Saturday, December 31, 2016


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



The only one noted in scripture as "... a man after God's own heart ... " was a sheep herder.  This, of course, was David and he grew to be not only a mighty warrior but was crowned the king of Israel. 

Yahshua didn't pick His disciples from the most highly educated.  He called simple folks like fishermen and tax collectors.  We  find in Isaiah 28, not only whom He will "... teach knowledge and cause to understand doctrine", but also how He will do this. 

After His death and resurrection, perhaps Yahshua had second thoughts and felt that He should have called at least one educated person as a disciple --- so he did.  But it took some prep work for that disciple.  He had to be slapped off his donkey and blinded for three days just to get his attention.  Then Saul of Tarsus was more receptive to the truth and ready to become the apostle Paul.  Obviously, humility is more important to the Creator than being educated in Satan's educational institutions. 

We can take a look at the world today and see where an education of this sort takes us.  Do we need to list things like the rape of the world by those educated in Satan's institutions?  How about nuclear proliferation, a dead Pacific Ocean and a world economy ready to collapse?  Aren't these the products of Satan's educational systems?  Now it would seem Satan's minions are poised to fulfill Satan's most cherished dream which is the total destruction of planet earth. 

Religion is not truth nor is it a search for truth.  It is about control, mining the populace and currying the favor of governments. Try to imagine what a paradise earth could be today if it was about truth.  What if all scientific discoveries had been applied to the betterment of all mankind rather than only to those who consider themselves "the elite"?  Can you see the potential that has been overlooked and why America is about to be destroyed totally?

What is the missing dimension in Satan's educational institutions?  How to live!  They teach idolatry and they teach how to mine the populace (socialism).  This is the path that leads to destruction.  It has been correctly pictured as a snake feeding on its own tail. 

Not only is there a missing dimension in education today, but a missing dimension in government as well.  That missing dimension is a righteous ruler of our planet.  The beast and the false prophet are not the missing dimension. 

These Commentaries have been dedicated to illustrating and illuminating these deficiencies and showing you that the "reset" is about correcting them.  That "reset" will not be voted in nor will it be provided by the U.N. 

For the past eight years, I have shown you where we are in the prophetic stream of time and pointed out the roadsigns as they flash by on network news with the person delivering the news having no clue as to what he/she is reporting. 

Now we can see our oval office occupant backed into a corner and the threat of justice nipping at him.  And he is fast app-roaching the moment he was born for.  Remember, the Pharaoh of the Exodus was born for a purpose.  So was our oval office occupant. 

Are Americans coming to realize the seriousness of our situation or are they true Romans, attending the games and cheering for their team? 

Jesuit "historians" tell us this is why the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD, but that is a blatant lie and they know it.  The Roman Empire did not fall.  Rome was taken by Israelite invaders but Rome was not the Roman Empire at the time nor was it the capitol of the Roman Empire at the time.  The capitol had been moved to Byzantium more than a 100 years previously by Constantine and a brief look into virtually any encyclopedia, article Byzantine Empire, will show that the Roman Empire never fell and that the Gibbon's myth is just that. 

I have known people who have debunked this myth and yet remain in a religion that contends that "The Roman Empire fell in 476 AD".  This is not a " of truth".

We are now on the eve of the event I have shown you is coming and it is described in Daniel 11:44 and Rev 6:12.  It isn't the end of the world --- at least not for everyone. 

It is the end of America and Israel and the beginning of what Christians call the great tribulation.  It also starts the clock on a 1290 and a 1335 day countdown (see Dan 12).

By that time Jerusalem will have been re-built and the boundaries will be laid out for the new and greater Israel.  Prisoners of war of Israelite heritage will be released and allowed to emigrate to the new Israel to claim a parcel of the land promised to Abraham and his progeny.  The West bank dispute will have been solved but not by the U.N. 

It's really going to be exciting and I don't think we have to wait for Trump to M.C.


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



It seems the answer came before the question.  So what is the answer?  It seems that as we grow into adulthood we absorb the lies and traditions of the society we live in.  Societies are governed largely by religion --- Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hindu, Shinto, etc.  Religion is the tool created by Satan for the deception of the "whole world". 

Since religion is about deception, the ministers of religion have to plant blind spots or mental blocs into the minds of their constituents to blank out the areas of hypocrisy.  The reason children can spot this hypocrisy is because they have not yet absorbed these "blind spots". 

Perhaps we should ponder Revelation 12:9 for a moment.  If Satan really has "...deceived the whole world", how did he do it?  What forum could he have used that crosses all cultural lines?  There is only one and it is religion.  Voodoo is a religion.  Satan worship is a religion.  Ditto for Islam, Christianity and all the other myriad of religions.  Now we have a man riding the wave of religion and claiming he is Jesus.  Had he done his homework, he would have known that "Jesus" is as counterfeit as our money we call dollars. 

The world has been blinded by religion and religion is in bed with Satan's governments.  You can see which governments those are in Luke 4. 

Is the religious world waiting for a Messiah to come floating down on the Mt of Olives with his hand raised in a papal like gesture and saying, "You are all forgiven --- now we are all going to be nice to each other."  If so, they are kidding themselves.  The one who died a martyr some 2000 years ago is returning as the Commander of a warrior group that has no equal in the universe.  We can see in Isaiah 63 that He is going to leave a river of blood for 200 miles between Mt Sinai and Jerusalem.  The "reset" is not going to be a bloodless revolution.  It is going to be devastating. 

Religionists are scriptural illiterates by design of the Vatican, (the mother of all of earth's religions).  Is the Christian Bible really "God breathed" and therefore infallible --- like the Pope?  Or is the Bible "God breathed and Vatican spin doctored" before being "canonized" by them as scripture? 

The "whole world" has been deceived through religion.  And the "reset" is no longer on the horizon --- it is now on the threshold. 

Our current oval office occupant was put into that office by the Creator for the specific purpose of the destruction of America (see Daniel 4:17).  Do we really believe he is going to leave without completing his mission?  I do believe the action packed into the next three weeks will be mind boggling.

Obama plans attack to steal WH from Trump

Thursday, December 29, 2016 1:22

Obama is a Jihadist Muslim. This Fact has become crystal clear to the entire World.

Obama is doing anything and everything to destroy American international relations.

Obama is desperate to provoke Russia into WAR. Then Martial Law can be declared in the USA, the House and Senate dissolved, Obama becomes Dictator of the USA.

Trump loses. Trump does not have the power or military support yet, to prevent this.

Civil War in All the USA becomes the only option, and muslums world-wide clap and cheer.

How will Obama provoke Russia into this Major Conflict when shooting down their planes, and assassinating two (2) Russian Diplomats has Failed to provoke President Putin?

Obama will order a NATO member to attack Russia on a false pretense (False Flag).

One scenario is a Ukraine Military Attack on Crimea.

If you see troops suddenly mass near Crimea, and Missiles are directed against Crimea, then Obama will “Liberate” Crimea, fill it with Neo-Nazi’s, and place top US Installations there.

This option is “On the Table”.

Or, they could just “accidentally” NUKE Crimea. Who besides Russia would complain?

Deadly Days in 2017 until January 20th, 2017, when TRUMP is supposed to take Office.

Obama’s Birth Certificate IS a proven forgery.

A Federal Crime. Obama faces JAIL!

That reason alone would make Obama do anything to avoid prosecution and JAIL.

Remember, hillary and obama already “Rigged” the Election to STEAL votes to Win.

And there are Federal charges awaiting hillary and bill for emailgate and pizzagate.

Obama is sweating. Obama is frantic. Obama is becoming as crazy as hillary!

What crazy muslum Jihadist Actions will Obama take to STEAL the White House?!

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam.” Barak Obama.

Does that sound like a beaten, defeated muslum who will go down peacefully?


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


December 25, 2016

CIA “Burst Transmission” From Ukraine Precedes Catastrophic Russian Military Plane Crash

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A grim Ministry of Defense (MoD) report released in the Kremlin today by the Security Council (SC) on the catastrophic crash into the Black Sea of an Aerospace Forces (AF) Tupolev Tu-154 airliner at 02:40 (GMT+3) while 1.5 kilometers (.9 miles) from its takeoff from Sochi International Airport was preceded by an as yet unexplained American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) encrypted “burst transmission occurring prior to this disaster by 23 minutes and that strangely/coincidentally immediately redirected a US Air Force C-130 cargo plane from its original path over the Black Sea to the Romanian Air Forces 90th Airlift Base from NATO’s Incirlik Air Base in the Republic of Turkey.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, at 02:17 (GMT+3), a Coastal Troops (CT’s) electronic-intelligence station of the Black Sea Fleet, located in the Republic of Crimea, detected an encrypted “burst transmission originating from Odessa, Ukraine, whose electronic technology was based on United States MIL-STD-188 military standards that MoD experts in this report state combines a very high data signaling rate with very short transmission times, to compress messages, and that is widely used by various US military and CIA spies, who both wish to minimize the chance of their radio transmissions being detected.

Most concerning, however, to MoD analysts tasked with the “investigation/examination of this burst transmission, this report continues, was that its originating location in Odessa had previously been targeted/marked by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) as being a CIA electronic listening post but had “gone silent after the election of President-elect Donald Trump when President Obama ordered the “urgent withdrawal (РУС) of all CIA and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) personal from Ukraine for reasons still not explained.  

With the United States having become under the Obama regime a rogue superpower that considers itself above the law, and since 1953 has sought the Nazification of Ukraine, this report notes, the American threat earlier this month to flood the Black Sea with NATO warships earned a grave rebuke from President Putin who promised war with the West should they dare to engage in such militaristic folly.

Equally as worse as Obama creating a Ukrainian Nazi regime on the very belly of the Federation to now protect with NATO might and power, this report continues, the present American administration has, also, called Russia their number one threat in their bid to pave the way towards perpetual war ”and who became incensed this past week when a memo was leaked showing that President-elect Trump didn’t even list Russia as one his nations top priorities at all.   

With the CIA, also, having (so far) failed in their bid to destroy President-elect Trump and keep him from power, MoD experts in this report explain, this American spy agency has now been exposed as having all of its top intelligence analysts working as political operatives for the Obama-Clinton regime and who gave to President Obama an entirely made up fairy tale report blaming Russia for hacking the US presidential election, thus causing Obama to threaten grave harm to the Federation, which this catastrophic plane crash is no doubt part of.

To the damage done by President Obama and his CIA spies against Russia by their downing of this defenseless plane killing all 92 aboard, this report sadly concludes, was to strike at “the very soul of the Motherland by their not only killing all 64 members of the Russian Army’s world renowned Alexandrov Choir, but their also killing the, likewise, world renowned Russian humanitarian and charity activist Elizaveta Glinka, widely known as Dr. Liza.

As to how President Putin will respond to this crime against humanity perpetrated by President Obama and the CIA against the Federation this report doesn’t say in its unclassified section but if the past is a harbinger of the future, one need not be surprised by what will happen next.  

May God Give Them All The Peace This World Denied Them: Russian Armys Famed Alexandrov Choir Sings Silent Night

December 25, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.] 

Benjamin Fulford Geopolitical Update for December 26, 2016, Trump in the Crosshairs of Globalist Elite!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Written by JayWill7497

Humans carry on and be callously tossed aside like chess pieces even while the take down continues”¦ referring to the shooting down of the Russian plane. Satanic holidays accumulate more sacrifices.

Trump’s chain will be jerked if he attempts to prevent the takedown of war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu

Donald Trump, president elect of the shallow US state, will have his chain jerked by the deep state if he tries to prevent the final takedown of the Khazarian mafia, including war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu, Pentagon and agency sources say.

The takedown is now entering a mop up phase, Pentagon sources say. “The Cabal’s last stronghold, the vast underground base at Denver airport, was routed by a contingent of US, Russian and other troops, mopping up is in progress with more raids,” the sources say. In another operation 100,000 children and sex slaves were liberated from the underground bases of the Getty center in LA ,” they add.

The South of Chile was hit by an earthquake weapon last week to in order to “shake up the Nazi enclave in Bariloche and Patagonia in general,” they say.

The Khazarian stronghold of Israel is now also under unprecedented attack, as can be seen by the passing of a UN resolution condemning their illegal settlement building in the West Bank. The 14-0 UN vote, with the US abstaining, will lead to more UN resolutions aimed at forcing that rogue nation to agree to a two state solution to the Palestinian issue, many sources agree.

The murder of the Russian ambassador to Turkey and the downing of a Russian aircraft over the Black Sea by the Israelis has given Russia both moral authority and legal grounds to pursue UN sanctions against Israel and to mount a real global war on terror by going after ISIS/Mossad assets worldwide, the Pentagon sources say.

In an attempted counter-move, war criminal Netanyahu sent the head of Mossad to visit Donald Trump and got him to issue a statement saying he would have vetoed the anti-Israel resolution. However, with the Khazarian base in Denver being wiped out, the Khazarians no longer have the military ability to impose their will on the US government, the Pentagon sources note.

The remaining Khazarian agents in the CIA are bracing for massive purge by Trump of the Bush faction, CIA sources say. The reformed CIA will end all drone attacks and drug flights, and will focus on human intelligence (humint), as well as open source intelligence (osint), the sources say.

Friendless Israel is now expected to face an air/land/sea blockade and other actions to force that state to conform to international law, Pentagon and agency sources agree. The Khazarian regime in Saudi Arabia will also be forced to end its various barbaric practices, they say.

Extra security measures have been taken for Donald Trump with Russian mercenaries and special forces sent to disarm nuclear weapons in New York and near the White House, the Pentagon sources say. One nuclear weapon under Washington has already been dismantled, they add.

The Khazarians are also planning to counter attack by creating a major financial crisis, multiple sources, including from the Rothschild family, agree. Here is what a twitter account claiming to emanate from Baroness Hanna de Rothschild, the daughter of Baron Jacob de Rothschild, had to say about the upcoming attack:

“Bss De Rothschild . . . BssDeRothschild . . . .  Its going to be a frightfully dismal year for US in 2017. No jobs, hyperinflation, more debt & impeachment. Merry Christmas you fools!”

She is also making multiple death threats against Trump and needs to be taken down, CIA sources say.

The financial attack, which will accelerate rapidly in the New Year, has already begun with”¦

Donald Trump, president elect of the shallow US state, will have his chain jerked by the deep state if he tries to prevent the final takedown of the Khazarian m[a]fia, including w[a]r criminal Benyamin Netanyahu, Pentagon and agency sources say.

Ramey comment:

Could the battle between the outgoing an incoming oval office occupants be the torch that ignites WW III?  Perhaps we should re-read Daniel 11:44.