Thursday, September 25, 2014


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Let's take the message for the nation of Israel from the "Living Bible" Tyndale's 7th edition:
Isaiah 29:1-4  "Woe to Jerusalem, the city of David.  Year after year you make your many offerings,
 2  "But I will send heavy judgment upon you and there will be weeping and sorrow.  For Jerusalem shall become as her name 'Ariel' means --- an altar covered with blood. 3  "I will be your enemy.  I will surround Jerusalem and lay siege against it and build forts around it to destroy it. 4  "Your voice will whisper like a ghost from the earth where you lie buried."
Many have wondered at the close ties between America and Israel (before our Muslim prez) and religionists are quick to add that these are Godly ties because we are fellow Israelites.  This is more of the smoke and mirrors we have been raised with.  America does indeed have a sprinkling of Israelites but our rulers are Chaldean as we can see in the little 3 chapter book of Habakkuk.  Both nations are a creation of the Vatican with America being created as the Image of the (Roman) beast which we can see in Revelation 13. 

Israel is made up primarily of those "…who say they are Jews and are not but do lie" (Revelation 2:9).  The story is best told by Arthur Koestler in "The Thirteenth Tribe".  It reveals the Khazarian descent of the Ashkenazi Jews, which comprises some 92% of Jewry today.  The true Jews, (descendents of Judah), are called Sephardic because they spread across the world from Spain.  The Hebrew name for Spain was Sepharad. 

The state of Israel is a Vatican deception and creation with the point man being Cardinal Spellman.  It was coveted by the Vatican as a means to control the Vatican interpretation of the unfurling of prophecy.  The Muslim rebellion has put a bit of a damper on that control but there is still hope that the military arm of the Roman Empire (America), can still bottle that up. 

The destruction of America is best described in the little 3 chapter book of Habakkuk, Isaiah 13, Jeremiah 50-51 and Rev 18.  The book of Habakkuk is describing the end time Chaldea.  Chaldea is another name for Babylon.  It specifically states that this is for the end time.  I challenge you to find another nation in all of history that fits the nation described here other than America.  Chapter 1 describes the character of the nation being discussed.  Chapter 2 gives the indictment of the Creator against this nation and chapter 3 shows it's demise. 

The gory details of that destruction are best given by Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 50-51 gives the line-up of nations that will be involved in the destruction of America and if you are watching the news, you can see that the alliance spoken of is being formed up even as I write.  It helps to know that the Medes are Russian, Elam is Iran and Aram is Syria.  You can find this information in the works of Josephus and Genesis 10. 

In the fifth chapter of Ezekiel, you can begin to get a feel for the casualties in this coming war.  We need to keep in mind that at the time Ezekiel was writing, (about 600 BC), the nation of Israel had already gone into captivity at the hands of the Assyrians and were taken as slaves into Europe and later branched out from there.  But in this captivity, they lost their identity.  The books that restored this identity in the 1800s were taken out of print by those who censor history and half a century later, some of it was restored.  "The Lost Ten Tribes --- Found" by Stephen Collins is one book with a fair degree of accuracy. 

We can also get a clue as to the character of the nations formed by the tribes of Israel in Genesis 49.  Those tribes are nations today and known by the characteristics given in Genesis 49.  

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