Thursday, January 1, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Greetings friends around the world. 

The time has come for these Commentaries to "Turn the Page".  I have tried to show you, for the past few years, that America is the end time Babylon mentioned by the prophets and we see the positive identification in the "little book" of Habakkuk.  I have shown you that it is to be destroyed "…in one hour", and the identity of the instrument of that destruction.  I have shown you that the prophecy of Daniel, sealed at the time of writing until the end time, is now opened. 

If this all sounds like gloom and doom, my apology.  It is not the end of the world --- only the end of the age and a new beginning.  We are approaching the time when the middle east crisis will be resolved.  We are approaching the time when the real estate promised Abraham is about to be reapportioned and it will not be done by the U.N. or the New World Order. 

We are coming to the time when Israel's feet are to be "held to the fire" and they will be held to the covenant they agreed to in the days of Moses but failed to live up to.  We are not talking about the little nation of Israel, "…who say they are Jews and are not but do lie". Rev 2:9 & 3;9.  The real Jews are only one of the thirteen tribes of Israel.  These tribes are to introduce the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe to the rest of the world.  That is our commission and these Commentaries are but an introduction to that end. 

Religion is a tool created by Satan the devil for the purpose of the deception of "…the whole world."  See Revelation 12:9.  We live in the time when the "whole world" has been deceived.  We need only look objectively at world banking, world politics, petro dollars, shopping frenzies and religion to see that this is so. 

But now it is time to move on into the future and we can begin to get a glimpse of this in Isaiah 14 beginning in verse 1.  "But the LORD will have mercy on Israel; they are still His special ones.  He will bring them back to settle once again in the land of Israel.  And many nations will come and join them there and be their loyal allies."
2  "The nations of the world will help them to return, and those coming to live in their land will serve them.  Those enslaving Israel will be enslaved --- Israel shall rule her enemies." 
3  "In that wonderful day when the LORD gives His people rest from sorrow and fear, from slavery and chains," 
4  "You will jeer at the king of Babylon and say, 'You bully you!  At last you have what was coming to you!'" 
5  "'For the LORD has crushed your wicked power, and broken your evil rule.'" 
6  "'You persecuted My people with unceasing blows of rage and held the nations in your angry grip.  You were unrestrained in tyranny.'" 
7  "'But at last the whole earth is at rest and is quiet!  All the world begins to sing'". 
This is after the destruction of Babylon which we see in chapter 13.  

Have we the vision to see that the ruler spoken of here is on the throne today?

I shall not try to load these articles with scriptures because you can read the scriptures for yourself.  What I want to keep your attention focused on is the fact that what we are facing today was foretold by the prophets many years ago.  But it is laid out "...precept upon precept ... line upon line ... here a little and there a little..." which renders it somewhat like a jigsaw puzzle to put together.  This is by design and we see why in Isaiah 28:13. 

Israel is going to be destroyed at about the same time as America and for the same reason --- idolatry!  (Isaiah 29).   Evidently some in Israel will survive and this will be those who heed the warning to head for the hills when they see the abomination of desolation spoken of in Matthew 24 and Daniel 12.    Evidently this will be at the time Damascus becomes a "…ruinous heap". Isaiah 17:1-4.

We have covered Ezekiel 5 showing how the nation is to be divided into three parts for the coming demise.  A third will die of the famine and the pestilence that follows.  A third will die in the invasion by the "…assembly of great nations" that pick our bones (Jeremiah 50:9). A third will be evacuated as slaves as this continent becomes unlivable because of radiation.  This will not necessarily be from a nuclear attack but rather from reactors in meltdown mode after the Jeremiah 51:42 tsunami hits our east coast.  If you are doing your homework by looking behind the scenes put out by the media, then you know the country is already awash in radiation from the Fukushima meltdown.

That is only the reactors of one power plant and it may yet launch the island of Japan into the Pacific Ocean. (Revelation 8:8).   Now think about a dozen such power plants in meltdown mode.   

The famine and pestilence has begun by government edict with the poisons in our foodstuff, the water we drink and the air we breathe.  It appears that a grand finale is being prepared through vaccinations and a plethora of "incurable" plagues. 

My "take" on the second third, to be killed in the invasion, is that they will be primarily those involved in governmental corruption.  These will be those who had not stolen enough to buy a cubicle in the underground hidey-holes called D.U.M.B.s.  Of those who make it into those dungeons, some will survive for several years before being brought out to be judged for crimes against humanity. (See Isaiah 24:21-22).  

This world is about to change big time and this becomes obvious to those who have avoided the fluoride additive in drinking water and retained the capacity to think. The world sits today on the brink where a sneeze could start WW III. 

We have seen (if we are watching), that Russia now has the technology for blinding radar.  We can see in Isaiah 22:8 that Israel's "Iron Dome" is going to be neutralized and when it is the 200,000 plus Arab missiles aimed at Israel will be launched and Israel will be destroyed.  The mop up crews will move in to finish off survivors but we can see what becomes of this mop up crew in Isaiah 29:7-8.  Israel is to be swept with the besom (broom) of destruction in preparation for the prototype of the new government for planet earth.  It appears that this government will be perceived as the government of the antichrist by a world deceived by Satan. 

We see the turning of the page beginning in verse 17 of Isaiah 29.  The next few chapters give an outline of the rebuilding of Jerusalem under a protective dome that makes Israel's Iron Dome look antiquated.  Huge springs of fresh water will break out in the area and agriculture and animal husbandry will be recreated.  Those who promote genetic modification will be exterminated from the earth. (Rev 11:18).

Israel (true Jews included) will be established in the land that was promised Abraham.  The nations who oppose this will be crushed and evidently some will be annihilated entirely.  (e.g.the book of Obadiah).

Protestants today get very nervous when they hear a rumor that the Jews are preparing to rebuild the temple.  Why would this be?  Is it because they secretly fear the return of the Messiah?  One of the "prophetic myths" they have learned is that the Jews must rebuild the temple so the Messiah has a temple to return to.  I submit to you that the Messiah will not occupy a temple built by the Jews.  And if you want to settle the question of who will rebuild the temple, then turn to Zechariah 6 and read verses 12-13.  It won't be the Jews and it won't be those "…who say they are Jews but do lie".

The little nation of Israel is a lie created by the Vatican with Cardinal Spellman as the point man. By the same token, the nation of America

is another lie created by the Vatican with the point man a Jesuit named Americ according to F Tupper Saussy in his book "Rulers of Evil". 

We have been mentally conditioned by our public schools to accept these lies and have even been taught rituals for worshiping them.  In the new government prototype set up in the land of Israel, there will be no public schools and no prisons!  Viola!  Taxes are cut in half!  There will be no courts where a judge sits in a dark robe for deception and to fleece the public.  So with no courts, there will be no need for lawyers.  There will be no banks and therefore no need for bankers.  Can we begin to see the income we will be able to keep once all the parasites are removed from society?  Can we now begin to better visualize the "one third" that will die in the invasion because of being involved in governmental corruption?  Governmental SCAMs have paved the way to untold wealth --- and are now paving the way to untold death. 

Once the general public comes to realize that judges, lawyers, religious gurus and bankers have increased their wealth by increasing the poverty of those around them, there should be no difficulty in assembling stoning parties.  As the public continues to awaken, they will come to realize that the "Conspiracy Theorists" are in reality the informed minority. 

You have heard it before but its worth repeating, that the world is just before the biggest military reversal in recorded history.  This will mark the end of the time frame spoken of in Daniel 7:25 and the beginning of the period mentioned in Daniel 12:1.  It will be the mid point of the seven year end time mentioned in Habakkuk 3:2 and will introduce the destruction of the end time Babylon covered in Isaiah 13 and Revelation 18.  It will be short and we can see in Hosea 5:7 that survivors in America will be evacuated in a one month time frame. 

The time of servitude is the time referred to in scripture as the "Time of Jacob's trouble" and amounts to three and one half years.  I have shown in past Commentaries what our attitude is to be while in captivity (Leviticus 26:40-43), and the promise if we can maintain this attitude.   It is at the end of this three and one half year period that the land promised Abraham will be re-apportioned and Israelites will be returned to that land and given a part of it. 

We have seen in Isaiah 29 that Israel will be destroyed and that her Arab neighbors will even invade the land but the following verses and chapters show that they do not loot it. Nor are the Assyrians (NATO?) allowed to loot it.  That wealth, which is considerable, is reserved for the citizens (Isaiah 33) of the government that is being restored in the area under the protective umbrella of the Elohim. 

In the second chapter of II Thessalonians, it speaks of those without a "…love of truth", being given delusions by the Creator to believe lies. Are part of these lies the pagan holidays celebrated by the world today?

When our Creator says in Isaiah 24:1 that He will turn this earth upside down, does He mean literally?  As I have been telling you, big changes are in our near future. 

I shall try to pursue, in upcoming Commentaries, the theme of what lies in the future but will try to focus more on the good news rather than the bad.  The world is going to be rebuilt and it's going to be done under a different jurisdiction.  It is difficult to imagine what can be accomplished once those "…who destroy the earth", are themselves destroyed.  (Revelation 11:18).

I shall continue to include timely news articles of the type the media is not allowed to show you.  Hopefully this will keep you apprised of the world situation and better equip you to determine where we are in the prophetic time line. 

With several nations having already gone back to the gold standard, it brings our petro dollars out in stark relief as being one of the slickest SCAMs the world has ever seen.  Artificial controls, including printing carloads of new money, has worked for years but now is akin to trying to keep the lid on a boiling kettle while raising the temperature.  It is nearing the flash point.  The stampede away from U.S. dollars is well underway so we can expect a new SCAM to replace the dollar SCAM and soon.  Will it be an international currency printed by the Vatican dominated U.N. preparatory to sliding into the New World Order? 

It would seem that top military men of the world are beginning to awaken, along with the masses, and are seeing more clearly their lack of a future in the New World Order and are starting to make plans for Revelation 17:16.  It will be the granddaddy of double crosses.

December 22, 2014
China President Warns: Prepare For War As China Prepares To ‘Bail Out’ Russia!

By Live Free or Die

The President of China, Xi Jinping, has issued a strong warning to his People’s Liberation Army, “Prepare For War!” In this new story excerpted below from The Week we learn that China’s neighbors nearby and as far away as Washington DC have no idea what all this preparation by China is for. Is China preparing to ‘take’ what they feel is “theirs” here in America? The 2nd video below from The Money GPS ~ Author Exposing the Truth tells us that China may be preparing to ‘bail out’ Russia, their new strategic partner leading us to ask if this is all more preparation for WW3 against the US as we see pointed out in the 1st compilation video below of mainstream and alternative media reports over the past several years.

From ‘The Week’: China’s leader is telling the People’s Liberation Army to prepare for war

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent statements have been alarming China’s neighbors. What’s behind them?

Over the last several months, Chinese leader Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party have repeatedly exhorted the People’s Liberation Army to “be ready to win a war.” Xi has repeatedly called for greater military modernization, increased training, and enhanced overall readiness of the Chinese army, navy, and air force.

These repeated calls have alarmed China’s neighbors from New Delhi to Washington. The question on everyone’s mind: what is all this preparation for?

Is the Chinese leadership preparing for something? Are they gearing up for a military operation, or merely the option to carry one out? Or is there a more innocent explanation for all of this?

Ramey comments:

China "bailing Russia out"... imagine that!  Think about it this way --- what have they to lose?  With China holding a trillion U.S. $s of paper that is being devalued daily and the world on the brink of WW III, why not use piles of that paper cementing a relationship with a nation that has returned to the gold standard and holds many "trump cards". 

Add to this scenario the fact that 2015 marks the 110th anniversary since this Babylon (that China now owns), declared war on them to keep open the British/American drug sales routes to them.  Can we now begin to see the thinking behind the extremely high casualty rate when the "...assembly of great nations" move in?  Can we also begin to see my thinking when I predict it will be mostly those involved in government corruption?  The list of names/addresses/phone numbers of those people has already been provided to them.

China has already had their experience with paper money many years ago so they know the end result.  Besides, China has history that predates Roman history by millennia and perhaps they are being guided by lessons learned from history.  The Romans (America) re-write history --- "Columbus discovered America".

December 23, 2014

EU In Total Horror As Russia Prepares New “Nazi Law”

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) circulating in the Kremlin today states that European Union (EU) foreign diplomats were left in “total horror” this past week after being alerted by their Russian counterparts to the catastrophic effects upon the NATO Alliance due to a proposed Federation Council (FC) law outlawing the sale of energy supplies to any nation that is now/or has been engaged in Nazi-like torture of prisoners of war or its own citizens.

According to this report, the Federation Council (the upper house of the parliament of the Russian Federation) began the adoption of this new “Nazi Law” under orders given by President Putin after the United States refused to heed Russia’s 14 December warning of retaliation against the imposition of additional sanctions by President Obama’s signing of a new Russian sanctions law on 18 December.

The proposed new “Nazi Law” being written by the FC, this report continues, would specifically forbid the sale of Russian natural gas, oil, oil by-products (and other such natural resources of the Federation) to any nation, or military alliance of nations, that: 1.) Has failed to support the United Nations resolution condemning attempts to glorify Nazism ideology and denial of German Nazi war crimes; 2.) Has used Nazi torture techniques against POW’s and/or civilians; and 3.) Has conducted mass executions of unarmed civilians.

To the first count, MoFA experts in this report say, the United States, Canada, and Ukraine, would be subjected immediately to this new laws harshest provisions due to their being the only three nations in the world to vote against the United Nations 21 November resolution that condemned any form of denial of Nazi war crimes, including the Jewish Holocaust.

To the second count, these same experts say, the United States, UK, Australia, and 51 other Western allied nations would, likewise, be sanctioned due to their complicity in the torture of prisoners-of-war using methods utilized by the Nazis during World War II, and which this past week caused the New York Times editorial board to call upon the Obama regime to prosecute former Vice President Dick Cheney for his crimes against humanity for his masterminding of.

To the third count, these MoFA experts state, there exists “substantial evidence” to indict the United States and Ukraine for the mass execution of unarmed civilians in the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which killed 239, and Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which killed 298.

The Council for Civil Society and Human Rights (CCSHR) appointed by President Putin to investigate the crimes involving both of these Malaysia Airlines disasters, the MoFA in this report states, has also received new evidence regarding these tragedies which include: 1.) Testimony and evidence from a Ukrainian officer stating that on the date of the shooting down of Malaysia Flight 17 one of his nations fighter jets landed after having fired its missiles with its pilot stating he had shot down the “wrong plane.; 2.) Two senior airline executives (Proteus Airlines CEO Marc Dugain and Emirates Airlines president and CEO Sir Tim Clark) publically stating that Malaysia Flight 370 was, likewise, shot down by the United States.

The most catastrophic effect of this “Nazi Law” being implemented, the MoFA in this report states it warned its EU counterparts about, would be the immediate cessation of natural gas flows to Europe which would, in effect, cripple them economically and subject their citizens to war-like rationing of heating supplies.

Important to note, this report continues, is that the MoFA had previously told the EU and US that their collective punishment” against the citizens of Crimea would not be accepted and would be responded to in kind.

Also to be noted, MoFA analysts in this report say, is that due to the Obama regimes creation of a permanent war zone” around the Federation, and the continued large-scale cyber espionage campaign against Russia, its government and businesses, only the harshest of penalties can even be considered against such a lawless and rogue nation the United States has become.

Critical to note too is that when this MoFA report is combined with last weeks Ministry of Economic Development (MED) report outlining Putin’s “Samson Defense” strategy to collapse both the US and EU economies, China this week aligned itself with Russia against the Obama regime and its allies in an economic war many experts are predicting could soon erupt into total global warfare.

And as to what the Obama regimes “grand strategy” toward Russia really is, this report queries, no one seems to really know, including the esteemed international award winning journalist Patrick Smith, who in writing this week about the catastrophic fallout occurring in the EU due to Obama’s policies stunningly wrote that the information he received from Washington D.C. insiders stated that these “Obama Kidiots” are “making it up as they go along.”

And on the road where “lunacy meets sheer audacity”, this report concludes, the West is also now crying that they need more money to counter Russia’s news services…which, mind you, have a budget of $120 million…compared to the BBC’s $370 million and Obama regimes staggering $716 million these nations spend on spreading their propaganda around the world. 

As to how much more money the West really needs before their lies are believed is anyone guess, Russia seems to do just fine by telling the truth. 

December 23, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under

December 26, 2014
The World Changes On Monday, December 29, 2014!

By Susan Duclos

With holiday chaos, traveling and families getting together for Christmas, many may have missed an announcement that will change the world as we know it, where China has announced the launch of Yaun trading with Russian Rubles, set to begin on Monday, December 29, 2014!

As is explained in the Zero Hedge article discussing this announcement and the ramification of it, this will "not only enable and make direct currency trading more efficient by sidestepping the dollar entirely, but also allow Russian companies to budget in Chinese Yuan terms."

Directly from the Zero Hedge article, we see what the effects of this huge news will be:

So while the US continues to parade with "destroying" the Russian economy, even if it means crushing the shale industry, aka the only bright spot, and high-paying job-creating industry in the US economy over the past 5 years, Russia and China continue to be nudged by the west ever closer monetarily and strategically, until one day, as we have long predicted, China and Russia will announce a joint currency, one backed by both China's "surprising" gold reserves and Russia's commodity hoard.

Things are about to get VERY interesting......

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