Wednesday, April 22, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Greetings friends around the world:

The following article should present no surprises to readers of these Commentaries.  It appears that the author may have some confusion about which "Watchers" are which --- which ones "... have returned" and which ones remained here on earth because dominion of earth was conferred on their leader millennia ago.  We see the end of that domain in Daniel 7:13-14.    


“The Watchers” have been recorded all throughout history in many different texts, but are described in a similar manner as being extraterrestrial beings who arrived through a portal. UFO activity and extraterrestrial abductions may be a sign that the Watchers have returned.

The Watchers

The ancient astronaut theory and the teaching of theologians alike look to the prehistoric legend of Watchers (mysterious beings who first appeared in the early cultures of the Middle East) to discuss the Anunnaki (Sumerian Gods), Nephilim (giants referenced in Gen. 6.4), and the creation of mutant DNA following earth visitation by “gods.”

We find:

The Egyptians originally migrated from the biblical land of Shin’ar, which means the Land of the Watchers. The Egyptians called it Ta Neter—The Land of the Watchers “from which the gods came into Egypt.”

o   In the Book of the Dead (Plates 7-10) there are prayers for deliverance from the Watchers (Tchatcha, the princes of Osiris), who came from Ta-Ur, the “Far Away Land.”

o   The Sumerian scribes referred to the Watchers as Anunnaki, which, they said, “came from Nibiru” to judge/rule the inhabitants of the earth. Some interpret this Nibiru as “a distant planet” while others say it should be translated, “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came.”

o   The Bible refers to Nephilm, which also means those who came from Heaven to Earth.In the Book of Jubilees—AKA the Apocalypse of Moses—the Watchers are compared to supernatural beings mentioned in the sixth chapter of Genesis.

o   The Apocryphal Book of Enoch associates the creatures of Genesis 6 with the Watchers:And I Enoch was blessing the Lord of majesty and the King of the ages, and lo! the Watchers called me—Enoch the scribe—and said to me:Enoch, thou scribe of righteousness, go, declare to the Watchers of the heaven who have left the high heaven, the holy eternal place, and have defiled themselves with women, and have done as the children of earth do, and have taken unto themselves wives: ‘Ye have wrought great destruction on the earth: And ye shall have no peace nor forgiveness of sin: and inasmuch as they delight themselves in their children, The murder of their beloved ones shall they see, and over the destruction of their children shall they lament, and shall make supplication unto eternity, but mercy and peace shall ye not attain.’”

(1 Enoch 12.3-8)

o   According to the Dead Sea Scrolls, only two hundred of this larger group of powerful beings called “Watchers” departed from the higher Heavens and sinned. Thus, Enoch refers to the Watchers in the High Heavens as separate from the ones on Earth. The fallen class of Watchers are considered by some to be the same creatures who in the Book of Jude are called the,“angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation…[and are] reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day”
o   (King James Version, Jude 1.6).

After studying this and other ancient records, I.D.E. Thomas concludes that recent “UFO” abduction activity may indicate a return of the servants of the Watchers, the lesser “angels” that followed the two hundred, as we approach the end of the age and the coming of Armageddon.

·        Do biblical and extra-biblical records support the ancient astronaut theory that alien creatures traveled from distant planets or different dimensions and genetically tinkered with Homo sapiens?

·        Were these flying geniuses afterward honored in the images and folklore of the gods of mythology?

·        Or is Thomas correct in that Genesis and similar books are a record of fallen angels acting in accord with Satan?

·        We may find out sooner than we think. Unexplained phenomena are occurring all around us, and reports of “beings” transversing portals (i.e. ufonauts) are coming in with regular frequency.

Whoever or whatever these beings are, the reality of their activity can no longer be doubted.


The term is Greek and means to ‘rouse from sleep’, be ‘excited by passion’, to ‘be awake’ or ‘to watch’ – incredibly etymologically linked to the enlightenment experience of the awakening or the place between awake and asleep and therefore knowledge of the unconscious world.

The root of the word appears to be the Syriano (Sirian?) ir r er, and reverts to Watcher and is also related to Ur, the home of Abraham.

Eliphas Levi (19th century magician and mystic) speaks of these egregors on numerous occasions and even links them to the giants or Watchers spoken of in the Book of Enoch saying that they:

“take shape and have appeared in the guise of giants: these are the egregors of the Book of Enoch…. Termed the celestial watchers or egregors, by the ancients.”

Levi also calls these egregors the Anakim (shining ones, men of renown, giants) of the Bible and that they are expressed in the myths of various cultures – just as we have been finding.

These Shining Ones are the first on paper. They have a structure and a basis of authority. They rule over man and are all-wise, having their ‘Watchers’ to ensure that their instructions are carried out. Either the Shining Ones are still in power now generations later, or the secret societies of the globe have copied the methods, structure and symbols of these first few.

The great religions of the world have all been created by some secret method, which we now know to be the generative cause of religion – the enlightenment process.

This enlightenment process mirrored the heavens – it was the internal shining, the bright light of illumination. It was the inner sun, the light of the father within our own mind.

Those who shone were elements of the sun on earth, utilizing the inner solar energy to access the knowledge base of the unconscious world. In this way they were truly the gods of men.

April 14, 2015

Putin Emergence As “Last Hope For World” Shocks West

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

The Presidential Office (PO) in the Kremlin today is reporting that President Putin has “shocked” the capitols of the West, and their propaganda media organs, by his emerging as the top vote getter in a global poll conducted by Time Magazine as to whom the most popular and beloved person in the world is.

The RT News Service in their reporting about this unprecedented failure of the massive propaganda efforts to demonize Russia and President Putin by Western governments and their media stooges further stated:

Putin - the only world leader to rank in the top 10 - grabbed the global spotlight from the leading divas of pop music: Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Taylor Swift (2.6 percent, 1.9 percent and 1.8 percent of the votes, respectively).

Meanwhile, aside from Putin, the only non-celebrities to appear in the top 10 were the Dalai Lama (1.7 percent), Pakistani female activist Malala Yousafzai (1.6 percent) and Pope Francis (1.5 percent).

President Barack Obama narrowly missed the top 10 with 1.4 percent of the votes, while First Lady Michele Obama attracted 1.2 percent. Putin’s victory appears all the more incredible when you realize that more than half the votes — 57.38 percent — were cast inside the United States.”

Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov in publically commenting on this historic affirmation of President Putin’s global efforts for peace also stated: “The fact that the president is one of the most popular, well-known and respected politicians in the world is obvious. This leadership has been recorded by a number of media outlets — this is also an obvious fact.”

Even more than his global popularity though, this report continues, is the devotion shown to President Putin by the citizens of the Motherland, who even while enduring the illegal and unjust sanctions put upon the Federation by the West, back him by an 86% margin during this historic standoff with the West for his advocating of peace, instead of war…and as, perhaps, best said in his own words: “Sometimes it is necessary to be lonely in order to prove that you are right.”

And to how right President Putin has been in advocating global peace, this report notes, the United States and its Western allies, by contrast, have over the past 14 years initiated failed wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Africa, Ukraine, and now Yemen, endangering the lives of over 500 million innocent human beings…and which up to 2011 when they stopped counting, had cost nearly 250,000 lives and $4 trillion.

At the exact same time that President Putin has sought to stop the West’s warmongering, this report adds, the US and EU have continued their unprecedented buildup of massive military forces all around the Federations borders, while at the same time comically accusing him of wanting to recreate the former Soviet Union…a situation made even more laughable when viewed in the context of Putin’s own words: “Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain.”
But not to President Putin’s “brain” have the Western power elites focused their attention upon, this report points out, put towards their own people whom they’ve really believed their propaganda was having an effect upon…but which this global Time Magazine poll clearly shows otherwise.

And to the greatest effect President Putin has had, and as the world looks to him now as their last hope of peace, this report concludes, was his showing to the entire planet the hypocrisy of the United States this past November (2014) when after the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee passed the Federations proposed resolution condemning attempts to glorify Nazism ideology and denial of German Nazi war crimes…the US, Canada and Ukraine became the only countries in the world to vote against it.

April 14, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


Is Iran deal part of Obama-3rd-term scheme?

Exclusive: Alan Keyes looks at impact of BHO's 'rapprochement with deadly evil'

Published: 6 days ago

Once a high-level Reagan-era diplomat, Alan Keyes is a long-time leader in the conservative movement. He is well-known as a staunch pro-life champion and an eloquent advocate of the constitutional republic, including respect for the moral basis of liberty and self-government. He has worked to promote an approach to politics based on the initiative of citizens of goodwill consonant with the principles of God-endowed natural right.

In an article published earlier this week, I discuss U.S. House Speaker John Boehner’s incredibly late awakening to “the boldness of the Iranians.” I highlight the fact that this “belated recognition of ‘the boldness of the Iranians’ is not accompanied by an honest acknowledgment of the boldness of Obama’s treasonous betrayals of the constitutional self-government of the American people.” I go on to suggest that Mr. Boehner has self-interested reasons for this continued blindness. But self-interest isn’t the only reason people remain blind to the greatest dangers threatening them.

People are unlikely to anticipate cataclysmic events because of the stubborn human tendency to look away from what is too painful to think upon. For example, when it came to the strategic consequences of nuclear weapons, Hudson Institute founder Herman Kahn (said to be one of the real-life people on which the title character in the film “Dr. Strangelove” was based) understood that this emotional barrier to “cold, calculating, unimpassioned” reasoning posed a fatal threat to humanity. He rightly concluded that it had to be overcome. So he became known for “thinking about the unthinkable.”

When it comes to physical mayhem and destruction, there’s little doubt that the American psyche has gotten past the reluctance to contemplate physically horrible, apocalyptic destruction. Indeed, a wasteland future is now routinely the stuff that entertainment dreams are made on, with plenty of pointless, graphic violence to round out the jaunty nightmare. Survival in such bleak circumstances is not only contemplated, it’s more or less celebrated, in a motif of resurrection, both literal (zombies, the living dead) and figurative. So also is the prospect that a desolate absence of conscience and morality may be needed to do so. The result might be summarized in an aphorism: “Even that which kills us, makes us stronger.” (Machiavellians who see conscience as a source of fatal weakness doubtless think this is an improvement on the madman Nietzsche’s adolescent murmurings.)

When Neville Chamberlain came to terms with Hitler at Munich in 1938, there was no need to explain how on earth he could do so, despite gruesome images of Nazi atrocity. Those portraits of evil were not yet hung in the rogue’s gallery of human moral perception. But today there is no denying Iran’s complicity, support and leadership of groups guilty of terrorist practices as horrendous in their furious religiosity (and hatred of all things Jewish and/or truly Christian) as were the atrocious crimes fueled by the elitist race hatred of the Nazis.

A steady diet of meticulously depicted violence, served up in films and interactive video games, has probably brought some Americans to the point where they react to recorded images of beheadings and other mass atrocities from a place of emotional stupefaction. But if Americans want to think clearly about the Obama faction’s role in arming ISIS terror, or their treacherous deal with the moguls of Shiite terrorism in Iran, we must overcome this stupefaction.

The fact that Obama has come to terms with such masterminds of evil ought to produce the sort of revulsion that demands an emetic remedy, lest we die. So does the likelihood that Obama, Hilary Clinton and their friends in the Muslim Brotherhood had a hand in arming the malevolent Islamic State forces Obama’s de facto alliance with Iran now purports to fight.

The “experts” and pundits reacting with alarm to Obama’s apparently self-contradictory rapprochement with deadly evil speak of his ambition to secure a triumph for his foreign-policy legacy, or his failure to appreciate the real nature of the dangers involved in thinking that Iran can be safely installed as the stabilizing power in the Middle East. Most don’t even hint at what may be his most sinister aim, i.e., “to take America down.”

The Obama administration now appears to include people at the highest level disloyal enough to form a de facto alliance with America’s most outspoken and implacable enemies. They have agreed to look the other way while Iran finishes the work needed to construct weapons that put them in a position to force us to choose between complying with their agenda and unleashing nuclear destruction.

Who among us thinks that, like the generation fresh from the triumphs of the last World War, our current self-serving politicos have the experience, moral probity and courage to face that choice of evils? Who is honestly sure that they aren’t already preparing an exit strategy that leaves their own factional power intact, even if America is no longer free?

What if Obama isn’t looking to his “legacy”? What if the threat of nuclear devastation he helps to arm with this agreement (an America-hating Iran with nuclear bombs) is to be brandished, along with a related threat from ongoing terrorist uprisings on U.S. soil, to create the exigent circumstances needed to justify imposing martial law throughout the United States and a plausible excuse for demanding that Obama remain in office until the emergency passes?

There it is. The unthinkable scenario predicated upon the thought that Barack Obama and those who lifted him to power are precisely what they appear to be – the enemies of America’s power, its prosperity, its constitutional liberty, its moral strength, indeed of everything about America except their own boundless ambition. Why is it at all inconceivable that people willing to collude with and arm our boldest enemies may be doing so for the sake of their own power? Why should we be unwilling to ponder the possibility that the Obama faction has agreed to help Iran achieve hegemony in the Middle East in order to help themselves to dictatorial control over the United States? What certainty do we have that, in some secret, back-channel codicil, this agreement is not already in place?

Note that this question isn’t just about Obama. It’s about the elitist faction that lifted him to power. It’s about their true objective, which is to overturn the exceptional constitutional sovereignty of the American people. It’s about the goal of restoring the norm of elitist tyranny characteristic of human governments throughout the history of the world. From this perspective, the only true friends of the American people are those who embrace and strive to implement the principles of right that justify their constitutional sovereignty. Isn’t it long past time to consider a strategy that unites such friends in its defense?

You may believe a coup d’état “could never happen here.” But the danger we face is not some beer hall putsch. It’s is more like the consolidation of tyrannical power Hitler’s faction completed after he was appointed chancellor of Germany. But if such a denouement is already in view for the United States, isn’t it urgently necessary to begin doing what must be done to prevent its completion? As food for urgent thought, I will propose such a strategy in the next article to be published on my blog. Are you willing to think about it yet?

Ramey comments:

Isn't it interesting that some others, (although few) are coming to the realization that our current oval office occupant's hidden agenda might be to "...take down America"?

To those with "...eyes to see and ears to hear", this was quite obvious when he was inducted into office.  Now, it's "Great Scott --- how to we get him outta there?"  And, of course, the answer is, "We don't".  He will complete his mission and die enroute to his victory march.  But he will see the death of America first.  And if you think is merely wild speculation, then evidently you do not understand the messages of the prophets covered repeatedly in the pages of these Commentaries.. 

April 14, 2015

Are The Wal-Mart Closings In Jade Helm 15 States A Sign We've Sold Them The Rope They'll Use To Hang Us With By Shopping At Wal-Mart All These Years?

Friday, April 17, 2015


From the desk of

Bill Ramey


Zetas Say Power Outages In Washington, Turkey, London And Other Lowland Wet Areas, Caused By Strong Nibiru Electro-Magnetic Pulses

“These electromagnetic pulse episodes have just started, and depending upon their vulnerability, will increasingly afflict cities worldwide. ” – Zetatalk
Why these places? “Arching to the charged tail of Planet X follows. Lowlands such as Amsterdam and London are sited on thin crust, which pulls taut during the stretch, and these cities are also soggy, close to the water table. What is the clue that electromagnetic pulse was the cause of the London fires? They simultaneously flared up in more than one location, at a long distance from each other.” – Zetatalk
Don’t miss!  Check The List! Effects Of Nibiru Are Now ALL OVER THE NEWS!


Today there has been major power outages/surges in downtown Washington, DC and Maryland area.  Would the Zetas care to comment on what the cause was and why that location please. [and from another]  An equipment failure at a SMECO power substation in Charles County appears to have caused the outages. A Pepco high-voltage transmission conductor at the substation fell to the ground, according to SMECO. Pepco confirmed it is investigating exactly why that transmission line broke. A back up system that senses low voltage, which are purposely sensitive and designed to sense risk, did their job, and switched over to back up. [and from another]  A power surge temporarily knocked out power to the White House, State Department and wide swaths of the nation’s capital and its Maryland suburbs. D.C. homeland security officials, utility providers and law enforcement officers in Charles County, Md., said a fire or explosion at an electrical facility in Southern Maryland appeared to be the source of the surge. [and from another]  The mechanical failure occurred shortly before 1 p.m. at a transfer station some 35 miles southeast of Washington in Charles County, Maryland, that is controlled by utilities serving Washington and southern Maryland. Homeland security officials in Washington and Maryland said there was an explosion at the station, although the two utilities, Pepco and the Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, could not immediately confirm that there was a blast or fire. [and from another]  A piece of metal breaking loose from a power line 43 miles southeast of the District momentarily knocked out electricity. The outage threw scores of public and private office buildings off the grid, but in most cases, the lights stayed on because backup generators kicked in. Dotter said the fluctuation in the voltage probably left some in the D.C. area experiencing a power loss and others a power surge. D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency characterized the unusual incident as a broad “power surge” that sent any District facility with a critical operation to emergency backup power. A Pepco transmission conductor in Mechanicsville, Md., “broke free from its support structure and fell to the ground.” The failure on the 230,000-kilovolt Pepco line cut the supply to two power stations run by SMECO.

There are several clues that the DC region blackout was caused by electromagnetic pulse. The first was the casual and quick manner in which officials announced it was not terrorism, even before they were able to point to a cause. They knew it was electromagnetic pulse, but were not admitting this to the public. The second clue is the repeated statement by officials that the blackout was due to a surge, when this is not how the grid and its protective mechanisms work. A surge happens during an electromagnetic pulse, but a failure in the grid causes a voltage drop, a brownout. The third clue is the wide ranging and spotty nature of the blackouts, which did not follow a grid but rather affected a region.

Why was Washington DC affected? It is situated in lowlands, known in the early days of the republic as “foggy bottom” for that reason, a swampland which had to be drained so the mosquito population could be controlled. It is situated at a tear point during a time when the N American Continent is in a taut bow, the bow ends at the Aleutian Islands and the tip of Mexico pulling toward each other. The center of the bow is at San Diego. Follow the line across the continent and you arrive at Washington DC. Chesapeake Bay is an obvious rip point where tears have occurred in the past. Will more such blackouts afflict the East Coast of the US? These electromagnetic pulse episodes have just started, and depending upon their vulnerability, will increasingly afflict cities worldwide.

This week was some kind electrified. I would like to add to the question about Washington one more question about London. London’s blackout: Underground fire in West End leaves 5,000 homes and businesses in darkness.  [and from another]

Holborn Fire: 2,000 Evacuated In Central London After Underground Blaze Beneath Pavement April 1, 2015–2-000-evacuated-in-central-london-after-underground-blaze-beneath-pavement-150532290.html?vp=1#sL9MDBw  Six fire engines and 35 firefighters and officers are at the scene, where a large safety cordon is in place. Among those evacuated in the area were judges, lawyers and staff at the nearby Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand.  The electrical blaze started among cables. [and from another] Holborn Fire: Flames Filmed Coming Up Street April 1, 2015  The London Fire Brigade dispatched 35 firefighters in six fire engines to tackle the blaze that started with electrical cables in Holborn, central London. [and from another] LSE Fire Sees 2,000 Evacuated from Kingsway, Holborn Tube Station Closed April 1, 2015  The inferno has reportedly led to power surges, electricity failures and internet outages in the surrounding areas, with office workers and students filling the closed streets. The fire is thought to have been started by a faulty electrical junction. [and from another]Underground Fireball Explodes in Finsbury Park April 2, 2015  The flames were caused by a faulty fuse box under the pavement, which caused power problems in the area. A spokesman said: “It was an electrical fuse box in the pavement.” One witness tweeted: “So massive fires under the pavement in Holborn and on my boyfriend’s street in Finsbury Park. What’s going on?”

The London fires were clearly caused by electromagnetic pulse. The establishment will continue to give excuses for these events, as they are reluctant to admit how powerful Nibiru is, magnetically, nor do they want to admit to the many lies they have told the common man over the past decade. The erratic weather, increasing drought and deluge cycles, and ferocity of storms is not due to man-made Global Warming. It is due to the Earth wobble and roiling magma, both caused by Nibiru, aka Planet X. The many planes losing control of their electrical systems and crashing into seas or mountains are not due to pilot suicide, but are caused by electromagnetic pulse.

As with the blackouts in the Netherlands and Turkey and the crash of the German wings plane in the foothills of the Alps, electromagnetic pulse struck the region because of the stretch the Eurasian Plate is sustaining. Rock has pockets which break up the flow of electricity in the rock, but in stretched or compressed rock the air pockets are reduced and thus an electronic screech is facilitated. Arching to the charged tail of Planet X follows. Lowlands such as Amsterdam and London are sited on thin crust, which pulls taut during the stretch, and these cities are also soggy, close to the water table. What is the clue that electromagnetic pulse was the cause of the London fires? They simultaneously flared up in more than one location, at a long distance from each other.

IITM:  It looks like there have been lots of blackouts…


Wall Street Journal-Apr 10, 2015

The blackout was relatively minor, but it likely could have been prevented if D.C. was still served by a coal-fired power plant called Potomac …

DhakaTribune-1 hour ago

Last year’s November 1 power grid collapse that caused a countrywide blackout was initiated by simultaneous trips of the Bheramara HVDC …


Reuters-Apr 9, 2015

The likely cause of Tuesday’s blackout was less dramatic. Although regulators and Pepco, the regional utility, were still investigating the outage, …

NDTV-Apr 9, 2015

Explore in depth (10 more articles)


ValueWalk-Apr 7, 2015

Officials said it had nothing to do with the blackout. It was due to an unattended package. Update at 2:01 p.m. Eastern – Several media outlets …

Newsweek-Apr 7, 2015

Explore in depth (1,003 more articles)


Deutsche Welle-Apr 6, 2015

The head of Turkey’s power grid operator has resigned after the country suffered its worst blackout in over a decade. To blame were …

Reuters-Apr 6, 2015

Explore in depth (47 more articles)


Ars Technica-Apr 9, 2015

No hacking group has since taken credit for the TV station blackout. Since regaining access to the signals, the network has only been able to air …

Fox News-Apr 9, 2015

Explore in depth (633 more articles)


The Globe and Mail-Mar 31, 2015

Such widespread power outages are rare. Energy officials quoted by the newspaper Hurriyet said it was Turkey’s biggest blackout in 15 years.

euronews-Mar 31, 2015

Explore in depth (337 more articles)

9. 27, 2015

Amsterdam has been brought to a virtual standstill after a massive power blackout swept across the city. The city’s Schiphol airport has …

Reuters-Mar 27, 2015

Explore in depth (230 more articles)


Bloomberg-Apr 2, 2015

A massive power failure that crippled life in Turkey for almost 10 hours on Tuesday highlights the threats facing electricity grids worldwide.


ABS CBN News-Apr 4, 2015

MANILA – A power blackout hit Mindanao starting 1 a.m. on Easter Sunday, sources in the National Grid Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP) told …

Rappler-Apr 4, 2015

Explore in depth (47 more articles)

Ramey comments:

It is evident that all these seemingly unrelated blackouts had a common source and one is forced to take the Zeta's assessment seriously.  It is underscored, of course, by the deafening silence of our government concerning this incoming celestial visitor.  Reminiscent of the silence on chem trails, fluoride in our water and FDA approved poisons in our foodstuff. 

The obvious question then becomes, "Are we to expect more of these and of increasing coverage and intensity?"  If Zeta's assessment is correct, then it would seem the answer to this question is a "no brainer". 

Given this set of circumstances, it would seem prudent for us to make preparations for some extended power outages.  Extra water, some emergency food rations, alternative lighting, etc.  Something to consider is that at some point, these pulses can also take out automobile electrical systems. 

We need to learn to do our own thinking. 



I offer this article not only because it confirms my own research but because it illustrates perfectly American blindness to reality.  We have had 150 years since the "Civil War" to see where this policy takes us and yet such is "The Power of Lies"

Paul Craig Roberts


April 14, 2015

It is one of history’s ironies that the Lincoln Memorial is a sacred space for the Civil Rights Movement and the site of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

Lincoln did not think blacks were the equals of whites. Lincoln’s plan was to send the blacks in America back to Africa, and if he had not been assassinated, returning blacks to Africa would likely have been his post-war policy.

As Thomas DiLorenzo and a number of non-court historians have conclusively established, Lincoln did not invade the Confederacy in order to free the slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation did not occur until 1863 when opposition in the North to the war was rising despite Lincoln’s police state measures to silence opponents and newspapers. The Emancipation Proclamation was a war measure issued under Lincoln’s war powers. The proclamation provided for the emancipated slaves to be enrolled in the Union army replenishing its losses. It was also hoped that the proclamation would spread slave revolts in the South while southern white men were away at war and draw soldiers away from the fronts in order to protect their women and children. The intent was to hasten the defeat of the South before political opposition to Lincoln in the North grew stronger.

The Lincoln Memorial was built not because Lincoln “freed the slaves,” but because Lincoln saved the empire. As the Savior of the Empire, had Lincoln not been assassinated, he could have become emperor for life.

As Professor Thomas DiLorenzo writes: “Lincoln spent his entire political career attempting to use the powers of the state for the benefit of the moneyed corporate elite (the ‘one-percenters’ of his day), first in Illinois, and then in the North in general, through protectionist tariffs, corporate welfare for road, canal, and railroad corporations, and a national bank controlled by politicians like himself to fund it all.”

Lincoln was a man of empire. As soon as the South was conquered, ravaged, and looted, his collection of war criminal generals, such as Sherman and Sheridan, set about exterminating the Plains Indians in one of the worst acts of genocide in human history. Even today Israeli Zionists point to Washington’s extermination of the Plains Indians as the model for Israel’s theft of Palestine.

The War of Northern Aggression was about tariffs and northern economic imperialism. The North was protectionist. The South was free trade. The North wanted to finance its economic development by forcing the South to pay higher prices for manufactured goods. The North passed the Morrill Tariff which more than doubled the tariff rate to 32.6% and provided for a further hike to 47%. The tariff diverted the South’s profits on its agricultural exports to the coffers of Northern industrialists and manufacturers. The tariff was designed to redirect the South’s expenditures on manufactured goods from England to the higher cost goods produced in the North.

This is why the South left the union, a right of self-determination under the Constitution.

The purpose of Lincoln’s war was to save the empire, not to abolish slavery. In his first inaugural address Lincoln “made an ironclad defense of slavery.” His purpose was to keep the South in the Empire despite the Morrill Tariff. As for slavery, Lincoln said: “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.” This position, Lincoln reminded his audience, was part of the 1860 Republican Party platform. Lincoln also offered his support for the strong enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act, which required Northerners to hunt down and return runaway slaves, and he gave his support to the Corwin Amendment to the Constitution, already passed by Northern votes in the House and Senate, that prohibited any federal interference with slavery. For Lincoln and his allies, the empire was far more important than slaves.

DiLorenzo explains what the deal was that Lincoln offered to the South. However, just as empire was more important to the North than slavery, for the South avoiding large taxes on manufactured goods, in effect a tax on Southern agricultural profits, was more important than northern guarantees for slavery.

If you want to dislodge your brainwashing about the War of Northern Aggression, read DiLorenzo’s books, The Real Lincoln, and Lincoln Unmasked.

The so-called Civil War was not a civil war. In a civil war, both sides are fighting for control of the government. The South was not fighting for control of the federal government. The South seceded and the North refused to let the South go.

The reason I am writing about this is to illustrate how history is falsified in behalf of agendas. I am all for civil rights and participated in the movement while a college student. What makes me uncomfortable is the transformation of Lincoln, a tyrant who was an agent for the One Percent and was willing to destroy any and every thing in behalf of empire, into a civil rights hero. Who will be next? Hitler? Stalin? Mao? George W. Bush? Obama? John Yoo? If Lincoln can be a civil rights hero, so can be torturers. Those who murder in Washington’s wars women and children can be turned into defenders of women’s rights and child advocates. And probably they will be.

This is the twisted perverted world in which we live. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, is confronted with Washington’s overthrow of the elected government in Ukraine, a Russian ally and for centuries a part of Russia itself, while Putin is falsely accused of invading Ukraine. China is accused by Washington as a violator of human rights while Washington murders more civilians in the 21st century than every other country combined.

Everywhere in the West monstrous lies stand unchallenged. The lies are institutionalized in history books, course curriculums, policy statements, movements and causes, and in historical memory.

America will be hard pressed to survive the lies that it lives.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.

This article was posted: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 5:23 am