Sunday, January 15, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


January 11, 2017

Heads Of US Media “Explode” After Trump Targets Vaccines He Believes Causes Autism

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An astonishing Ministry of Healthcare (MoH) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that within 2-hours of their receiving a request yesterday from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. [the son and nephew of the slain American leaders Senator Robert F. Kennedy Sr. and President John F. Kennedy] on behalf of the Trump Transition Team (Great Again) to review Federation medical files and statistics on the child neurodevelopmental disorder known as autism, the “heads/minds” of the elite US mainstream propaganda “fake news” media establishment exploded causing them to unleash against President-elect Donald Trump one of the most vile and false stories ever created against an American leader claiming that Russia had sordid intelligence files on him—and to which Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov responded to by blunting stating: “The Kremlin has no compromising information on Trump. This report does not correspond to reality and is nothing but an absolute fiction.  This is a total bluff, an absolute fabrication, complete nonsense.”  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, the request made to the MoH by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for Federation autism information was based upon his appointment by President-elect Trump to become the Chairman of the Golden Vaccine Safety Task Force, but who is hated and reviled by the US propaganda media establishment after his publishing a manifesto titled MERCURY & VACCINES linking childhood vaccines with autism.

President-elect Trump’s views on the linkage of childhood vaccines to autism have long been known, this report continues, such as when he stated to CNN during a May, 2016 interview:

“Autism has become an epidemic… Because you take a baby in, and I’ve seen it, and I’ve seen it, and I had my children taken care of, over a long period of time, over a two or three year period of time, same exact amount, but you take this little beautiful baby, and you pump – I mean, it looks just like it’s meant for a horse, not for a child, and we’ve had so many instances, people that work for me, just the other day, two-years-old, two-and-a-half-years-old, a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back, and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic. …I’m in favor of vaccines [but] do them over a longer period of time, same amount, but just in little sections. I think you’re going to have – I think you’re going to see a big impact on autism.”

Further to note, this report says, are the many (and growing) rumors that President-elect Trump made his decision to run for president due to his youngest child, Barron, having been diagnosed with autism immediately after receiving a childhood vaccine shot, and that his wife, Melania, has vowed to file lawsuits against anyone making such a claim—but who, nevertheless, will not be moving to the White House in order to keep her child out of the “media bubble” that surrounds all US presidents and their families. 

To how fanatically dishonest the US mainstream propaganda media is in protecting any American from being told about how dangerous these childhood vaccines are and how they cause autism, this report details, is constantly on display—including this past week when the might of these elite propagandists was turned against one of the most respected doctors in the US, Daniel Neides, MD, the Medical Director and Chief Operating Officer of the world renowned Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, for his daring to write an anti-vaccine article—that The Washington Post labeled “a viral screed” and that Dr. Neides was forced to apologize for, and may still be fired from his job.

Where Dr. Neides was shown the full might and power of the US propaganda mainstream media in their protecting of the multi-billion-dollar vaccine industry no matter how many millions of American children get autism, however, this report continues, President-elect Trump’s appointment of the anti-vaccine advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head a new investigation into how autism is caused by childhood vaccines has caused these elites to “lose all sense of normalcy, bordering on the insane. 

And to how actually insane these US mainstream media “fake news” propagandists have become, this report says, was displayed yesterday when nearly immediately after President-elect Trump appointed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head his new vaccine-autism taskforce, these elites began publishing articles and giving cable news interviews alleging that Trump was caught in Russia consorting with prostitutes who he allowed to pee on him—but was, in fact, a totally made up “fan-fiction” story lie created on Reddit.

As to why this “fan-fiction” story lie was created in the first place, this report explains, was due to group of pro-Trump Reddit users being angry with an anti-Trump reporter named Rick Wilson, who during an MSNBC interview referred to Trump supporters as “childless single men who masturbate to anime”.

After creating this “fan-fiction” story lie about Trump and his peeing Russia prostitutes, this report explains, these pro-Trump Reddit users then sent it to Rick Wilson under the cover of “Anonymous”—and in what can only be described as “you can’t make this up” insanity, Wilson then sent this “fake news” story to the anti-Trump former CIA operative Evan McMullin, who then sent it to the George Soros funded US Senator John McCain, who then sent to the CIA, who yesterday leaked it to the leftist website BuzzFeed, and whose article has now been “echo chambered” throughout all the world.  
Want to know more? Click HERE.

This report concludes by agreeing with President-elect Trump on how vile and dishonest the US mainstream “fake news” propaganda media has now become—and who on his Twitter page today raged about this atrocity by saying:

January 11, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]


There is a format for receiving the truth and it is found in Isaiah 28.  It comes to us, "...precept upon precept ... line upon line ... here a little and there a little..."

When I was first shown that America is the image of the (Roman) beast of Daniel 7, I rejected it by telling myself, "Ramey, if that were so, there are lots of men out there who are smarter than you who would have picked up on this long before now".  I tried to dismiss the thought from my mind but it kept coming back with another "precept" or another "line" or a "little" added. 

There was Eli who was the high priest and yet the future was revealed to Samuel who was a mere child at the time.  The high priest had to be taught by a child. 

Years later that same Samuel was instructed of the Lord to go to the house of Jesse and anoint the next king of Israel. Jesse presented his sons but Samuel said, "No --- God has rejected all these --- have you no other son?"  Jesse had to admit he had one more but he was tending the sheep.  He was called and anointed by Samuel as the next king of Israel.  Did his brothers accept this truth? 

Amos was a "...gatherer of wild figs" when he was called to be a prophet.  Elisha was plowing with a yoke of oxen when Elijah informed him he was to be the next prophet in Israel.  Christ only gave two criteria for prophets.  They would not be accepted by their own country or their own family. 

As I pondered these "precepts", "lines" and "little truths", I finally decided to look into this matter a bit deeper.  The closer I looked, the more irrefutable it became that America is indeed the image of the fourth beast of Daniel 7 and the rest of the story can be found in Revelation 13 and a book by F Tupper Saussy entitled "Rulers of Evil".

Since then many things have been revealed to me and I have shared them with you, my readers, in the pages of these Commentaries.  What you do with these is up to you.  We can see in II Thess 2:10 that there is action required on your part.  Being given the truth is not enough to spare us the wrath of the Creator --- we have to "receive it" as well. 

We can always take the "Hillary head in sand" approach and ask, "What difference does it make?"  I believe the "difference that it makes" will become crystal clear when you see on a pre-emption of "Nitely News" that the exodus has departed Babylon.

We are now down to the wire where desperate and degenerate people are doing desperate and degenerate things in order to avoid the gallows.  Nurenburg is returning with a vengeance and this time it will not be a mere eleven people hung by a court comprised of "...those who say they are Jews and are not but do lie".  It appears that the "guests of dubious honor" at this necktie party will consist of more than generals, members of congress, past presidents and other assorted politicians and opportunists, but will consider select members of the press as well. 

It will not happen while America is a nation.  These people have the power and the means to take down our nation --- but it will not save their necks.  The focus of this regime has been to take down America because their global bosses told them to.  Congress has as much blood on their hands as our oval office occupant, and all will be held accountable.  Many will escape to their underground bunkers but we can see in Isaiah 24:21-22, that these become their holding cells until they are brought out for judgment.  Even those who are now trying to switch allegiance and turn state's evidence will also be held accountable for their past deeds.  There will be no executive  immunity and there will be no crooked lawyers to plead their cases. 

Lou Dobbs decided against sacrificing his integrity on the altar of political correctness.  Brian Williams gambled everything on his being able to break the true story of 911.  He lost.  But he was allowed to live provided he kept his mouth shut.  His two co-workers were not so fortunate. 

Now it's "game over" and the rats are scrambling in more directions than you can count.  The Khazarian mafia is being dismantled and I have to wonder if this includes Donald Trump.  The stage is being set for the total destruction of Israel in order to prepare a place for true Israelites to form a nation according to the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Creator thus showing the world what can be accomplished by this at the national level.  This is what Israel was commissioned to do some 3500 years ago when they were brought out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses.  They chose to follow the ways of the world (idolatry) instead. But they are not off the hook --- they still have to introduce the God of Jacob (Israel) to the gentile world.   After being demonstrated in the new and greater Israel, this form of government will be expanded to the world.  This was the message brought by Christ some 2000 years ago --- see Mark 1:14.

Are we beginning to get a handle on just how utterly decadent America is?  There is no "minor adjustment" that can be made to rescue America.  Quite frankly, we have gone beyond the point of "political solutions".  What options are left?   The same that I told readers eight years ago --- complete and total destruction.  It is now on our doorstep and we see it in the desperate acts of desperate people.  

The history of america is almost complete.  The coming writing of the destruction will be a factual account and not the mythical version as is the current jesuit censored account of American history taught in our educational institutions. 

The truth is indeed stranger than fiction.  It died on American soil at the hands of politicians and the media aided and abetted by Hollyweird. 

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