Tuesday, February 24, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Is this another facet of American politics we must only mention in whispers --- like chem trails, FDA approved poisoning of food and water,  who really shot down MH-17 and is Michelle really a "Tranny" as insisted by Joan Rivers before she became a "surgical oopsie"? 

I see the question asked in the comments sections of the "Watchmen" news letters but never see them even attempt to answer to the question of "How do the Russian Troops on American soil fit into the equation?" 

I shall try to answer that question but I ask you to keep in mind that this is only an opinion.  It will be based on many things I have already shown you in the pages of these Commentaries so there may be some repetition. 

We have already asked and answered the question of "Who is the end time Babylon?"  The prophet Habakkuk has given us a positive identification plus a blistering indictment handed down by the Creator against this nation.  We see in Revelation 18 that this "Babylon" will be destroyed "...in one hour" --- for idolatry. 

And who will accomplish this destruction?  We can get a thumbnail sketch of this destruction in Isaiah 13, beginning in verse 1. (Tyndale Living Bible, 7th edition).  "This is the vision God showed Isaiah, son of Amoz, concerning Babylon's doom.

2  "See the flags waving as their enemy attacks.  Shout to them, O Israel, and wave them on as they march against Babylon to destroy the palaces of the rich and mighty. 
3  "I, the Lord, have set apart these armies for this task; I have  called those rejoicing in their strength to do this work, to satisfy my anger.
4  "Hear the tumult on the mountains!  Listen as the armies march!  It is the tumult and shout of many nations.  The Lord of Hosts has brought them here,
5  "From countries far away.  They are His weapons against you O Babylon.  They carry His anger with them and will destroy your whole land."

Does the prophet identify these armies?  Indeed He does.  We find it in verse
17.  "For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon..."
Do we know who the Medes are?  Josephus tells us the Medes are descendents of Madai.  In Genesis 10, we find that Madai was a brother to Gog and Magog and they all moved into that part of the earth we call Russia today.  The Medes were confederate with Persia (Iran) and took down ancient Babylon about 538 BC.  The prophet is telling us they will also take down the end time Babylon.

But they won't be acting alone.  As we saw above in Isaiah 13:4, there will be many nations.  And we aren't even told about the nunbers of troops of other nations that are eating at our table.  The prophet Jeremiah gives us a more in depth account of the sacking of Babylon in chapters 50-51.  In verse 9 of Jeremiah 50, he says, "For see, I am raising up an army of great nations from the north and I will bring them against Babylon to attack her and she shall be destroyed."

Can we begin to see that, just as Assyria was the whip in the hand of the Creator in punishing ancient Israel (II Kings 17) and ancient Babylon was the whip in His hand in punishing her sister nation Judah, (see the book of Jeremiah and also the Lamentations of Jeremiah), so are the Medes His army for the destruction of the end time Babylon. 

If we can begin to see this, then it should bring into sharper focus the reason the Russian troops are here.  They are the Creator's hand picked army for the destruction of Babylon!  So who is FEMA, DHS, FBI, CIA, SS, BATF, IRS, etc?  These are a part of Babylon. 

Now perhaps we can begin to see why the Russian Troops are here in Isaiah 13:9.  "For see the Day of the Lord is coming, the terrible day of His wrath and fierce anger."   So it appears the invasion of Babylon will also introduce the "Day of the Lord", however the world evidently will be deceived into believing that this is the antichrist. Why?  Because the Catholic dream of taking complete control of Jerusalem has been thwarted once again as we can see in Isaiah 29-35.   Israel, including Jerusalem, is going to be destroyed along with America.  There will be no UN Headquarters left in America and there will be no Catholic control left in Jerusalem.  It will be rebuilt under a canopy of fire as we can see in the above referenced chapters in Isaiah. 
Continuing in verse 9:  "The land shall be destroyed, and all the sinners with it!"  Who are these sinners?  We have covered in previous articles the three way division of the end time Israel and only one of those divisions will come through the onslaught.  (Ezekiel 5).

We have also shown previously that there will be no occupation of the U.S. by foreign nations.  Hosea 5:7 gives a strong indication that the entire campaign against America, including the shipping out of prisoners, will only take a month.  Why such haste?  Let's address that.

The U.S. media has announced to the world repeatedly over the past two years that our entire electrical system is vulnerable to an EMP (electro magnetic pulse) attack.  We have learned over the past few months that Russia's main weapon in this attack is likely to be an EMP technology that is generated without a nuke.  It has been demonstrated several times already.  The first time was probably when the LAX Airport radar and computers were shut down some two years ago.  The second time was last year when the airport radars over a large portion of the Ukraine were shut down and the last time was when a U.S. Warship in the Black Sea was blinded and mocked by a Russian bomber with simulated strafing runs. 

When the U.S. Power Grid goes down and vehicles are immobilized, it sets the stage for nuclear meltdowns that will pale Fukushima to insignificance.  When we add to this the Revelation 6:12 earthquake followed by the Jeremiah 51:42 killer tsunami on our east coast, then perhaps we can begin to see the need for the haste. 

I do hope this gives us (the wise as defined in Daniel 12:10) a clearer perspective on what the Russian Troops are doing on American soil.

There will simply be no time for the normal preparations for war such as the drafting and training of raw recruits, the moving of troops to the battle zone, the skirmishes that ensue and the take over and perpetuation of the government.  It will be a nuclear wasteland uninhabited and uninhabitable, (see Jeremiah 50:3,23 and 51:29), and it will all be over in a 30 day timeframe. 

And it would seem our "Watchmen" haven't a clue.

February 17, 2015

Kremlin In Shock After Obama Abandons Hundreds Of US Troops In Ukraine

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning new report prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) circulating in the Kremlin today states that the Obama regime has “effectively abandoned” at least 150 US troops embedded with over 5,000 Ukrainian forces in the rebel surrounded town of Debaltseve in eastern Ukraine and left by Kiev’s government to die.

According to this report, the US troops currently under rebel siege are an ad hoc group of American Special Forces belonging to the Vicenza, Italy-based 173rd Airborne Brigade, CIA Special Activities Division (SAD) troops, and elite mercenaries from the notorious US private security firm Academi (formerly known as Blackwater).

MoD knowledge of these US forces participating in the Ukrainian war, this report notes, has been longstanding since last years US Army Europe-led Rapid Trident exercise in western Ukraine that comprised over 1,300 NATO troops, and Germany’s BILD newspaper reporting that their intelligence sources estimated that over 400 Academi mercenaries were involved in this conflict too.

Even worse, this report warns, NAF rebel scouts are reporting their having spotted NATO tanks inside the encirclement (Cauldron) at Debaltseve. According to their information, the possibility is strong that up to 25% of the 5,000-8,000 trapped Ukrainian army may be NATO.

Currently in this conflict, which according to German intelligence sources has claimed over 50,000 lives, this report continues, Ukrainian President Poroshenko last week refused to negotiate with President Putin for a “green corridor to allow US and Ukraine military forces to leave Debaltseve and continued to lie to both his own people and Western allies stating falsely that these forces weren’t encircled.

So false, in fact, have President Poroshenko’s statements been, this report says, Semen Semenchenko, a Ukrainian legislator and field commander, wrote on Facebook last week that rebel forces had cut off the road between the railroad junction of Debaltseve and the Ukrainian-controlled town of Artemivsk.

Strategists, damn it!” Semenchenko fumed at Ukrainian military commanders with the news meaning that several thousand Ukrainian troops were effectively trapped near Debaltseve, creating the potential for a major Ukrainian defeat and leading him to call his own defense ministry spokesmen “fairy tale writers in shoulder straps.”

Even today, MoD experts in this report note, German BILD reporter Paul Ronzheimer quoted another Ukrainian officer who warned about this dire situation in Debaltseve by stating that “it is threatening a second Illovaisk, a massacre against the Ukrainian army”. [English translation HERE]

Of the gravest concern to the MoD, this report also says, were the eyewitness accounts of the over 300 Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered earlier today to rebel forces stating that the American officers commanding them in Debaltseve had ordered them, under threat of death, to continue fighting and to deliberately target civilians.

Upon receiving this dire news of the American’s true intentions from rebel forces interrogating these captured Ukrainian forces, this report continues, Russian military commanders immediately informed Dutch military representatives who are currently holding inspections in Russia’s southern region of Rostov next to the Ukraine border.

However, nearly immediately after the Dutch military officers in Rostov informed NATO command of the true facts, this report notes, the US shamelessly reported that a new column of Russian military equipment was headed toward Debaltseve…in spite of the fact that their own Dutch representatives were on the Russia-Ukraine border telling them no such thing was happening.

And going from the outright absurd to the fantastical, MoD experts in this report say, German television channel Zweiten Deutschen Fernsehens (ZDF)  then a few hours later aired a photograph of Russian tanks in eastern Ukraine, but which in reality were Russian tanks on patrol in South Ossetia in 2008 and causing the German media watchdog group, known as the Permanent Open Committee of Media Monitoring, to issue a complaint against the federal ZDF channel over false reporting on the situation in eastern Ukraine and stating that “German coverage of events in eastern Ukraine has reached the height of fantasy, and is not worth taking seriously.”

With Chinese state news agency Xinhua earlier today warning that the Obama regime is not a “Anti-Terror Leader” but a “Terrorist Breeder”, this report sadly concludes, the ultimate fate of those Americans soon to be dying by the hundreds in Ukraine remains unknown...but has been the practice of the US who in their Vietnam war alone abandoned nearly 3,000 of their soldiers and never allowed their true fate to be known to their grieving wives, mothers or children.

February 17, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


I believe this statement deserves more than a second look.  Can this really be?  First perhaps, we should consider who said it.  I think we can rest assured that He isn't given to hyperbole or exaggeration. But in this world of deception, how can we be sure we have the truth?  We can "...do the math", as some are fond of saying.  One billion Christians think they have the truth.  Some 750 million Muslim think they have the truth.  Can both be right?  Perhaps we should turn that around and ask can both be wrong? I do hope I have shown sufficient proof, in these Commentaries, to establish that these are the legs of the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon. Are we to surmise from Isaiah 64:8 that the clay mixed with the iron is Israel?  

John's statement in Revelation 12:9, that Satan has deceived "...the whole world" is not easy to get your arms around.  I know that.  But if we can get our arms around religion being the tool of Satan for disseminating that deception, now a ray of the light of understanding begins to show through the darkness of idolatry.  My contention is that we need to question everything we have ever learned in any of the religions on the face of the earth. 

To bring this into sharper focus, perhaps we should take a look at the life and actions of Abraham.  Was Abraham a righteous man?  We see that he killed a lot of people. We see that he lied to the Egyptians and told them Sarah was his sister.  I suppose we could say it was only half a lie since she was his half sister.  So do we need to define righteousness? I think we can adjust that focus by reading, "Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness." 

So where does that put us?  In Genesis 18, we can read that three visitors showed up at Abraham's spread and he had Sarah prepare a meal for them and they ate before proceeding on their journey.  The leader of the group, as they were leaving, said to one of the other two, "Shouldn't I share with Abraham what we are about to do?"  So He did share it with Abraham, that they were on their way to Sodom to see if the accusations they were hearing about that city were true and if they were, the city would be destroyed. 

Now Abraham had a nephew in that city so he took it upon himself to intercede on his behalf.  He asked, "What if there are fifty righteous people in Sodom?  Will you still destroy it?  The Spokesman said, "No, we will spare if for fifty righteous people."  You know the story --- how Abraham haggled with Him and got down to ten righteous people and asked, "If there are ten, will you still destroy the city?"  And again, you know the story --- ten were not found.  And the rest is history. 

Is this a principle that extends on out to the end time?  "I change not."

When ancient Israel was taken into captivity in 721-720 BC, were there not ten righteous people in the whole nation?  We have a record of there still being 700 in Israel that Yahshua claimed in the time of Elijah --- but that was some 150 years before they were saddled into slavery for idolatry.  There was a famine in the land in those days and many left Israel.  Some migrated east into Iran, Iraq and some probably went on into India.  These formed up yet another nation of Israel known in history as Parthia.  Their wars with Rome are known in history as the "Punic Wars".  Many also migrated west into Africa and settled in Carthage.

When the sister nation of Judah was butchered and survivors taken to Babylon in chains, were there not ten righteous people to be found?  We have the record of Daniel and his three friends plus Ezekiel and Jeremiah.  That's only six.  If we throw in Baruch and Ebed-Melek, we now are up to eight.  Is this significant?  Had the kings of Judah killed the rest of the prophets? 

The apostles got the truth first hand and began to spread it around, but the white horse of religious deception was already out of the chute and running at a full gallop at that time and a concerted effort was made worldwide to stamp out this "heresy".  It threatened all established religion.  The apostle Paul was saying some things that sounded very strange to religionists of his day.  Some thought he was a mad man but he said the Bereans received what he was saying with "...all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether these things were so."  He called them more "noble" than those in Thessalonika. 

So when Jerusalem fell in 70 AD, were there not ten righteous people in the area?  We have an account of 70 leaving the city before the final destruction.  Was that the sum total of righteous folks in the Jerusalem area that were taken out in an exodus? 

But as we near the end of the age, we see the deterioration of character of people depicted by the materials of construction of the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.  When you couple this to the witness of Jeremiah that the scriptures themselves have been tampered with, (chapter 8, verse 8), then we can see that the deception of the whole world becomes computerized and much easier.  We now have 1000 religions lighting a path to heaven while the Elohim assure us they are moving in with the remnant of mankind on planet earth, which the meek are to inherit.  This will not be yet another experiment in religious sophistry. It will be a mass extermination of those currently determined to destroy the earth and then it will be rebuilt the way it could have been done originally.

We see the ramping up of the war between Christians and Muslim and yet the Christians don't yet seem to understand that a religious war is already raging.  Meanwhile the Luciferians have commandeered the money of the world and are preparing hidey-holes for their own.  Looks pretty grim --- huh?  Don't you suppose things looked grim for Daniel's three friends when they were thrown in a super heated furnace?  I suppose we could also mention Jonah.  And while we are looking at grim situations, what about 3 million Israelites exiting Egypt and trapped between the Red Sea and mountains and the Egyptian Army which Josephus tells us numbered 600,000.  They fully expected their slaughter as soon as the thunderstorm was over that separated them from the Egyptian Army.  All these accounts had happy endings for the underdogs. 

But what about America?  Do we know, or know of, ten righteous people in our nation?  Can we understand that allegiance to the flag of the U.S. is not righteousness?  Church attendance is not righteousness.  Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness.  Do we really know what to believe today?  Do we find it in the churches with the greatest attendance?  Do we find it in any of them? 

I'm sure there are some that will refer me to Revelation 7 where an hundred and forty four thousand are sealed by the Elohim for their protection.  Shouldn't we consider these folks righteous?  I really don't think so.  I see these folks as somewhat like the apostle Paul.  He had some qualities worth preserving but first he had to be slapped off his donkey and blinded for three days to get his attention.  This hundred and forty four thousand are going into the tribulation to get their attention and they are being sealed (possibly have been) for protection.  They will come out of it meeker and wiser people who can then be used --- after an attitude adjustment. 

If we are really in the final seven years of this age as many prophecies would suggest, and if we can believe the one who gave us the title of this article, then it would seem a foregone conclusion that we live in the time when it is, "AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH"!

Friday, February 20, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Greetings friends around the world:

The things we feared are now upon us.  The world has painted itself into a corner and there are no political solutions.  This lead article, I'm sending as I received it.  I see no need for comment. 

February 11, 2015
The Ultimate Weapon Being Unleashed Upon Americans! 'Food Manipulation' Will Lead To Chaos, The Destruction Of Civility And Martial Law!

The alert (in full below) published on the website of Steve Quayle comes from a man who is on the board of a major national non-profit food bank organization and sends a new warning to those of us who are paying attention. With over 46 million Americans now on food stamps for 39 straight months, the warning this alert sends us is that the time is getting close... a plan that appears to be directly out of the Communist takevoer handbook is well under way and the signs we're seeing now across America and the world see us edging ever closer to total chaos, engineered martial law and a new civil war in America. Is it only a coincidence that, in a response to a request from the Communist government of Cuba, the US recently sent a report to the United Nations BRAGGING about the 46 million+ Americans who now receive food assistance? 

With dock strikes and ports shutting down and the situation becoming more dire, rail and trucker shutdowns and disruptions have followed as we see the 'ultimate weapon', food, being readied to be used as an 'agent of control' the globalists know will lead to the destruction of civility and require martial law be brought in to control the hungry horde and to prevent mass rioting and revolution. Civilization is, after all, only 9 meals away from total breakdown and anarchy and we are only days away, we're told, from a complete shutdown of ports on the West Coast if a new contract isn't reached. From Lexology:

On February 6, 2015, PMA President and Chief Executive Officer James McKenna warned that the PMA could lock out the dockworkers from all terminals along the West Coast within 10 days if the two sides did not reach a new contract. According to a PMA press release, spokesman Wade Gates stated,

West Coast ports handle more than half of all international ocean freight arriving and leaving the United States. The slowdown has already affected rail and trucking in and around the ports, and has forced manufacturers, retailers, and agricultural and food service employers to stockpile goods or find alternative means, where possible, to bypass the West Coast ports for deliveries and exports. A strike or lockout that shuts down the ports would have catastrophic effects on the nation’s economy. A 10-day lockout in 2002 cost the economy $1 billion per day. Today, such a shutdown would cost more than $2 billion daily, according to a study by the National Association of Manufacturers and the National Retail Federation.

While the new videos below from Jason A and David Vose provide us with a compilation of recent news reports that point to the coming end of America and the related collapse of the global economy, this alert from Steve Quayle's website is a warning that everyone should be paying attention to...more proof, we see, that it's only a matter of time now.

Hello Steve,
I am on the board for a major national non profit organization. A large component of our ministry is giving out food boxes to the needy. This usually includes the working poor and sometimes homeless people. At this point with the economy we give to anyone who asks. We typically give out between 80-120 food boxes a day. The boxes have enough food for a family of 5 to live on for a week.

Most of the funding for the food program comes from FEMA. FEMA has a budgeted amount nationwide that they give to a handful of non profits specifically for food distribution for the needy. Most food banks get their money from this fund.

The budgeted amount of money we have received over the last several years has continued to decrease. Last week we were told by the FEMA rep that we will receive one more installment in the next couple of months, and then the fund will be terminated- NATIONWIDE! Guess where this money is being reallocated to? Homeland security!! The FEMA rep told us that directly.

They told us that the money that was budgeted nationwide for FEMA for food distribution that funded most food banks, and other non profits that feed the poor was being redirected to homeland security and that these organizations will not be getting money in the future. The director in charge of our non profit looked at me and said "this is on purpose, and will start food riots."

Food banks supply a large amount of food that many non profit organizations rely on to help the needy. Can you imagine what will happen when these major food distribution centers nationwide have no money to buy food to distribute to the organizations that provide food to the poor?

I thought you would be interested in this information that came straight from the source. Feel free to share it however you want, if you want.

There is power in the Blood of Jesus!

Feb 11, 2015

Pravda: Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11

Things are getting very precarious out there in this upward scramble to freedom, and it continues to get more difficult to track everything that’s going on. We never know what we might hear from day to day on any one of the numerous fronts we’re following as the Light forces take down the cabal… peg… by peg…by peg. Exciting times!

Can you imagine the firestorm if Putin follows through? This could be “the shot heard ’round the world’.

I find the second last paragraph out of sync with what’s really happening, as the ‘rogue states and Islamic terrorists’  are a result of America’s deceitful warmongering and financial backing and training. I guess they don’t recognize this outwardly. If they expose the cabal’s underhanded ministrations to ISIS, etc., and it’s finally out in the open, the terrorism must stop. However…

…we’ve been warned that things will get really crazy before it’s over. When things get tough, I remind myself that I fought tooth and nail to be one of the few competing souls who gets front row seats to this momentous victory in Humanity’s history. En garde!  ~ BP

Pravda: US fears Russian publication of satellite photos of the tragedy of 9/11

SOTN Editor’s Note:
The PRAVDA article posted below is a rather crude translation. However, the content is far too important not to post.  Therefore, we have included the original link from PRAVDA for anyone who wishes to acquire a better translation.

Should anyone produce a professional translation, please feel free to send it to us at: admin@stateofthenation2012.com
by Gordon Duff
Veterans Today

(Editor’s note:  Russian satellite evidence proving the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center using “special weapons” was reviewed by a VT editor while in Moscow.  The article below was forwarded to us for publication in the US and translated from Russian. It is 3 days old, published on February 7, 2015.)
Moscow (Pravda):  American experts believe that despite the fact that relations between the US and Russia reached the worst point since the Cold War, Putin caused Obama only small troubles so far.  Analysts believe that this is the “calm before the storm”.  Putin is going to hit once, but he’s going to hit hard. Russia is preparing the release of evidence of the involvement of the US government and intelligence services in the September 11 attacks. In the list of evidence is included the satellite images from 9/11.

Published material can prove the US Government complicity in the 9/11 attacks and the successful manipulation of public opinion. The attack was planned by the US government, but executed by using  proxies, so that an attack on America and the people of the United States looked like an act of aggression of international terrorism.

The motive for deception and murder of its own citizens served US oil interests and the Middle Eastern state corporations.

The evidence will be so convincing that it utterly debunks the official 9/11 cover story supported by the US government.

Russia proves that America is no stranger to using false flag terrorism against its citizens in order to achieve a pretext for military intervention in foreign countries. In the case of “the September 11 attacks,” the evidence will be conclusive satellite imagery.

If successful, the consequences of Putin’s tactics would expose the US government’s secret terrorist policies. The government’s credibility will be undermined and should bring about mass protests in the cities leading to an uprising, according to American analysts.

And then, how will the United States look in the world political arena? The validity of America’s position as a leader in the fight against international terrorism will be totally undermined thereby giving immediate advantage to the rogue states and Islamic terrorists.

The actual development of the situation could be much worse, experts warn.

Ramey comments:

Is it worth starting WW III to keep this story from surfacing?  We shall soon see.

And now "Lyin' Brian" has been pulled from the NBC top slot in a last ditch, desperate effort to make it appear that NBC "Handlers" value truth and that the rest of their reporters are people of character. If they were, they wouldn't keep parroting the JFK myth, the 911 myth and the Ukrainian myth.  The whole world, with the exceptions of Americans, knows the truth about 911 because Italian leaders have shown a video of it to any diplomats in the whole world who were interested.  Now that the U.S. media has become purveyors of "politically correct lies", it appears that the American public will be eager recipients of a Russian release of the "Truth about 911".

And again I ask, "Is it worth starting WW III to keep this story from surfacing?"



The Passover is a commanded assembly (convocation) given by the Creator to be observed forever (Leviticus 23).  It has deep meaning for those who would lay hold on life.  It is not a meaningless ritual as portrayed by some of today's religions and abandoned entirely by others. The purpose is to memorialize two major events in the history of the world.  The first is the exodus of the tribes of Israel from Egypt as Egypt was being destroyed and the second is the death of the Creator who came to live among men (see John 1) for a brief period of time before being murdered because He became a threat to all of Satan's religions on earth.  That will sound bizarre to first time readers of these Commentaries but if you continue your search for the truth, I believe you will come to the same conclusion I did after 70 years of living and sifting through mountains of religious jargon, literature and mythology. 

I could go through what the gospels say about the Passover, word for word, as do ministers at Passover seders, but you can read those for yourself.  Incidentally, there is nothing about a seder.  In fact the last supper He had with His disciples was not a Passover event --- it was two days before the Passover.

My purpose is not to instruct you on how to hold the wine glass with pinky extended or to be sure to dip the parsley three times in the salt water or any of the other little rituals of the Jewish Passover seder.  In fact, I will not even tell you that you should attend a seder.  I know they give a self appointed leader an opportunity to wax eloquent with a captive audience but really now, is this something commanded or is this religious creativity? 

I said Christ was murdered because He threatened all religion.  He came with authority and He demonstrated this when He drove the moneychangers out of the temple.  These people probably had a license signed by the top magistrate in Jerusalem --- but it's difficult to show your license to one with eyes blazing with anger --- and wield-ing a whip.  Did you know that this incident happened shortly before the Passover and the death of the one wielding the whip?  His zeal was becoming intolerable and something had to be done or the Pharisees could kiss their cushy positions goodbye.  Was this young upstart telling the people that all religion is a creation of Satan for the purpose of deceiving the whole world?  Do we have scripture that indicates that?  Would you expect to find it in publications like the old and new testaments that have been sanitized by the masters of deceit --- Jews and Catholics? 

But Passover is still a commanded assembly and even if we keep it alone, (because there are none like minded in our area to meet with),
it is still a memorial to be kept annually. Do you suppose Lot met with the idolaters of Sodom to keep the Passover?  Did Noah attend Passover convocations?  

I know very well that there are those self appointed ministers out there telling you that, "Unless you keep the Passover exactly as I tell you, you will not be in the kingdom of God."  This, my friends, is vanity speaking!  This is a desire to control, (coveting authority) and, of course, to get your tithes and offerings. Perhaps this self appointed prophet should read the words of the Creator to Moses in Exodus 34:27:  "Write these words, for after the tenor of these words, I have made a covenant with you and with Israel."  "After the tenor of these words ..."  In other words the Creator pointed out the direction Israel was to go and did not command them to ask "Father may I?" with each step. 

Perhaps we should review the story of the "malefactor" who was on a stake beside Christ being crucified.  This man's eyes were opened to see the wide gulf between himself and Christ.  When he began to realize who it was being crucified beside him, he asked, "Lord, will you remember me when you come into your kingdom?"  (Luke 23:42).  Have you ever wondered how he knew about this kingdom?

We need to consider, especially at this time of Passover, Christ's answer.  Verse 43:  "I say unto you today, 'You shall be with me in paradise.'"

Did the person He was talking to keep the Passover that past year to the letter?  Had he observed the Sabbath according to the Jewish custom all his life?  Were his tithes paid up to the utmost farthing at that time?  The answer, of course, is obvious.   And yet he will be with Christ in paradise. 

Can we begin to see that a knowledge of the law is a death sentence unless you allow it to mold your life?  Those who knew the law were the ones demanding the crucifixion of Christ because He was a threat to their positions of rulership.  What I'm telling you is that this is not peculiar to the Pharisaical religion but to all religions on earth.  Not that they all observe the Passover but they all defend their positions with a passion --- and they all belong to Satan.

Can we begin to see why Christ said, "Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall in no wise see the kingdom of God"?  Note well that He made no reference to heaven.  And let's be sure we see what He did not say.  He did not say that your knowledge had to exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees. 

So what I'm saying is, "Don't let religious charlatans intimidate you with what you don't know.  Don't let the fear of what you don't know overshadow the joy of what you do know.  The thief, (or whatever he was), next to Christ was far from perfect in knowledge but his attitude was one worth preserving.  He will be in paradise. 

What is the advantage in knowing the law if it doesn't mold your character into one of compassion, understanding and mercy?  There is none.  That knowledge then becomes a sentence of death. 

We shall see this in action shortly as we see the religious money moguls throwing in their lot with the politicians and mafia in gaining access to the underground bunkers. 

We need to keep the Passover as a "statute forever" even though the world has forgotten this and has attempted to phase it out of the history of mankind. 

This world is about to change.  We are about to "Turn th' page"

Obama Threatened Putin Before Minsk Meeting – German Media

15:20 12.02.2015(updated 16:35 12.02.2015)

Several German media institutions wrote that during the recent phone conversation, US President Barack Obama threatened the Russian President Vladimir Putin with serious consequences for Russia’s alleged involvement in the Ukrainian conflict.

© AP Photo/ Charles Dharapak

US President Barack Obama warned Vladimir Putin that "the costs for Russia will rise" if the country does not stop its alleged involvement in the Ukrainian crisis, German media wrote.

This was in reference to the recent phone conversation between the leaders of two countries, which took place a day before the reconciliation talks on the Ukrainian crisis in Minsk.

"Obama is urging Putin to peace and threatening," the German newspaper "Die Zeit" wrote.  According to the newspaper, the US president told Vladimir Putin that he would have to pay a high price if the conflict is not settled.

"Der Spiegel" magazine also noted that Obama's calls for peace contained a threatening tone. The US leader once again accused Russia of military involvement in the Ukrainian conflict. If Russia continues its "aggressive actions" in Ukraine and provides independence supporters with weapons and financial assistance, then "the costs for Russia will rise", Obama warned.

Moscow has repeatedly denied the allegations and claimed its noninvolvement in the Ukrainian conflict. German newspaper "Die Welt" cited the statement of press spokesman for the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, who emphasized Russia’ s interest in a peaceful resolution of the crisis and said that further sanctions and lethal arms supplies would only contribute to the deterioration of the situation.

The US recently announced that it is considering the possibility of supplying Ukrainian troops with lethal weapons.

The issue of direct US military assistance still remains on the US agenda, the Swiss newspaper "Blick" wrote, adding, however, that European countries such as Germany, the UK, Denmark, Austria and Sweden oppose the idea of US involvement in the Ukrainian crisis.

Ramey comments:

We are at the crossroads where diplomacy has reached its limits. As the doctor says to the terminal cancer patient, "It's now in the hands of God".  And so it is and so it will be.  So where does that put us?  Can we vote on the outcome?  Can we nullify the law of gravity by having the Congress put it to a vote? 

America has reached the limits of insanity in foreign policy, economic policy, fiscal folly and political Chutzpah.  We are finished as a nation and we see it, not only in prophecy, but in daily news.  We are now looking at the final hand in the biggest poker game the world has ever seen.  Our hand has been called and the time is at hand to show our cards and let the chips fall where they may.  I suppose we could call it "Nuclear Roulette" with all chambers loaded. 

We have reached the time referred to in Matthew 24:22:  "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved..."


The United States plans to send 12 A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft and approximately 300 servicemen to NATO-member countries in Eastern Europe.

The United States has deployed 12 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft and approximately 300 servicemen to a US Air Force base located near a German town of Spangdahlem as part of a so-called Theater Security Package (TSP), the US Air Force in Europe (USAFE) announced.

© AFP 2015/ POOL / WU HONG

The TSP, tasked with bolstering regional security under Operation Atlantic Resolve, will then be sent to NATO-member countries in Eastern Europe. According to USAFE, the TSP will conduct flying training deployments and off-station training with NATO allies. Thunderbolt II aircraft provide close-air support of ground forces.

"The TSP is another way the Air Force is increasing rotational presence in Europe to reassure our allies and partner nations that our commitment to European security is a priority," said Lt. Gen. Tom Jones, vice commander of US Air Forces in Europe.