Tuesday, March 24, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey




So why is it they don't know these things?  We find the answer to that question in Revelation 12:9.  "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceives the whole world".  Religion --- all religion, is the forum for this deception.

We find in II Thessalonians 2 that those who have no love of truth will be given "...strong delusions by the Creator to believe lies."  Or as the New English Version has it, "...to believe 'The Lie'".  So what is "The Lie"?  Evidently it is a "whopper" concocted by religion in the last days that will be believed by virtually everyone. 

Do we dare speculate as to what this might be?  We know that Christians are waiting for their Jesus to come floating down from a cloud over the Mount of Olives with his right hand raised in the form of a papal blessing and a wand in the other hand which he waves and solves all the world's problems in an instant.  But is this more deception?  When does this happen?  Christians I have known assure me it will be at the end of the tribulation but that Christians will be wafted away to heaven in a "rapture" before that happens.  Again, is this more religious deception? 

In verses 1 and 2 of Daniel 12 we get a clue that the return of the Messiah will precede the tribulation which is also known as the time of "Jacob's Trouble".  Have we the audacity to do our own thinking and question our religious concepts.  Would that be sacrilige? Would it perhaps get us excommunicated?  Would that be really bad?

If we have no love of the truth we will be given strong delusions "...by the Creator to believe lies".  What might some of these lies be?  The Assassination of JFK by "...a lone gunman"?  The Murrah Building bombing by Timothy McVeigh?  The official version of the Waco Massacre?  911?  Ukraine?  MH-370 and MH-17? 

Could one of those lies be that America was founded "...by huddled masses yearning to breathe free"?  Could it be that we have been the victims of the grandest hoax in all of history?  Could it be that America is the creation of the Vatican under the direction of a Jesuit named Americ as so clearly laid out in a book entitled "Rulers of Evil" by the late F Tupper Saussy?  Could it be we were created as the "Image of the (Roman) beast" of Daniel 7 in order to replace the Vatican Navy destroyed by weather and English Sea Dogs in 1588? Was it to replace that navy with a navy capable of policing the world?  (See Revelation 13).  Has that replacement navy been policing the world for the past century?  Are they the iron teeth of the fourth beast of Daniel 7? 

Have we been a nation steeped in idolatry since inception?  Can we understand that Christianity is no nearer to Godliness than Islam?  Both comprise the legs of the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar of Daniel 2.  These began as territorial kingdoms at the demise of Alexander (southern kingdom was Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya and the northern kingdom was Syria at first but absorbed by the Roman Empire making them the kingdom of the north).  These have been transformed into religious kingdoms, both with designs on planetary dominion.  The Jews are another religion that have designs on dominion but they are included in the "Christian Leg" because they have been confederate with the Roman Empire for the past 2000 + years and you can find the covenant in I Maccabees 8.  Some think the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD but that is another masterpiece of deception promulgated by Edward Gibbon in his book "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" published in 1776 as a smoke screen to hide the Vatican involvement in the Creation of America.  A brief look at the article "Byzantine Empire" in any good encyclopedia should convince any reasonably intelligent person that the Roman Empire never fell. It did bequeath "...all the power" to the Vatican (Revelation 13:12) for the administration of the inquisition.  We are now seeing the resumption of the inquisition (see Revelation 6) by the Vatican military arm we know as ISIS. 

But now let's examine "The Lie" that is to be spread at the end time by all of religion.  Really now, is there anything that all religion can agree on?  How about survival of our planet? 

There is a well kept secret coming down the pike that governments are pulling all stops to keep the masses from learning.  Not that this practice is something new because all governments have hoarded knowledge as long as there have been governments because knowledge is power. 

The secret that is being kept from the masses right now is about an incoming celestial body the ancients called Nibiru.  I understand that those in the western media are not even to utter this name on the air.

The existence of this body was discovered by an astrophysicist named Robert Harrington long before it was visible.  He found that planets in our solar system were being drawn off their orbital courses in the same area each time they circled the sun.  As he tracked these orbital perturbances, he found they were becoming more pronounced yearly and this had been going on for a hundred years. 

Through his 300,000 plus calculations, he was able to determine the direction of the force that was altering their orbits.  He knew NASA had some pretty spectacular technology for searching the heavens so he contacted them in the late 1980s to inform them of this incoming body and the direction in the southern sky they could point their radio telescopes in order to get a look at this body. 

Mr Harrington, I understand, came down with cancer and died a short time later.  An observatory was hurriedly constructed at the south pole in the early 90s for the express purpose of studying the interior of the sun.  One would naturally think that if this was really it's intended purpose, they would have located it where the sun could be observed year round.

At any rate, I have to think that those planetary orbits are still being perturbed and that the perturbances are still growing each year. 

This brings to mind a young man many years ago named Galileo who contended that the earth was not the center of our solar system and that he could prove it.  He was threatened with torture and even death unless he recanted this "heresy".  The death threat was made by those who promote ignorance of the masses so they can maintain control.  So the world went on for several more years with the "earth as the center of the solar system".

Another man, who was alive in my lifetime, studied ancient histories, including those of ancient astronomers, and he was the third generation in a line of Russian scholars who had delved into these histories.  His name was Immanuel Velikovsky.  He wrote such scholarly works as "Ramses and Akenaton", "Ages in Chaos", "Worlds in Collision" and "The Sea People".  He published in one of these works ("Worlds in Collision") that the atmosphere of Venus consisted of hydrocarbons.  These books were on the shelves of college libraries in the 1930s. 

But at that time the worldwide conspiracy was coming to full bloom and knowledge began to be destroyed somewhat like in the book burnings of England in the 11th century.  Evolution was the seed planted that was to choke out all past history and replace it with pseudo science and other myths. 

So Velikovsky was ballyhooed right out of the college classrooms and his books were taken off the shelves and replaced with "evolutionary science" and other fairy tales.  But then came the awakening for those with a love of truth.  When we sent the first space probe to Venus, it sent back a shocking revelation:  The atmosphere of Venus is hydrocarbons.

Did anyone publicly acknowledge this "new truth"?  No.  Did anyone offer an apology to Mr Velikovsky?  No.  Did anyone make an effort to correct the error planted in the minds of those attending colleges during that beginning of the "enlightened dark ages"?  No.  Does anybody wonder why we are being dismantled as a nation today and with total destruction foretold by the prophets of old?  Perhaps. 

Any nation that protects fools from themselves is destined to become a nation of fools.

But the governments of this world are about to make a big announce-ment --- that there really is life out there.  That there really are space travelers.  And that some of them are targeting planet earth.  And up to this point what they will be telling you is true, but now comes "The Lie".  It has already been concocted in Russia and came out recently in a news letter from someone who goes by the name of Sorcha Faal.

I have followed this writer for over ten years and found the writings more accurate than all of the western media combined.  However, in this newsletter, which I published in the Commentary that week, the writer contends that Satan (Lucifer) and his demons were expelled from earth at the time of Noah's flood and this incoming space invasion is the return of that band of demons and their leader to reclaim the earth ---  the antichrist if you please. 

This did not happen or at least is not recorded in scripture.  Lucifer was given charge of the earth and was still ruling it at the time Christ walked the earth which was some 2500 years after the flood of Noah.

We can see the account of him confronting Christ in Luke 4.  He showed Christ "...all the kingdoms of the world and said, 'These are mine and I give them to whomever I choose.'"  Christ did not refute his claim. 
So if this invasion is not the antichrist --- then who is it?  This is what I have been trying to show readers of the Commentaries.  It is the Day of the LORD mentioned in Isaiah 13.  It is the takedown of Babylon referred to in Habakkuk and Revelation 18.  Both of the Gods will be here and conduct an exodus out of Babylon before it is destroyed and we can see this in Isaiah 52:10-12.  And yes, it appears it will be accomplished with space craft of the same caliber as the one that took Elijah up and deposited him in another part of the world to keep Jezebel from beheading him for killing 400 of her prophets of Baal.

We know he didn't go to heaven because a king of Israel got a letter from him ten years later. 

"The Lie", that is being prepared by Lucifer's governments of this world, is that this invasion is the antichrist.  Think about it!  How else could they recruit the army to fight against the Elohim at that time?  Revelation 19. 

The little nation of Israel will cease to exist along with several Arab nations.  You can find Israel's demise (plus the demise of her invaders) in Isaiah 29.  In the next five chapters, you can see the restoration of the Jerusalem area with springs and rivers of fresh water and beneath a canopy of fire that will make the iron dome look like stone age. 

Chapter 35 then shows the Israelites who survive the tribulation, coming to the area to inherit a parcel of the land promised Abraham.

Matthew 24:22 tells us that before the minions of Satan, (who rule the world today), mount the war to destroy earth, there will be a "...cutting short of the age."  He is referring to a coronation ceremony, presumably in the Jerusalem area, marking the "...time appointed" of Daniel 11:35.   The Word or Logos of John 1:1 will be crowned as the new ruler of planet earth, (Daniel 7:13-14), by the Ancient of Days and Satan and his demons will be placed in a state of restraint for 1000 years.  (See Revelation 20). 

By the end of Jacob's Trouble, some of the kings of the earth will be sending ambassadors to Jerusalem which is to become the capitol of planet earth and the home of earth's new ruler.  Those ambassadors will come to the annual feasts (statutes of Leviticus 23) to learn how government is to be administered.  (See Zechariah 14).

Then the earth will begin to heal as those engaged in the destruction of the earth are themselves destroyed (see Revelation 11:18).

At this point, I would like to make plain to my readers that I do not consider the scriptures the infallible "Word of God".  Jeremiah 8:8 shows us that the Old Testament has been falsified by the Jews (see a translation other than the KJ which tends to gloss over this verse).  Common sense and critical analysis shows us that the New Testament has been falsified by Catholics. 

Much history has been destroyed or hidden and again because knowledge is power.   Is the earth only 6000 years old or is that more religious deception?  Zecharia Sitchin is upsetting historians, religionists and evolutionists with his translations of the Sumerian records.  Each of these religions promote their own preferred set of myths. Are we becoming better equipped to sort the wheat from the chaff?

This world is in one hell of a mess because we have rejected knowledge.  (See Hosea 4:6).  That is just before being corrected.

Isaiah 24:5-6 expands on this and shows the remedy.  We are nearer that remedy than any of the thousand or so religions dare believe. 

March 23, 2015

Terrified US Aircraft Carrier Flees From Russian Subs To UK Safety

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

The Naval Surface Forces (NSF) of the Ministry of Defense (MoD) are reporting today that three nuclear-powered Akula-class submarines belonging to the 24th Submarine Division of the Northern Fleet (NF) successfully “war-gamed” the American aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt  causing it to “flee in terror” towards the waters off the Hampshire coast in the United Kingdom.

Within hours of the NSF reporting this critical incident, it’s interesting to note, British press sources confirmed that this US Navy behemoth of “100,000 tons of firepower” did indeed dock off Stokes Bay in Gosport stunning the thousands of spectators who jammed roads and lined the banks of the River Solent to see it, but which they, also, described as a port call, though none had been scheduled.

According to this NSF report, the USS Theodore Roosevelt, and its combat escort ships, had been detected on a course towards the operating zone of the Northern Fleet which President Putin had put on full combat alert last week in response to a “State of War” threat detected from the United Kingdom…a threat, the MoD adds to this report, was, likewise, in response to the Federations “Shock of March” battle plan revealed on 4 February.

With NATO forces, literally, lining the entire western border with troops, including the unprecedented US Army’s “Dragon Ride” armored convoy currently winding its way across six European nations, and Norway’s equally unprecedented “Joint Viking” combat war moves against the northern border, this report continues, President Putin himself gave the order to “target and disable” the USS Theodore Roosevelt.

As Russia had warned its citizens last week to prepare for nuclear war, and Moscow’s bomb shelters began to fill in response to the dire first-strike nuclear attack being planned by the US, and nearly all of the Federations military forces being on full combat alert across all 9 time zones, this report further notes, the approach of the USS Theodore Roosevelt towards the Baltic Sea made it a “legitimate” target.

To how this US aircraft carrier was “disabled” by the Northern Fleet’s attack submarines, this report says, was due to the Federations successful implementation of “magrav technology” weapons which had previously been used against American warships, and had “disabled” them too.

In fact, NSF experts in this report state, it was only a few weeks ago that the USS Theodore Roosevelt was “sunk” by a French submarine using “magrav technology” off the coast of Florida during a war game wherein the Americans were testing their countermeasures against this revolutionary new weapon prior to their ships deployment to confront Northern Fleet forces.

The necessity of the US Navy to develop countermeasures against “magrav technology”, this report says, was clearly shown to them last year after Federation air forces completely disabled the feared AEGIS destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea.  So demoralizing was this attack against the USS Donald Cook, when it limped into a Romanian port for repairs, all 27 of its officers put in for reassignment and/or retirement.

Magrav technology”, its import to note, was conceived by the Iranian-born nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe but whose works are banned from public use in the United States under an Executive Order signed by President Obama on 23 April 2012. 

President Obama’s signing of his Executive Order against “magrav technology”, it should be remembered, was due to the Iranian’s using it to down, and then capture one of the United States most secretive and sophisticated drones in December, 2011, and then Iran sharing this new weapon with Syria too. 

Immediately upon President Obama banning “magrav technology” in 2012, it should also be noted, Mehran Keshe replied to the American leader in an open letter by stating:

“Your Excellency President Obama,

We offer you a path towards real world peace through the development of this new technology for the whole human race

I invite you to a direct presentation of our technology to you and your cabinet, to be given on neutral ground where the president of Iran could also be present and where no one betrays anyone else, so that we can all understand the fundamental change that is about to be brought to mankind. Then let us talk about genuine world peace.

As I said in my Sunday interview in Los Angeles, let us convert the military factories of the US to provide resources for a US space organization, so that the tools of war become the craft of universal peace.

The aircraft carriers of the US will become nothing but floating bathtubs if our Magravs technology is used effectively, and the runways full of F16s and 18s and so on will be nothing but runway museums of iron birds, as these craft will not be able to fly if their electronic systems are once touched by Magravs space technology. These crafts and battleships would have to be rewired from A to Z before they could ever operate again.

President Obama, we invite you to understand this change and to let us show you the technology that is bringing it about. Then we invite you to the table of world peace.

Please sign a decree for genuine peace and not a gagging order for science and technology, which your people understand fully what we have developed as they try to protect the pride of your nation.

This is not a question of the pride of one group or country, but pride for all of us in the advancement of the human race to new levels of understanding of the universal order of creation, in which we each have our place.

Your Ambassador and Consul in Belgium have direct access to me from our previous talks and correspondence with them and would pass on any communication.

With kindest regards from a peace loving man who has developed this powerful technology for the good of mankind.”

Sadly, as this NSF concludes, it has cost the Obama the humiliating defeat of two of its most powerful warships since his banning of “magrav technology” in 2012, with the total disablement of the USS Donald Cook last year, the war game “sinking” of the USS Theodore Roosevelt a few weeks ago, and now, today, this same aircraft carrier floating disabled off the UK coast, to realize the truth of Mehran Keshe’s warning him that “the aircraft carriers of the US will become nothing but floating bathtubs”.

And though not stated in this report…one need look no further than it to come to a full and complete understanding of why Obama is furiously attempting to negotiate with Iran, while at the same time trying to keep his military forces from igniting World War III in order to destroy those nations who have begun using “magrav technology” weapons against them….like Russia and Iran…and (of course) the French submarine communications centre that’s already being targeted by US drones.

Other Reports In This Series To Read For Context:  Russian “Shock Of March” Battle Plan Targets Norway, Saudi Arabia, “Cheney Gives The Orders, Not Obama!” US Official Rages At Kremlin, Russia Warns “State Of War” Exists As UK Nukes Prepare First Strike, Obama Meets With Top Russian Spy, Warns He Can’t Stop War, Moscow Bomb Shelters Begin To Fill As Russia Prepares For War, Top US Commander Under Arrest For Refusing To Fire Nukes At Russia, “Prepare For Nuclear War” Russia Warns Citizens As US Tanks Flood Into Europe

Just Hours Away From Nuclear War, America Remains Asleep

March 23, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Ramey comments:

I find this communiqué extremely interesting because it corrects a mistaken concept of mine.  I showed you months ago that the nations that destroy Israel will first neuter the iron dome.  We find this in Isaiah 22:8.  I assumed however, that Russians were the owners of the technology and would trade it to Iran for money, goods or services not yet defined. 

Now we learn that it was invented by an Iranian Nuclear Physicist and, no doubt, for the express purpose of neutering the iron dome.  This puts the feasibility of the destruction of Babylon in a much more credible framework and the time frame could be this week --- or next.

It also answered a question in my mind as to whether the systems damage done to target ships or land facilities was temporary or permanent.  It also answers the question of why our oval office occupant is so intent on negotiating with Iran.

It goes without saying that another "Game Changer" has just entered the world scene. Will more people now take the prophecies of Daniel, Habakkuk, Jeremiah 50-51 Isaiah 13 and Revelation 18:20 more seriously?

Those waiting for the third temple to be built will be taken in by the antichrist myth and, no doubt, give full support to the war effort against the invasion from outer space.  Only now, with the present propaganda machine, can we begin to see how they will be able to amass an army to oppose the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe. 'Tis a sad state of deception we live in.

This next article I offer advisedly as to those capable of doing their own thinking.  I say this because it appears the author is a part of the world's religions as can be noted in the closing paragraphs. However,

I have found, occasionally, nuggets of truth in Luciferian publications.  So I leave it to you, the reader, to sort the wheat from the chaff.  I'm passing it on to you as I received it.


Folks – we may be hours away form a Nuclear War. The Rothschild’s Elites are under orders to get this started by 3 April 2015.

(((Please pray that those who are trying to start this war become so violently sick they can neither talk nor speak for the rest of their lives)))

As you recall – Eight years ago the First Special Forces Senior Enlisted came forward to tell me they were being deployed to kill President Bush on 4 April and Nuke Salt Lake City 6 April and start a Nuclear World War.

This was, of course, all stopped thanks to some courageous US Marshals and one president of a nation that had not finished forming.

For stopping this war the FBI has pulled everything I have owned, and the CIA, US Marshals, Secret Service and FBI have cussed me out and had their play toys (Local Cops) arrest me for 45 minutes.

Now it has been 8 years – and as GOD said: If they do not repay you every dime they stole pressed down and over flowing HE will take away their money – 8 years is GOD’s Time of Completion and time for a New Beginning.

History repeats itself: Kill Obama on the third, nuke 12 US Cities, and declare Nuclear War on every one. I will not name these 12 cities – they are the same over and over again. read my past reports and you will know.

The WAR has begun in Finland between the US and Russia and all the press remains completely silent. Not even Alex Jones, a Lockheed Martin (Skunk Works Production) Employee, is talking about it.

We are now getting unconfirmed reports that there is now a shooting war between the US and Russia and that the Dead American Bodies are mounting. In addition, the US lost 4 jets 48 hour ago in the Northern area of Norway – shot down by Russia.

Further – the US Nuclear Submarines are now deploying as our Nations Nuclear Air Craft are being loaded.

Pray America, pray that those on top surrender rather than die – Hell is forever.

Consider this Elite and Fascist Kleptocratic Government of the US Corporation: What does the underground city complex need with Bankstas, Politicians, and Intel Agents once the surface population is destroyed?

They will kill all Congressman and Intel Agents once you go underground. Your life span is about 48 hours.

Turkey just left Yemen 185 million pounds of weapons for the Muslims in this nation – and so you think they will use it to farm with or kill each other with?

Operation Devolution: Complete underground cities running after the above ground Earth is a waste land.

Consider this: In 1950 Oppenheimer designed a weapon to crack the Earth in half – Over 65 years ago – so the US Build over 145 of them.

Elite of the world: I know where you are going if you destroy the planet – and I know where I am going.

Do you think maybe you need to stand down and do as GOD asked you to do?


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