Tuesday, March 11, 2014


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


For those unfamiliar with the level of refinement deception has been taken to, this article is dedicated.  I feel it needs no more introduction.
My thanx to Charles R for the article.


Judy Walkman, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California, was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that Senator Harry Reid's great-great uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889. Both Judy and Harry Reid share this common ancestor.

The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows in Montana territory:

On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription: 'Remus Reid, horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.'

So Judy recently e-mailed Senator Harry Reid for information about their great-great uncle.  Harry Reid:

Believe it or not, Harry Reid's staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research:

"Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory . His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate  dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus  passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."

Ramey comments:  I rest my case against "politics as usual".


Some of you are aware that, as an engineer, I enjoy playing with numbers.  For years I have wrestled with the number 2520 which is the number HWA assigned to the seven times seven of Leviticus 26.  It appears that, at one time, earth years were 360 days which presumably gave rise to the 360 degree compass.  A careful reading of the book of Genesis reveals that this 360 day year was the length of the year in the days of Noah. 

At some point, this changed.  Was the earth slowed by a large meteor crashing into the leading hemisphere, thus extending the time required to circle the sun to 365.25 days?  How then does this play out in prophecy that was written before it happened? 

HWA assigned this 2520 years of Leviticus 26 to the span of time between the captivity of Israel (721-720 BC) until the time of the Louisiana Purchase (1800-1801 AD).  Whether or not his premise was valid is not my point for this article. 

The 2520 that has intrigued me is yet another application of this number in the book of Daniel, chapter 5.  We are all familiar with the story of the "…handwriting on the wall" of the Babylonian Palace during a party for 1000 top politicos of the Babylonian Empire.  Daniel was called in to interpret the words written on the wall (Daniel 5).  The words were "Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin."  Some aspiring scholar has determined that, in the Babylonian money system, the smallest unit of money was a "gerah".  Mene was 1000 gerahs.  Tekel was 500 gerahs and upharsin was twenty gerahs.  So two menes, a tekel and a upharsin equal 2520. 

The writing on the wall was to notify the acting king that, "God has numbered your kingdom and finished it."   So what does this have to do with 2520?  Since the acting regent, Belshazzar, was deposed and killed that night, it hardly seems applicable to him.  Was it for yet another Babylon --- such as the "end time Babylon, which is to be destroyed in one hour, mentioned in Revelation 18?

If we convert the 2520 gerahs to years, (as did HWA for the seven times), and move forward, from 539 BC, (the year Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians), to the time of an "…end time Babylon", we find it takes us to 1981.  Was the "…end time Babylon" destroyed in 1981?  We passed that date some 33 years ago so that seems to suggest that the 2520 had nothing to do with projecting out to the end of the Babylonian System --- or does it? 

Now let's take note of a very curious "coincidence".  Since this 2520 we are discussing appears to be applicable to the numbering of the days of the Babylonian System, and since the Babylonian System has a year of 365.25 days, let's convert this 2520 gerahs to days/ years in the Babylonian system.  If we add 5.25 days to each of these 2520 years, it amounts to 5.25 X 2520 = 13,230 days.  If we divide this by 365.25 to convert it to Babylonian years, we come up with 36.22 extra years added on to the 2520 which gives us a grand total of 2556.22. If we add the 36.22 years to 1981, we find it takes us to 2017!  Do you suppose this is mere coincidence?  Were the numbers in last week's Titanic article also coincidence?

This is not offered as positive proof of anything.  It is submitted as one more "…precept upon precept … line upon line …" with which to make personal decisions in the trying days just ahead.   But coupled with last week's Commentary article on the Titanic, it would seem the "coincidences" are beginning to multiply for the year 2014.  

In order to gain a perspective on where we are in the stream of time, perhaps we should review some of the things we have learned thru these Commentaries.  First off, we have learned that the book of Daniel was sealed at the time of writing "…until the time of the end". Daniel 12:4 & 9.  We have also learned that the book of Daniel is now opened and that it was opened no later than Feb 2011.  We know this because Daniel 11:42-43 was the focal point of all the major news at that time.  So we must conclude we are living in the "…time of the end".

But we have not yet seen the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" alluded to in Jeremiah 30:7, Daniel 12:1 and Matthew 24:21.  By combining precept upon precept … line upon line, we can determine that Jacob's trouble amounts to three and one half years and it has yet to begin.  We can see in Isaiah 17:1-4 that it begins when Damascus becomes "…a ruinous heap".  We see that as a distinct probability which has been smoldering on the horizon now for almost four years.

We see in the book of Habakkuk that the Babylon (Chaldea), to be destroyed in one hour (Revelation 18) is America.  Does it say that?
Not in that many words, but read the book of Habakkuk and see if there is another nation in the whole world that even comes close to fitting the description.  We see also in the first chapter that it is written for the "…time of the end".  We also see in chapter 3, verse 2, that there is a momentous event to take place mid way through the time of the end. (We find this much more understandable in translations other than the King James.)

When we compare this little book of Habakkuk with Isaiah 13, 29, 17 and Jeremiah 50 and 51, it begins to appear that the mid point of the end time is the opening of the 6th seal of Revelation 6 which unleashes the destruction of Babylon "…in one hour".  (Rev 18). 

It amounts to a series of cataclysms engineered and executed by the Luciferians to promote the chaos from which they hope to bring order.

But the part they evidently are not considering is that the invaders from outer space will introduce themselves at that time.  And it will be a game changer.  We can get a feel for the game changing potential in Isaiah 13 and 29. 

When is this going to happen? 

A careful study of the above scriptural references should reveal that the "…time of the end" amounts to seven years and that the mid point introduces the time of Jacob's trouble and destruction on a scale that is mind boggling.  Can we bring that mid point better into focus?

If we understand that the end time is seven years and that we have not yet arrived at the mid point mentioned in Hab 3:2, then it is only logical that we are still in the first half of the end time.  We also found that the opening of the book of Daniel introduces this end time (of 7 years) and we found that it was opened no later than February of 2011. 

So if we move forward three and one half years from February 2011, it takes us to September of 2014.  This, of course, is based on the assumption that February, 2011 was the date of the opening of the book of Daniel.  What we need to keep in mind is that this is the outer limit for the mid point event of Hab 3:2 --- and less than six months from now! 

Can we begin to see where we are in the unfurling of the tapestry of time?


It is not difficult to see why the congressional body on Wed 2/5/14 “left the briefing disturbed and angered”.  It would seem that those that have been involved in the rape and pillage of America have been exposed, identified and indicted (see Habakkuk). 

The modern day Cyrus has been commissioned by the Commandant of the Universe to destroy the end time Babylon (Chaldea) and Rev 18 tells us it will only take one hour.  This is not to say the mop-up will be completed in one hour but the battle will be decided in that length of time.  There may not even be the battle that some might imagine.  When ancient Babylon was conquered by the Empire of the ancient Cyrus, there really was no battle.  The city of Babylon was taken in one night with a minimum of blood spilled.   With America, it will not be so.  It appears, from the prophecy of Ezekiel 5, that 100 million will die in the invasion of America by the Medo-Persians and "…an assembly of great nations" (see Jeremiah 50:9).   They will be looting the U.S. to recover the debt owed them.  That looting will include the taking of 100 million prisoners to be sold as slaves worldwide.  This was mentioned in last week's C & O. 

The little nation of Israel, which is a part of the deception of the "whole world", will be destroyed at the same time as America, however it will not be looted (see Isaiah 29).  That wealth will be reserved for the citizens of the new government that will be established there.

You can get a feel for that government in Isaiah 30-35.  The reason I say Israel is a part of the deception of the whole world is because the "Jews" have convinced the world that Israel today is the remnant of the Israel of old and this simply is not true.  Israel today is a creation of the Vatican (as is America) and is ruled by those "…who say they are Jews and are not but do lie".  (Revelation 3:9).  This lie is exposed in a book by Arthur Koestler entitled "The Thirteenth Tribe".

Koestler is one of the many who have tried to expose this myth (some of whom were members of the "counterfeit Jews").  Counterfeit "Jews" are Ashkenazi Jews and comprise some 92% of Jewry.  These are descendents of Ashkenaz and/or Togormah (brothers), and are of the tribe of Japheth.  (See Genesis 10).   

It would seem that the "invasion from space", that I have been telling you about, has already established a command center on our moon.  The leaders of today's governments know its coming and have promoted yet another deception in order to amass armies to fight against this invasion. They have enlisted the aid of all their religious agencies in the promotion of this deception.  If you don't know who those agents are, then perhaps you need to look into Executive Order #13397 signed by Geo W Bush.  It makes every ordained minister in America an agent of the federal government --- while we slept.  Do some still wonder why I say religion is the tool of Satan for the deception of the "…whole world"?  The deception being promoted is that the first invasion from outer space will be the antichrist. 

But is this worldwide deception winding down or is it ramping up? New discoveries of nuclear blasts thousands of years ago in India is showing us in terms indisputable that our governments, religions and historians have lied to us about the history of planet earth.  So Zacharia Sitchin is no longer a lone voice saying, "Our history has been intentionally buried".  Discoveries of "half human" skulls in tombs in southern Peru are perhaps casting new light on "hybrid humans" as alluded to in Genesis 6:4.  These finds are also evidence that our governments and religions are lying to us about earth history.

Additionally, the prophets described, some 2-3000 years ago, the conditions we see on earth today.  They also told what the outcome of this situation is to be.  Are we listening? 

With due respect to "Cyrus", Christianity is not the answer to any of the problems of our world.  It is part of the problem.  It is only one of the many religions used by Satan for deceiving "…the whole world". (See Revelation 12:9).  It is one of the feet of the dream image of king Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2) and Islam is the other. 

How do we handle all this information that is coming at us by way of the internet?  Simple.  We handle it the same way we handled the assassination of JFK!  We think what the media tells us to think and that ends the matter.  Have we been had?  The book of Hosea is written to America as much as to the Israelites of old and in chapter 4, verse 6, it says, "…My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…"

America is already destroyed.  Our creditors have not come yet to claim their collateral but they will as soon as their sycophants have gathered up weapons privately owned.  This process is already in progress and will be accelerated greatly in the coming weeks. 

We have been sold as a nation by our "elected representatives".  And yet, the indictment we see in the book of Habakkuk now has a name list and those planning a world plantation with themselves as the owners are about to feel the wrath of the Commandant of the Universe.   We are about to experience the unthinkable and it will come in an instant, like the falling of a wall built with untermpered mortar (Ezekiel 13:10-15).

We are already into the time of the end and this crash will come at the mid-point of the seven year end time and will introduce the wrath of the Eternal directed against the "rogue nations" of America and Israel.  If you want to see why, read the book of Habakkuk and also chapter 3 of Zephaniah.  Planet earth is about to enter the times of  the unthinkable.  These will be introduced by the biggest military reversal in all of recorded history.  That reversal will be introduced by the granddaddy of all earthquakes (Revelation 6:12).  This will be followed within hours by the tsunami of Jeremiah 51:42 that destroys the cities of the east coast of America.  It will be catastrophe stacked upon catastrophe and will reduce to rubble the two super powers of America and Israel.  It is written!

When is this to happen?  Note well what it says in Isaiah 17:1-4.  "The burden of Damascus.  Behold Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruin our heap."
2  "The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down and none shall make them afraid."

3  "The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts."

4  "And in that day shall come to pass that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean."
How close are we to these events?  In answer to that question, I will simply ask, "How close are we to Damascus becoming a "…ruinous heap"?  In order to bring this into focus, we need to understand the book of Daniel which has now been opened to the understanding of a few.  When we begin to understand that the 11th chapter of Daniel is a condensation of some 2600 years of time into 45 verses, and is laid out chronologically, we can then begin to match up these verses with history and come to a conclusion as to where we are in the unfurling of the tapestry of time.  We can see in verses 42 and 43 that the nations of Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia are to be robbed by the rogue nation described in the book of Habakkuk.  Were we watching as this story unfolded on CNN a few years back?  Are we waiting for our religious gurus to spell this out for us? If so, we will be among those caught unawares when the hammer falls on America. 

America has ceased to be the champion among the nations.  It would seem that we are the most corrupt nation in all history and now the whole world sees and understands this --- with the exception of Americans. 

Who has taken center of stage in holding the line against the degradation of morals.  The following article sent me by Bonnie says it better than I can:

Russian President Vladimir Putin Rebukes U.S. for Abandoning God and Christian Values by Promoting Homosexuality and Homosexual Marriage

January 31, 2014

Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill I has echoed President Vladimir Putin’s view that Western countries are engaging in a “spiritual disarmament” of their people. (Misha Japaridze, Associated Press)

President Vladimir Putin, former KGB Agent of a Once-atheist Nation, Rebukes America, a Once-Christian Nation by Saying that by Forsaking Traditional Christian Values and Putting Same-sex Marriage on the Same Level as Traditional Marriage with a Man, Woman, and Children, the Nation is Forsaking God and Believing in Satan and Will be Led into Degradation and Chaotic Darkness.

At the height of the Cold War, it was common for American conservatives to label the officially atheist Soviet Union a “godless nation.”

More than two decades on, history has come full circle, as the Kremlin and its allies in the Russian Orthodox Church hurl the same allegation at the West.

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a recent keynote speech. “Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”

In his state of the nation address in mid-December, Mr. Putin also portrayed Russia as a staunch defender of “traditional values” against what he depicted as the morally bankrupt West. Social and religious conservatism, the former KGB officer insisted, is the only way to prevent the world from slipping into “chaotic darkness.”

As part of this defense of “Christian values,” Russia has adopted a law banning “homosexual propaganda” and another that makes it a criminal offense to “insult” the religious sensibilities of believers.

The law on religious sensibilities was adopted in the wake of a protest in Moscow’s largest cathedral by a female punk rock group against the Orthodox Church’s support of Mr. Putin. Kremlin-run television said the group’s “demonic” protest was funded by “some Americans.”

Mr. Putin’s views of the West were echoed this month by Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow, the leader of the Orthodox Church, who accused Western countries of engaging in the “spiritual disarmament” of their people.

In particular, Patriarch Kirill criticized laws in several European countries that prevent believers from displaying religious symbols, including crosses on necklaces, at work.

SOURCE: Marc Bennetts
The Washington Times

Ramey comments:  I have shown you, my readers, where this is headed and while we don't yet have the final countdown, time is short.  "One worlders" are becoming very anxious as they see their cover being blown and their window of opportunity closing for bringing to fruition their New World Order.  If we can believe the prophet Daniel, it will not happen! 

They see the destruction of the U.S. as necessary in order to achieve their goal, however, when that takes place, there will be more action on this planet than what they have bargained for   The invasion from space will be here then and will be taking an active part in the destruction required for the complete dismantling of all of the Luciferian governments.  That destruction is going to be widespread and it appears that the population of earth will be reduced by 90%. 

This sounds horrible --- and it is!  This is the price of idolatry!  And a 90% reduction is preferable to the Luciferian plan for reducing earth population by 100%!  Most Luciferians are not aware of this because General Don Diablo does not share all his battle plans with his minions. 


My thanks also to Bill M. for submitting the lead article (last week) taken from Jonathan Gray at beforeus.com.  I am familiar with his work and that website.  A few years ago, I purchased the book "Dead Men's Secrets" from him.  Upon reading it, I was amazed and it is awesome what is disclosed in that book about technology of thousands of years ago!!! When I read the book, I realized that we in this time of history have NEVER  reached the knowledge and technology that the ancients had!!!! 

Jonathan Gray and other archaeologists plus scientists have indeed traveled the world and found evidence on all the continents supporting a far, far, superior technology than we have now.  In all fields those living in
that time frame knew far more than we do now.  And, there was space craft and travel as well as nuclear and atomic apparently as shown in this article submitted.

Now, on the Net, nearly every day there are more and more discoveries of one kind or another - whether it is skeletons of giants or dinosaurs, etc. 

I'm bringing this up so that we all can see that we are in the latter days --- at the end of the age. We are told from scripture, that knowledge would be revealed even more at the end of the age. And, we find that true.  Another proof that we are in the last days of this age!!!

Readers of the C & O's know that the book of Daniel has been opened some three to three and one half years ago. Not only that fact, but that it has almost completely been fulfilled as we are nearly up to Daniel ll:44 and Daniel ends with Daniel 12:13. We see all the signs from even the minor prophets, as well as the major ones, telling us of the last days. If we are watching we know that Revelation 6:8 tells us of all the things which are taking place now - that's the 4th seal. We are facing pandemics/plagues and even the wild animals are becoming prolific. Soon they will be killing.

Famine will be real bad soon in this country, not just far off somewhere  else!!!  Changes in the weather by whatever means will attest to food becoming scarce.  Because all that has been addressed in the C & O's over the past few months/years, we understand that this nation we reside in is NO LONGER any great nation or super-power. And, when you are on the top, there is only one place to go - that's down!!!

We have learned that we are the Babylon of Revelation 18 as well as the image of the Roman Empire which is the 4th beast in Daniel 7. In Revelation 18 it says in three places from verses 10-19, as I recall, that this modern Babylon is gone in a single hour. And, in Hosea 5:7 it alludes to only a month's time period.  And going back to Hosea 5:5 it shows that not only America (Ephraim) goes down but the nation of Israel as well!! There should be no doubt to our fate and that this is the LAST DAYS at the end of this age. People are fooling themselves if they believe we can continue on much longer as a nation or people. We need to be rescued from this modern day Egypt/Babylon just as much and even more so than our ancestors the 12 tribes that came out of Egypt by a strong, mighty hand of Yahweh!!! 

We have become a nation of fools as Solomon said.  We will be destroyed for many reasons. One, is because of IDOLATRY. Number two because Hosea 4:6 says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".  And number three: Solomon also wrote in Psalm 111:10 -  "The FEAR of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" which is also found in several other places. I believe that the people in this nation and perhaps the world DO NOT HAVE A FEAR OF THE LORD (YAHWEH) any more. We must be destroyed in order for Yahweh to have the Kingdom that the Elohim promised us. Satan's governments and everything it entails must be destroyed forever. There is no other solution for the world's inhabitants - those few who will remain.

Yes, technology has been repressed and we have not been told about any of it because of those who control us. They have kept much secret from the populations around the world and it is time for all to be revealed. We can dream the unthinkable. We can dream the impossible dream knowing that on our own we can not make it happen but we have one in the heavens who tells us NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH THE LORD (YAHWEH). So, the "invasion from outer space" will happen soon.  A people will be rescued from this Egypt of today - from this prison we find ourselves in!!!  We  have to move onward in FAITH and OBEDIENCE. Keep on searching the scriptures daily for the truth and learning how to better serve and LOVE our ELOHIM with all of our heart, mind, and soul. WATCH AND PRAY ALWAYS THAT WE MAY BE ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE ALL THINGS AND STAND BEFORE THE SON OF MAN.  Also, "Be ye therefore ready"!!!!

By Bonnie

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