Wednesday, November 14, 2012


From the desk of

Bill Ramey


Something that has been on my mind for some time, and perhaps I have it sorted enough to share with others, is the place of firstfruits in the plan of salvation.  We know, of course, that the law was given and established in an agrarian society.  In this setting, there were two harvests --- the spring harvest of the “firstfruits” and the bigger fall harvest when the crops were brought in before the beginning of winter.  It is this crop cycle that the plan of salvation is based on. 
We see a wave offering in Leviticus 7 that it says is a “statute forever” among the children of Israel.  Just what is this wave offering and what does it tell us today?  Who are the firstfruits and where do they fit in?   
Most of you know that I attended WCG for 30 some years and sat through the “Why are you here?” sermons each Feast of Tabernacles.  It didn’t occur to me to question them at the time, but after seeing the WCG takeover by the mafia and splintered into some 2-300 groups, I had to ask myself some serious questions.  Is, or was, WCG really the work of God in the end time?  Was HWA really the “Elijah” that was to come?   Was he a prophet?  Please don’t misunderstand.  I am not here to cast HWA in a negative light nor am I here to cast aspersions on his character and/or intentions.  But I do call a spade a spade and I try to incorporate truth into my life wherever I find it.  I feel that HWA uncovered more truth buried by the Vatican than any man since Martin Luther.  And I feel that the followers of HWA were much like the followers of Martin Luther in that they put a frame around what he espoused and said, in effect, “This is total truth --- we shall not add to nor take away from.”  I submit to you that this is idolatry!  This is following a man!  Did HWA make mistakes?  Yes he did.  Was some of his doctrine in error?  Yes it was!  We need not list those here --- let the reader do his/her own research.
The point I want to address in this communiqué is the place of the firstfruits in the plan of salvation.  Please don’t be dismayed if I address it from a different perspective than what you have ever seen before.  Because I want to start in the book of Revelation, chapter 5, verse 8.  The context shows that this is the time when the book is being opened that “…looses the 7 seals…” of Revelation 6.  Verse 8 shows 24 elders before the throne of God that “… fall down before the Lamb.”  Who are these 24 elders?  It would appear that they are before the throne at this time and perhaps have been for many years if not centuries.   The churches of God have been conspicuously silent about who these are.  We can see in verse 9 that at one time they were human!  How do you reconcile this with what you have been led to believe? 
I know that some of the splinter groups say, “Perhaps they are angels”.  Did Christ die to redeem angels?  See again verse 9.  When we begin to crank this whole picture into our mental process and meditate on it, we can only come up with the conclusion that HWA was wrong about a number of things and the firstfruits was only one of them.  You see, HWA did not understand that the first resurrection is comprised of only 144,000 even though this is plainly stated in Revelation 14:1-4.  At least one of the WCG splinter groups has picked up on this and come to the conclusion that only 144,000 out of all generations that have lived will come up in the first resurrection (OK so far) and those of churches of God that do not make it in that draft are lost forever.  Can this be so?  To me this demonstrates a gross ignorance of the firstfruits and the plan of salvation. 
There were more than 144,000 that died martyrs in the inquisition because of their faith.  Was their faith perfect at that time?  No!  Of course not.  The truth had been buried for years by the fourth beast of Daniel 7 and even those who led the falling away from the Catholic church (John Wesley, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, etc) were still Catholic in their thinking.  So those martyred were acting on the best information they had at the time but their faith was far from perfect.  However, they stepped out in faith and that is the important part. 
Can we really accept the concept that there has been a “preresurrection”? (What about Lazarus?  And didn’t Elijah raise up the widow’s son?) We know that it says in I Thessalonians 4:15, that, “…we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the LORD shall not prevent (precede) them which are asleep.”  So we know that those living are not going to be resurrected before those that are dead.  However, perhaps we should take a look at what it does not say.  It does not say none of the dead shall precede the living!  Think about it!  Dare to think outside the box that our religious gurus have limited us to!  We, perhaps, need to view them as God does and you can get this perspective in Isaiah 56:10-11.  Could it be that these 24 elders are the wave sheaf offering?  After all, the wave sheaf offering does come before the firstfruits.  And if this sounds “wild” (because it is different than what you and I have been led to believe), then I would challenge you to read Leviticus 23:11 because it shows that the wave sheaf is not only to be offered --- but accepted --- before the harvest of the firstfruits can begin!  Does this cast our understanding of the firstfruits in an entirely different light?
One of the errors of WCG and other religions is in not understanding the plan of salvation.  HWA felt the second coming of Christ would be on a holy day and probably the Day of Trumpets.  Does this fit into the overall plan of salvation?  Christ said in Revelation 3:14 that He was the beginning of creation and this He was.  But more than that, He was also the beginning of the plan of salvation and this plan begins with the Passover and progresses through the other holy days or statutes as they were called in Leviticus 23.  We can see in the first two verses of that chapter that these were not Jewish holy days but “God’s Feast Days”.  Continuing in the chapter we find that they are statutes forever! 
Now, if Christ (Yahshua) was the beginning of creation and the beginning of the plan of salvation, by laying His life on the line on the very day of the killing of the Paschal Lambs, (thus becoming the Lamb of God), then where does that leave us today in that plan?  What is the next step in that plan?  Why it’s the coming out of Egypt (sin) and unleavening our lives.  And that is where we find ourselves today.  Some have crossed the Red Sea and find ourselves wandering in this wilderness of Satan’s governments (see Luke 4).
So what is the next step in the plan?  It’s the harvest of the firstfruits or Pentecost (the Feast of Firstfruits).  Since Christ fulfilled His role of Passover Lamb by dying on the eve of Passover, does that give us a clue as to the date of the next step in that plan?  Rev 14:1-4.    Matthew 24:44 says, “…in such an hour as you think not the Son of man comes.”  Is this written to Catholics?  Protestants?  Pagans?  No, of course not.  The only scriptures the religious folks read is those laid out for them by their religious instruct-ors.  So if this is written to God’s people, why is it His coming will be “…at an hour when you think not”?  Could it be because they have been brainwashed to believe another date of His coming like the Day of Trump-ets?  I Thessalonians 5:1-4 makes it quite plain that there will be an inner circle that is fully aware of the day of his second coming.  Why will the vast majority miss it?  Perhaps we can find the answer in Romans 11:7. 
So just who are the 24 elders and who are the firstfruits?  The 24 elders, in my opinion, are the advance planning committee for the restoration of planet earth.  Men like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Elijah. Will there be apostles also in this group?  Perhaps we should look at Ephesians 2:20 which says, speaking of the household of God or temple of God, “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets…”   
Have we ever considered how much work is done in preparation for constructing a large building before any activity is observed on the site?  First there must be an idea for this edifice.  Next comes an artist’s sketch.  After this has been considered by those involved, then an architect is employed to reduce this idea and picture to a plan incorporated into drawings so that all can work from the “same sheet of music” as it were.  And yet, the site shows no signs of a building going up.  The plans will be reviewed by engineers and materials consultants, then their comments and recommendations will all be put together into a final plan.  Now the foundation can be prepared.  It has to be rock solid because it must support the weight of the entire building and its contents.  It has been said that the foundation is the most important part of any building.  I really think we need to flex our mental muscles and consider the possibility of a “preresurrection” for the purpose of laying the foundation of the temple our Creator is building.
 Now with the preplanning session done and the foundation laid, next comes the firstfruits and who might they be?  It doesn’t make sense to bring up those that will require a generation of instructional seminars to show them that there really is no santa or easter bunny.   Are the firstfruits to be the pillars of the new government on planet earth?  If so, it  means they must be people capable of seeing beyond the chimeras presented by Satan’s governments and the sugar plums they dangle before their recruits.  They must be people capable of independent thinking and, even more importantly, acting upon their conclusions --- even to laying their life on the line.
So if the second coming is at Pentecost, then what does the Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) represent in the plan of God?  If we look in Revelation 20 and Ezekiel 38, we can see that after 1000 years, Satan is released again and goes forth to recruit those who long to go back to the “good ol’ days” of political chicanery and financial deception.  At that time he musters the armies of Gog and Magog against Israel who is at that time living in peace. (See Rev 20).
Is it possible that the ten days of awe (10 days between Trumpets and Atone-ment) represent ten years at the end of the millennium, of blasting out the news that Satan is about to be released and warning people against following him into perdition?  Satan and his armies will be destroyed at that time and then comes the time of judgment (Yom Kippur) or the Day of Atonement.  Next comes the fall harvest which is represented by the Feast of Taber-nacles.  So you see, HWA was jumping ahead in the plan and felt that the millennium is what was represented by the Feast of Tabernacles.  This is error.  The millennium begins at the resurrection of the firstfruits.  Rev 14:1-4.  The trumpet is sounded at the end of the millennium to warn of Satan’s release.  Satan and his followers are destroyed and then comes the judgment or beginning of the second resurrection.  Then comes the Last Great Day (Shemini Atzeret) or the new beginning. 
Really now, doesn’t this make more sense than what we were taught? 
And now, the next thing I share with you is an observation and calculation of one who has been the recipient of a number of revelations.  (What you have just read is one of them.)  I claim no prophet status but have lived for over 76 years and seen many changes in that time.   Space in this brief summary does allow me to show all the supporting evidence for this conclusion, how-ever, it is my considered opinion that the Abomination of Desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, will be placed during the last half of November 2012. This presupposes that the sacrifices will be restarted before then because they will be cut off the same day the AOD is placed.  If this happens, the two witnesses will begin their testimony twenty six and one half days later.  And it is my firm belief that America will be in the process of evacuation at that time due to several nuclear reactors on our east coast in meltdown mode.  For more detail on this, see “The Final Shofar” by this writer. 
If there was ever a time to stay wide awake, the time is now.