Friday, January 23, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey





To Conspiracy Theorists (informed minority), this appears obvious.  To the "sheeple", it's a total mystery.  "It can't be happening because we haven't seen it on CNN". 

But it would seem the time has come for those who call themselves the elite, to do something or get off the pot.  Now comes the big gamble where they bet all their winnings for the past several centuries, on the new world order envisioned by men under the tutelage of Satan, coming to fruition.  And it isn't going to happen!

Even with the Satanic media trumpeting that it is already a fait accompli, it isn't going to happen.  The religions this world has been shackled to for millennia are about to be dissolved/abolished/ destroyed forever.  The governments this world has been under the heel of for millennia are about to be dissolved/abolished/destroyed forever --- and it will begin with America and Israel as I have shown you repeatedly in these Commentaries.  The reason it isn't easy to comprehend is because we have been raised on myths for our entire lives.  Those have reached a crescendo in this administration. 

You don't have to be a prophecy buff to see these things --- look at all the tankers and cargo ships anchored off Singapore.  Look at all the square miles of brand new American made vehicles stored as closely as they can pack them in various places around the world.  Look behind the curtain of the media myths at the American economy.  Look at the nations stampeding for the exits from the dollar.  Are we totally oblivious to these things? 

I know that Chicken Little is even ridiculed today for saying, "The sky is falling" --- but perhaps we need to look around us.  We are living in a world for which there are no political solutions for the problems we are encountering.  Are we at the point General Douglas MacArthur alluded to in his final address to the U.S. Congress when he finalized with, "... unless we find an alternative to war, our Armageddon will be at our door"?

These Commentaries have been dedicated to showing you that our Armageddon is at our door.  Does this mean the world is about to end?  No!  But it does mean this 2000 year age is about to end and a new one begin.  This is the new dimension and it is going to be devastating to those involved in idolatry, governmental corruption, and/or military.  It appears that 90% of the earth population is about to perish.  That is 18 Americas!   This is the bad news and I have the honor of announcing it to the world.  And you don't need a PhD in political science to see it coming.  All you need is to look at the ramping up for WW III by the U.S. and Russia.    The world is at a crossroads and it is again going to be decided in the "...crucible of war".  

This is the last one of a series of three (world wars) determined by the Masonic Order, in order to deliver up the world to their god Lucifer.  And again I say, "It will not happen".  No doubt, some wonder how I can say this with absolute conviction and it is by authority of the Supreme Sovereign of the universe according to the messages handed down through His prophets.  The Luciferians --- in charge of this world's religions, secret societies and governments , (Luke 4) --- will be exterminated without mercy according to the lack of mercy they have shown in their attempt to gain total sovereignty.

They will be included in the 90% population reduction.  It is written.


Are we really in the final seven years of the present age?  And if we are, what happens when it ends?  Will it be the protestant vision of hell fire and brimstone with the earth incinerated?  Do any of the protestants read Matthew 5:5 which quotes Christ as saying, "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth".  Are the meek to inherit an incinerated relic?  Or are our religions those spoken of in Jeremiah 16:19, which says, "Our fathers have inherited lies"?

Are we capable of "...rightfully dividing truth?"  (II Timothy 2:15).  Are we capable of doing our own thinking?  Or do we leave that to the religious gurus who are feathering their own nests?  (See Isaiah 56:10-12).  Can we come to understand that the world we live in has fallen under the deception of Satan the devil?  (See Revelation 12:9).

Can we come to the realization that we are living in the days when his kingdom is about to be terminated? 

Are we noticing the weather changes?  Are we seeing the increase in earthquakes and volcano eruptions?  Are we seeing a world on the brink of WW III and this time with the capacity to destroy the planet?  Is this merely politics as usual or have we reached the time spoken of by the prophets? 

So who were the "prophets" and what did they know about the times we live in?  That is a fair question and I would invite you to read just one of them.  This is the prophet Habakkuk.  It's only a three chapter book in the Old Testament but it speaks of the "end time" and a nation called Chaldea (Babylon) that will be running roughshod over the other nations of the world.  I ask you to look seriously at this nation and ask yourself if there is another nation in the world, other than America, that even comes close to fitting this description.  We, (America), are this Babylon

Next, I would ask you to look at the 11th chapter of the book of Daniel and try to envision this as a chapter which encapsulates the history of the world from Daniel's day to the present in just 45 verses.  It is laid out chronologically and covers the time from the creation of the kings of the north and south until the time of the demise of the king of the north.  (Verse 45). 

Now I would like you to pay particular attention to verses 42-43.  In them we see the robbery of Egypt and Libya.  Did we watch this unfold on CNN in early 2011?  If we did, then we are now waiting for the other "shoe to fall" as in verse 44 and verse 45. 

If the matter ended there we could write this off as "Ramey interpretation --- but it doesn't.  We have seen the opening of the fourth seal of Revelation 6 in the creation of the Ebola pandemic in West Africa

We need to understand that the seals of Revelation 6 amount to seven and they began at the time John was allegedly writing this prophecy about 90 AD.  The first one was the first of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse and this was the white horse of religious deception which had already begun at that time.  The second was the red horse of war and it also was in full swing as John was writing.  Then came the black horse of famine followed by the pale horse of pestilence and it would seem we have seen these two released from their chutes and now running at a full gallop.  These are incorporated into the GMO foods and the Ebola (among others) pandemic which reared it's ugly head first in Africa

Ah, but it didn't stop there.  Now we see the fifth seal opened which is the martyrdom of the saints and this has begun with a vengeance with the massacres of Christians in the middle east.  Christians are not necessarily saints and I realize that but this massacre includes the leftovers of the Parthian Empire (Israelites) which still observe the laws of the Eternal. 

So what does this mean in terms we can understand?  Since the fifth seal is open, it would seem we are poised for the opening of #6.  This is the "biggy".  This one introduces chapter 13 of Isaiah which is the destruction of the end time Babylon.  We can get the gory details of this destruction in Jeremiah chapters 50-51.  This, my friends, is America!  This also introduces verses 44-45 of Daniel 11.

We can bury our heads in the sands of mythology and pretend this isn't happening but it is about to explode on the scene like a meteor streaking in from the blackness of space. 

The speed of earth travel around the sun is approximately 66,600 mph so if a meteor simply floated across our orbital path at virtually 0 mph speed, this is the velocity at which we would approach it. 

The speed at which celestial bodies travel is incomprehensible to us because we don't have reference points for speeds 20 times the speed of a rifle bullet.  For this reason also, we have no comprehension of the speed at which things will happen when the sixth seal is opened (Revelation 6:12). 

The world is about to change directions.  Those ruling the earth thru force and corruption are nearing the end of their reign.  Yes, they have prepared for themselves hidey-holes at the expense of their constituents but those hidey-holes will become their holding cells and we can see this in Isaiah 24:21-22.  They will come out of those holes much less arrogant than they went in. 

The Eternal says He will split the earth open and turn it upside down.  Are we listening?  Is this literal?  Can you imagine waking up with a sunrise in the west?  This is talking about major, major, changes.  Can we condition our mind to accept changes of this magnitude?  This is what I was talking about in the last issue when I said I am trying to prepare you for a new dimension.  Business as usual is going to end abruptly and the culture shock will be devastating.  Many will die of heart attacks, plagues and disasters.  But the earth will survive under a different jurisdiction and will be rebuilt into a paradise.

The difference will be those in charge.  Satan and his minions will be deposed for 1000 years.  At that time, they will be released again for a short time and allowed to amass a following of those who choose to go back to the "good ole days" of deception and political chicanery.

You can get the story in Revelation 20.

It is my understanding that those who choose to follow Satan at that time will be erased from the pages of history forever. 


For 6,000 years the efforts of mankind have failed miserably in trying to find a government that works.  It seems they all turn to piracy and the armies of the king's friends just get bigger with each succeeding ruler.  Ultimately the rulers' constituents become their enemies, revolution follows and we repeat the process again.  The world had hopes that America was different.   Obviously, those hopes didn't pan out. 

For centuries, our leaders have kept their greed, piracy and empirical aspirations cloaked in respectable appearing garb and they have done this through deception.  And Americans are so gullible, this was really not even a challenge.  The warnings of our founding fathers were buried with them. 

I said I would not load these Commentaries with scripture references but I must make an exception to that self imposed rule if I am going to give you a guided tour of what is happening in the world we live in and what is about to happen.  We won't get it from the media.  But you also won't get it from scripture by reading only one prophetic book.  The Bible is a written battle plan for the conquest of planet earth and therefore not to be understood by the masses.  It has also been tampered with by Jews and Catholics in a confederacy that dates back over 2,000 years.  I am well aware that Catholics have not existed for 2,000 years but this pact with the Jews was made with their predecessor the Roman Empire and bequeathed to the Catholic Sect, (along with "... all the power" of the Roman Empire).as foretold in Revelation 13:12.  The text of the covenant can be found in I Maccabees 8. 

And since the scriptures have been tampered with (see Jeremiah 8:8) we need to be like the student Timothy who was commended by the apostle Paul for "...rightly dividing truth." 

So is there a place in the scriptures where we can go to locate ourselves in the stream of time today?  There are two places really, but it takes a mountain of study to prove them out and see that they are on target.  One is the 11th chapter of Daniel which is a chronological whirlwind tour of history (before it happened) dating from the Medo-Persian Empire to the Messiah's return.  In it we see the warring of the king of the south and the king of the north right on down to our time today.  Now we must try to identify these two kingdoms and the key is in Daniel 2 in the dream image of King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon

The other place is Revelation 6.  We see it introduced with the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The first is the white horse of deception which was already riding at a full gallop when the apostle John wrote this.  The second is the red horse of war and it too was into it's ride at the time John was writing.  What we need to note is that these are both riding at the same time and have continued their ride right on down to the present time.  Next comes the black horse of famine and it would seem that this (worldwide) famine began in Ethiopia in 1975 right on schedule as predicted by William and Paul Paddock in their book "Famine 1975" published in 1955.  Next comes the fourth horse (the pale horse or green horse as some translations have it).  This is pestilence and we have seen it rear it's ugly head in Africa as did the black horse.   This was the Ebola pandemic.  We could perhaps wave this off as coincidental except for the fact that the fifth seal (the first four seals are the four horsemen) has been opened as well.  This is the martyrdom of the saints being perpetrated in the mideast on the remnants of the tribes of Israel (Parthia) located in Iraq since the time of the famine in Elijah's day.  This is being carried out by "BO's army" known as ISIS --- created, armed and financed by the oval office.  The Muslim was put into the oval office by the Creator (see Daniel 4:17) for the express purpose of the destruction of the U.S. 

The U.S. is the end time Babylon and we see the positive identification in the little book of Habakkuk. No other nation even comes close.

Do we have any clues as to the end of this Babylon?  We have more than clues --- we have specifics.  Isaiah 13 gives us a thumbnail sketch and we see it beginning in verse 1:  Living Bible.  "This is the vision God showed Isaiah (son of Amoz) concerning Babylon's doom.
2  "See the flags waving as their enemy attacks.  Shout to them, O Israel, and wave them on as they march against Babylon to destroy the palaces of the rich and mighty.
"I, the LORD, have set apart these armies for this task; I have called those rejoicing in their strength to do this work, to satisfy my anger."
Is the Creator angry with America?  What do you think?  If you have difficulty with this, perhaps you should read Habakkuk again.  Chapter one identifies us; chapter two is the Creator's indictment against us and chapter three is our demise and the reason is for idolatry.  Revelation 18 says the battle will be decided in one hour. 

Did you notice in verse 2 that Israel is present in this land that is being invaded and they are instructed to wave the armies on to their task of destroying Babylon.  What is Israel doing there? One of the tribes of Israel was in ancient Babylon when it was conquered by the Medo-Persians.  This was the tribe of Judah (Jews) that had been brought to Babylon as slaves by Nebuchadnezzar.  The first captives were brought to Babylon around 605 BC and the final wave in 586 BC when Jerusalem was sacked and the first temple destroyed. 

And again today we have many Israelites (including some Jews and many who "...say they are Jews and are not but do lie.")   (Rev 2:9/3:9).

Do we have advance knowledge of when this destruction is to happen?  Indeed we do!  Isaiah 17:1-4 --- quoting from Tyndale's Living Bible, 7th printing.  "This is God's message to Damascus, capital of Syria. 'Look, Damascus is gone!  It is no longer a city --- it has become a heap of ruins. 
2  "'The cities of Aroer are deserted.  Sheep pasture there, lying quiet and unafraid, with no one to chase them away. 
3  "'The strength of Israel and the power of Damascus will end, and the remnant of Syria shall be destroyedFor Israel's glory departed, so theirs, too, will disappear, declares the LORD of Hosts. 
4  "'Yes, the glory of Israel will be very dim when poverty stalks the land.'"
This is not talking about the little nation we know as Israel today but this is the Israel which is intermingled with Babylon.  The fate of the nation we call Israel is covered in Isaiah 29.

In order to view this in proper perspective, we need to be familiar with the gospels of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21.  We can begin to see who the kingdoms of this world belong to in Luke 4.  But this is about to change.  We can see the jurisdictional change in Daniel 7:13-14.  At that time the "...god of this world" (II Corinthians 4:4) will be replaced and the new age will officially begin.  The jurisdictional umbilical cord to those in the hidey-holes will be cut and their underground sanctuaries will become their holding cells until they are brought out for judgment for crimes against humanity.  (See Isaiah 24:21-22). 

The world is rapidly approaching a crossroads and it appears it will be an event noted as "The Crossing" by ancient astronomers some 3,500 years ago.   This is the planet Nibiru again passing through our solar system.  It appears it will be again softening up the most powerful nation in the world for the kill.  Our rulers already are aware of this and are hoping to isolate themselves from the wrath of the Creator in hidey-holes two miles underground. 

But the time is now!  We are standing at the crossroads of the age-end and it appears quite likely to be this (2015) year.  Will it be hailed by the media as the biggest breakthrough of all time?  Hardly.  It seems that the media will label this as the invasion by the antichrist. 

Will this media cover the destruction of Israel as depicted in Isaiah 29?  Shall we read it in the Living Bible quoted above?  Verse 1:  "Woe to Jerusalem, the city of David.  Year after year you make your many offerings,
2  "But I will send heavy judgment upon you and there will be weeping and sorrow.  For Jerusalem shall become as her name 'Ariel' means --- an altar covered with blood. 
"I will be your enemy, I will surround Jerusalem and lay siege against it, and build forts around it to destroy it." 
This is the fate of Israel.  But if we continue in verse 5, we see:  "But suddenly your ruthless enemies will be driven away like chaff before the wind. 
6  "In an instant, I, the LORD of Hosts, will come upon them with thunder, earthquake, whirlwind and fire. 
"And all the nations fighting Jerusalem will vanish like a dream."
This is why I say the controversy over Jerusalem is about to end. 
Verse 9:  "You are amazed, incredulous?  You don't believe it?  Then go ahead and be blind if you must!  You are stupid --- and not from drinking either.  Stagger and not from wine. 
10  "For the LORD has poured out upon you a spirit of deep sleep.  He has closed the eyes of your prophets and seers. 
11  "So all of those future events are a sealed book to them.  When you give it to one who can read, he says, "I can't, for it is sealed". 
12  "When you give it to another, he says, "Sorry, I can't read".

13  "And so the LORD says, 'Since these people say they are mine but they do not obey me, and since their worship amounts to mere words learned by rote,

14  "'Therefore I will take awesome vengeance on these hypocrites, and make their wisest counselors as fools.'" 
Is this Israel today? 

In the last Commentary, I discussed the destruction of the house of Esau and noted that it was covered in Isaiah 34.  It appears this will be happening during the time of Jacob's trouble which some call the tribulation.  In the very next chapter --- Isaiah 35 --- we see the highway opened up for the returning captives returning to inherit the land promised to Abraham.  The middle east problems will have been resolved at that time --- as noted above.  Those planning further attacks on Jerusalem will have seen the light.  Some nations will no longer exist.  Those that still do will have heard the voice of the LORD (Isaiah 30:30) and will be much more receptive to reasoning. 

In Isaiah 60 we begin to get a glimpse of the new age.  This is the end of the tribulation and captives are coming to the Jerusalem area.  Verse 7 makes it appear that the temple has been rebuilt by this time and we can see in Zechariah 6 who it is that will rebuild it.  Have any of our religious gurus shown us these things?  Are we beginning to learn to think for ourselves?  Can we begin to understand the book of Daniel without the "religious spin"?  Can we begin to see why religion is about to be abolished along with bankers, lawyers and alphabet agencies?  Can we begin to see the gates of the new dimension?  Are we ready to "Turn th' Page"? 

Paul Craig Roberts

The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the breaking point

The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the breaking point:

If this report is correct it sounds like the Russians have had enough of the dumbshits in Washington and Washington’s dumbshit vassals in Europe.

Russia says: the natural gas no longer goes through Ukraine. It goes to Turkey. If Europe wants it, Europe can build the pipeline from Turkey.

Perhaps Europe will freeze to death this winter and nothing will be left of Washington’s puppet state empire. Then Washington would have to stand alone as a war criminal aggressor without European cover.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

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January 14, 2015

Russian Declaration Of War? Grandmaster Putin Springs Trap! Russia Pulls Out Of Petrodollar, Sends Entire Continent Of Europe Into Energy Crisis!

Back on January 8th of this year we put out a story on All News Pipeline called "Russian Politician Warns Of WW3 After January 15th: Get Ready To Mobilize" in which we shared a warning from flamboyent Russian politician Vladimir Zhironovsky that, as current events were unfolding, World War 3 would begin sometime after the 15th of January. As we enter the 15th of January around the world, we learn 'Grandmaster Putin's Trap' has been been sprung as Russia pulls itself out of the petrodollar and as likely stated in the brand new video below from ANP friend FreedomFighter2127, issued a "declaration of war upon NATO" by 'announcing the final nail in the south stream coffin'.

Back in November of 2014, one of those paying attention, Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, put out a story called "How The Petrodollar Quietly Died, And Nobody Noticed," with today's moves by Russia, 60% of  gas supplies to Europe have been slashed, immediately plunging the entire continent of Europe into an energy crisis.

With 6 European nations now completely shut off from gas and Bulgaria only having a few days of gas remaining, they now consider their nation as in a 'crisis situation' and as our videographer warns, the worst is likely yet to come. Will these latest moves by Putin and Russia lead to World War 3 as warned by Zhironovsky days ago and shared below?

Russia cut gas exports to Europe by 60 per cent today, plunging the continent into an energy crisis 'within hours' as a dispute with Ukraine escalated.

This morning, gas companies in Ukraine said that Russia had completely cut off their supply.

Six countries reported a complete shut-off of Russian gas shipped via Ukraine today, in a sharp escalation of a struggle over energy that threatens Europe as winter sets in.

Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Croatia and Turkey all reported a halt in gas shipments from Russia through Ukraine.

Croatia said it was temporarily reducing supplies to industrial customers while Bulgaria said it had enough gas for only 'for a few days' and was in a 'crisis situation'.
Ramey comments:

The above article is unverified.  I say this because of the absence of ripples this would have caused around the world.  Evidently there has been a noteworthy event that the media has deprived us of but it would seem that it is something less than 60% of Europe's gas being cut off.  The next few days should bring out the details. 

A thought just occurred to me about the Ferguson protests.  If the protesters were more interested in correcting injustices than promoting black power, they could have added an addendum to their placard that said "Black lives matter".

It could have said, "While not acknowledged by this administration, White lives matter also."


January 4, 2015

Scientists Tremble As “Asteroid Army” Hurtles Towards Earth

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An unsettling report prepared by the Aerospace Defence Forces (ADF) that is circulating in the Kremlin today appears to show that many scientists are in fear of the potential effects to our solar system of what they term is an “asteroid army” of at least 83 giant space objects due to hurtle past Earth and Mars over the next three months.

According to this report, these giant asteroids appear to have an “intelligent trajectory” not unlike a military formation and is comprised of three waves with 43 of them flying close to Earth in January, 25 in February, and 15 in March.

Raising the concerns of these scientists about these giant asteroids, this report continues, was their appearing to slightly alter their orbits this past week in a manner similar to that of the long-period Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)  which has brightened to such an extent it is now visible to the naked-eye as it approaches its rendezvous with the celestial equator from the south on 9 January.

Of the immediate “effect/effects” of Comet Lovejoy and these giant asteroids altering their course this past week, ADF experts in this report say, was the sudden opening on the Sun’s south pole of a massive coronal hole, while at the exact same time the equally massive sunspot AR2253 erupted and has a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares…and all occurring in a Solar Cycle that has had the highest daily sunspot numbers of any year since 2002.

Where Western scientists are keeping their citizens attention focused on the potentiality of any of these giant asteroids actually striking our Earth, this report further states, the true danger that exists for our planet is a fullscale electromagnetic pulse (EMP) such as occurred on 19 October on Mars due to the passing of  Comet Siding Spring (C/2013 A1) when a still as yet unexplained 228 million kilometer (142 million mile) “plasma/electrical discharge” between the Sun and Mars occurred and which was captured on video

Equally as grave of a threat, this report continues, are the effects Comet Lovejoy and this “asteroid army” could have on the potentially catastrophic North American Magnetic Anomaly (first reported on 13 June of last year) and which within 48 hours of their “orbit alteration” began to show serious signs of stress including yesterdays 4.9 magnitude earthquake in Idaho and the 4.2 and 3.0 magnitude earthquakes in Southern California.

Interesting to note in this report too is it stating that President Obama’s 17 December lifting restrictions/sanctions of Cuba was directly related to the nearly 5,000 military troops under the command of the Emergency Situations Ministry (EMERCOM) that were rushed to that Caribbean island nation this past July after Alaska had been hit with a rare 6.0 magnitude supersonic earthquake, thus making them available to be deployed upon American soil when/if a catastrophe strikes.

Most mysterious in this report, however, are the exact mechanisms being relied upon by ADF scientists in coming to the conclusions they have, but seemingly allude to the “artifact” rushed to the International Space Station this past October in what was described as the most historic rocket launches in Russian-US history.

Important to note, though not contained in this report, are that Russian scientists, unlike their Western counterparts, adhere to the findings and principles of what is called the Electric Universe Theory, which basically postulates that electricity plays a more important role in the Universe, than is generally accepted.

This theory was greatly expanded upon by the great-Russian historian/researcher Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1979), who in his 1950 book “Worlds in Collision”, warned of the past fears of our planets earliest peoples regarding celestial happenings such as are occurring now with Comet Lovejoy and this fast approaching “asteroid army”.

Velikovsky proposed, it’s important to remember, that around the 15th century BCE, Venus was ejected from Jupiter as a comet or comet-like object, and passed near Earth (an actual collision is not mentioned).

The object changed Earth's orbit and axial inclination, causing innumerable catastrophes which were mentioned in early mythologies and religions around the world. Fifty-two years later, it passed close by again, stopping the Earth's rotation for a while and causing more catastrophes.

Then, in the 8th and 7th centuries BCE, Mars (itself displaced by Venus) made close approaches to the Earth; this incident caused a new round of disturbances and disasters. After that, the current “celestial order” was established. The courses of the planets stabilized over the centuries and Venus gradually became a “normal” planet.

And as to if this ADF report is suggesting such a reoccurrence of this kind of “celestial war”, as the ancients described it, is ready to occur to again it is not clear. But neither can it be dismissed out of hand either.

January 5, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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