Friday, August 16, 2013


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


My apology - the last C & O was numbered XLIII and should have been XLI


As we watch the world today descending into the depths of madness, we can see that the direction the world is headed doesn't give us a great deal of hope for the future.  We have seen in these weekly Commentaries that, according to the recently opened book of Daniel, that mankind is not advancing toward godhood through natural selection but rather advancing toward becoming savages but with awesome weaponry.  It would appear that we have already arrived and stand ready to turn the earth into an incinerated relic unless there is, as noted by "U.S. News and World Report" years ago, "…A strong hand from someplace."  It is that "Strong hand from someplace" that these Commentaries are about. 

It is that "strong hand from someplace" that is commanding our national destruction for idolatry.  See Jeremiah 51:1.  It is that "Strong hand from someplace" that has already begun the destruction of the governments of Satan on this earth and America is the first to go.  We shall see that destruction accelerate in the coming weeks and months as we become entangled in the affairs of Syria.

So is God vindictive?  Perhaps we should ask if those, who have been active in promoting suffering and destruction across the world, are dead and gone and past any retribution for their crimes against humanity?  Consider Adolf Schicklegruber, (known as Adolph Hitler), and the misery brought on planet earth by him.   Consider all those the Jesuit edited histories consider the "greats" of the world.  It would seem that the criteria for "great" is the amount of people you have killed or had killed. 

Are these people safely out of harms way in the grave?  Or is there a Just God who has been a witness to the depravity of mankind's rulers and is yet to administer justice in a world turned rightside up?

Would a Just God overlook those who have had peoples' tongues cut out, buried people alive, skinned people alive, etc?  Where is judgment? 

First, we should know that the return of the Messiah will not be a mission of peace.  We read in Isaiah 63:3:  "…I will tread them in my anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments…"  Who is being spoken of here?  If we turn to the book of Zechariah 14 and begin in verse 1, we can see.  "Behold, the day of the LORD comes and your spoil shall be divided in the midst of you."
2  "For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; 
Verse 3 continues:  "Then shall the LORD go forth and fight against those nations…"
Now to address the question, "Is God vindictive?"  God is quoted in Hebrews 10:30 as saying, "Vengeance belongs to Me.  I will repay."
Isaiah 34:8 speaks of the day of the LORD as the "…day of the LORD's vengeance." 

These are but a couple of many references to God's vengeance.  So what lies in store for those cruel rulers of mankind?  Perhaps we should see first that they are to be resurrected 1000 years after the first resurrection.  You can see this in Revelation 20:5, where it says, "The rest of the dead lived not again until the 1000 years were finished." 

Now what can those rulers expect?  We find the answer in Revelation 17 and this is speaking of those rulers who have exercised dominion under the jurisdiction of the great whore of the Babylonian System in power for the past 4000 years on earth.  Verse 6 says: "Reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she has filled, fill to her double." 

Are we looking here at instruments of torture, such as the Jesuits used, being put into the hands of those they have tortured and killed in ages past?  Should those dispensed by them show them mercy?  Read again Revelation 17:6!  This is underscored by James 2:13:  "He shall have judgment without mercy that has shown no mercy;"

So we can see that those monsters born of the human race are not going to simply be put to death and put out of their misery but rather will be given the opportunity to feel the pain they have inflicted and it will be done with God's nod of approval.  "…in the cup which she has filled, fill to her double."  Truly the God we serve is a Just God.


If a person is sentenced to die in the electric chair, lethal injection, gas chamber or hanging, is that murder?  If a doctor or pharmacist gives a wrong prescription and kills someone, is that murder?  If a doctor intentionally kills someone or terminates a pregnancy, is that murder?  Is putting our old dog to sleep murder? 

Many people are confused over what constitutes murder.  Among those are our Supreme Court Justices.  You see, they, by their own admission, “Can’t tell when life begins”  (Roe v/s Wade).  America looks to these justices as repositories of knowledge and yet we find them woefully inadequate on an issue as fundamental as when life begins.  These judges are appointees of the Roman system we are living under.  This system is currently being destroyed and you can see the future of these and our other judges in Isaiah 40:23-24. 

These judges could have known when life begins had they not rejected the source of that knowledge.  That source is the one who created life to begin with and is handed down to us through the Bible which has been taken out of our schools.  In order to verify this for yourself, please turn to the book of Leviticus, the third book in the King James Edition of the Bible and begin reading in chapter 17, verse 11:  “For the life of the flesh is in the blood…”  So if it bleeds, it’s a life!  Is that so difficult?  Now for those who miss it in this verse, it is repeated in verse 14:  “For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof”:   Genesis 9:4 underscores this.  “But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall you not eat.”  

Having said this, how are we to look at murder?  The one who gave us the knowledge of when life begins has also shown us how to handle murder.  Please turn to Numbers 35 and begin reading in verse 16.  “And if he smite him with an instrument of iron, so that he die, he is a murderer:  the murderer shall surely be put to death.”
17  “And if he smite him with throwing a stone, wherewith he may die, and he die, he is a murderer:  the murderer shall surely be put to death.”  Are our judges playing God by essentially doing away with the death penalty?  Why is it that our politicians in the higher offices are so opposed to the death penalty?  Could it be because they know that if it catches on, it may catch up to them?  Keep in mind that those hung by the kangaroo court in Nurenburg were at the pinnacle of power and authority just months before.  You can see who will suffer the death penalty in the true new world order.  Those offenses which merit the death penalty are given in the 18th chapter of the book of Ezekiel.  It is certain and will not depend on the whims of present judges. 

Now, who is to put this person to death?  The state?  CIA?  FBI?  No!  The murderer is to be delivered by the elders of the city to the “avenger of blood” (next of kin) “that he may die.”  You see, we do have individual responsibilities and at times, that requires killing someone.  

The reason we have so many alphabet bureaus (CIA, FBI, NIS, BLM, FEMA, BATF) today is because we have ignored our individual responsibilities.  It is through these federal cancers that we have become enslaved to a system and will remain so until our federal system is totally destroyed.  That is already in process.

One of the myths of our educational system is that we are a nation built on the foundation of the Bible.  That is merely one more of the myths we have been raised to believe.  This myth has been accepted and adopted even by some of the top religious “thinkers” in our society such as Dwight Moody and Henry Halley.  Both present their “History of the Church” as though the Church of Rome was the organization Christ entrusted His work to.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

But we, as a nation have adopted the Catholic baggage because our government was set up by Jesuits and is a carbon copy of the Roman Empire.  Witness the Caesar whom we call president, the senate, which is a carbon copy of the Roman Senate, the capitols which come from the Roman Capitolium, and the Roman holidays built into the days we observe yearly. We even have an Empire State Building.   When you line all these dominoes up so that they spell something --- it becomes very ominous.  Not only are we on the verge of Protestants being herded back into the “Mother Church” but we are on the eve of America being destroyed as a nation. 

This brings us to an event in the near future that has been well nigh forgotten by the religious world and that is the resurrection.  Few people realize that there are to be more than one resurrection.  Revelation 20 can clear up this misconception.  Few realize that there will only be 144,000 in the first resurrection from all the ages past and present.  See Revelation 14:1-3.  Now it comes as a real shocker to most to learn that these that are in the first resurrection are going to comprise the army of the Messiah as he goes forth destroying “those who destroy the earth”.  See Revelation 11:18 and Revelation chapter 19.  In other words, those in the first resurrection will be instrumental in converting to vulture food the armies amassed to oppose the space invasion.  The first battle will be before the resurrection and we can get a preview of this in Isaiah 63:1-3.  The march will be from Mt Sinai (Jabal Al Lawz in Saudi Arabia) to Jerusalem leaving a river of blood some 1,600 furlongs (180 miles) long.  At the entry into Jerusalem, the first resurrection will take place with the two witnesses of Revelation 11 (dead three and one half days) being the first to rise.  There are five earthquakes mentioned in the book of Revelation which evidently will be felt worldwide.  The earth will be restructured, physically, economically, religiously and will be rebuilt from the ground up --- without bankers, lawyers, institutions, politicians and clergy.  If this sounds strange to you --- could it be that you have been raised on Roman myths and are part of the “…whole world that is deceived”?  Perhaps you have homework to do. 

There really is a way to handle the process of governing the world without the myriad of governmental parasites we have today.  Now those parasites are certainly not going to say, “You really don’t need us so we will just bow out and cut your taxes to almost nothing.”  But after this world is restructured physically, economically, religiously and politically and losing 90% of the population in the process, we will come to see these parasites for what they are.  If a community handles their own problems (individual responsibility) why do they need a city hall, a police force, a myriad of federal agencies and all the other offices politicians and lawyers can dream up?  Suppose there is a murder in the village.  The citizens (who now have 35-40% more spare time because of tax reduction) simply apprehend the murderer and bring him to trial before the community.  No need for lawyers and judges with their secret language and legal kickbacks and no need for a three month TV series, as in the OJ Simpson case.  Witnesses are called, the case is presented before the Community leader, decided that same day and the murderer is turned over to the next of kin for disposal.  I can already hear the groans from the bleeding hearts.  What they won’t say is, “Where are the Masonic ‘considerations?’” “What about executive immunity?”  Even though these will be in the forefront of their minds.  What they will say is,  “What if an innocent person is executed?”  First, let us address the question of innocence.  Have there been any innocent people sent to prison and/or even sentenced to die in our Satanic government today?  You see, the law of God takes these things into account.  Numbers 35:30 says, “…one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die.” 

Moreover, the law of God even goes one step further to ensure that no innocent person is convicted.  We find it in Deuteronomy 19, verses 18-19.  “And the judges shall make diligent inquisition and behold, if the witness be a false witness and has testified falsely against his brother;” 19  “Then shall you do unto him as he had thought to have done unto his brother:  so shall you put the evil away from among you.” 

Isn’t this beautiful?  So if the one ruling over the proceedings knowingly convicts an innocent person, when it is discovered (even if its 20 years later), that person gets the same punishment he thought to impose on the one convicted.  Isn’t this truly a step in the right direction for eliminating false witnesses and corruption in the judging process?  No backroom plea bargaining, no lodge connections, no nepotism, no fees collected for judges retirement funds --- just transparency in the proceedings in the area where the crime occurred and the case is over with no recycling of murderers or rapists --- and no prisons.  If a person cannot be repatriated into the community, then why should the public be obligated to feed that person, pay his/her doctor bills, furnish them a TV, laptop and a bed?  This is the ridiculous that we have become so accustomed to, we consider it normal.  This is the level of insanity our legal minds have brought us to as a nation.  These legal minds, with all their attendant baggage, are costing us dearly and have robbed us as a nation.  Ask yourself this question and think long and hard about the answer:  “Do lawyers, judges and politicians want peace on earth?” 

Ever wonder where our courts originated?  The following was taken from Collier’s Encyclopedia, 1991 edition, article “Ancient Drama”, pp 378: 

“Debate about the origins of the drama extends to Greek religion and politics.  One theory, noting that Greek dramatic festivals were in honor of Dionysus, god of wine, locates drama’s origins in seasonal rituals involving blood sacrifice.  The victim was slaughtered and eaten in observance of the year’s death in winter and rebirth in spring.  The essential dramatic principle of role-playing can be seen in the substitution of an animal, possibly a goat or sheep, for a human victim.  Another theory, observing that the emergence of law courts coincided with the appearance of tragedy, emphasizes the idea of adversary proceedings.  Conflict is essential to drama.  The audience must judge the characters before them on the basis of what they say and do; all drama is “courtroom” drama.”

When a judge takes his/her seat at the “bench”, is he/she beginning a ritual paying homage to the god of wine?   Is he/she producing a drama specifically tailored for public entertainment?  Could it be considered, (perish the thought), idolatry?

 From the desk of
Bill Ramey


Why would anyone make such a statement?  Is it an irresponsible statement?  Is it a false statement?  Or is it about to happen?

We are a nation that claims to be founded on the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Supreme Sovereign of the universe, and yet, even that is a lie.  We were founded under the direction of the Vatican as the Image of the 4th beast of Daniel 7 which was and is the Roman Empire. 

There is an admonition in the book we have, in the past, claimed to be our founding document, and we should be made aware of it now that America is on the eve of destruction.  It will go a long way toward showing us why we are being destroyed. 

Moses was instructing the Israelites after their exodus from Egypt and we pick it up here in Deuteronomy 17, beginning in verse 14:  "When you are come into the land which the LORD your God gives you and shall possess it and shall dwell therein and shall say, 'I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that are about me;'

15.  "You shall set him king over you whom the LORD shall choose: one from among your brethren shall you set king over you:  you may not set a stranger over you which is not your brother.
16.  "But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he should multiply horses:  forasmuch as the LORD has said unto you, 'You shall return no more that way.'
17.  "Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away:  neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold.
18.  "And it shall be when he sits upon the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the Levites:  (the Torah).
19.  "And it shall be with him and he shall read therein all the days of his life:  that he may learn to fear the LORD his God to keep all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them.
20.  "That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren and that he turn not aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left:  to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he, and his children, in the midst of Israel." 

Is this archaic lore with no relevance to today's world or is this pregnant with meaning for us today?  As we witness a world brought to the brink with nuclear proliferation, legislative piracy, instability intentionally fomented around the world by organized and well funded groups, diminishing resources and rampant idolatry, we can also see, in this book our Supreme Court justices have declared irrelevant, that our situation today was foretold by the prophets some 3,000 years ago. Those same prophets also showed the solution to our seemingly insurmountable problems.  Those solutions don't get much coverage in today's media, politics, phony economics and idolatry.   Why? Because it dethrones the minions of Satan.  We, as a nation, worship at those thrones.

This dethroning is coming despite what our present rulers choose to do and we can see the change of command ceremony in Daniel 7.  Top politicos have their hidey-holes prefabricated two miles beneath the surface of the earth with supplies enough to last 30 years or so I am told.  Isaiah 24:21-22 suggests they may spend a number of years in these D.U.M.B.s before being visited and judged for crimes against humanity.  You can see in Daniel 7:12 that their jurisdictional lines will be cut, ending their authority, at the time of the change of command ceremony.  The war for the dominion of planet earth will already have been fought before this ceremony and you can see the results in Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19. 

"They have dealt treacherously against the LORD…now shall a month devour them with their portions."  Hosea 5:7.  Verse 9 goes on to say, "…Among the tribes of Israel, I have made known that which shall surely be."


For many years I had breakfast once a week with a couple of friends and my perception was that they were raised Catholic.  These were not practicing Catholics but some of their thought processes seemed Catholic. Now Catholicism is one of my least favorite religions but I learned a measure of respect for these two friends because there were no holds barred in our discussions and never once did I hear either of them say, “That’s stupid .”  Both fully understood that the Catholic Church is rotten to the core and I pulled no punches when discussing this.  I cannot remember a single incident of any of us being offended by something another said.  We came to the breakfast meeting with the understanding that, "If two people (or 3) agree on everything, only one is thinking".  I learned a great deal from both of these two men, one several years younger than I and the other several years older.  I owe a debt of gratitude to both for broadening the dimensions of my education.

I remember the younger one bringing a book to breakfast one morning and handing it to me and saying, “If I make you a gift of this book, will you read it?”  I looked at the title and the author’s name was David Duke.  I handed it back and said, “I know who David Duke is and what he believes.  I don’t have to read it.”  He came back with, “Will you just forget what you have been told by the Jewish owned media and read the book?”  He was looking me in the eye and waiting for an answer, so I said, “OK, I’ll read it.” 

That breakfast opened a new door in my life for coming out of this world’s deception.  I thought I knew who David Duke was and what he believed but each page I read showed me a little plainer than the last one that I had been duped, along with the rest of the world, by a propaganda department we refer to as the media.  The lies we have bought into simply because they have been repeated so many times are innumerable.  We get them first as toddlers, then in grade school, high school and college and thereafter the news media.  They give us a perverted version of history that has been screened through the Vatican; they give us a perverted “cause” of World Wars and they give us cock and bull stories about presidential assassinations and government sponsored massacres.

As I recall, the name of the book by David Duke was “My Awakening” and it certainly amounted to an awakening for me.  It inspired me to dig out the truth about America’s creation by the Vatican as the “Image of the Beast” as delineated in the book of Revelation 13.  I have heard no one else breathe a word about this and yet it doesn’t take an “Einstein” to put the pieces together.  The man who put the facts together in a book was F Tupper Saussy and the book title is “Rulers of Evil”.  Saussy did not have the scriptural knowledge to connect the dots to Revelation 13.

My awakening has also been to the realization that religion really is the opiate of the people and is the vehicle used by politicians (ministers included) to keep the world divided and manageable.  You see, knowledge really is power.  This is why the histories of the world have been replaced with myth.  This is why some 5000 patents are being held up because "they could be a national security threat", (or until their inventor dies and those in power can claim the idea as their own).  You know, of course, that Al Gore invented the internet… and that B.O. won the Nobel Peace prize for humanitarian achievements.  Nothing to do with politics …J.  In my opinion, there should not even be a patent office. 

We live in a deceived world.  (See Revelation 12:9)  We were told by our propaganda department that a lone gunman shot JFK.  Even a fool could see through the charades put before us to “prove” this and yet we chose to believe what they spoon fed us.  We were told that one man perpetrated and carried out the Murrah Building bombing in Oklahoma City and he did it with a U Haul truck loaded with fertilizer.  And again, even a fool could see through the contrived lies we were told by the propagandists.  Since, evidently. we did not see through them, does this mean that we, as a nation, are less than fools?  Then there was the masterpiece of deception we call 911 and after that the even more ludicrous Hollywood myth called the assassination of Bin Ladin.  We sat in front of out boob tubes and lusted for each mouthful that was spoon fed us.  Where does this leave us as a nation? 

There is a book that was written some 2500-2600 years ago that was to be sealed until “the time of the end”.  And for those indoctrinated into Catholic/ Protestant mythology, the time of the end is not the end of the world.  It is rather the end of an age (aion in the Greek).  Noah closed out one age and ushered in the next but the world did not end nor will it as this age ends.  How can the “…meek inherit the earth…” (Matthew 5) if the earth has been destroyed?  This book is the book of Daniel and with naysayers protestations notwithstanding, it was written some 2500-2600 years ago and this was attested to by a contemporary of Daniel’s named Xenophon in his book “Cyropedia”.  This book of Daniel was written, for our education today, from information and visions given to Daniel by an angel named Gabriel.  As stated already, the book was to be sealed until the time of the end.  (Daniel 12:4)  Verse 9 of Daniel 12 repeats that this book is to be sealed until “…the time of the end.”  Verse 10 continues, “Many shall be purified and made  white and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand;  but the wise shall understand.”   This would lead one to believe that the angel here is dividing up the “end time world” into only two camps, the wicked and the wise.  The same verse tells how to discern the difference between the two.  How is your understanding of the book of Daniel?  The book was sealed but now is opened and has been given to the two witnesses of Revelation 11.  We need but drop back to Revelation 10 to verify this (verses 2-8).

So what does the book of Daniel tell that is so important to understand in the “last days” of this age?  Perhaps we should read it!  Its only 12 chapter long.  It tells us in chapter 2, through a dream of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, that the world will have four world ruling empires (kingdoms) from Daniel’s day (about 600 BC) until the time the kingdoms of this world are given to the saints of the Most High (the end of this age).  Chapter 7 is a repeat of this scenario only it pictures the four empires as four beasts.  The Creator sees mens’ governments as beasts.  We need to understand that the saints of the Most High are not the “political saints” canonized by the Vatican. Counted among their saints is one mass murderer named Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus for the purpose of exterminating those who persisted in the worship of the Creator rather than the Pope.  These are strong words; I know that and they will be rejected by those whose minds have been conditioned in American schools to worship the beast and/or his image. 

We are living in the end of the age and we are in a countdown to the demise of America.  America will not be a nation when this earth undergoes an invasion from outer space.  Rulers know this invasion is coming and that is why all stops are being pulled to get all military under one head. This is to fight off the invasion.  If you would like a preview of the outcome of the battle, read the 14th chapter of the book of Zechariah. 

If you have been indoctrinated into Catholic/Protestant theology (mythology) and think Christ is going to return with His hand raised in a papal type blessing and the world will fall in behind Him with placards reading “Jesus loves me”….  go back to sleep or switch the channel to reruns of Gunsmoke and open another Budweiser.  His last tour of duty on earth was in meekness; this time He comes as a warrior and there will be few left on planet earth as He sets up His ruling city on the site of Jerusalem.  I say on the site of, because the sham we call civilization will be destroyed right down to its roots.  You can see in Revelation 16:19 that “…the cities of the nations fell…”  This includes the colleges and the capitols. The campaigns will be over then and the sifting process will begin.  There are five earthquakes mentioned in the book of Revelation which evidently will be felt worldwide. That, my friends, is the granddaddy of earthquakes!  Continental shifts?  Without a doubt.  Tsunamis that dwarf the recent Japanese manmade tsunami into insignificance?  A given.  World population reduced by 90%?  I believe that is what Isaiah 6:13 is saying.  We live in momentous times.  So when does all this “end time action” begin?  It has already begun!  We can see this in Jeremiah 51:1.  The very fact that the book of Daniel has been opened says that we are in the "time of the end".  Revelation 18 tells of a powerful trading nation to be destroyed in the time of the end and it calls that nation "Babylon".  Jeremiah 50 and 51 cover the details of this fall and calls that nation the "daughter of Babylon".  To cover all the scriptures showing that we and Israel lose that battle would take more space than what is allotted for this communiqué.

If we don’t understand that the long awaited Muslim Imam now sits in the Oval Office, (by God’s decree, see Daniel 4:17), then obviously we have been asleep.  Evidently the same sleep that carried us through the JFK assassination, the Waco massacre, the Murrah Building bombing and 911.  We are a nation steeped in idolatry as evidenced by the phallic representations we call steeples perched atop our houses of worship across the nation.  And for this cause, among others, we are about to be destroyed as a nation with the loss of two thirds of our citizens and with the balance being sold around the world as slaves (See Ezekiel 5 and Deuteronomy 28:68).  

It appears from Jeremiah 51:6 and 51:50 that the exodus of God’s people from America will come in two stages; one before the invasion and one after. 

Hosea 4:6:  “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:  because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you … seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.” 

What a chilling thought!   May Yahweh help us to understand.