, who in 2014 warned: “Washington not only has war plans for launching a preemptive nuclear attack on Russia, and also possibly China, but Washington has a cadre of people who advocate nuclear war. We have people running around Washington saying things such as what’s the good of nuclear weapons if you can’t use them.”

Dr. Roberts further warned, this report continues, that the Obama regime actually believes that it can win a nuclear war against Russia with little or no damage to the US—an insane belief that stands opposed to Russian security officials warning that one military response against Obama would be to use nuclear-armed drone submarines that would be detonated in US coastal waters causing a radioactive tsunami to flood and contaminate nearly all of America’s seaside cities.

The final charade being played out by the Obama regime led and controlled NATO prior to war starting, this report notes, was its calling earlier today for an “urgent” meeting with Russia in order to “imitate” a dialogue with Moscow in its bid to justify their further military buildup along Russia’s borders—and which was forcefully responded to by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who stated: “There are procedures under which if someone wants to convene the NATO-Russia Council, there should be consultations and consensus. And if one is invited through a microphone without prior consultations, it says that the people are being guided by other interests.”

As to what those “other interests” are, this report continues, is NATO preparing to repudiate at its July meeting the 27 May 1997 Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between NATO and the Russian Federation agreement that officially ended the Cold War and changing Russia’s status to that of being an “enemy”—which would mean that any defensive moves made by Russia would be taken by the West to be an unacceptable provocation and justification for a “pre-emptive” attack against Russia by NATO.

In order to accelerate the time table for this war too, this report says (and we had previously reported on), was the Obama regime last week beginning the activation of their European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) missile system that the Kremlin has warned its real aim was to neutralize the Federation’s nuclear arsenal long enough for the United States to make a first strike on Russia. 

 Of the many propaganda lies being told by the Obama regime, and its NATO allies, to justify naming Russia an enemy, this report continues, is the 2008 Russia-Georgia War where Federation troops were forced to defend the innocent civilians of South Ossetia after their territory was invaded by US-backed Georgian troops who began a genocidal killing spree—and as one accurate report about this conflict detailed by stating: 

It only took a small fraction of the Russian Army a few hours to roll up the American and Israeli trained Georgian Army.  Putin had the former Russian province in his hand. He could have hung the American puppet president and reincorporated Georgia back into Russia, where it probably belongs, having spent all of modern history in that location.

But Putin did not see Georgia as a prize, and having made his point, let the Americans have their puppet state back.  The president at the time, a scummy scoundrel, was thrown out of the country by Georgians and now serves the American puppet state of Ukraine, like so many others who are not Ukrainian. Apparently, Washington can’t find enough Ukrainians who will sell out their country for Washington and has to bring in foreigners to help Washington rule Ukraine.”

So “insanely/frantic” has the Obama regimes propaganda become to portray Russia as an enemy, this report further notes, that it had one of their top NATO commanders, General Sir Richard Shirreff, write a book about this coming war wherein he warned that in 2017 nuclear strikes would begin because Russia would invade the Baltic States—a notion so absurd even some of America’s most strident war hawks note that Russia has never had an interest in any of these nations, and that’s why it gave them their freedom from the Soviet Union decades ago.

And where reality has been turned into outright fantasy in regards to the true “nation-of-war” on this planet, this report continues, between 2001 and today, President Putin has ordered military actions only 3 times to protect the citizens of South Ossetia, Ukraine and Syria from US sponsored armies attacking them, and then withdrew all Russian troops—while during this same time, President’s Bush and Obama combined American-NATO forces have bombed, invaded and destroyed at least 11 nations between them.
Most interesting, perhaps, to note in this MoD report is its stating that US Army Lieutenant General Herbert McMaster has been attempting to warn the Obama regime of its folly in believing it could win a war with Russia, and who at recent Pentagon meeting warned that should America forces find themselves in a land war with Russia they would be in for a rude, cold awakening.

General McMaster’s analysis was echoed, this report continues, by international war expert Dr Phillip Karber, president of the Potomac Foundation, who after his reviewing Russian battle tactics in Ukraine, likewise, warned what American troops would be facing by stating: “One of the most terrifying weapons that the Russians are using on the battlefield are thermobaric warheads, weapons that are composed almost entirely of fuel and burn longer and with more intensity than other types of munitions. In a 3-minute period…a Russian fire strike wiped out two mechanized battalions [with] a combination of top-attack munitions and thermobaric warheads.  If you have not experienced or seen the effects of thermobaric warheads, start taking a hard look. They might soon be coming to a theater near you.”

With massive bomb shelters still being built throughout the Federation, this report concludes, the likelihood of President Obama ordering Russia to be attacked by a nuclear first strike is “nearly assured” due to the facts of if his party loses to Donald Trump, Obama, Hillary Clinton, and too many other American elites to count, will be prosecuted for treason once the full and horrific scale of their crimes against the United States are uncovered for all to see—but which in a nuclear devastated America will never be known about.

May 23, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Ramey comments:

We have wondered how the situation has been allowed to go on this long and some of us thought perhaps the "sky would fall" at the time of the Spring festivals.  It didn't happen so we figured perhaps Pentecost.  However, there is a significant date coming up in August which has spelled much misery for the Jews.  If my calculations are correct, August 12 is Av 9. 

Please understand, I am not setting this as a date.  If/as/when a date is revealed to me, I will pass it on, but so far, that has not happened.

We know that when this destruction comes, it will be sudden.  We feel we know also that it will come after the exodus of a few from this chaos called Babylon.  It appears, from Matthew 24, that the picking of these few from this society of Satan will be somewhat along the line envisioned by those expecting a rapture.  Some will be snatched from their work station evidently without prior warning --- other than what has been provided in these Commentaries.  This, in itself, would seem to indicate that the date of America's and Israel's destruction will not be revealed before this event.   

Monday, May 23, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



May 21, 2016

Russian Meteorite Warning Issued Just Hours Before EgyptAir Flight 804 Crash

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An intriguing Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today is strongly suggesting that the 19 May crash of EgyptAir Flight 804 over the Mediterranean Sea was due to its being struck by a debris fragment from a large meteorite that first encountered our Earth’s atmosphere on 17 May over North America, broke into numerous parts with one large piece falling on South American on 18 May, and left a debris field so large the Aerospace Defence Forces (ADF) issued a warning to all S-400 missile commands operating in Syria to be on the alert for “false positive readings”. [Note: Some words appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, on 17 May the Okno optoelectronic space surveillance complex in Tajikistan sent an alert warning to the ADF that it had “detected/discovered” a near Earth asteroid approaching the atmosphere over North America at a speed estimated to be around 67,000 kilometers-per-hour and having an estimated mass of 8,000-10,000 metric tonnes. 

Upon its being alerted to this “event/circumstance” by Okno, this report continues, the ADF “redirected/redeployed” a Kanopus satellite to observe this space object and that detected it slamming into the atmosphere above the Northeastern United States—and which was captured on video from an American police car in New York and described as a spectacular fireball. 

After this meteorite [actually called a bolide in this report using the astronomy definition of this word] struck the atmosphere over North America, this report notes, it broke up into “many/numerous” pieces with some being ejected into a higher orbital “plane/trajectory” and the largest part falling back to Earth less than 24 hours later when, on 18 May, over the South American nation of Argentina, it exploded upon entering the atmosphere causing tremors to occur too.

With tens-of-thousands (if not hundreds-of-thousands) of this meteorites fragments (estimated to be between 5-60 centimeters) still expected to fall into our Earth’s atmosphere between 18-20 May, this report says, both Okno and Kanopus satellite data determined that the “areas/regions” most likely to be affected by this space debris lay between Greenland and Australia due to the original North-South orbit of this meteorite—with the center point being the Levant. 

As a number (not identified in this report) of S-400 surface-to-air missile systems [the most capable and lethal long-range air defense missile system on the planet] are currently deployed in Syria, and in fearing that some larger pieces of this meteorite debris failing to burn up in the atmosphere upon reentry could possibly activate them if fallen within their radar range, this report continues, the ADF sent an alert to the commanders of these forces warning them of what could occur.

Less than 48 hours after this ADF warning was issued, however, this report notes, EgyptAir Flight 804 (while over the Mediterranean Sea on its way to Cairo from Paris) apparently flew into the range of this meteorites falling debris where it was struck by a fragment causing an explosive decompression of its structure that killed all 66 passengers and crew aboard.

This report further notes that the first report of this planes crashing was received from a Greek merchant vessel that reported that their crew had witnessed a flash in the sky sometime around the moment of EgyptAir’s Flight 804 disappearance—that is eerily similar to a Spanish pilots report that he saw an “intense flash in the area where Air France Flight 447 came down off the coast of Brazil on 1 June 2009 killing all 228 aboard, and which speculation that it too was brought down by meteorite fragment has been much discussed.  

Also important to note about this report is its conclusion, where MoD experts state that the US was alerted by the ADF when the warning was issued to the S-400 commanders [Russian and US commanders talk daily] about the possibility of their encountering falling meteorite debris, but chose not use it for themselves or pass it on to any of their allies—which becomes understandable when viewed in the light of the staggering increase of meteorites hitting our Earth that no one is yet able to explain, and now makes every plane a target.
May 21, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


Christ described to His disciples what the world would be like at the end of the age which we live in today.  Note what He said in Matthew 24:6.  "And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars --- see that you be not troubled.  For all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet". 
7  "For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilence and earthquakes in diverse places". 
8  "All these are the beginning of sorrows". 
Aren't we watching all these things today?  We know that we are already well into the "time of the end" because the book of Daniel was sealed at the time of writing until the "time of the end" and the book of Daniel was unsealed in 2011. 

And the earathquakes in diverse places have begun.  If you are watching the times we live in then you, no doubt know, that the predictions, by the experts, for the big one on the San Andreas are becoming more numerous and dire.  You know that portable morgues have already been moved into the New Madrid area in preparation for that one to go also.  And then there's Yellowstone Super Caldera that is acting up and the workers at the park there are forbidden to discuss the things occurring there even with relatives and over the phone.  Have you ever considered what the out-come would be if all three of these were triggered at once? Would it amount to the earthquake of Rev 6:12?

I know a lot of people are thinking that martial law is just before being declared in America.  Others think we are just before going to war with Russia which would amount to a war with Russia and China.  We don't have reference points for just how ugly that would get.  We saw some of Russia's military capability in Syria and that was just a sample. 

My gut feel is that there is going to be a missile barrage that takes out Israel but it won't be nukes.  The area will be cleared immediately of the invaders before they can loot Israel and Jerusalem will be repopulated and the rebuild will begin almost immediately.  Israel will not be the only national casuality in the middle east.  It Appears that Saudi and Turkey may also disappear.  The area has to be cleared for the New Israel with it's capitol in Jerusalem. 

America is a totally different situation.  Since America is the image of the beast, (Rev 13), the end time Babylon (see Habakkuk), and Sodom (see Rev 11) --- it will be destroyed totally and with survivors going into captivity for three and one half years.  The land will become (is becoming), a nuclear wilderness for-ever.  (See Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51). 

How close are we to these events?  If we continue in the 24th chapter of Matthew, in verse 11 we see, "And many false prophets shall arise and deceive many".  Are we seeing any false prophets on the web,  on TV and in the churches?  Verse 14 says "...the gospel (good news) of the Kingdom will go out to all the world..."  Does this mean there is to be a massive religious turnaround?  Not really --- if you continue in that verse, you can see that this gospel of the Kingdom going out to the world, is "... for a witness unto all nations". 

And then there will be the abomination of desolation, which will come hard on the heels of the city of Damascus becoming "... a ruinous heap". Probably news of this event will not even reach America because when it happens, those in Judea are to head for the hills without going home first.  The missiles are either on their way or about to be launched from several locations. 

Verse 37 says, "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."  It goes on in the next verse saying that people wil be going about business as usual as they were in the days of Noah --- right up until the time Noah entered the ark and at that time it was obvious to everyone in that area that something big was about to happen. 

Verse 40 says, "... then shall two be in the field and one will be taken and the other left".  This is the case Hal Lindsey and Tim La Haye make for the rapture, but this is not the rapture, my friends, this is the exodus, from the end time Babylon, which is to be escorted out by the Elohim.  (See Isaiah 52:10-12).  This is only days before the destruction of America and the beginning of the time of Jacob's Trouble which some call the tribulation.  I know very well that verse 29 says that the Messiah will appear "...after the tribulation", but this is the result of Catholic "spin doctoring".  When you put all the prophetic puzzle pieces into place, it becomes obvious that the Elohim (Mighty Ones) make their entry before the tribulation.  (See Daniel 12:1). 

I am quite familiar with the various church teachings and the fables they embrace such as the rapture.  They will be held accountable for what they teach. 

And now cannibalistic movies are starting to make a hit as we move further into the times of famine.  Do we need to review Leviticus 26 and especially verse 29? 

The first 13 verses of Leviticus contains some awesome promises made to Israel in the time of Moses if they chose to live by His laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Eternal.  They chose not to.  The rest of the chapter outlines the curses that come automatically if they chose the way of idolatry which they did and have since.  This part of that chapter is not pleasant reading but it shows quite graphically what we are going into today. 

I do not say there will not be a nuclear exchange but I feel that at the time America makes the decision to go to war with Russ/China, the U.S. will be ripped apart at the Mississippi River with that waterway becoming an inland sea.  The after math of that massive quake, or series of quakes, will generate the killer tsunami in the Atlantic which takes out our east coast cities and is alluded to in Jeremiah 51:42.  From there it's down-hill and our debtor nations will swoop in to pick our bones and round up survivors to sell to anyone who wants an American slave.  It appears from Ezekiel 5 that only one out of three Americans will survive this holocaust. 

Those who survive have a light at the end of the tunnel and I have discussed that in the past few Commentaries.  It will be the New Israel and it will be a breath of fresh air.  The incoming Liberators from outer space are about to take a hand in the affairs of men and Jeremiah 51:1 would seem to suggest that they already are intervening. That intervention will become much more pronounced in the days and weeks ahead. 

Jerusalem will be destroyed, (Isaiah 29), but it will be rebuilt starting shortly after destruction.  This work will go on beneath a canopy that will make the iron dome look archaic.  Since neither Jews, Vatican or Muslim will be coordinating this rebuild, the world wil look upon it as the work of the antichrist. 

If this is all new to you, it's because this "... gospel of the kingdom ... " has not been disseminated to all nations until just the past few months.  We have heard the "gospel of grace", the "gospel of salvation", the "gospel of Christ and Him crucified" but that is not the gospel Christ brought, (see Mark 1:14), and none of those are the gospel He said would be spread to all nations just before the end . (of the age) comes. 

This world is not going to be destroyed by fire as the religious myth has it but it is going to be seriously depopulated and we can see why in Isaiah 24:5-6. 

The missing ingredient in the governments of this world under the jurisdiction of Satan is a righteous king.  That deficiency is about to be corrected and you can see the coronation ceremony in Daniel 7:13-14.  As you can see, there will be two Gods there and the Lesser will be crowned by the Greater.  Then there is going to be a new blood bath with the destruction of "... those who destroy the earth."  (See Rev 11:18).

Business as usual is about to hit a brick wall.  We see the approach of disaster daily if we are watching as instructed.  But it becomes ho-humish as we watch dates come and go that false prophets have labelled as "drop dead dates".  

We all tend to look for evidence of "that day" because I Thessalonians 5 suggests strongly that there will be a few to whom that date is revealed.  As I have said before, military leaders only provide information to the troops on a "need to know" basis.  And we are at war.  Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" is about to unfurl in vivid color.  Those who feel the Messiah is coming to bring instant peace are smoking funny weed or scriptural illiterates.  The first few verses of Isaiah 63 show how "peaceful" the intervention is to be.  Revelation 19 shows the Messiah with his army of the firstfruits making vulture food of those who destroy the earth and those who march against Jerusalem. 

I could say there are exciting times ahead --- but it appears they have already started.  


Dr. Ronald Shimschuck, an M.I.T. graduate who is widely considered among the smartest men on the planet, is the latest credible source to not only confirm Nibiru’s existence but also warn of its potential cataclysmic effects on planet earth.

His credentials include seven years at McDonnell Douglas, after four years’ employment at Boeing and three at NASA. Dr. Shimschuck was also employed as an astronomical consultant at the Arecibo Observatory, in Puerto Rico.

Dr. Shimschuck, whose authoritative research on Nibiru (Planet X) is considered canonical by Nibiru scientists, became interested in the topic in 1985 while involved with NASA’s STS program. There, he learned of a secret executive order, signed by then president Reagan, forbidding any public discussion about Nibiru.

“Few people in the administration even knew about Nibiru,” Shimschuck told our source. “Information on Nibiru was kept compartmentalized, and at the time I hadn’t even known we [NASA] had a dedicated Nibiru research team. But rumors spread, and I became interested. At that point, I was summoned to the director’s office, where I was more or less told that Nibiru was a taboo subject. When it became clear Nibiru would have devastating results on the earth sometime in the early 21st Century, all public discussion was shut down, expeditiously.”

NASA compelled Dr. Shimschuck to sign an aggressive non-disclosure agreement; the document, called a 100/100 agreement, stated clearly the penalties for breaching it, a $100,000,000 fine and 100 years of incarceration, essentially a life sentence, in solitary confinement, without parole.

“I left the administration shortly afterward to work on other projects,” Shimschuck told us.

But he still conducted clandestine research on Nibiru, using his position as consultant at Arecibo Observatory to further his investigation.

According to Shimschuck, the United States, Russia, Japan, and China have colluded to keep sensitive information secret while spreading disinformation and allowing only easily refutable evidence to slip through the cracks. These governments, Shimschuck said, have meticulously engineered world events to distract public attention away from Nibiru.

“Wars, political tensions, and media events are all manufactured to misdirect the public,” Shimschuck said.

“They want to keep the public eye on anything, anywhere, except for where it should be focused, in space. And any credible whistle-blowers were harshly dealt with, people like Harrington.”

Robert Sutton Harrington, whose groundbreaking research many Nibiru scientists would follow, inexplicably dropped dead in 1993.  Credited as the first whistle-blower, Harrington died shortly after leading an astronomical symposium in 1993. During his lecture, Harrington implicated Bill Clinton, Borris Yeltzin, and Anwar Sadat in masterminding a plot to disperse chemicals in the atmosphere to conceal Nibiru’s existence. This process is now commonly known as Chem-Trails or Chem-Spraying. Ironically, just days after the seminar, Harrington was diagnosed with sudden onset esophageal cancer–and dropped dead four days later.

“And, of course, Harrington was the first of many mysterious deaths,” Dr. Shimschuck said.

Usually reliable sources asked Dr. Shimschuck the same question posed to all Nibiru researchers: Why can’t we see it?

“It can be seen–if you are in southern hemisphere at an altitude greater than 19,000ft. And then the astronomical conditions must be correct. And then only if you have the proper tools, like a Meade – 20 ” MAX2-ACF (f/8) Advance Coma-Free on MAX2 Robotic German Equatorial Mount w/AZ Pier, which cost $36,000 USD. Few hobbyists have such equipment.”

Besides the aforementioned conditions, Nibiru remains hidden to all but the most powerful telescopes on earth–those controlled by government-funded observatories. Nibiru is a collective term referring to the “Nibiru system,” a solar system in a 3,600 year-long elliptical orbit around Sol. The system receives natural concealment via a reflective screen of iron oxide dust that emanates seven million miles in all directions.

“If you wake up one morning and see red iron oxide dust on you car windshield, Nibiru is probably less than 12 hours away,” said Dr. Shimschuck.

Ramey comments:

Nibiru is the wild card that has been affecting our solar system for the past 100+ years.  It appears that Robert Harrington was murdered when he tried to inform the masses of this incoming celestial visitor.  He is only one of the casualties of those who have tried to inform the public.  

The above report could be a whistle blower but more likely a government shill as the gov't begins to break the news to the public. 

If our government plans to make war with these incoming Liberaors, then they come even lower on the IQ scale than what I have thought.  These folks had nukes some 4000 years ago.  And we are ramping up to do battle with them?  Such arrogance.   Such ignorance.  

They have been preparing for this battle for longer than America has been a nation.   And we are going to challenge them.   Can we begin to see how and why Babylon will be destroyed "... in one hour"?  (Rev 18).