Monday, September 28, 2015


From the desk o
Bill Ramey


Russian Intelligence Continues 9/11 Data Dump, Key Perpetrators Named


US Intelligence Also Disseminates Critical 9/11 Info, ISIS Unveiled

by Glenn Canady

The following interview by US Intelligence is the most shocking I have ever heard.  Gordon Duff released bombshell after bombshell in this hour and 38 minutes.   The Russians just released some key information about 9/11, ISIS and much more.

Never in history have the names of those involved been released that were involved in the attacks.  It includes a person that became the first head of the Department of Homeland Security, a Former Mayor of New York City during 9/11 and the Police Commissioner of New York City during 9/11.   Most of you are smart enough to either know whose these people are or can Google to see who I’m talking about.  Since Gordon did not actually name them I’m not going to name them either but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Gordon Duff Reveals Huge Russian and US Intelligence On Who Did 9/11 and Much More.  Listen to the entire interview.  The micro nuke information and 9/11 begins around the 32:00 minute mark but other critical information can found at the beginning, too.

The following are some of my notes from this interview.  So much was covered, this is only part of it.

Gordon covers how Daily Kos is a piece of garbage media operation that is trying to cover up the murder plot by Senator Songstad and Governor Sundquist that was broken right here on BIN.  Daily Kos said that US Intelligence made it all up.  Gordon challenges everybody to match the voices for themselves and challenges everybody to get the word out on this HUGE story.  All the fakes in alternative media (tip of spear people) have censored it.

Sundquist who was just caught on tape plotting murder said he’s going to head the Republican party.

VeteransToday now has more nuclear weapons designers on staff as writers and technical advisers than the country of Iran.  Gordon reveals he runs the largest worldwide intelligence operation in the world and was in charge of security for Leo Wanta after President H.W. Bush put him in prison and stole the money meant for the American people.  $27 Trillion!  By the way, the tip of the spear person in alternative media still lies and says Lee Wanta is “as real as the Easter Bunny”.  Remember all lies come from satan!  These fakes in alternative media also keep telling eerybody to get thieir information from Drudge when US Intel has already revealed Drudge is an Israeli agent working for the same people that nuked our towers on 9/11.   This word must get out.

The war in Ukraine is now officially a nuclear war.  VT sent photos of the strike on the factory in Donetsk and their initial analysis says it was a Lance missile that is only used by Israel and was designed to carry a micro nuke.  A nuclear weapon might have also been used in Lugansk.

Russians are very upset at what has happened in Ukraine and to retaliate have released a treasure trove of Intel to Gordon Duff and US Intelligence that confirms and puts together more pieces of the puzzle about 9/11, ISIS and more.  They know that micro nukes were used at 9/11, Oklahoma City, Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, Bali and more locations.  Israel stole the micro nukes from the Pentax facility in Texas with the help of officials in the Dept of Energy who told them the exact ones to steal and gave them highly classified data that allowed them to turn them into viable weapons to replenish Israel’s nuclear weapons.  Victor Bout (Lord of War) helped in the stealing of these weapons.

Gordon discusses project “Able Danger” which began after the IEAE put out a report that declared a micro-nuke was used to take down the federal building in Oklahoma City.  The fertilizer bomb did nothing.

Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad asset used to blackmail Clinton into stopping the investigation of Oklahoma City and the micronuke used there.

Gordon released the shocking information about the attack on the pentagon on 9/11.  A US Tomahawk missile was used on the Pentagon and it was done to murder the US Navy investigators (Able Danger) looking into the theft of $2 Trillion from the Pentagon and missing nukes.  They called an emergency meeting of this team and put them into a conference room and then hit that room with the cruise missile killing 35 out of 50 of the investigators.  It was murder.

Lt. Col Anthony Shaeffer who got on Fox News with Judge Napolitano only put a tiny bit of truth about Able Danger on Fox News and has now attached himself to Alex Jones where he is not putting out all the truth about Able Danger only a highly sanitized version.  Shaeffer is involved with a shadowy think tank.

Able Danger investigated terror cells created from the CIA, Israeli Mossad and Saudi Intelligence.  These rogue groups operated terror cells inside the US and called themselves Al-Qaeda.

Able Danger also investigated the theft of US Nuclear weapons perhaps with the aid of the Director of the Dept of Energy, the prime minister of Israel and the prime minister of South Africa.

Reports that Russians sent to US Intelligence show the people that planned 9/11 attack to stop the Able Danger investigations.

ISIS is run by the same group that did 9/11.  This group is run out of Cuba and controls members of Congress with bribes, prostitution, gambling money from Las Vegas and Macau.  They launder their cash through Mitt Romney’s Bain capital and use Cuba as their playground.  US Intelligence has videos of all of them.   They know who they are.

1st Director of the Department of Homeland Security was the head of Alqaeda now ISIS.  Assisting him was a US Attorney who handled all of the 9/11 investigations.

US Intel has an indication of a present nuclear threat against the US.

The police commissioner of NYC during 9/11 is involved in the 9/11 attack.  He took possession of the Israelis caught trying to bomb one of the tunnels and let them go and they were never seen again.

There were business leaders in Manhattan that were protected on 9/11.  Warren Buffet called select business leaders and CEO’s of key firms in the World Trade Centers to a golf game he put on.   These leaders never went to the golf game though, they went to a secure Air Force base to ride out the attack.

The fertilizer plant that blew up in Texas was one of the locations where the stolen nuclear weapons went through.  They blew up the plant to cover their tracks.

Certain authorities were informed about payoffs to people in US Congress and others over 9/11 by US Intel and have seized those bank accounts shutting off their bribe money.  This is GOOD news.

People now know who controls ISIS and because of US Intel’s work.  Their plan was to seize all of the oil in the middle east, drop the price of the oil to break Russia and then control it all.  That’s not going to be allowed to happen now.

During 9/11 Israeli teams planted jammers in high rises all over NYC.  These jammers stopped the radios from working for the Fire and Police.  Those jammers were recovered and are now in evidence at the grand jury in Houston.

One Israeli group trying to bomb the George Washington bridge was released to an FBI agent.  But the FBI agent was really a Mossad agent that was authorized to carry FBI ID.  He let them go.

Israeli teams were going to blow up the Holland and Lincoln tunnel.  One was caught when they turned around from a police road block.

9/11 was a big pay day ($9 billion) and was done to kill as many enemies as possible.  Then they made sure to put in people so that investigations would never be done.

$20 million bribes were given to hundreds of people to keep them quiet about 9/11.  These people have now been cut off from their cash due to US Intel.

US Intel asks all patriots to get this information out because it’s being censored by all mainstream media and all fake alternative media (tip of the spear types).


His reason is because his allegiance is to the Muslim religion.  My reason is because, to me, #1) the American flag is representative of the "Image of the beast" --- (see Revelation 13 and the late F Tupper Saussy's book "Rulers of Evil").

#2  The American flag is representative of the end time Babylon --- (see the little book of Habakkuk).

#3  The American flag is now representative of the end time Sodom and Gomorrah.   

For those who are scripturally literate and know the story in the book of Joshua about Rahab who lived in the city/nation of Jericho, I have a question:  After Rahab learned that this 3 million strong army of sand dwellers were about to destroy Jericho, do you suppose she went out daily for morning colors and saluted the Jericho flag and pledged her allegiance?  Or was she busy with preparations for a post Jericho life?  For those with ears to hear and eyes to see --- it is for this same reason that I do not do the pledge. 

America is just before complete and total destruction and for the same reason as Jericho --- idolatry.  So am I saying that Christianity is idolatry and the Muslim religion has it right?  Not at all.  I'm saying that both of those religions (and all religions) are idolatry.  I know very well that this is a hard pill to swallow but as we see Jade Helm expanding, Nibiru moving in and WW III now on the threshold, we might want to examine what we have considered "truth" more closely.  Because it isn't our religious affiliations, lodge memberships nor our political alignments that are going to save us in the chaos that is now beginning to engulf the earth.  In II Thessalonians 2:10, we see that it is the "love of truth" that will preserve us alive through the nuclear war that is about to erupt. 

I know very well there are times and circumstances and that none of us know the day and the hour of deliverance from this corrupt world of Satan.  But that is not to say that no one will know the day and perhaps the hour --- see I Thessalonians 5:4.  Those days are upon us.  The book of Daniel is opened and we stand today at the threshold of chapter 11, verse 44.  Both verses 44 and 45 will happen together and will introduce the sixth seal of Revelation 6 as well as the horror of Isaiah 13 and 29.  Don't believe all the self appointed "Watchmen" because Isaiah says in chapter 56:10 that they are blind.

The politicians know that the wrath of the Eternal is almost upon us --- otherwise, why do you suppose they have built all the hidey-holes 2 miles underground?  They are hoping to escape this wrath which they know is coming.  Will they escape?  See Isaiah 24:21-22. 

Those who consider themselves "the elite" are about to see "the handwriting on the wall".  And, just as in the days of Belshazzar, king of ancient Babylon, it will be terrifying.  (Daniel 5).  The King's knees "...smote one against the other", when the fingers of a man's hand floated across the palace wall writing a message which none of the party-goers could read.  Daniel was called to read the message to the king.  The upshot was that the Babylonian Kingdom was to end that same night and the king was to die.  That was the first Babylon.  We live in the times of the end time Babylon which is to be destroyed " one hour".  (Rev 18).

And many will want to know when is this to happen?  Is it today --- tomorrow --- next week or next year?  It will come hard on the heels of the fall of Damascus as we can see in Isaiah 17:1-4. 

Is It Just A Coincidence That Two Amazing Signs Just Appeared On The 14th Anniversary Of 9/11?

 By Michael Snyder, on September 11th, 2015

Is it just me, or does our world seem to be getting stranger with each passing day?  As an attorney, I was trained to be level-headed and skeptical, and in my writing I typically stick to facts that I can prove.  But lately, a whole lot of things have been happening that I don’t have any rational explanation for.  Just look at what happened on Thursday.  On the eve of the 14th anniversary of 9/11, a double rainbow appeared over the site where the World Trade Center towers once stood.  We’ll discuss possible meanings of that sign in a moment.  On Friday, a massive bolt of lightning caused a crane to collapse at the Grand Mosque in Mecca in Saudi Arabia.  At least 107 people were killed and at least 238 others were injured.  It turns out that this crane was owned by “the Saudi Binladin Group”.  If that is a coincidence, it is an awfully bizarre one.

The Grand Mosque surrounds the holiest site in all of Islam.  So the fact that photos are circulating all over social media that show “the polished tiled floor of the mosque covered in rubble, bodies and pools of blood, and people fleeing the area bleeding and covered in soot” is a very, very big deal.

Not only did this happen on the anniversary of 9/11, it also took place just before the Hajj is to begin

The Grand Mosque, or Sacred Mosque, surrounds the Kaaba – the most sacred site in Islam. The cuboid structure made of granite located in the mosque’s center is often called the House of Allah.

The Kaaba is the place of the Hajj – the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, which is one of the five Pillars of Islam. It is mandatory of all Muslims physically and financially capable to carry out the journey at least once in a lifetime. The period of Hajj in Mecca is considered to be one of the largest gatherings of people in the world.

And as I mentioned above, the crane that collapsed just happened to belong to “the Saudi Binladin Group”

The project to expand the mosque was launched in 2011 by late King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz. Earlier in 2015, King Salman bin Abdulaziz added five construction projects as part of the mosque’s expansion aiming to accommodate more than 1.6 million worshippers.

The projects cover 1.47 million square meters and include the construction of 78 new gates at ground level, according to the official Saudi Press Agency. The project is being carried out by the Saudi Binladin Group at an estimated cost of US$26.6 billion, according to local press.

I don’t know what all of this means.

I am just throwing it out there.

Another very unusual sign was the very rare double rainbow that suddenly appeared in New York City on the eve of the anniversary of 9/11…

I don’t know what this sign means either.

There are some that have suggested that it was God’s way of remembering the victims of 9/11 and their families.

Others have suggested that it is a sign of impending judgment.  In the Bible, the rainbow was a sign that God used for his covenant with Noah, and in the book of Revelation we see a rainbow around the throne of God.

Today, we have taken this symbol which belongs to God and we have desecrated it…

(Photo at

So what message is this double rainbow in New York City sending to us?

I’ll let people debate that in the comments section following this article.

Before I bring this piece to an end, I also want to remind everyone that there are tremendous unanswered questions about what actually happened on September 11th, 2001.  As an attorney, I was trained to follow the evidence, and in this case the evidence points to some extremely disturbing conclusions.  The following is an extended excerpt from a previous article that I published

Even though Americans have been hearing about 9/11 endlessly for the past 12 years, nearly half of them still don’t know that a third building fell on that day.  A 47-story building named “Building 7″ collapsed perfectly into its own footprint at freefall speed, but no plane ever hit it.

So why did it fall?

The following is the official ReThink911 video about Building 7…

And of course the collapse of the other two World Trade Center towers would have been impossible as well without the help of controlled demolition.

But for many Americans, the implications of accepting that reality would just be too painful to accept.  It would mean that someone wired those buildings for controlled demolition ahead of time, and for many very patriotic Americans such a notion is absolutely unthinkable.

However, we owe it to future generations of Americans to put our emotions aside and to search out the truth.  Whoever was responsible for the events of 9/11 needs to be brought to justice, no matter who they might be.

And the families of those that were killed on that day deserve to know exactly what happened and why it happened.  The following is an excerpt from a great editorial by Dennis Maley in the Bradenton Times

For too long, government officials have been able to successfully leverage the emotional components of the tragedy to deflect questions they painted as either disrespectful to the victims and their families or crackpot conspiracies. But with over 2,000 architects and engineers having signed the 9/11 truth petition, most of whom have offered credible and detailed reasons why their expertise has left them at odds with root elements of the official version of events, there remain too many unanswered questions for us to continue to ignore those raising them.

Perhaps the most noted event of that day, in terms of skepticism, is the implausible “collapse” of building seven, the third tower to fall, which reached free-fall speeds and fell in its own footprint in the way that a controlled demolition does – despite the fact that it was not hit by a plane. Building seven’s improbable collapse was not explained by the 9/11 Commission and has been routinely described by demolition experts as something which could have only occurred through a well-planned, coordinated demolition, aided by pre-placed explosives.

The two main towers also fell at near free-fall speeds, with concrete floors being pulverized to dust almost immediately (before the required force would be present) while the necessary deceleration that would be needed to generate the force to continuously penetrate each floor below was obviously absent. Quite simply, a building of that size and structural integrity would not seem capable of falling at such speed, while simultaneously expelling such tremendous energy in obliterating each floor – which was nearly 4-ft. thick and topped with 4 inches of poured concrete above and lined with interlocking steel trusses beneath.

The documented phenomenon of extreme-high temperatures at the twin tower sites, which inexplicably reached levels capable of melting iron and structural steel when a normal open air fire is not capable of reaching such ranges, also warrants a closer look, as does eyewitness accounts of “molten metal.” Iron-laden spheres in residual dust at the site that suggest temperatures had to reach more than 2,700 degrees fahrenheit (the melting point of iron and structural steel) is also suspect. The use of thermite would be one possible explanation, though the pyrotechnic compound was not tested for at the site, a standard protocol when investigating such an explosion.

Why are so many Americans still so resistant to asking such hard questions?

Shouldn’t we allow the evidence to lead us to the truth instead of allowing the government to define what the truth is for us?

Posted below is video from investigative reporter Ben Swann asking some more questions about the collapse of Building 7…

Why aren’t there more reporters out there like Ben Swann?


A lot of you out there think that you know exactly what happened on that day and you bought the maintream media’s “official story” hook, line and sinker.

Well, today I think that it is a great time to stop and examine the evidence.  There is an organization of more than 2,000 architects and engineers that claim that the government’s version of what happened on 9/11/2001 is absolutely impossible.  You can learn more about what they have collectively discovered right here.

Some people try to tell us that questioning the official version of events on 9/11 makes us “conspiracy theorists”, but the truth is that the real “conspiracy theory” is the nonsense that our government has been trying to sell us all this time.

Much of what the government says about that day is scientifically impossible.

Someday I hope the truth about what actually happened comes out and is exposed for all to see.

And once the American people discover how badly they have been duped, there is going to be hell to pay.

Is It Just A Coincidence That Two Amazing Signs Just Appeared On The 14th Anniversary Of 9/11?

By Michael Snyder, on September 11th, 2015

Ramey comments:

I had more respect for Michael Snyder before I learned he is an attorney.  My gut feel is that the term "honest lawyer" is the equivalent of a "noble Jesuit" or a truthful politician. 

As the truth begins to unfold regarding 911, we begin to see that we have been played as fools not only by our government, but by our legal system, our historians and our churches.  Ah yes --- it is all corrupt to the core. 

Jesuits, who have spawned the American legal system, have sold their souls to the devil and to verify this you need only read the Jesuitic oath which is available from the library of congress and has been published in the pages of these Commentaries.  It stands to reason then that lawyers are "their children".

All political kingdoms on this earth are under the jurisdiction of Satan and we can see this in Luke chapter 4. 

Religion is the tool created by Satan for the deception of the "...whole world" as noted in Revelation 12:9.  Can you think of another forum that would lend itself to the deception of "... the whole world"?
Religion crosses cultural lines.  Religion is common to all cultures. Religion is not only tolerated by all governments but is encouraged and controlled by all governments.  Religion is how the "elite" plan to bring the world together in a "New World Order".  Religion is a SCAM.


  Please read Root's write up to the end....yes, it all makes sense.

  It’s Time to upset the Establishment Politicians. Note; I wrote Politicians, not Republicans or Democrats. They are all in it the same. And for the many voters who don't show up during the "Primary Election", they are to blame for the electorate voting the same idiots back into office.

Trump's Mouth is a Nuclear Weapon

By Wayne Allyn Root

The biased, clueless liberal mainstream media are in shock and awe. They have no idea why so many Americans love Donald Trump. But the answer is so simple and clear. Just ask any conservative. Donald Trump is a breath of fresh air. Donald Trump is the answer to what ails America - simply because he kills two birds with one stone.

America has two big problems. America is under attack by a vicious one-two combination. America has been ruined by two parties. And Donald Trump’s mouth solves both problems. Donald Trump’s mouth is a nuclear weapon.

Democrats clearly hate American exceptionalism, capitalism, entrepreneurship, and Judeo Christian values. They hate business owners (see "You didn’t build that")…and blame American patriotism, white people, business owners and Christians for every problem in the world today.

The Democrat Party is riddled with socialists, Marxists and communists hell bent on "fundamentally changing America." The Democrat Party is filled with frauds (see Obama, Jonathan Gruber and the lies used to sell Obamacare)…traitors (see Obama and John Kerry and the new Iran nuclear treaty)… thieves and con men (see Hillary and the Clinton Foundation)… reckless wasters of taxpayer money (see Obama's Kenya trip that cost us over $50 million dollars
for one day in a country that offers America NOTHING)… and outright criminals (see Hillary's upcoming criminal indictment and Obama's use of the IRS to target, persecute and even attempt to imprison political opponents and critics).

But the GOP may be worse. If there's anything worse than evil, it's pathetic . The GOP leadership is riddled with cowards, wimps and naïve, feckless, country club powder puffs who have no clue how to fight back against the Democrats ruining America and destroying our children's future with debt. Yes, Democrats are ruining America and destroying our children's future. But Republicans are standing by helplessly, scared, petrified, allowing it to happen.

I suspect many of the Republican leaders in DC are either being bribed or blackmailed . Exhibit A is Supreme Court Justice Roberts, House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. These guys are all either bought and paid for… or someone is holding a gun to their heads

(along with a photo of them in bed with midgets). Don’t believe me? See Dennis Hastert. They are all doing something morally wrong, or breaking some law… and Obama’s partners in the NSA and IRS are always watching.

America is being lost because the GOP is bringing knives to a gunfight .  The only way to save America is to bring a nuclear weapon to a gun fight.

And Donald Trump’s mouth is a nuclear weapon.

It’s time to stop being "nice." "Nice" is okay for playing golf with Muffy at the country club. But "nice" doesn’t work in politics. "Nice" guys finish last in politics. "Nice" is getting our country ruined. "Nice" is killing middle class jobs. "Nice" is wiping out middle class incomes. "Nice" has led to negative GDP growth. "Nice" has led to more businesses closing than opening each day for the first time in America’s history. "Nice" has left the border wide open to an illegal alien invasion, the bankruptcy of America and a terrorist attack like 9-11. "Nice" has led to disaster and disgrace all over the globe. The world no longer has any respect for, or fear of America. We are in decline and disarray. We are headed for collapse and disaster.

Into this crisis steps "the nuclear mouth" Donald Trump. He isn’t afraid to put America first. He isn't afraid to tell the truth. He isn't afraid of what the media thinks. He isn't afraid of being called a "racist" for pointing out how Obama has damaged and destroyed America. He isn't afraid to question Obama’s very mysterious, questionable and troubling past- much of it sealed away in darkness.

Trump isn't afraid to fight like our future is on the line- because he understands it is. He isn't afraid to offend. He isn't afraid to expose the cowards and frauds in his own GOP leadership for what they are. He refuses to be "politically correct" when he sees corruption and idiocy. He won’t back down or apologize for telling the truth.

Of course the evil Democrats, corrupt and cowardly GOP leadership, and biased mainstream media hate him. They are all rooting for another Mitt Romney. Let's compare Mitt to Donald Trump. They are both rich white guys...both famous successful businessmen… both Republican Presidential candidates past and present. But that’s where the similarity ends.

Mitt Romney is a very nice guy. Mitt has manners. Mitt would never offend anyone. Mitt let the media run roughshod over him. Mitt would never say something rude or offensive about Obama or Hillary. Mitt would never accuse them of crimes against the American people. Mitt would never prosecute Obama or Hillary if he was elected.

And one other difference - Mitt lost!

It’s no coincidence that Mitt lost. The last thing we need now is "nice."

It's also no coincidence that the people in power- evil Democrats, the corrupt GOP leadership , and the mainstream media all want another Mitt Romney. They want the status quo. They want to keep the bribes and blackmail coming. They don't want anyone to upset the apple cart. They are scared to death of Donald Trump- who doesn't play by traditional rules or etiquette.  They are scared to death of a guy who can't be bribed. They are scared to death of a guy who is tuned into the hopes, dreams and fears of middle class Americans. They are scared to death of a street fighter.

Mostly, they are scared to death of Trump’s mouth. The kind of mouth that could stir up a citizen revolution and topple “business as usual" in Washington DC.

Yes Donald Trump’s mouth is a nuclear weapon. And that’s precisely why we love him.

Bombs away!

Ramey comment: 

With all the apocalyptic activity in the pipeline for this month and the rest of this year --- what makes these politicians think there will be another election in the U.S.?

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