Friday, March 3, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



The DC pedophiles are still selling children while arrests are being made in several states.  It appears he is working on the low end of the food chain while the "untouchables" continue business as usual. 

It becomes increasingly obvious that the firing of Flynn was a knee jerk reaction that was prompted by the media.  Was Flynn really ready to go after high profile members of congress and the DC socialites?  Could there have been a trail of crumbs that led to Trump himself?  That whole episode smells but I certainly do not recommend a congressional investigation --- primarily because I don't consider congress being capable of an unbiased investigation of anything.  Nor do I consider them capable of appointing an unbiased panel to investigate anything.  In my opinion, congress should be disbanded as a self-serving group of traitors and opportunists, with all benefits and pensions terminated. 

So then we become a nation ruled by a dictator?  Isn't that where we have been for the past 4 or 5 regimes?  If the prez is going to rule by executive orders, who needs the houseful of parasites draining off multiple billions of taxpayer dollars? 

The little counterfeit nation of Israel is soon to be destroyed and the new and greater Israel that will be established will set up the prototype for governments world wide.  It will not be the "Image of the (Roman) beast" that America is but will be established under a monarchy.  A panel of 24 elders will serve in the same function as the U.S. congress.  This nation will, not only exist without taxation, it will thrive as no other nation in all of history.  When you get rid of all the "damn fool 'laws'" contrived by men and cut citizens loose to dream and work out those dreams, there is no limit to what can be achieved.  When you exterminate all those who would put a damper on these dreams, you open the door to national greatness. 

Those opportunists who opposed Tesla's idea of free electrical energy for the masses, should have been hung.  And the U.S. would have thrived.  Those war mongers who endorse perpetual war for profit, should be hung.  All the leftists spawning the riots in our cities and opposing the opening the doors of freedom to Americans should be hung --- whether they be judges, MSM managers/reporters, corporate CEOs or DNC idiots. 

When you stop to think about it, what we have now in America is the predictable result when sovereign communities give up their sovereignty to big government. If crime is handled at the community level, there is no need for all the alphabet bureaus.  There simply isn't.  And these bureaus will not exist in the new Israel. 

But perhaps we are getting the cart before the horse.  First the counterfeit Israel must be destroyed and it will be and we can see a preview of this in Isaiah 29.  It will be the ultimate solution to the Israeli/Palestinian problem of many decades.  It will mean much blood spilled. 

It will amount to another major milestone in the prophetic stream of time.  It will clear the path for the new and greater Israel.  It will introduce the "...strong hand from someplace" alluded to years ago by U.S. News and World Report.  It will be the first time in recorded history when a nation has taken up the Creator on His promises in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28.  It will be the first nation to live by the laws, statutes, precepts and judgments of the Creator.  And it will be set up in this generation. 

I have been showing you this for the past 8 years in the pages of these Commentaries, but you no longer need me to point these things out.  Just look behind the curtain into what the "fake news" will not tell you about Fukushima/Yellowstone/the demonic DNC/the FDC-Monsanto conspiracy/the NATO declaration of war with Russia/the Antarctic connection/the pedogate and pizzagate unspeakable crimes...and the list could go on. 

My time in the saddle is almost over.  I'm rounding out my 81st year in a month.  The world is going to survive but a humongous event is on the threshold even as I write. 

This event is the destruction of America and Israel.   Cabalists feel this will spare them the fate of another Nurenburg trial --- but it won't.  In fact, we see in Revelation 18:6, that many of them will be poured a double portion of the misery they have brought on the world.  For the first time in all of recorded history, this world is about to see justice meted out.  It will not be pretty.  We can get a preview in Isaiah 63, Zech 14 and Rev 19.  And if you want to see the preview of the death of a nation, the Lamentations of Jeremiah will give a candid view. 

The Christ was asked by a wealthy young nobleman, "Good Master, what must i do to be saved?"  The answer was, "Keep the commandments".  In order to justify himself, he answered, "This have I done since my youth."  So Christ said, "Go and sell what you have and give to the poor and come and follow me."  The man went away sorrowing for he was very wealthy. 

Can we break that down and examine what was really said?  Did Christ say, "Give your heart to the LORD and your wallet to the preacher"?  No, of course not.  He said, "Sell what you have and give to the poor..."

In other words, He could see through the religious veneer and got straight to the heart of the man's problem --- the problem was that wealth was his god.  Is this evident anywhere in America today?  Why is America being destroyed?  Because of idolatry.  The only ones that will be included in the exodus from America, (Babylon), will be those who have been given and received the love of truth.  (See ii Thessalonians 2:10). 

In the days we are living in, according to the prophet Amos, "...the prudent shall keep silent in those days for it is an evil time."  Prophets must not be prudent folks because they are not given the option of remaining silent.  They are to, "...lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people their sins". 

There are only two prophets mentioned in the scriptures in this time of the end and we find them in Rev 11.  These are not the ordinary, run of the mill, prophets because these two are not the kind that go to the king with hat in hand and give the message from the LORD.  These two are given some awesome power.  It has to be in order for them to survive the last three and one half years.  Are we seeing them today on TV?  I don't think so.  Do they even know who they are at this time?  I don't think so.  But there will be an international event that will thrust them onto center of stage and I suspect it will be soon.  I firmly believe their ministry will begin when America and Israel are destroyed. 

I believe that one of them will have to take the message of Isaiah 40 to Jerusalem.  I believe both will take a message of hope to Israelite captives during the tribulation.  Both will be slain in the streets of Jerusalem at the end of the tribulation.  Ah yes, prophets have to take their faith to the wire.  We are living in the days just prior to the introduction of these two prophets. 

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