Wednesday, September 4, 2013


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Over the past few months and years we have learned a number of things that fly in the face of what we thought we knew.  We have learned the identity of the Image of the beast of Revelation 13.  We have learned the identity of the end time Babylon that is to be destroyed totally.  We have learned that religion is the tool used by Satan for peddling deception to the whole world.  Are we now ready for a real shocker? 

We have learned in the past that the return of Christ is going to be a monumental event with Him floating down through the air onto the Mt of Olives accompanied by a myriad of angels sounding trumpets.  He will be smiling like a superstar and have his hand raised in a papal type blessing and the whole world will fall in behind Him rejoicing at this blessed event.  Is that really what we expect?  If it is, let's see if we can do a reality adjustment on our perception. 

When Christ returns to earth, will He touch down at Jerusalem first as religionists (and some scriptures) lead us to believe?  Is His triumphant entry into Jerusalem the first of His appearance on planet earth?  Or have we been fed more "mushroom food"? 

By the book of Daniel being opened some 3 years ago, we learned that the time of the end is seven years rather than 3-1/2.  We have learned (or at least we think) that the destruction of Babylon will occur at the mid point of this 7 year end time.  We also feel that at that time, the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe will somehow make Himself known to at least some of the inhabitants of earth.  Habakkuk 3:2

Isaiah 52:10 appears that it will be to all the nations.  Now for the shocker, I want you to drop down to verse 12 of this same chapter in Isaiah and read about the flesh and blood people that are going to be leaving Babylon and look at who is leading and who is bringing up the rear!  Wouldn't you think they would have to be here in order to do that?  If you were amazed to find that we have been duped with the doctrine that the Ancient of Days would not set foot on planet earth for yet another 1000 years, then this revelation should leave you speechless!  Are we within months of an event we thought was years away?  And has the event (or series of events if you will), changed shape and complexion?

We have assumed we would have at least 3-1/2 years prior notice, and with that period called "Jacob's Trouble" or the "Tribulation". But does this new knowledge trump that older erroneous concept?  Notice how it fits hand in glove with Daniel 12:1.  "Precept upon precept … line upon line … here a little and there a little."

I welcome your comments on this or any of the topics discussed in the C & Os.



If there is, who will be included in it?  Will it be those who worship the image of the beast beneath the sign of the phallus?  Will it be all the "good people" from all the churches?  Will they be whisked away to heaven to play a harp and behold the beatific vision forever? 

Is it time for us to reexamine everything we ever learned about religion, politics and history?  Would it surprise us to learn that religionists and politicians have conspired to give us a history as phony as "Columbus discovered America"?  Would it also surprise us to learn that America is the image of the 4th beast of Daniel 7 and that this "Columbus myth" is a part of the dust thrown into the air in order to hide this fact? 

In the 28th chapter of the book of Isaiah, verse 9, the prophet asks a question: "Whom shall He teach knowledge and whom shall he make to understand doctrine?"  Then he answers the question in the same verse:  "Them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts".  In other words, mature people, not children.  In the next verse, he goes on to say how knowledge is taught and understanding is imparted.

10  "For precept must be upon precept … line upon line … here a little and there a little…"   The last part of verse 13 shows us why it is presented this way.  "… that they might go and fall backward and be broken and snared and taken."   Romans 11:7 adds some perspective to this.

Is this happening?  Do we live in a world where knowledge is held as something sacred and distributed among the people or have our rulers hoarded knowledge because "knowledge is power"? 

Is there really a God Being and if so, what is His name?  Where is He?   Does He have form and shape.  Is He truly one as the Jews would have us believe and if so, who was He talking to when He said, "Let us make man in our image".   Is He really everywhere all at the same time?  If not, how does He travel?  Evidently Ezekiel saw this God Being traveling in a strange contraption.  (See Ezekiel 1 and 10).

Evidently Enoch and Elijah took a ride in one of these chariots of the Gods.  Have we considered this and pondered why religionists still feel that God is magic and "thinks Himself" from place to place?

You see our religious precepts work only if we can accept those that say the man in the red suit comes down the chimney one night a year bearing gifts and the easter bunny lays colored eggs.  It would seem that we have become mushrooms from being kept in the dark and fed horse manure. 

We have a book bequeathed to us by the Jews, who are masters of deception, and the first five books of that book are called the Torah.  I saw on a talk show, many years ago, four Jewish Rabbis being interviewed and one of them said something that struck me as very odd.  He said, "I have never read the Torah and I don't know of any Rabbi who has."  If they haven't read it, is it because they consider it a collection of Jewish fairy tales? 

A friend called my attention to something written by one of the major prophets, which I also thought was very odd.  In the 8th chapter of the book of Jeremiah, written 6th century BC, verse 8 says in the New English Version, "How can you say, 'We are wise, we have the law of the LORD', when scribes with their lying pens have falsified it?"  Was the Bible bequeathed to us by the Jews "falsified" before we got it?

Some 500-600 years later, these masters of deceit combined forces with yet another group that were also masters of deceit and we can see the document declaring this unholy union in I Maccabees 8.  It was a delegation of Jews sent to Rome by Judas Maccabee to conclude a "Treaty of friendship" with the Romans.  The Romans accepted their proposal and the Roman answer shows quite plainly that they considered the covenant to be forever.   And it appears to have been at that juncture in history when the "…deception of the whole world" began.  This is alluded to in Revelation 12:9.

What does the deception of the whole world include?  These commentaries have been exposing those deceptions for several years with perhaps the chief deception being religion, so I shall not digress at this time to list them.  We need to understand that religion is a tool of Satan and is about money and power (control). 

Many people worship the Bible as the pure and unadulterated word of God.  They contend that as such, it is free of errors.  Is this somehow akin to Catholic belief of papal infallibility when speaking ex-Cathedra?  If the Bible is error free, how then do they account for the above referenced verse in the book of Jeremiah?  They don't.  They simply ignore it along with many other verses.  When we do our own research and get right down to where the rubber meets the road, we have to conclude that all our religious knowledge comes to us filtered through the Jews and Catholics; most of it after they became a confederacy.  The religion of Islam is a relative newcomer in the field of religion and came about as a backlash to the excesses witnessed in Christianity (Catholicism).  They are as guilty as Christianity of keeping their adherents in the dark and fed myths.  Does this mean we should abandon everything we have ever learned?  Not necessarily, but we should learn to "…rightly divide truth" as Paul instructed Timothy.

Since most of us are a product of an American education, we fail to see how this confederacy connects to reality today because we have been spoon fed the myth that the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD and therefore the confederacy is null and void.  The myth that the Roman Empire fell was not promoted until the year that America became a nation and it was promoted then to hide the fact that America was (and is) a creation of the Vatican.  We find this event prophesied some 1700 years before it happened and we find the account in the book of Revelation, chapter 13.  America is the "Image of the Beast" mentioned in verse 14 and we can get the details of this creation in a book by F Tupper Saussy entitled "Rulers of Evil". 

So, is the Vatican the Roman Empire?  Not exactly, however, it was bequeathed "…all the power", of the Roman Empire, presumably for administering the inquisition (see Rev 13:12).  But the "…time appointed" (Daniel 11:35) was not yet, so they suffered a set back and this was the demise of the Vatican Navy, the "Invincible Armada."  

Now a nation had to be built in order to build a navy that could wrest control of the seas from England and go on to police the world.  Do we see that navy plying the seas today? 

And yet that nation, built under Babylonian (Chaldean) rulership and jurisdiction, is to be destroyed in the "end times" and we can see this in Revelation 18:2 and in Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51. 

As we have learned from the opening, some three years ago, of the book of Daniel, the "end time" is not merely three and one half years but rather seven, or so it would seem.  In the book of Habakkuk, we see that it appears that the Sovereign of the universe will reveal Himself ("…make Himself known") halfway through this seven years (chapter 3, verse 2).  Is this the time of Daniel 12:1 and does this deliverance amount to the equivalent of a "rapture"? 

We also see in Daniel 12:1 that it appears "Jacob's Trouble" is also beginning at the mid point of this seven years.  That is the demise of America and we get a clue as to this in the previous two verses.  We get the details in Jeremiah 50 & 51, Isaiah 17, Ezek 30-32.  We are rapidly coming up on those days and we can see this in daily newscasts as we prepare for intervention in Syria.  And it's no longer just preparation; we already have boots on the ground in Syria as of mid August of this (2013) year.  By lining up the prophetic dominoes, it would seem that our demise will hold until sometime around the year end.  More details will be available as we approach that date.

We can see the prophecies of Jeremiah 50 and 51 unfurling as we see the wildfires in the west reaching into the cities.  We see it in the floods inundating the central portion (breadbasket) of the U.S.  We see it in the destroying winds of Katrina, Sandy and Joplin.  And, yes, this all may be HAARP produced but we need to keep in mind that the destruction of ancient Israel was by men, appointed as the "rod of God" for the correction of the nation of Israel.   Judah, also, was corrected by men and this time it was Babylon.  America is coming down and it would seem that our days are numbered now in months.  Our chief's dream of kingship of the world will soon be dashed and it appears that he hasn't a clue as to what's coming. 

We need to understand that our government has access to information we are not privy to, but, we have access to information that they are not privy to.  We can see why in Dan 12:10. 

So as we approach the end of 2013, we need to be ever watchful to world conditions.  We need to be especially watchful to events in Syria and in Jerusalem.  I do not expect a 3rd temple to be built on the site of Solomon's Temple in this age.  I fully believe the abomination of desolation will be set up in the Mosque on that site (if indeed we have a true perspective on the "abomination).  I also believe it will be set approximately 4 weeks before America's demise.  America will not have the power to change this event.  It appears that the cutting off of the sacrifices and the setting up of the abomination will occur on the same day. And this starts the 1290 day clock ticking.




Nuclear power was such a tempting plum half a century ago and was chased by such sums of U.S. dollars that it blinded Congressmen, Presidents, Prime Ministers and virtually all in positions to be courted and bribed, to the inherent dangers of nuclear power used for peaceful purposes.  Now, 50+ years later we see Pandora's box opened and are only beginning to see the smoke of the boiling nuclear inferno about to be unleashed on Planet Earth.  The following article gives us a preview of what is headed our way.

BREAKING : Tepco Press Conference: The situation at Fukushima is bleak — “This discharge is beyond our control”
August 6th, 2013

Two and a half years may have passed since the Fukushima nuclear disaster, but problems there are as serious now as they’ve ever been [...]

*Just In* Tepco Press Conference: The situation at Fukushima is bleak — “This discharge is beyond our control” 

Two and a half years may have passed since the Fukushima nuclear disaster, but problems there are as serious now as they’ve ever been [...]

The head of the country’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority task force Shinji Kinjo told Reuters on Monday that the leak was an emergency, but he was worried the plant’s operator, TEPCO, had no sense of how to deal with it. [...]

In a recent news conference, TEPCO General manager Masayuki Ono said the situation was bleak.

“We understand that this discharge is beyond our control and we do not think the current situation is good.” [...]

Watch: Japan Officials Issue Fukushima Radioactivity Alert — “The radioactive discharge is out of control” — Contamination seeping into ocean is an emergency (VIDEO)

Watchdog Issues Fresh Fukushima Radioactivity Alert

[...] Japan’s nuclear watchdog said on Monday that radioactive water is seeping into the ocean creating an emergency Tepco is struggling to contain. The contaminated groundwater has breached an underground barrier and is rising towards the surface, says the nuclear regulator. [...]

Masashi Goto, a retired nuclear engineer who worked on several Tepco plants [...] says the current situation is more than Tepco can handle. [...]

Tepco now admits that tainted water is reaching the sea, saying on Friday the radioactive discharge is out of control.

BBC: Flow of radioactive water into Pacific could ‘accelerate rapidly’ now that barrier is breached at Fukushima plant — Tepco clearly in ‘deep trouble’

BBC News, August 5, 2013: [...] A barrier built to contain the water has already been breached, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority warned. This means the amount of contaminated water seeping into the Pacific Ocean could accelerate rapidly, it said. [...] It has been clear for months now that the operators of the Fukushima plant are in deep trouble, says the BBC’s Rupert Wingfield-Hayes. [...]

Radio New Zealand, August 5, 2013: [...] The Nuclear Regulatory Authority said on Monday that a barrier built to contain the water has already been breached. It said this means the amount of contaminated water seeping into the Pacific Ocean could accelerate rapidly. [...]


Do we dare look at this situation in the light of Biblical prophecy?  Or would that constitute a "hate crime"?  Let's do it anyway.

Since the opening of the book of Daniel some 3 years ago, it sheds considerable light on other books of the Bible.  One of these is the book of Revelation and we see in the 18th chapter that a powerful trading nation called Babylon is to be destroyed at the "time of the end".  Verse 8 shows us that this nation's destruction is not to be ramped up through 10 plagues, as was that of ancient Egypt, but that "Babylon's" plagues "…will come in one day".

If we have even a rudimentary knowledge of scripture and history, we know that Babylon was a nation many years ago, so just who is this "Babylon" spoken of in Revelation 18?  For a more detailed account of her destruction, and to see who the perpetrators of her destruction will be, we must look to one of the major prophets named Jeremiah.  We can see the setting in Jeremiah 49:39.  "It shall come to pass in the latter days…"  This is the setting for the next two chapters. 

Do we have any clues as to who this Babylon is?   

Clue #1 we find in verse 3 of chapter 50.  "For out of the north there comes up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate and none shall dwell therein:  they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast."  Who is north of America across the pole? 

Clue #2.  Verse 9 of chapter 50 says, "For lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country…"

Clue #3:  Verse 32 says, "…I will kindle a fire in his cities…"

Clue #4.  Chapter 51, verse 1 says, "…I will raise up against Babylon and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, a destroying wind."

Clue # 5.  51:13:  "O you that dwell upon many waters, abundant in treasures, your end is come…"

Clue #6.  51:28:  "Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes…"

Has anyone looked at the line-up for WW III to see who the players are?  Who are the Medes?  Josephus tells us the Medes were the descendents of Madai who was a son of Japheth, brother of Magog and Meshech, and migrated into the northern regions we call Russia today.  The Medes allied themselves with the nation of Persia some 2500 years ago to take down the world ruling power of Babylon.  We see them in alliance with Persia (Iran) again today and thumbing their noses at the "…daughter of Babylon". 

The daughter of Babylon, in support of world bankers and oil moguls, is moving personnel into Syria, at this time, according to Russian news reports (which for the past decade have proved more credible than U.S. media), to topple the government of Assad.  Russia and China have already stated in no uncertain terms, that this will not be another Libya … even if it means nuclear war!  They see themselves being increasingly isolated as the Christian world tries to implement the New World Order and it would seem they are drawing their own line in the sand.

If we are watchers of prophecy, then we know this war is coming and soon. The timing appears to be around year end.  The moves going on right now make it look as if that would be a stretch but we shall be watching closely.   By now we should be aware that the "trigger mechanism" that takes out America is when Damascus becomes a "smoking ruing."  (Isaiah 17:1-3).

As I have said repeatedly, "200 million Americans are about to die.

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