Wednesday, October 9, 2013


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


Prophecy watchers tend to think of WW III as a war between the super powers of America, Russia and China.  But prophecy watchers don't seem to perceive where America fits into the picture. Is America mentioned in prophecy?  I have waded through most of the America-British Israeliism arguments and find them containing a fair amount of truth and a fair amount of error. 

America certainly is mentioned in prophecy both in the old and new Testaments.  As I have shown in these Commentaries, Jeremiah 50-51 talks about the "daughter of Babylon" and when you do your homework, you find this can be none other than America.  Also, in the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation, we find the creation of an image of the beast.  This also is America.  I shall not try to wade through all the proofs at this time because I have already shown this in past Commentaries. 

In this communiqué, I hope to show that WW III will be a battle between Christianity and Islam for control of planet earth.  Contrary to popular belief among Protestants, Christianity is not the religion Christ brought to planet earth.  Christianity is a counterfeit of the "way of life" taught by Christ.  If you are serious about where the Christian religion came from, there is one history extant that dares to discuss this and this is the "History of Civilization" by Will and Ariel Durant.  As I recall, the coverage of Christianity is in book III.  It isn't Christ based.  Christianity is defined for the world by the Vatican and in my 50 plus years of research, it appears that any group calling themselves a church or Christian are daughters of the great whore mentioned in chapter 17 of the book of Revelation. 

The book of Daniel was written in the 6th century BC but it was sealed at the time of writing and not to be opened until the time of the end (see Daniel 12:4 & 9).  The book of Daniel has been opened and we can see the four kingdoms or empires that were to rule the earth from Daniel's day right on down to the close of the age.  The end of the world is Catholic myth.  We can see these four kingdoms described in chapter 2 of the book of Daniel, where he interpreted a dream for the king of Babylon, in which the Creator was showing the king things to come in the latter days.  When we match the dream up with history, as it then unfurled, we find these empires to be Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece and the Roman Empire.  It’s a little more involved than that but this is the way it all shakes out even though, for the sake of brevity, we skip the lengthy transition from the Syrian Empire to the Roman Empire.  This also, has been covered in past Commentaries.

The Roman Empire has been ruling the world for over two millennia and this statement is bound to draw hoots of derision from misguided patriots who see America as a free nation.  It isn't and never has been.  We were created as a puppet state to the Vatican as the image of the beast (Rev 13) and you can get the details in a book by the late F Tupper Saussy entitled "Rulers of Evil".  Saussy did a stretch in prison in order to get that information in your hands.

As previously stated, the book of Daniel has been opened and we can see in chapter 12, verse 10, who it is that will be able to understand it at this time.  In it you will see that the world was to be divided in the days of the third empire and this was Alexander's Greece.  The world was divided in those days and you can find also in the book of Daniel that the four way division was shortly reduced to two empires and these were called the kingdom of the south and the kingdom of the north.  The kingdom of the south was Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia.  The Kingdom of the north was Syria at first but was soon swallowed up by the Roman Empire making them the kingdom of the north. 

Both of these kingdoms started out as territorial kingdoms but along the line they devolved into religious ideologies, and both had designs on planetary dominion.  As noted, Christianity is defined by the kingdom of the north (Roman Empire).  At some point the Roman Empire decided that world conquest would require world deception so they decided to pass on "…all the power" of the empire (see Rev 13:12), presumably for the administration of the inquisition, and fade into the shadows where they continued to pull the strings of world affairs.  . 

Muhammad was so disenchanted with the excesses of the Vatican, he decided this could not have been the way of life espoused by the Messiah and the apostles, so he started the religion of Islam.  These, (Christianity and Islam) are the two legs of the dream image of king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon --- the world ruling empire of Daniel's day (see Daniel 2:38). 

There are perhaps several reasons for these territorial kingdoms to take on a religious nature but by far the overriding reason is religion had long been tested in the crucible of time and found to be the best tool ever bequeathed to man by Satan for the deception of the masses.  The bigger the religion the more blatant the deception.   As noted, the northern kingdom was first to realize that much deception would be required to gain dominion over the planet.  In Revelation 12:9, we can see their mission accomplished and that Satan, through his ownership of all of earth's governments (see Luke 4), has "…deceived the whole world". 

There are fundamental differences between Christianity and Islam.  In Christianity, only the rulers and their appointees are permitted to murder with impunity.  This indulgence is extended to a few of their wealthy patrons and the medical profession also.  But in the religion of Islam, it appears that all the men are permitted the luxury of murder provided it is done for religious purposes.  Women, it would seem, are considered chattel and without rights.

The push is on to unite these two legs of the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar and with the Pope himself wooing the Muslim.  The result sought is the New World Order but if scripture can be used as a guide, it will not happen.  We see this in the opened book of Daniel in the two legs of the image and they remain divided right on down to the feet and toes of iron and clay representing the degenerated stage of mankind to savages with nuclear weaponry.  The two will join forces at the very end as they both see and realize their destruction is imminent. (See Revelation 17:16-17).

So as we see the stage being set for WW III, we see America/Israel on one side with the most powerful militaries the world has ever seen, squaring off against Muslim countries who are beginning to see the depravity of the Christian World and are quickly uniting in their goals to take out the "Great Satan", which they see as America/Israel.

We see Russia and China coming into the fray on the side of Islam, probably more for economic reasons than religious ideology.  But we must keep in mind that Russia was taken over by the same ethnic group that rules Israel.  These were Ashkenazi ("…who say they are Jews and are not but do lie", --- see Rev 3:9), trained in NYC for the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.  Leon Trotsky's real name was Levy Bronstein.  In pogroms to follow, it appears they murdered some 25-30 million Christians in Russia.  The American General Overby was in Russia at the time of the revolution and his letters to President Wilson are now declassified and tell a much different story that the one we were spoon fed in history classes.

It would seem that with the Edward Snowden revelations, that even the Christian nations in Europe and South America are beginning to arch their eyebrows at the revelations about America and wonder if perhaps the Muslim are right about America being the great Satan.

What we need to understand is that all governments (kingdoms) on earth are owned by Satan and we can see this in Luke 4.   This is why it will take "A Strong Hand from Someplace" to free the slaves of planet earth and that "Strong Hand" is enroute to planet earth even as I write.  The rulers of planet earth have already been apprised of this and that is the reason for the full court press to unite the world in a New World Order.  But the Muslim world has already been duped into "petro-dollars" by the Christian world and will be very cautious about entering another pact with Christians. 

We can expect unprecedented false flags, worse than 911, to goad us into an attack on Syria demanded by the bankers and oil moguls, and we can expect them in the next few weeks because the thumb screws are being tightened on our prez.  When that happens, our sun has set and we will cease to be a nation within hours (see Isaiah 17:1-3).  America will be evacuated because of tsunami induced (see Jeremiah 51:42) reactor meltdowns on our east coast and will become a nuclear wilderness. 

America will be looted by an "…assembly of great nations", (see Jer 50:9).  America and Israel will fall together (see Hosea 5:5) and will be evacuated in a one month period of time (see verse 7). 

The invading party from space will clear the looters from the Jerusalem area and establish their headquarters there from which they will dismantle the rest of Satan's governments on earth (see Isaiah 29-34).  At the end of some three and one half years of the destruction of Satan's governments, the new king of planet earth will be crowned in Jerusalem and the true New World Order will begin (see Daniel 7:13-14).  You can see in verse 12 that the jurisdictional umbilical cord of those in the hidey-holes will be cut at that time. 

Do we have eyes to see that we also have been a part of the religious deception of "…the whole world"?   And do we have humility enough to admit it?  Do we have determination enough to change it? 

The weeks between now and year end will be fraught with world shaking events --- perhaps literally.  In the New English Version of the KJ Bible, God is quoted by the prophet Isaiah in chapter 24, verse 1, as saying, "I will empty the earth, split it open and turn it upside down".  We need to understand that we are living in the times these events are starting to happen. 

The world is about to witness justice it has never seen before because of having been under the jurisdiction of Satan the devil.  We can see, in Isaiah 33, a glimpse of this justice and get a feel for those who are about to perish because of their way of life. 

Verse 1 begins:  "O LORD, show us your favor; we hope in you.

2  "Uphold us every morning, save us when troubles come. 
3 " At the roar of the thunder the peoples flee, at your rumbling nations are scattered.
5  "The LORD is supreme, for He dwells on high, if you fill Zion with justice and with righteousness,
6  "Then He will be the mainstay of the age:  wisdom and knowledge are the assurance of salvation; the fear of the LORD is her treasure.
7  "Hark, how the valiant cry aloud for help, and those sent to sue for peace weep bitterly!
8  "The highways are deserted, no travelers tread the roads.  Covenants are broken, treaties are flouted; man is of no account.
9  "The land is parched and wilting, Lebanon is eaten away and crumbling;  Sharon has become a desert, Bashan and Carmel  are stripped bare.
10  "Now says the LORD, 'I will rise up, now I will exalt myself, now lift myself up.'
11  "What you conceive and bring to birth is chaff and stubble; a wind like fire shall devour you.
12  "Whole nations shall be heaps of white ash, or like thorns cut down and set on fire.
13  "You who dwell far away, hear what I have done;  acknowledge my might, you who are near.
14  "In Zion sinners quake with terror, the godless are seized with trembling and ask, 'Can any of us live with a devouring fire'?
15  "The man who lives an upright life and speaks the truth, who scorns to enrich himself by extortion, who snaps his fingers at a bribe, who closes his eyes to the sight of evil.
16  "That is the man who shall dwell on the heights, his refuge a fastness in the cliffs, his bread secure and his water never failing.
17  "Your eyes shall see a king in His splendor and will look upon a land of far distances.
18  "You will call to mind what you once feared:  Where is he then that once counted, where is he that weighed, where is he that counted the treasures?
19  "You will no longer see that barbarous people, that people whose speech was so hard to catch, whose stuttering speech you could not understand. 
20  "Look upon Zion, city of our solemn feasts, let your eyes rest on Jerusalem, a land of comfort, a tent that shall never be shifted, whose pegs shall never be pulled up, not one of its ropes cast loose.
21  "There we have the LORD's majesty; it will be a place of rivers and broad streams;  but no galleys shall be rowed there, no stately ship sail by.
22  "For the LORD our judge, the LORD our law-giver, the LORD our king --- He Himself will save us.
23  "Then the blind man shall have a full share of the spoil and the lame shall take part in the pillage;
24  "No man who dwells there shall say, 'I am sick'; and the sins of the people who live there shall be pardoned."

Does this sound like religious ignorance?  You had better hope that it isn't because if we do not see the "Strong hand from someplace" in the next few months, planet earth will become an incinerated relic drifting aimlessly through the blackness of space forever.   This will be the proof that mankind is totally incapable of self rule. 

Since the 19th chapter of Revelation makes it quite plain that the armies of the man called the beast, who rules planet earth at the time of the invasion from space, are going to mount a military offensive against this invasion, perhaps we should consider how the space age technology of mankind will match up against this invasion.  Among the first things to consider is that the invading force had nuclear weaponry some 4000 years ago!  As nearly as I can determine, scientists have found evidence of this at the south end of the Dead Sea which is the alleged area of Sodom and Gomorrah. This information was pretty well kept under wraps until a man named Zecharia Sitchin found the account in Sumerian records and published his findings. The "scientific Darwin worshipers" got very loud about his findings but offered no rebuttals that stood up under critical analysis.

Additionally, we have a preview of the final battle that will be fought in the book of Zechariah, chapter 14 and also in Revelation 19.  I do believe it is safe to say there will be no contest.  Satan's armies of men and half men will be converted to vulture food. 

The world is currently being polarized between the two major religions of the planet.  These are Christianity and Islam.  The question at the heading of this article was: "Will Christianity and Islam be destroyed together?"  We find the account in the third chapter of the book of Joel.  The armies and kings of all nations will be gathered at the valley of Jehoshaphat outside Jerusalem.  Why?  It is because something big is going on in Jerusalem.  The invasion party from space has set up headquarters there and brought in a few people from around the world.  They are living in peace and harmony and prospering.  There is a shield over Jerusalem that makes the iron dome look like stone age technology.  And the time has come for the final destruction of the armies of this world that are in Satan's service.

We need to understand the setting here.  America and the little nation of Israel have been destroyed some three years previously.  Since that time the destruction of the rest of Satan's governments has moved steadily forward but now it is time for the final battle and to crown the new King of Planet Earth. 

The crimes of the nations are listed in the above mentioned chapter of Joel and it is here they will be judged as nations, as were America and Israel some three years earlier.  It is here the age of the dream image of Nebuchadnezzar comes to an end and the new age begins.  We have seen in earlier Commentaries that the dream image represented the unfurling of the tapestry of time down through the years. The degrading of the body parts from the head of gold down to the iron/clay mix of the feet and toes represented the degradation of mankind down through the past 2600 years.  We also saw that, of the toes, five are Muslim and five are Christian. These are the nations whose armies are now assembled in the Valley of Jehoshaphat.  These are the armies that it will take working parties seven years to bury all their bones. 

And now the world will enjoy 1000 years of peace, harmony and prosperity without bankers, lawyers, politicians, and alphabet agencies.  Can we begin to see why the armies are marching on Jerusalem?  This plague of peaceful coexistence is a threat to all of Satan's governments on the planet!  We need to be aware that the money moguls who put kings in their positions are not among those slaughtered in the final battle.  They are in their nuclear powered hidey-holes awaiting their judgment when time allows and this evidently will be several years.  You get a feel for this in Daniel 7:12 and Isaiah 24:21-22.   

As noted in an earlier Commentary, we are coming down to the wire.


"The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate".   Dr. Wayne Dyer

We see this statement exemplified in so many ways as we observe the "Sweet 'n Low" in the dish on our table in restaurants, as we observe the chem trails in our skies and as we read the ingredients labels on a loaf of bread.  How many Americans have investigated these things?  Americans have to be the most gullible people on earth.

Billionaires are largely a product of American gullibility.  World wars are a product of American gullibility.  The very nation of America, as a Vatican puppet, is a tribute to our gullibility. 

We live in the end of an age when our own government (or shadow governments within), can assassinate the president and point the finger at a lone gunman.  We live in the times when our government can concoct a myth about the assassination of a man who has been dead for nine years, and with the assistance of the media "presstitutes", it becomes embedded in the mind of citizens as "absolute truth".  We live in the times the SCAMs our government is built on are beginning to crumble, e.g. "Columbus discovered America".  We live in the time of the imminent death of the greatest nation the world has seen to date.  We live in the "time of the end" as exemplified by the opening of the book of Daniel (see Daniel 12:4&9).

How do you cope when living in momentous times?  Do you prepare to meet death as gracefully as possible?  Or do you arm yourself with knowledge?  Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…"  Is there an "escape hatch" from this trap we find ourselves in?  Can we really be "…raptured away to heaven" if we "only believe"?  Or is that another of the myriad of myths we have been raised on?  When you begin to debunk the myths we have been taught in school, church, history, and by the media and the administration, it's like peeling an onion --- there is layer after layer of deception and we find it quite puzzling until we turn to Revelation 12:9 and find that the god of this world (Satan) has "…deceived the whole world."  That deception is what we call "civilization" today. 

If we dig deep enough, we find that Satan is a master counterfeiter.  In Leviticus 23, the Creator gave us convocations.  Satan counterfeited with celebrations.  The Ekklesia of Christ's time was counterfeited with churches.  Wisdom has been counterfeited with craftiness and Holy Days with holidays. 

The Creator put a mark on His people in their hand and in their forehead (Exodus 13:9) and Satan counterfeited with a mark of the beast (Revelation 13:17), also in the hand and forehead.  Now we come down to the time for separating the two divisions and dealing with each accordingly. In Revelation 19, we can see that the armies defending the Islamic and Christian "legs" of the dream image of Nebuchadnezzar, are going to be converted to vulture food.  In verse 20, we can see that the men called the beast and the false prophet are to be cast into a lake of fire at that time. This ends Satan's reign of terror on planet earth for 1000 years.  He will be restrained during that time but will be released again at the end of that 1000 years to see if he can gain another following.  He will, (see Revelation 20) and those who follow him will be erased from the pages of history forever.

I have shown in the pages of these Commentaries how the world was divided, by whom and when.  I have shown that this was all laid out beforehand in a book written some two and a half millennia ago but has recently been opened to understanding of a few as was foretold at the time it was written and sealed.  That was the "Little Book" of the prophet Daniel and, while it only contains 12 short chapters, it speaks volumes about the world situation today. 

This little book also holds the keys that unlock the writings of many other prophets such as Haggai, Habakkuk, Hosea and Zechariah.  It also holds the keys to the final book of the New Testament which is the book of Revelation (Apocalypse for Catholics).  Some think the book of Revelation is a book about the final few months or years of this age but this simply is not true.  We see in chapter 22, verse 10 that the author was told, "Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand."   In other words, the things written in this prophecy were already happening and have continued happening on down through the years.  This book covers a span of some 3000 years from the writing of it (about 90 AD) until the time the city of the New Jerusalem is moved to planet earth (chapter 21, verse 10).

In the book of Revelation, we see the nation of America being set up as the "Image of the Beast" in chapter 13.  For in depth details, see "Rulers of Evil" by the late F Tupper Saussy. 

Much of the information covered in these Commentaries has been deleted from history and myths substituted (e.g. "Columbus discovered America").  The primary reason for this is to conceal the identity of the beast and the image of the beast from the general public. 

Americans have been saddled into slavery in much the same way our forefathers were enslaved in Egypt some three and one half millennia ago.  They had no way to throw off the yoke of slavery through their own power.  What the Egyptians were ignorant of was exactly who it was they had enslaved.  They learned the hard way which was the destruction of Egypt.  America is just before learning the same way.

Planet earth is just before being restructured politically, religiously, economically and geographically --- in much the same way it was back then. 

Astronomers are watching in amazement as they see the incoming "comets" changing course in ways they can't explain.  Right now they feel one of them may be on a collision course with the planet Mars.  I do not expect a collision.  Are these really comets or are these piloted spacecraft?  We shall not have long to wait for the answer because they are nearing our solar system and will be within it before year end.

Many events are planned before year end.  Not only is our leader being pressured to make a strike on Syria but also the 100 year Federal Reserve charter expires this December and there will be much sand thrown into the air to conceal this matter or at least take the spotlight off it.  The bankers would prefer this to be renewed as quietly as possible.  The rule of bankers will end with the present generation.   At this time they feel firmly in charge but so did those hung at Nurenburg just months before their execution.  The coming execution of those deemed unfit for a part in a true New World Order will not be a mere dozen or less.  You can see who will be included in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 18.  This sweep will get all the war criminals and even the ones reaping the huge profits as civilians. 

Those hiding behind legalities will find themselves exposed naked before the wrath of our Creator.  Doctors, lawyers, politicians, money barons, bankers.  Is the Creator a God of mercy?  Yes, but only to those who have shown mercy.  And to the religious hucksters, He has even more disdain.  In Revelation 17, verse 6, He says, in reference to the religious whore that has deceived the whole world, "Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works:  in the cup which she has filled, fill to her double." 

Are we looking at a concept of justice the world has never seen before?  No executive immunity; no good ole boy arrangements; no lodge membership considerations and no backscratching arrangements?  Is this simply too good to be true?  The next few weeks and months will tell the story with the fall of Satan's first lady, "the daughter of Babylon" (see Jeremiah 50 & 51). 

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