Friday, October 3, 2014


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



This is day ten of the ten days of awe and the final day in more ways than one.  We find the beginning of this judgment which is about to fall on planet earth in Daniel 7, beginning in verse 13:  "Next I saw the arrival of a Man --- or so he seemed to be --- brought there on clouds from heaven, he approached the Ancient of Days and was presented to Him."
14  "He was given the ruling power and glory over all the nations of the world, so that all people of every language must obey Him.  His power is eternal --- it will never end.  His government shall never fall."
This is the setting.  This is the changing of the guard where Lucifer (Satan) is replaced as the god of this world.  He is well aware of this coming coronation and this is why we see so much turmoil on earth today because he knows his time is almost up.

As this new king takes the scepter and begins His reign, He has two items topping his agenda.  We can get a sneak preview of these by turning to Revelation (Apocalypse for our Catholic readers) and begin in verse 16:  "The twenty four Elders sitting on their thrones before God threw themselves down in worship, saying,
17  "'We give thanks, Lord God almighty, who is and was, for now you have assumed your great power and have begun to reign. 
18  "'The nations were angry with you, but now it is your turn to be angry with them.  It is time to judge the dead, and #1) reward your servants --- prophets and people alike, all who fear your Name, both great and small --- and #2) to DESTROY THOSE WHO HAVE CAUSED DESTRUCTION UPON THE EARTH.'"
Shall we take a look at how the prophet Isaiah describes America's doom?  Isaiah 13, beginning in verse 2"  "See the flags waving as the enemy attacks.  Shout to them, O Israel, and wave them on as they march against Babylon to destroy the palaces of the rich and mighty.
"I the Lord have set apart these armies for this task;  I have called those rejoicing in their strength to do this work, to satisfy my anger. 
 4  "Hear the tumult on the mountains.  Listen as the armies march!  It is the tumult and shout of many nations.  The Lord of Hosts has brought them here, 
 "From countries far away.  They are His weapons against you O Babylon.  They carry His anger with them and will destroy your whole land."
Whether this does or doesn't happen on this tenth day of awe, Yom Kippur, Atonement Day, is totally irrelevant.  Each year a message akin to this goes out to a select few and on this particular day those select few are afflicting their souls with fasting in order to show their willingness to live by the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Creator who guarantees in writing that any nation that will live by these will have peace and prosperity!  And that promise has been in writing in Leviticus 26 for millennia --- and not one nation has tried it, at any time, to see if the Creator can deliver on His written promise.  There is a sad message there and it is that mankind is incapable of living according to that code of laws as long as Lucifer (Satan) is the god of this world.  That is why the coming coronation ceremony you saw at the beginning of this article. 

In the judgment that is imminent, there is to be death on a scale un-imaginable.  This is the price of idolatry.  It is being engineered by men as "population reduction" through, engineered diseases, chem trails across our skies, poisons in our foodstuffs, genetically modified crops and Roundup.  These money moguls feel they are doing what has to be done for mankind to survive but if they believed the Creator and His messages through His prophets, instead of Lucifer (Satan), they could see that they are to be part of the reduction.  For a preview of who is to die, see Ezekiel 18. 

As the two legs of King Neb's dream image (Islam and Christianity) mount the final battle for world dominion, We need to understand that the biggest military reversal in all of recorded history will be this coming battle.  When Damascus falls --- so does America & Israel

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