Monday, September 28, 2015


From the desk of
Bill Ramey



Today at 11:34 AM
September 9, 2015

Putin Activates Shocking “Defend Israel” Atomic War Plan
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A grim new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin states that President Putin, in utilizing his position as Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces, earlier today authorized the immediate implementation of the MoD’s feared “Defend Israel” war plan allowing for tactical nuclear weapons use to be decided on by Field Commanders in the Middle Eastern Levant War Zone.

Western intelligence experts have estimated that Russia currently has in excess of 2,000 of these feared tactical nuclear weapons whose battlefield use is meant to offset the relative weakness of its conventional forces when war erupts with West.

According to this report, the “Defend Israel” war plan was devised in 2014 by the MoD after the Obama regime created the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIL) nation-state terror organization in their bid to topple the Syrian government, fracture the nation of Iraq along its Sunni-Shiite religious line, and prevent the creation of an independent Kurdish country, all in a bid to prevent the building of the Shiite backed Iran-Iraq-Syrian natural gas pipeline agreed to in 2013.

The true purpose of the Obama regime in creating ISIL/ISIS, this report explains, was to complete the takeover of eastern Syria and western Iraq by Sunni-backed terrorists, financed by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, particularly Qatar, in an attempt to build massive natural gas pipelines through this region to Turkey, and then to the EU, in order to collapse the economy of Russia whose largest customer for its vast energy reserves is Europe, but which the previously proposed Shiite Iran-Iraq-Syrian pipeline to the Mediterranean would not compete with.

Along with this Obama regime “strategy” of destabilizing the entire Middle East in order to collapse the Russian economy with this pipeline scheme, this report continues, they also, in 2014, at the same time they were creating ISIL/ISIS, launched what the former founder and CEO, George Friedman, of the “Private CIA” American intelligence organization Stratfor called “the most blatant coup in history” against Ukraine.

With neo-Nazi backed Obama regime backed forces having toppled the legitimate government of Ukraine, and with ISIL/ISIS beginning its rampage throughout the Middle East, this report continues, President Putin, in early 2014, authorized the use of nuclear weapons to halt the West’s advance against Russia’s “strategic economic interests”…which we had reported on in our 22 February 2014 report  Russian Threat Of War Over Ukraine Stuns Obama Regime, and which President Putin publically acknowledged this past April.

Realizing, however, that Russia’s then current defense doctrine was inadequate to confront the growing war ambitions of the Obama regime, this report notes, a new war doctrine was established in December, 2014, with President Putin about it that Russia “shall reserve for itself the right to employ nuclear weapons in response to the use against it and/or its allies of nuclear and other kinds of weapons of mass destruction, as well as in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation with use of conventional weapons when the state’s very existence has been threatened”.

As to what would constitute a “threat to the state’s very existence”, this report says, the MoD devised a number of battle plans outlining the exact criteria wherein nuclear weapons would be authorized to be used.

And of these battle plans, this report grimly notes, the “Defend Israel” strategic war plan included the criteria of if that nation’s borders were about to be placed under siege by ISIL/ISIS forces, Turkey (a NATO member) began an invasion of Iraq to attack the Kurds, and Jewish civilians in Ukraine came under attack by Obama regime backed neo-Nazi forces…all of which happened within the past 72 hours.

With Turkish forces having now invaded Iraq to attack the Kurds, this report warns, both Russia and Israel are now under threat as they support an independent Kurdish nation whose existence they deem vital to the Middle East.

Not being told to the West, this report explains, Russia has had a lengthy relationship with the Kurds, dating back to the Soviet era; and in 1946, the USSR supported the creation of a Mahabad Kurdish Republic in Northern Iran, but after the fall of that state due to the West, Moscow gave refuge to one of its key figures, the famous Iraqi Kurdish rebel leader Mustafa Barzani, and his followers.

Equally grave, this report continues, was this weekends brutal attacks against over 20,000 Jewish civilians in Ukraine by that governments neo-Nazi forces purported to be under the orders given by the Obama regime as a “gift” to the Saudi Arabian king who is currently visiting in Washington D.C. and whom President Obama always bows to when meeting.

With the criteria of the “Defend Israel” war plan being met, this report gravely states, Russian forces are authorized to continue their massive buildup in Syria…which the Obama regime attempted to block by ordering Bulgaria to close their airspace to all Russian flights, but which was thwarted when Iran later opened theirs so that these flights could continue.

Warships of the Caspian flotilla were further ordered to immediate combat status to protect these flights over Iran, MoD experts in this report note, and over 50 weapon-laden Russian military aircraft were, also, immediately ordered to Siberia in preparation for total war.

Most significant in this report on the activation of the “Defend Israel” war plan, it should be noted, was the Ulyanovsk 31st Guards Air Assault Brigade being put on immediate combat alert (along with 95,000 personnel, more than 7,000 items of combat hardware and around 150 planes) as this unit was the “protector” of Crimea after the 2014 Obama-staged coup against Ukraine and, also, has extensive United Nations “blue helmet” experience as peacekeepers in war zones.

Though not exactly stated, the MoD’s “Defend Israel” war plan does elude to a scenario where Russian forces would “break out” from their established Syrian bases to confront ISIL/ISIS terror forces and defeat them…then establish “protected zones” for the welfare of civilians and “established international borders” while awaiting further actions by the United Nations, not the Obama regime, to establish peace in this region.

And in a not-so-subtle “warning” to the Obama regime, should it attempt to stop Russia’s “Defend Israel” war plan, nearly immediately after it was issued, the official Moscow news service , Sputnik, posted a mysterious anonymous article titled NATO Could Take a Walk Down Memory Lane and Stop Provoking Nuclear War, which, in part, said:

“A local nuclear war sparked by the North Atlantic Alliance's relentless saber-rattling would leave millions killed in the heart of Europe – NATO's own history attests to this fact.

The bloc should take a walk down memory lane. In 1954, NATO embraced a preemptive nuclear strike doctrine and a year later it staged major war games simulating a nuclear exchange between the member states and the forces of the Communism bloc.

Known as Carte Blanche, they lasted six days and involved eleven nations, which dropped more than 330 tactical nuclear bombs.

"Tactical nukes packed a smaller yield than their larger strategic cousins. The logic behind using them held that the weapons were large enough to offset NATO's disadvantage against the conventionally superior Soviet forces," Adam Rawnsley explained in an article published by the War Is Boring website.

The results were dreadful: the conflict was estimated to have left 1.7 million dead and 3.5 million wounded in Germany alone.”

But to if the Obama regime is listening to this warning to stop nuclear war it appears not to be the case as one of its major backers, and America’s second richest man, Warren Buffet, summed up that nation’s elites thoughts about their own citizens by shockingly stating this week:

“You want everybody educated to their potential. You want people to reach their potential. That still won't work for some people in a highly developed market system.

I mean if this were a sports-based system, you could give me a PhD in football, and I could practice eight hours a day, and I might be able to carry the water from, not onto the field, but from the locker room to the bench. There's just some people don't fit well into a highly skilled market-based economy.

They're perfectly decent citizens. We'll send them off to Afghanistan, but they are not going to command a big price.”

September 9, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.


September 9, 2015

Intel Source Warns 'War Imminent,' US To Blame Russia For 'First Shot,' And 'Syria Will Be The Game Changer'

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

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A trusted source reached out to ANP recently, a source who has provided highly accurate information in the past, and with very close connections to the Intelligence community. The information imparted by our source warns us of plans within U.S. leadership and military that are being implemented right now as seen in headlines generated by the MSM (Washington's propaganda arm) after this information was given to us.

The key points shared with ANP include;

1) War is imminent; 2) Will kick off in Syria when US soilders fire first upon Russian soilders...from here the US will tell our ppl the Russians fired first 3) JH15 (Jade Helm 15) is to prep for war here in the states. 4) Keep your eyes open with will be the game changer.

The U.S. leadership, using the MSM as their water carriers, have already started implementing the propaganda portion of the upcoming war with dire warnings of the U.S. moving to "block Russia" from a "military buildup in Syria," as reported on September 8, 2015 by the New York Times.

AFP, via Yahoo News follows the same script by describing Russia as the "enemy" in the following manner:

The aircraft have landed at the airport in Latakia on Syria's Mediterranean coast over the past several days, US officials told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Two of the aircraft were giant Antonov-124 Condor planes and a third was a passenger flight, one of the officials said.

The Russians have installed modular housing units -- enough for "hundreds" of people -- at the airport, as well as portable air traffic control equipment, the official noted.

"All of this seems to be suggesting that Russia is planning to do some sort of forward air-operating hub out of this airfield," the official said.

Washington has expressed concern following reports suggesting Moscow may be boosting military support to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and had sent a military advance team to the war-torn country.

We know from previous reports that U.S. troops have a physical presence in Syria as was reported back in May 2015, with The Daily Beast headlining with "U.S. Troops Fought ‘Hand to Hand’ in Syria Raid," and USA Today confirmed those reports in an article titled "U.S. troops kill top ISIL commander in raid inside Syria."

It is noteworthy that while the AFP report states ""Our concern would be that any effort to bolster the Assad regime right now would potentially be destabilizing," Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said Tuesday," not one MSM report regarding this conflict reminds their readers the U.S. first supplied the apparently moderate rebels of the Free Syrian Army with non-lethal aid in 2011 (including food rations and pickup trucks), but quickly began providing training, cash, and intelligence to selected Syrian rebel commanders. (Source)

Nor is the MSM informing their readers that many of those "moderate Syrian rebels" the U.S. supported and still supports, are now part of ISIS, the terror group the U.S. is using as justification for military action in Syria.

Takes a lot of double-talk, a refusal to report on the history, and the twisting of said history to push the propaganda into Americans minds, so that Russia is being blamed for destabilizing Syria.


We now have the U.S. military and the Russians establishing their positions in Syria and elsewhere. Russia and China have created an alliance and coincidentally (or not!) recent reports show that Chinese warships entered U.S. waters off the Alaskan coast, while across the country Russian ships have supposedly been spotted in the Atlantic near "nuclear submarine areas."

We already know that as part of Jade Helm 15, U.S. Military assets are already positioned all across the country as photos and videos have shown throughout the last months.
Other events have recently been reported add more pieces to the puzzle.
For example, on September 7, 2015 Stefan Stanford reported  "Russian President Vladimir Putin has put Central Military District troops on full alert," while their deadliest nuclear submarine heads for the Pacific Ocean.

On September 2, 2015, he reported the following as well:

With the Pentagon recently warning that 5 Chinese war ships were seen off of the coast of Alaska, we take a look at an alarming story from AINonline that tells us on very late notice from the Department of Defense, ADS-B Surveillance and TCAS operations over Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida might become 'unreliable' as of 1 a.m. September 2nd.

The National Airspace System has told the FAA that they need much more notice for such military exercises that we learn here will go on until October 1st and will cover up to 200 miles off of the East coast.

[Update] In response to this article I just got off the phone with another source that tells me the U.S. is planning to send more Marines to Syria, furthering positioning for the endgame result already spelled out above.


The world is barrelling towards World War III between nuclear powers to which there can be no winners, just millions annihilated. A look at the Global Firepower list shows the U.S. is ranked nuber 1 with Russia and China listed as number 2 and 3 respectively, meaning between them both, they have more military might combined than the U.S. has.

If there is a way to prevent what is coming, and that is a big IF, Americans must understand they are being set up, herded towards WW3 by the MSM, on behalf of government leaders, using propaganda to establish who the "good guys" are and who the "bad guys" are.

When the "event" happens in Syria and the MSM starts blaring headlines claiming Russia shot at U.S. troops, remember the warning at the top of this article because the story line has already been written, the scene is being set in the headlines of today so that when that "first shot" is fired..... they will already have established who the world should blame.


If the dollar collapses, what will be the logical consequence?  War???
The Egypt/Libya piracy netted next to nothing for the national treasury. It was taken by the "ridiculously wealthy" and politically powerful.  It went into private coffers as reported by the "White Hats". Besides, we had already discovered we could invent money out of paper so why waste good gold?  Now, it would seem that even the Zionazis" are shipping gold to Russia for safekeeping.  It would seem their money is on Russia as it comes to WW III.   This should tell us something.

Now it seems that Russian and Chinese rulers are to be in America at the same time as the pope.  This should bring us wide awake even if we are among the five sleeping virgins.  Is the coming war merely a depopulation exercise?  It would seem that is what is planned but the Creator has ways and means of disrupting the plans of men under the direction of Satan.  We are at the end of the age and this appears corroborated, not only by prophecy, but by world events as well.  The projected economic collapse is but one of those events.

Is it really important that we understand where we are in the timeline of prophecy?  Yes!  Why?  Because if we do not understand these things, then we will not recognize the Messiah when He appears.  The greatest lie ever promoted on earth is now being built and it is going to be the lie concerning the antichrist.  The whole world is de-ceived, as we can see in Revelation 12:9.

If we do not understand who America is in prophecy and that it is to be destroyed totally, (Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50-51), then neither will we understand that Israel also is to be destroyed as noted in Isaiah 29.   The chapters that follow 29 show Israel being rebuilt and the world is already gearing up to claim that the rebuilders are the anti-christ.  You need to read and understand those chapters, (30-35) in order to see through this lie as it matures and is promoted through the media.

The whole world will be eyeing Israel for the purpose of looting after its destruction.  Not only will those who destroy Israel meet their doom there but it appears that NATO will also make a looting attempt and fall victim to the grim reaper.  That wealth will be preserved for those who resettle and rebuild Israel and they will not be the antichrist as the news will be saying.

America is about to be destroyed totally and left a nuclear wilderness forever.   (Jeremiah 50-51).  And Russia (Medes), will lead the "...assembly of great nations" that destroy America.  Right now, we are enjoying playing the "tough guy" role but our future is etched in bronze and our sun has set.  We don't want to believe this and we won't believe it until it happens, but it is so close now that we can almost smell the blood.

The world is at a crossroads where it hasn't been before in recorded history.  We are about to see the result of nukes in the hands of politicians.  In fact we are already seeing those results in the radiation levels across America and the nuclear explosion in China.  The following article should give us a clue as to what we are facing as a result of Fukushima.

"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web""All Original Stories All The Time"

September 6, 2015

Extremely High Radiation Levels All Across America As Fukushima's Pummelling Of Pacific Ocean Brings 'Invisible Blanket Of Death' To US Shores


"We have a very very serious problem. Nobody apparently believes it to be so, but my guess is that the folks at the highest levels of our world governments are preparing for the societal breakdown once this ‘cat’ gets out of the proverbial bag. 20 years? Who knows? But one thing is clear: As the Pacific Ocean dies, so do the rest of the world's oceans in time. The onslaught of the radiation is never ending in human lifespans."

Since we last published an update on Fukushima death in the Pacific Ocean back on August 26th, we continue to run across heart-breaking reports of what's happening to animals, birds and ocean life all across the Pacific. Through stories such as: "Skyrocketing Deaths On The West Coast" from ENENews, "Fukushima: The End of Mankind?" - the story quoted above from Dennis Simino at Veterans Truth Network and "Animals Delirious, Disoriented Up And DownWest Coast," also from ENENews, we see that things are not getting better and in fact, according to many, our own problems have only just begun. To quote one Canadian Parliament Minister on Fukushima, 'an invisible blanket of death covers everything'.

A look at some mind-blowing August 29th to September 5th high-level radiation numbers in cities across America from Bob Nichols at Veterans Today reveals that sea life in the ocean are likely not the only life forms being devastated by radiation. Check out the radiation CPM's in US cities such as Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Concord, New Hampshire and Washington DC as seen in the chart below. Once we understand that NORMAL background radiation should range between 5 to 20 CPM, the chart below should speak in mega-volume. Keep in mind that some of these readings are combined gamma and beta but either way, the readings are off the charts!

Much more below including several new video updates on Fukushima and our own health and what all of this radiation in America could mean for us as well at a look at the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center website that shows an America being 'nuked'.

See -

While a look at the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC) for Ft. Wayne, Indiana doesn't show the whopping 1,326 CPM as seen in the chart above, we still see the high coming in at the mind-boggling CPM of 777 in BETA particles as seen in the 1st screenshot below. Again, please keep in mind that between 5 to 20 CPM is the normal background radiation levels and anything above 50 is considered an 'alert'. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th screenshots from NETC show the radiation levels for Washington DC, Fort Smith, Arkansas and Mobile, Alabama all at extremely high and dangerous CPM levels.

Ramey comments:

Can we begin to see the situation we are in today in America?  Even if the sword doesn't overtake us this month, we should be able to see that we are being systematically "snuffed".   And if we are wide awake and have a " of truth", then we should know that this was foreseen by the prophets some three millennia ago. \

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