Saturday, May 27, 2017


From the desk of
Bill Ramey


D.C.surgeon who operated on Seth Rich: ‘The DNC staffer was alive and well aftersurgery, before a group of LEOs showed up to the ICU’

DNC staffer's plug pulled in ICU?

05.22.2017 @9:17 AM EDT

WASHINGTON (INTELLIHUB) — A 4-year resident surgeon at Washington Hospital Center claims that Seth Rich was alive and recovering well in facility’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after being treated for a total of 3 routine gunshot wounds — that is until a number of law enforcement officers arrived eight hours later kicking most everyone out of the ICU and physically barring doctors and others from attending to Rich.

The surgeon who witnessed this bizarre behavior decided to come forth with the information despite the fact that he or she may be easy to identify.

Posted on May 17, to 4chan under the anonymous ID: “rhotYJAg,” the surgeon wrote:

4th year surgery resident here who rotated at WHC (Washington Hospital Center) last year, it won’t be hard to identify me but I feel that I shouldn’t stay silent.

Seth Rich was shot twice, with 3 total gunshot wounds (entry and exit, and entry). He was taken to the OR emergently where we performed an exlap and found a small injury to segment 3 of the liver which was packed and several small bowel injuries (pretty common for gunshots to the back exiting the abdomen) which we resected ~12cm of bowel and left him in discontinuity (didn’t hook everything back up) with the intent of performing a washout in the morning. He did not have any major vascular injuries otherwise. I’ve seen dozens of worse cases than this which survived and nothing about his injuries suggested to me that he’d sustained a fatal wound.

In the meantime he was transferred to the ICU and transfused 2 units of blood when his post-surgery crit came back ~20. He was stable and not on any pressors, and it seemed pretty routine. About 8 hours after he arrived we were swarmed by LEOs and pretty much everyone except the attending and a few nurses was kicked out of the ICU (disallowing visiting hours -normally every odd hour, eg 1am, 3am, etc- is not something we do routinely). It was weird as hell. At turnover that morning we were instructed not to round on the VIP that came in last night (that’s exactly what the attending said, and no one except for me and another resident had any idea who he was talking about).

No one here was allowed to see Seth except for my attending when he died. No code was called. I rounded on patients literally next door but was physically blocked from checking in on him. I’ve never seen anything like it before, and while I can’t say 100% that he was allowed to die, I don’t understand why he was treated like that. Take it how you may, /pol/, I’m just one low level doc. Something’s fishy though, that’s for sure.

Via 4chan archive

Was Seth Rich set up by DC Metro Police and left to die or murdered in the hospital as the post claims?

— Intellihub (@intellihubnews) May 22, 2017

H/T: Tabertronic/Twitter

Shepard Ambellas is an opinion journalist, analyst, and the founder and editor-in-chief of Intellihub News & Politics ( Shepard is also known for producing Shade: The Motion Picture (2013) and appearing on Travel Channel’s America Declassified (2013). Shepard is a

Ramey comments:

Can the Seth Rich murder be put on hold again?  And can the DC police implicated in that murder be exonerated?  Or is the swamp alive and well with business as usual? Where are all those "...DNC & RINO heads on a platter" Trump promised during his campaign?  Even Weiner, who, in my opinion should have been hung, got off with a hand slap. 

If you want to see how justice is about to be turned rightside up, continue reading in the next article.  



It will also include a restructuring of the geography of planet earth somewhat akin to the way the earth was restructured at the time of the death of the dinosaurs.  We are now seeing predictions of this very thing among geologic experts who have little or no knowledge of scripture. 

The middle east will remain pretty much intact geographically but will change dramatically politically.  The new and greater Israel will have as it's borders the land promised to Abraham and will include the area between the Euphrates and Nile. 

All the wealth in the little counterfeit nation of Israel will be kept there for the startup of the new and greater Israel at the end of the three and one half years of tribulation.  This wealth will be protected there by the Elohim, (see Isaiah 29-33), against the looting attempts of both Iran (Persia), Syria and NATO. 

This time of tribulation will be a time of trouble such as has never been seen on earth and will never be seen again.  Because of men's mismanagement of the earth, there will be unprecedented food shortages---famines of men's own creation.

Entire nations will cease to exist and the tribes of Israel (America, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, parts of Germany, etc., will become slaves scattered throughout the world.  I know this sounds wild but bear with me.  Folks are now beginning to see that there are no political solutions for the problems of planet earth today created by politicians and that there is to be an "event" in the near future when it all hits the fan and all hell breaks loose.  What does that mean?  That's exactly what I'm trying to show you. 

Israel will be destroyed.  A few of the true Jews who live there and understand the times we are living in will escape to the hills at the final destruction of Damascus and before the missiles from Iran and Syria begin raining down on Israeli cities.  The new technology invented by an Iranian named Keshe, will be applied to neutralize the Israeli iron dome and we can see this in Isaiah 22:8.

America will be destroyed by an earthquake and the tsunami that ensues.  It will then by invaded and looted by "... an assembly of great nations" led by Russia and Iran and you can find the accounts in Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51.  Two thirds of Americans will die in the invasion and evacuation of America and you can get this info in Ezekiel 5.  It's expanded on in other scriptures as well.

In the middle east, it appears that the nations of Turkey and Saudi Arabia will be a part of those that cease to exist and this land will be reapportioned to Israelites who move in to form the new and greater Israel.

But most of these details have already been shown in the pages of these Commentaries.  In the opening header, I said this Commentary is about judgment.  The apostle Paul said in I Corinthians 6:2, "Know you not that the saints shall judge the world?"  We see in Isaiah 24:21-22 that many of the "kings" of this earth are going to escape to the hidey holes they have prepared for themselves at great expense to their constituents.  In the same verses, we see that "... after many days", (some versions have it "... after many years..."), those in these "dungeons" will be "visited" and that visit will be for judgment.  What I shall give you now is my vision of a scene in this episode of judgment by the saints and it very well may take place in one of those D.U.M.B.s.  It is drastically abbreviated but I hope to illustrate the justice that is conspicuously absent in today's courts.

The courtroom is arranged with the judge's bench to the south, facing north, and with the ten commandments posted on the wall behind the judge's seat, written in large print.  To the judge's left is a box with five seats containing five counselors. This is  the area that would normally be the jury box.  Toward the north wall is another roped off area with 24 seats which is where observers would normally be seated.  

These are occupied by flesh and blood humans.  In the middle of the room is a single chair for the defendant.  There is no provision for legal counsel because each one summoned to this court will plead their own case. 

The judge enters the room, all rise and are reseated after the judge is seated.  The judge opens the session with a prayer to the Eternal for inspiration, wisdom and guidance that all might be done in the name of and to the glory of the Eternal. 

He then addresses the defendant: William Jefferson Clinton:  You are charged with every crime known to man, ranging from petty theft to capitol murder, and more despicably, the rape of children.  How do you plead? 

WJC "Guilty your honor --- but I can change.

Judge  "Correction, you could have changed.  That door is now closed". 

The judge looks to his five counselors and each, in turn, nods his approval. 

WJC  "I appeal to the mercy of the court."

Judge  "You are in a court that certainly believes in mercy --- the same mercy that the defendant has shown victims.  It is for this reason that I sentence you to death but not merely death.  I have been instructed by the Most High, (Rev 18:6), that for the worst offenders, I am to pour them a double portion of the misery they have inflicted on their fellow humans.  So if you will please rise and turn around, you can face the group into whose custody I am placing you."

"These 24 people consist of parents who have lost children to the pedophiles --- of whom you are one.  I have every confidence that the sentence will be carried out to the letter." 

WJC  "My punishment is more than i can bear". 

Judge   "Yes it is --- just as was the punishment inflicted on your victims. By now, you should realize this decision is final --- there is no appeal.  And the judges and lawyers who have shielded you in your wanton lifestyle will soon follow you in this court or one similar and share your fate. "

"This case is closed". 

Will this scenario meet with applause from the leftist communists?  The religious right?  Anyone?  I think not.  Why? Because they will see themselves in this courtroom.  And they should --- because it is coming and is as certain as tomorrow morning's sunrise. 

And yes, all of these judges will operate under the jurisdiction of the Most High and the law they will be basing their judgments on (and enforcing), will be the ten commandments.  If you don't have them memorized, you have homework to do.

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