Thursday, March 31, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




I have not verified but if true, it could be valuable to know.

1.     Let's say it's 7:25 pm and you're going home (alone of course) after an unusually hard day on the job.

2.     You're really tired, upset and frustrated.

3.     Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up in to your jaw. You are only about five km from the hospital nearest your home.

4.     Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far.

5.     You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.

6.     HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN  ALONE?  Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack without help, the person whose heart is beating  improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.

7.     However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.

8.     Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and  coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood  circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it to regain a normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get help or to a hospital.

9.     Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!

10.   A cardiologist says If everyone who gets this email, & kindly sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life.

11.   Rather than sending jokes, please ....... contribute by forwarding this email which can save a person's life....

12.   If this message comes around to you  ...... more than once..... please don't get irritated..... U need to be happy that you have many friends who care about you & you are being reminded of how to tackle.... Heart attacks.... when you are alone.

Ramey comments:

The biggest heart problem in America today is a selenium deficiency.  Your doctor is forbidden to inform you of this.  But a handful of Brazil nuts daily can remedy this deficiency or 200 mg of a selenium supplement can offset this deficiency.  They are not permitted to share this with you either.


If America is sick, (and they are), then the media is the virus that brought on the sickness.  William Casey perhaps said it best back in the early 80s, when, as head of the CIA, he said, "We will know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything Americans believe is wrong."  Are we there yet?

Honest newscasters are now as scarce as honest lawyers --- i.e. --- they don't exist.  It would seem the last honest newscaster was forced out early on in the present administration and that was Lou Dobbs.

Now even the alternative news is becoming so sprinkled with gov't shills that it appears we are very near "Casey's Dream".  We have reached the era of gov't sponsored mass shootings and bombings and it would seem they do it with impunity.  I say "It would seem..." because there is a time of reckoning coming closer by the day when these monsters will be brought to justice.  The indictment has been in writing for many years and we find it in Habakkuk chapter 2.  The prophetic road signs are becoming more numerous by the day now and it would seem Nibiru is making it's final approach.  There are several lakes of fire already boiling around the world awaiting those "...who destroy the earth".

Many organized groups (including charities), will be forced to take ownership of their part in this activity of destroying the earth and their administrators will be consigned to those lakes.  All of these systemic diseases of society must be purged and they will be and the time is near.  We are now living in the generation when this begins in earnest.  (See Matt 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21).

This world is in serious trouble as evidenced by the Pacific Ocean being virtually dead and the Atlantic devoid of shipping for the first time in recorded history.  The chem trails in America continue which means Americans are still slated for extermination by our own government.  But the world is proceeding toward a date with destiny as evidenced by what appears to be the final approach of Nibiru.  Is this the reset we have been expecting?

It's no secret anymore that we are on the eve of somthing BIG.  Even the secret societies are letting this be known now.  The plan for the complete subjugation of planet earth, which has been in the making for centuries, is now maturing.  This plan is about to be turned upside down and the playing field leveled.  "The Strong Hand from Someplace" is about to manifest itself.  Nibiru is very much involved in this.  The world is about to be turned rightside-up and those in charge today will not survive.

I have shown you in past Commentaries my perception of the progression of events as this comes down the pike.  I have also shown you where this information comes from and the certainty of it's happening.  I have shown you that the world is completely in the dark figuratively and soon will be literally, as the rod of correction is administered.  Yes, it is going to be devastating.  The wrath of the Creator always is.  I see all these altar calls on the alternative news saying "Won't you give your heart to Jesus and your wallet to us", but this my friends is simply more of the deception we have been raised with.

"The Rapture" is one of the biggest deceptions of our time but it is pouring millions into the coffers of the religionists and gives a warm, fuzzy feeling to those providing that money.  They are "buying their way into heaven".  Have we the "...eyes to see and ears to hear" that this is a part of the idolatry we are steeped in?  America and Israel have to be destroyed --- totally --- as the leaders in this idolatry. Most, if not all, of today's organizations, (religion included), along with their administrators will cease to exist.

Are we ready for that destruction?

John Did Not Write The Book Of Revelation

Tuesday, March 29, 2016 20:19

The history behind the authorship of the book of Revelation has been ignored for over 1500 years. The end time events depicted in this book will not be allowed to come to pass by our Creator Father and we must be made aware of who is the author and who actually inspired it.


Historian Eusebius was commissioned by Roman Emperor Constantine and given the responsibility of creating the official Christian Bible and by 331 AD the first 50 bibles were created and delivered to the Churches of Constantinople. The Bibles did not contain the Apocalypse of John (Revelation).

Eusebius recorded the words of Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria in the mid 200′s AD claiming that Revelation was a forgery. There were other scholars and writers of the first three centuries who were also recorded by Eusebius as testifying in regards to the falsehood and authenticity of the book of Revelation and to the involvement of a Gnostic Rabbi named Cerinthus . A Christian sect called the Alogi stated that it was clear that Cerinthus was the true author of the book of Revelation after analyzing and comparing his writing style to that of Johns. According to the Catholic Encyclopidia Caius: “Additional light has been shown on the matter” VI, p. 397 Caius maintained that the Apocalypse of John was the work of the Gnostic Cerinthus”

Cerinthus, a man who was educated in the wisdom of the Egyptians, operated a school that followed and used the Gospel of Cerinthus. He denied that the Supreme God had made the physical world, and denied the divinity of Jesus. Cerinthus was a follower of the Zealot party, a group which had a strong political agenda. The Zealots taught that a military-political Messiah would soon appear to conquer the world and rule for a thousand years from Jerusalem.

This concept of millennialism was promoted during the second century by Montanus who according to historian Eusebius of Caesarea in about AD 172 entered into an ecstatic state of convulsions and began prophesying that the New Jerusalem would shortly descend out of the clouds and land in a town called Phrygia thus becoming one of the first “Prophet” to predict when the end of the world would occur.

Montanus was a priest of the Oriental ecstatic cult of Cybele, the mother goddess of fertility. She was partially assimilated to aspects of the Earth-goddess Gaia, her Minoan equivalent Rhea, and the Harvest-Mother goddess Demeter. Some city-states, notably Athens, evoked her as a protector, but her most celebrated Greek rites and processions show her as an exotic mystery-goddess who arrives in a lion-drawn chariot to the accompaniment of wild music, wine, and a disorderly, ecstatic following.

Uniquely in Greek religion, she had a transgender priesthood. Many of her Greek cults included rites to a divine Phrygian castrate shepherd-consort Atis. In Rome, Cybele was known as Magna Mater (“Great Mother”). The Roman State adopted and developed a particular form of her cult after the Sibylline oracle recommended her conscription as a key religious component in Rome’s second war against Carthage. Roman mythographers reinvented her as a Trojan goddess, and thus an ancestral goddess of the Roman people by way of the Trojan prince Aeneas.

With Rome’s eventual hegemony over the Mediterranean world, Romanised forms of Cybele’s cults spread throughout the Roman Empire.

Ultimately, 35 years of fierce opposition and multiple Councils, the book of Revelation was included at the Council of Laodicea in 367 AD and 30 years later under the tutelage of the Bishop of Carthage and with imperial and papal approval, issued a definitive canon (legal decree) of Scripture setting out all the texts that form what is now universally called “The Bible” at the Council of Carthage, held on 28 August 397. This canon has remained unchallenged for over a thousand years.

The Roman Catholic Church was successful in pushing Cerinthus’s Revelation into the bible canon which would eventually allow the powers that be, bloodline of the serpent seed, to execute their NWO depopulation agenda and wars against humanity without any resistance from humanity for the next thousand years.

All of Revelation Prophetic end time events have been DENIED by the Most High.

We’re taking our earth back.


Armstrong, Jonathan J. “Victorinus of Pettau as the Author of the Canon Muratori.” Vigiliae Christian ae 62 (2008): 1–34.

Barnes, Timothy D. Tertullian: A Historical and Literary Study . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971.

Baur, Ferdinand C. The Church History of the First Three Centuries , vol. 1. 3d ed. Translated by Allan Menzies. London: Williams and Norgate, 1878.

Bauer, Walter. Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity. Philadelphia: Fortress Press,1971.

Bruce, F. F. The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? 6th ed. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1981.

The Canon of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1988.

Burkhardt, Helmut. “Motive und Massstäbe der Kanonbildung nach dem Canon Muratori.” Theologische Zeitschrift 30 (1974): 207–11.

Butler, Rex D. “Tertullianism: Tertullian’s Vision for the New Prophecy in North Africa.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Evangelical Theological Society. San Antonio, Tex., November 18, 2004.

The New Prophecy and “New Visions”: Evidence of Montanism in The Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas. Patristic Monograph Series 18. Washington, D.C.: CatholicUniversity of America Press, 2006.

“‘Orthodoxy’, ‘Heresy’, and Complexity: Montanism as a Case Study.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Evangelical Theological Society. San Francisco, Calif., November 16, 2011.

Campenhausen, Hans von. The Formation of the Christian Bible. Translated by J. A. Baker. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1972.

Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society: From Galilee to Gregory the Great . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Drobner, Hubertus R. The Fathers of the Church: A Comprehensive Introduction . Translated by Siegfried S. Schatzmann. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 2007.

Ramey comments:

As I have shown you a number of times in the pages of these Commentaries, there is something very wrong with the book of Revelation and with the New Testament as well.

We have Jeremiah's own testimony declaring that the Torah has been falsified by the Jews and we need to be about learning to do our own critical analysis on the New Testament --- i.e. we need to learn to do our own thinking.

We need to keep in mind that the bible has been handed down to her daughters from the "...MOTHER OF HARLOTS."  Does that mean we should scrap it and all of us do "..that which is right in our own mind"?

I have been accused of promoting that philosophy by a member of my own family.

But let's try to look realistically at the problem.  If we were at sea on a sailing vessel and discovered we had a large tear in our mainsail, would we take it down and throw it overboard?  Or would we try to mend the tear and make it to a port where the mainsail could be replaced?

Paul's student Timothy was commended for "...rightly dividing truth". (Assuming that portion of the scripture is not corrupted).  We should keep in mind that this was some six centuries after Jeremiah had written and acknowledged the falsification of the Torah.  Perhaps the first step in learning to do our own thinking is to find out "To whom the Eternal will teach knowledge and cause to under-stand doctrine".  (Isaiah 28).  It also shows how He will impart that knowledge and understanding.  Are we aware of this or are we being "...destroyed for lack of knowledge"?

We are not to be "...blown about by every wind of doctrine" but neither are we to be blinded by the SCAMS of centuries.  We had best understand that the times we are living in are " it was in the days of Noah".  Are we prepared for the next event in that series?  It would seem it is to be the exodus from Babylon.  The exodus from Babylon is not the "rapture".   The exodus from Babylon is the picking from this Babylon of confusion, a few people who have been given a "love of truth" and have cultivated that "love of truth".  This exodus is not a repeat of the exodus from Egypt when some 3 million people were taken out of captivity in the land of Egypt.  This exodus introduces another time of captivity of the people of Israel (Jacob).

This exodus will introduce the final captivity of the children of Israel and the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the Jerusalem area.   The few in the exodus will be transported to the Jerusalem area and will participate in the rebuild of Jerusalem after it's destruction because of the Khazarian pirates.

We are seeing unprecedented bad news of the world situation today because the hammer is about to fall on America and Israel as the leaders of the world of idolatry.  We don't have to look to the book of Revelation for this although it appears that it may contain a portion of the writings of John.  Deception has to begin with elements of truth that are accepted by the populace.  (See the deception of Eve in the book of Genesis).  The fact that this world is on a collision course with destiny is not predicated on the book of Revelation alone.

First, I showed you the vials of wrath and the seven trumpets are describing the same events.  Next, I showed you the "...doctrine of devils" in Rev 14:1-4.  Now we see in the above article that the entire book of Revelation has a big question mark hanging over it.  Have we the "...eyes to see and ears to hear"?

The source list for the above article appears quite impressive even though I have not gone through it and read them all.  The interesting part is that it matches somewhat, the conclusion I had already come to and shared with you in the Commentaries.

Monday, March 28, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




So now, 3, 4 and possibly 5 of the ten horns are in position and aware (perhaps vaguely) of their commission.  What is their commission?  We find it in Revelation 17:17.  "For God has put in their hearts to fulfil His will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast until the words of God are fulfilled."  Can we begin to see that the beast is in command today? 

So when does the clock start ticking on their "one hour" as kings?  Is it when the t0th king is seated?  Is it when the great harlot is destroyed?  Or is it none of the above?  Will we know when the last of the ten is seated?  Will all ten be identified to the general populace? You see, we still have lots of unanswered questions. 

Some prophecy watchers feel the ten horns are the same as the ten toes of King Neb's dream image but I don't believe this.  The ten horns have power only "one hour" with the beast.  The toes are appendages to the legs of the image which are comprised of Islam and Christianity --- therefore, five are Muslim and five are Christian.  It may very well be that the ten horns are equally divided between Islam and Christianity but that is not clear at this point. 

I believe the ten toes are political power blocs like CIA, FBI, FEMA, DHS, etc.  No doubt the Islamics have corresponding power blocs but I am not familiar with them. 

But this latest revelation does give us a time frame to work within.  When these kings are empowered, time is very short for the U.S. and Israel.  Now the admonition to "Watch" becomes even more important. 

Those with a "Normalcy Bias" (which includes the vast majority of "Media Mesmerized" Americans), can pretend the earthquake of Rev 6:12 is not going to happen or is far off in the future despite the seismic reports coming out today showing the mid Atlantic seismic activity and the movement of the North American Continent.  Some adopt a "Wait and see" attitude which can be equally disastrous.  Can you imagine living in a coastal city and with this attitude toward quakes and tsunamis?  "Let us eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die."

Ah but Israel has been this route before many times as we can see in the book of Judges.  Prosperity, idolatry, captivity, repentance and deliverance, and then start the cycle all over again.  But since Americans, for the most part, are scriptural illiterates, few recognize the cycle and fewer yet where we are in the cycle and therefore what comes next. 

The course of action the world is taking was laid out thousands of years ago by the prophets in considerable detail and even sprinkled with specific prophetic milestones to alert us that we are nearing the final captivity. 

So where do we find ourselves today?  We are essentially at the juncture in the cycle as Israel and/or Judah were when a prophet was sent to them with a message from the Creator.  These prophets were told, "You gotta take a message to these people and they won't listen. But you gotta tell 'em anyway."  The messages were given --- they didn't listen and what happened?  Exactly what the prophets told them would happen.  So it would seem these things are recorded so we can repeat them line for line.  What's wrong with this picture?  The missing ingredient is a righteous king. 

That missing ingredient is about to be supplied to planet earth and the whole world will be marshaled against Him.  His command center will be set up in the Jerusalem area after the land we call Israel today is cleared of the Khazarian pirates and of those who would presume to loot that nation after the Khazarians are dispensed or converted to vulture food. 

This world of Satan's minions will use the propaganda ministry which we call the media to convince the survivors of WW III that this establishment at Jerusalem is the antichrist and will begin to combine what is left of militaries in order to wipe this organization off the face of the earth.  If it can exist without taxation, government agencies and a military --- and prosper --- then it has to be the antichrist --- right?  The new world order is going to be a far cry from what the "elites" envision.  It is going to be truly a new order and not "business as usual".

As I have said before, it will not happen with a wand wave as religious precepts teach, but will be ushered in over a period of years and perhaps even decades.  (See Zech 14).  Agriculture and animal husbandry will be reinvented and pure strains of food will be recreated.  Monsanto and it's administrators will be swept into the dustbin of history and all those supporting the poisoning of our food, air and water will be destroyed.  (See Rev 11:18).  This includes those who make it to the hidey-holes.  (See Isaiah 24:21-22). 

And then the earth will begin to heal.  Governments will no longer steal the ideas of entrepreneurs and keep them from the public at large.  War will be phased out as will prisons, public schools, welfare, war colleges, navies, air forces and government agencies.  Nuclear power will be put on hold until mankind acquires enough knowledge and wisdom to put it to use safely.  This could have already been done but we felt we needed plutonium for bombs. 

Can you believe all this?  Is it the truth?  Few today even know the meaning of truth.  You can find the beginning of the definition in Ps 119.  Even a judge in ancient Judah did not know the definition of truth some 2000 years ago and neither do our judges today.  Truth is not admissible in our courts today even though they hypocritically use the term in the swearing in ritual. 

Courts in America today could be more accurately designated as "organized crime".  Even the local courts are set up using the secret code of lawyers to defraud the public with CQV trusts, fictitious persons, VIP immunity and such.  There are no Constitutional courts in America!  Go ahead --- prove me wrong!

America is a hollowed out nation, raped and robbed by politicians and now they must dispose of the victim as those who can witness against them.  This is a significant part of the thinking for the 90% population reduction.

Enter from stage right --- trumpets please --- "The Strong Hand From Someplace", as per "U.S. News and World Report" decades ago. Yes we are about to see a reset on planet earth that will be devastating.  It would seem the Gods come this way once in some 3500 years and the last time They came through our solar system, They destroyed the greatest nation on earth.  Has the devastation already begun and are They aboard the incoming celestian visitor called Nibiru?  And most importantly, is Their mission a repeat of last time?

We see in Rev 17:14 that these ten horns/kings/military chiefs are going to wage war against the Lamb.  When is this going to happen and where?  We have been taught by religion that His return will be to the Mt of Olives and every eye shall see Him.  But much of what we were taught by religion looks considerably different when we put it under the microscope of critical analysis.  Amos 5:18 and Isaiah 52;10-12 hang a big question mark over this religious teaching.

In an exercise directed toward learning to do our own thinking, perhaps we should ask what the weapons of this battle will be.  It will not be fought with swords and farm implements.  This will be star wars!   It will be the most sophisticated weaponry NATO has in their arsenal.  Therefore, it must take place before NATO's arsenals are destroyed.   Will it then occur at the time of the exodus from Babylon?  It stands to reason that the earthquake (Rev 6:12) and tsunami (Jer 51:42) that occur shortly after that event will destroy much of NATO's weaponry.  We also see in the above quoted Isaiah 52 prophecy that the exodus is going to be an event of international interest and we know that the events that elicit the most interest internationally are military skirmishes.   Are we gaining enough information to venture an educated guess as to when and where this military clash will occur?

We know from the Rev 17 account that both the beast and the ten horns hate the whore and initiate action to destroy her.  We also know that something big is in the offing and Antarctica somehow figures into it.  We have learned that the U.S. military has delivered goods to Antarctica for years.  I stated recently in one of these Commentaries that I consider the most important article I have put in these Commentaries so far this year is the one of the Russian flotilla of a dozen military vessels delivering an artifact called "The Ark of Gabriel" to Antarctica.  That delivery had the blessing of the Pope and of Russia's top religious figure.  Now we are hearing rumors of world leaders making a trip to Antarctica.  Is this to get their marching orders?  It appears we are very close to an NWO declaration which means we are very close to the intervention which destroys the NWO movement. 

So yes, WW III is still on the agenda and the 90% population reduction is still very much in the planning.  If the Pope is indeed the false prophet, then it appears he will not be at home in the Vatican at the time it is "smoked".  He has a later date with destiny in the lake of fire. 

Media mesmerized Americans have lived so long with the cliff hanger of the dollar collapse that they have relegated it to file labeled "conspiracy theory". This is a grave error and a few are still sounding the alarm that the era of fiat money is nearing it's end. 

The roughest landing I ever encountered on a commercial flight was in Chicago in the winter of 83-84.  We were landing in a 35 mph cross wind and 13 degrees F.  The engineer next to me said, "Nice landing" and when I turned toward him in disbelief, he said, "I was being facetious". 

We live in the most exciting age of all recorded history and the most exciting days of that age are now beginning to unfold.  Fasten your seat belt --- this could be a rough landing.