Thursday, March 30, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



We see in Rev 9:16 that there is an army of some two hundred million that become vulture food in a very short space of time.  It appears, from Isaiah 63 that this multitude is scattered from Jabal Al Lawz to Jerusalem and leaves a river of blood as deep as the horses bridles in some places.

These are not the elite bur rather what the elite call "cannon fodder".  These are the armies that defend the "elite".  The "elite" will be in bunkers two miles below the surface of the earth.  These are those who know what is coming but refuse to share it with the rest of mankind. 

So are they safely tucked away in their cocoons deep in the earth?  We shall see.

Who is it that will be in these bunkers?  In Isaiah 24:21-22, we find an interesting bit of scripture, and I use the K/J version because I consider it the most accurate. 

"And it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth." 

22  "And they shall be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited."

My K/J Bible gives a marginal reference for "visited" which renders it as "find wanting". The Hebrew dictionary in Strong's Concordance, however, gives a much broader definition for "visited".  Here is my conclusion for what it's worth. 

I believe a panel of saints will be dispatched to each of these bunkers to judge these misfits in the dungeons they have chosen for themselves.  I believe those dungeons will become their tombs but, as I have said before, and as indicated in Rev 18:6, a mere death is too good for them.  I believe the slaves in those bunkers will be released, the lights turned out and the power plants disabled, the tomb sealed and the "elite" will be left to perish in total darkness akin to what they have promoted for the rest of mankind, in the tombs they have chosen.  Would that be justice fitting for their crimes against humanity? 

Justice is about to overtake this world for the first time in all of recorded history.  The judges of today will find themselves on the other side of the bench and they also will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.  The consequences will not be pretty --- but where would justice be if this phony Jesus took over the earth and raised his hand in a "papal gesture" and said, "All is forgiven"?  Wouldn't that be a total miscarriage of justice?  Where would be the "...double portion", (Rev 18:6) poured to those who have inflicted all this misery on planet earth?  Where would be accountability? 

And accountability there will be.  This is why we see that it will be "... as it was in the days of Noah".  There will not be many spared in today's world.  We see in Isaiah 13 that the wrath of the Eternal is vented against the nation of America which the prophet Habakkuk positively identifies as the end time Babylon. 

Why?  Because of all the injustice in the land.  Torture of prisoners such as those in law enforcement who delight in the torture of prisoners with handcuffs as the instrument of torture.  Banking theft, legislative piracy, pedophilia and the media cover up, abuse in all governmental agencies, etc. 

There will be no appeal to the tribulation.  It will be the end result of the evacuation of America when the war hawks get the war they have lobbied for so long.  If we have eyes to see and ears to hear, then we can see in Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51 who it is that wins that war and parts out America with survivors being sold as slaves throughout the world.  Enter the tribulation.

Those of Israelite heritage will be released after three and one half years to make their way to the new and greater Israel to inherit a parcel of the land promised to Abraham and his descendants --- provided they can commit to living by the laws given Moses by the Eternal.  The world of idolatry sees these laws as barbaric but they aren't. They simply offer the maximum freedom and require corresponding responsibility.

They also preclude the growing of govern-mental crime syndicates such as the federal government. 

We won't have to "vote in" the government of the new and greater Israel.  It will be established despite the screams of lawyers and national rulers.  It will demonstrate that a nation that scraps politics and politicians can prosper beyond belief.  It will demonstrate that crime can be curtailed at the community level without the need for CIA, FBI, DHS, NIS, and all the other assorted alphabet agencies.  It will eliminate those parasites from the face of the earth.

Will this be hailed as the greatest break-through in all of recorded history?  Not at first.  It will be fought tooth and nail by those with agendas.  But it will prevail and the God of Israel will be introduced to the gentile world by the undeniable accomplishments of this new rogue nation that will replace the little counterfeit nation named "Israel" today.  It's coming and it will be in this generation.

You saw it first in the Commentary & Opinion.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


PEDOGATE IN BRUSSELS — Why the de facto capital of the European Union permits such depraved and threatening street art


This is a story that has to be read, and especially viewed, to be believed.

It takes place in Brussels, Belgium, the de facto capital of the European Union (EU), which makes it all the more unbelievable.

For those who are uninitiated in the back story of either Pizzagate or Pedogate, the following 3 articles ought to be read and/or viewed if this commentary is to make any sense whatsoever.

Many of the paintings (photos of) in each of the preceding posts are as shocking as they are without precedent in a public space.  Likewise, the painting portrayals are as horrifying as they are threatening…to someone, somewhere who fully understands the implicit message.

Who did it and who commissioned it?


Of course, the real $64,000 question here is: Exactly who commissioned who to do this unparalleled and sinister street art?

There are only two possible answers to this extremely important question during these times marked by Pizzagate in Washington, D.C. and Pedogate worldwide.

Answer #1:


Because the EU is now experiencing so many threats to its very existence, it could be that the threats are being issued by its Brussels headquarters to all concerned.  In the wake of Brexit and the Trump election, nationalist movements are all the rage across Europe and beyond.  Previous concerns about a Grexit, and now serious talk of Frexit and Nexit, only greatly compound the ultra-serious problem of the EU’s continuity.

Given this worsening predicament, it’s quite likely that the NWO globalist cabal, which fabricated the doomed EU project, is directly responsible for secretly commissioning the outrageous artwork.  Those clandestine Eurozone overlords may be using the highly publicized and gory street art as a way of intimidating the EU leadership.  More specifically, it is the European Commission, Council of the European Union, and European Council, as well as the European Parliament, who might be targeted.  More specifically, it’s the various national representatives in favor of EU dissolution who are the most vulnerable to such a campaign of terror and intimidation.

What better way to send a terrifying missive to all of the national governments and individual reps not to even think about leaving the EU reservation.  Particularly in light of 2017 elections happening in France, and the stolen election that recently took place in the Netherlands, does this appear to be the deliberate plan.  As the members of Parliament go back to their respective countries, they would be obviously compelled to tow the EU line.  Why?

Because either the reps are themselves compromised by Pedogate, which is why the EU Parliament was located in the Pedogate capital of the world—Brussels.  Or, because the violent artwork serves as a stunning reminder of what will happen to anyone who advocates for their nation’s exit via a national referendum.

However, it is Brussels, Belgium that has become the locus of intense pedophobic and pedophilia activity for many decades.  Over the centuries, some of the castles and chateaux surrounding Belgium came to be known as full-time child torture and murder factories.  Now we know why so many children go missing in Brussels every year.

Given the unique role that pedophobia/pedophilia plays as the primary control mechanism of the Global Control Matrix, it should come as no surprise that Brussels was chosen as the de facto capital of the European Union.  How easy it is to lure so many leaders from all over Europe into criminal behavior they had no inclination toward.

The Bottom Line: Any and all attempts to leave the EU reservation will be met with overwhelming force and, for those responsible, conducted on pain of death—a most gruesome death as per the Brussels paintings.

Answer #2


The much less likely scenario is that this building art was strategically placed in each location as a direct threat to prime Pedogate perpetrators, as in higher-ups on the totem pole of the global pedophilia crime syndicate.   In this case, the menacing art may have been put in place to show the perps that they are but a moment away from being outed–BIG time.  Just like the Pizzagate perps were exposed in a way never seen in American history.

This scenario would be similar to the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth when they put up a massive video billboard right across from The New York Times Building.  The same video was replayed day after day which showed Building #7 being taken down by way of a perfectly controlled demolition during the early evening of September 11, 2001. Notwithstanding that the NYT was most definitely in on the cover-up, they again had an excellent vantage point to see firsthand the 9/11 inside job via original video footage.



It’s impossible to say for certain why this major psyop was conducted in the capital of Belgium.  Nonetheless, this CIA-coordinated black operation has served to wake up many to the pervasive malevolence and sheer terror associated with Pedogate, Pizzagate, and it’s many organized offshoots of criminal pederasty, pedophilia and pedophobia.

Now it can be better understood as to why the Internet news realm has been so bombarded with MSM and Alt Media articles today with Pizzagate news.  In the most viral MSM news reports, Infowars’ Alex Jones has uncharacteristically apologized for outing Comet Ping Pong’s James Alefantis—Pizzagate’s first major villain along with John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Chairman.[1]

Now why, pray tell, did that happen on the same day as the first annual Pedogate protest in Washington, D.C. at Lafayette Park?

The MSM very purposefully launched this anti-Pizzagate truth campaign the day before the Washington demonstration today, Saturday, March 25, 2017.[2]  In other words, Alex Jones’s feet were held to the fire (perhaps by Podesta’s lawyers) in order to compel him to retract all of his previous statements about Comet Ping Pong Pizza and its owner James Alefantis.  WOW ! ! !

Not only that, but former Huffington Post writer David Seaman was also mercilessly smeared in a highly unusual piece just posted by The Daily Beast as follows.  Hence, there is currently a very organized and coordinated effort underway by Deep State to forever undermine both Pizzagate and Pedogate truth.  And, they will not stop until they feel the movement has been sufficiently neutralized.

The word needs to really get out about this stealthy plot to take down the worldwide Pedogate truth movement.  The lives and welfare of so many children the world over are now at stake.

March 25, 2017

Editor’s Note

As usual there was some calculated MSM coverage of this Belgium scandal which tried to explain these public painting placements as the result of extremely bad judgment.  It was also intimated that they reflected current ultra-liberal European values where anything goes, anytime.  Of course, in view of the continental disaster area that the Eurozone has been transformed into — socially and politically — these explanations may seem plausible at first glance.  However, only by reading the original news accounts reported by the Belgian press will they be seen as the transparently disingenuous reports that they were.  In this way they provided cover for the Pedogate co-conspirators and their true intentions.

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

Ramey comments:

As we come down to the wire in this age, it becomes increasingly evident that Satan and his minions know this is their death spiral as noted in the above article.  All stops are being pulled as this article shows and this battle is to the death.  Thankfully, it will be theirs. Not that Satan will perish at this time, because he is to be restrained for 1,000 years before being released to gather an army for his final battle before being destroyed forever.  (See Rev 20).

Will the courts of the saints judging the world have a full docket for that 1,000 years?  Is the injunction in Rev 18:6 directed to them?   Pity the poor bastard who lands in their court charged with child trafficking.  It would be better for him/her to have never been born.

Monday, March 27, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


March 24, 2017

CNN Chief Reporter Dana Bash Revealed As Top CIA Spy Targeting Trump

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A fascinating Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the American-based CNN news channel’s chief political correspondent, named Dana Bash, has been revealed to be an intelligence operative for the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) involved in a plot to harm and/or discredit President Donald Trump on orders from top intelligence and political officials within the former Obama regime.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Outed CIA spy, and current chief political reporter for CNN, Dana Bash

According to this report, on 10 January 2017, CNN became the first American major mainstream media organization to report on what is now commonly refereed to as the “Russian Dossier”—and though they did not provide exact details into this wholly discredited smear campaign against then President-elect Trump, and still being used by Democratic Party operatives against him, they did provide links and attributions into where it could be read on the website BuzzFeed.

With legendary Washington Post reporter of Watergate fame, Bob Woodward, calling this “Russian Dossiercomplete “garbage, and former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell (a Hillary Clinton adviser) stating that this dossiers writer, Christopher Steele, had paid his Russian sources and talked to them only through intermediaries, this report continues, its entire credibility was destroyed when its central claim that Russian tech giant Aleksej Gubarev had acted as an intermediary between Trump’s campaign and Russia was proven to be a completely made up lie—and that BuzzFeed was forced (after being sued) to admit to, and who, likewise, were forced to apologize to Gubarev.

Being concerned that Russian intelligence operatives may have been in contact with the “Russian Dossier” author Christopher Steele, this report details, the FSB began an investigation on 11 January 2017 that led to the 27 January 2017 arrest for treason of FSB deputy head of the Centre for Information Security Sergei Mikhailov, his deputy, Dmitry Dokuchaev, and Ruslan Stoyanov, the head of cybercrime investigations at Kaspersky Labs, who were all found to be communicating with the CIA via email and telephonic communications with CNN’s chief political correspondent Dana Bash.

Under interrogation by FSB counter intelligence operatives, this report explains, Sergei Mikhailov confessed to his treasonous crimes against the Federation detailing that Dana Bash was the “cut-out” between him and Bash’s husband Jeremy Bash—who while working for the Obama regime was the Chief of Staff at the US Department of Defense, between 2011-2013, and the CIA between 2009-2011, and is now an MSNBC security analyst. 

As to how this “Russian Dossier” was created to smear and discredit President Trump in the first place, this report notes, Sergei Mikhailov revealed to FSB counter intelligence operatives that it was the “creation” of CBS News President David Rhodes and his brother Ben Rhodes—who aside from being former President Obama’s top aide, and aspiring novelist, stunningly revealed last year (2016) how easily the US mainstream “echo chamber” media was manipulated and stated: “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.

In their knowing how easily these “27-year-old know nothing” reporters could be manipulated, this report continues, the “Rhodes Brothers” creation of this hoax had Dana Bash communicating with Sergei Mikhailov enticing from him “certain details” that she, in turn, related to her CIA operative husband Jeremy Bash—who then relayed to them to Christopher Steele who compiled them into the “Russian Dossier”.

Sergei Mikhailov, along with his treasonous co-conspirators Dmitry Dokuchaev and Ruslan Stoyanov, this report states, further revealed that Dana Bash paid them for the information she received, but with them all adding that they knew these illicit funds were being funneled through CNN by the CIA—specifically by Bash’s husband, the CIA operative Jeremy Bash—and with their adding that they believed that no one could ever believe the lies they were telling as it was an American intelligence operation against their own citizens, not Russian.

With the American mainstream media, however, being controlled by these “echo chamber” spouting “27-year-old know nothing” reporters, this report says, former President Obama was able to insert this “Russian Dossier” into the mainstream of US intelligence reporting—and though instantly discredited as nonsense by all professionals who read it, Obama’s shock signing of an Executive Order just after CNN reported on it allowed this “garbage” to be disseminated to the point where it was easily leaked. 

Though this former Obama regimes and leftist mainstream media attack against President Trump has brought US-Russian relations to their lowest point since the Cold War, this report concludes, an unexpected benefit for the Federation (due to the “Russian hysteria” currently sweeping the United States due to these manufactured lies) is the exposing for all the world to see how actually corrupt, manipulative and fragile this nations entire system of government and press really is—and that today remains the shame of the entire Western world not worthy of calling itself a democracy anymore.   

March 24, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]


The following is a partial listing of articles covered in these Commentaries over the past 8 years with supporting documentation where applicable.

1  From before he was inaugurated, these Commentaries said Obama was put into the oval office by globalists for the destruction of America.  His two terms did nothing to discount that early assessment.

2  The Roman Empire never fell in 476 AD nor at any time since and you can prove this from virtually any encyclopedia --- Article Byzantine Empire.  The jesuit concocted myth of "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" published in 1776 was a smokescreen to cloak the Vatican involvement in the creation of the U.S. 

3  America is, not only the "Image of the (Roman) beast" but also the end time Babylon or Chaldea as shown conclusively by the prophet Habakkuk. 

4   The two legs of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream image (Daniel 2), interpreted by the prophet Daniel, are the Roman Empire and consist of christianity and islam. 

5   America, (as the end time Babylon), is to be the brunt of God's wrath as shown in Isaiah 13.

6   The world banking conglomerate is owned by the Vatican and not the Rothschilds. 

7   The tribulation (Jacob's Trouble), occurs before the visible return of the Messiah.

 8   The true new world order will begin with the final rebuild of Jerusalem after the Khazarian pirates are purged from the counterfeit "Israel". 

9   The Medes and Persians, (Russia and iran), will be the two leading powers in the destruction of America as well as the looting and evacuation. 

10   The destruction of Damascus is the trigger for the destruction of both "Israel" and America.

11   That America will be evacuated leaving not a single inhabitant and will be a nuclear wilderness forever.

12  That the world will survive and will be rebuilt under a different jurisdiction and with different leadership than what we have ever known in all recorded history, (with the exception of the brief reign of Moses).

13   That religion is the forum created by Satan for the deception of the "...whole world".

14   That there will be an exodus from this end time Babylon and it will be escorted by interplanetary top guns --- and the boarding pass for this exodus is found in II Thess 2:10. 

Have you seen any of these truths in the media?  Of course not, because they, like our judicial system, do not deal in truth. Does the alt media have the nerve to brave the wrath of the vatican and print any of this?   I see occasionally, in the alt media, passages taken verbatim from these Commentaries but without acknowledging that these Commentaries exist. 

Some of these things you have already seen confirmed.  Others are on the immediate horizon and all will be obvious shortly.